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1) An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 5m long, 2m wide, and 3 high is filled with water to a
depth of 2m. What maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank without spilling any

2) An open tank with 5m long, 2m wide and 2.5m high is filled with mercury ( = 13.6) to a depth of
2m. If the acceleration is 5m/s^2, how much water is spilled out?

3) A closed horizontal cylindrical tank 1.5m in diameter and 5m long is completely filled with water and
accelerated horizontally at 3m/s^2. Find the total force acting at the rear and front wall of the tank.

4) A vessel containing oil is accelerated on a plane inclined 15° with the horizontal at 1.2 m/s^2.
Determine the inclination of the oil surface when the motion is upwards and downwards.

5) A cylindrical water tank used in lifting water to the top of a tower is 1.5m high. If the pressure at the
bottom of the tank is must not exceed 15 KPa, what maximum vertical acceleration can be imposed in
the cylinder when it is filled with water.

6) An open tank containing oil ( = 0.8) is accelerated vertically at 18m/s^2. Determine the pressure
4m below the surface if the motion is upward with positive and negative acceleration.

7) An open tank containing water is accelerated vertically at 6m/s^2. Determine the pressure 2m below
the surface if the motion is downward with positive and negative acceleration.

8) An open cylindrical vessel is 1.2m in diameter and 2.1m high is 2/3 full of water. Compute the amount
of water in liters that will be spilled out is the vessel is rotated about its vertical axis at a constant
angular speed of 90rpm.

9) An open cylindrical tank, 2m in diameter and 4m high contains water to a depth of 3m. It is rotated
about its own vertical axis with a constant vertical speed. (a) If w = 3 rad/sec is there any liquid spilled?
And (b) what maximum value of w (in rpm) can be imposed without spilling any liquid.

10) An open cylindrical tank having a radius of 300mm and a height of 1.2m is full of water. How fast
should it be rotated about its own vertical axis so that 75% of its volume will be spilled out?

1) Water flows through a 80mm∅ pipe at a velocity of 4m/s. Find the volume flow rate in m^3/s and

2) Air at 30°C and 110 KPa flows at 20 N/s through a rectangular duct that measure 160mm x 320mm.
Compute the average velocity and volume flux. Use gas constant R = 29.3 m/°K.

3) Water flow rate of 300 lit/s with a velocity of 5m/s. Calculate the diameter of pipe.

4) If the velocity of flow in a 75mm∅ fire house is 0.5m/s, what is the velocity in a 25mm diameter jet
issuing from a nozzle attached at the end of the pipe? Compute also the power available in the jet.

5) A turbine is rated at 600hp when the flow of water through it is 0.61m^3/s. Assuming an efficiency of
87%, what is the head acting on the turbine?

6) Determine the kinetic energy flux of 0.02 m^3/s of oil ( = 0.85) discharging through a 50mm∅

7) Water is flowing in an open channel at a depth of 2m and a velocity of 3m/s. It flows down a chute
into another channel where the depth is 1m and the velocity is 10m/s. Neglecting friction, determine
the difference in elevation of the channel floors.

8) Oil flows from a tank through 150m of 150mm∅ pipe and then discharges into air as shown in the
figure. If the head loss from pt.1 to pt.2 is 600mm, determine the pressure needed at pt.1 to cause 17L/s
of oil to flow.

9) Water from a reservoir is pumped over a hill through a pipe 900m in diameter and a pressure of 200
KPa is maintained at a summit where the pipe is 90m above the reservoir. The quantity pumped is 1.40
m^3/s and by reason of friction there is a head loss of 3J/N between reservoir and summit. If the pump
is 90% efficient, determine the input power furnished to the water.

10) Neglecting air resistance, determine to what height a vertical jet of water could rise if projected with
a velocity of 20m/s?

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