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Sun Cities - 09/04/2019 Page : A42

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Abrazo’s first-ever baby

born delivers her baby
there 30 years later
Park woman
welcomes new
baby boy
At Abrazo Arrowhead
Campus, 18701 N. 67th Ave.,
every delivery is special. But
little Preston Tafoya kicked
things up a notch.
Preston’s mother, Lauren
Tafoya, was the first baby
ever born at the former-
ly-named Arrowhead Com-
munity Hospital when it
opened its doors in 1988. So
when Ms. Tafoya, a Litchfield
Park resident, became preg-
nant with her son nearly 30
- Fri 8 - 5 years later, she turned to Ar-
t9-1 rowhead for her delivery.
Del Webb Blvd. “It is just really heartwarm-
ty, AZ 85351 ing knowing that I was able to
21 have the opportunity to deliv-
er there,” she stated in a press
available release. “There are not very
epted many people that are able to
Dr. Scott Gulinson, an independent OB GYN on staff at Abrazo Arrowhead Campus, poses with his patient Lauren Tafoya
sy say that they were the first
and her son Preston. Lauren was the first baby born at Arrowhead 28 years before. [Submitted photo]
>> See Birthon page 43

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