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The biggest challenge I faced was trying to figure out the correct way to say things in

Spanish and trying to figure out the right words to use.

2. The biggest challenge I faced while teaching the lesson was meeting the time

requirement. I believe when we were done, we were still over a minute short. It was

hard to come up with something to do to pass the time because it was a different

language that I do not know how to speak without having something prepared.

3. I relied mostly on my group members because some of them were more familiar with

the language than I was so having them to help me was a big help in overcoming these

challenges. Also, google translate and certain online dictionaries were very helpful while

trying to figure out what words to use.

4. Communication was definitely more difficult than I originally thought it was going to be.

You kind of assume that students are going to know what you’re talking about but for

some of our exercises, the class had no clue what we wanted them to do.

5. I think all members of our group co-taught equally well and I don’t think we could have

done anything different.

6. I feel that we did achieve our objective because when we assessed the class, all of them

seemed to understand what we had just taught them and could answer our questions


7. The biggest challenges I faced were just trying to understand what they wanted me to

do. For some lessons, the languages were so unfamiliar to me that I really struggled to

understand and keep up.

8. I relied on the teachers the most and their nonverbal clues. I could kind of get an idea of

what they wanted me to do based off of their hand and eye movements.

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