Effervescent Powder From Pomegranate Fruit (The Study of Citrtic Acid and Sodium Bicarbonate Addition)

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ISBN: 978-602-9372-70-0


“Fundamental and Applied Research for Industrial Sustainability: Food, Agrochemical, and Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)”
September 2-4, 2014, BALI-INDONESIA



Sri djajati1), Latifa 1), Agher Fancy K. D2)

Lecturer of Food Technology FTI – UPNVJatim,
Postgraduated of Food Technology FTI – UPNV Jatim,
Raya Rungkut Madya Road Surabaya

Pomegranate (Púnica Granatum L) is a fruit that rich of vitamine C and source of antioxidant. Antioxidant
component in pomegranate are polyphenol, anthocyanins and tanins. Therefore, pomegranate usage become an
effervescent drink is important because of its nutrients. The objective of this research are to know the effect of
citric acid and sodium bicarbonate addition and determined the best combination of citric acid and sodium
bicarbonate in effervescent powder. In this research, we used completely randomized design with factorial
pattern. The two factors are citric t acid concentration (5,10,15)% and sodium bicarbonate (20, 10, 40)%. The
research’s result show that the best combination of making effervescent powder is adding 30% cittric acid and
15% sodium bicarbonate, which contains 6,108 mg/gr vitamine C, 82,871% antioxidant, 4680,781 ppm total
phenol, 300,897% anthocyanin, solubility rate 50 seconds.
Keyword : Pomegarante, Acid Citrtic, Sodium Bicarbonate and efferscent.

ISBN: 978-602-9372-70-0


“Fundamental and Applied Research for Industrial Sustainability: Food, Agrochemical, and Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)”
September 2-4, 2014, BALI-INDONESIA

INTRODUCTION kg (3-4 months), radical DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-

Pomegranate (Punica Granatum L) is a fruit rich of pikrihidrazil), PP aqueous, aquades, methanol,
polyphenol, and an important source which NaOH 0,1 M, Etanol 95g, NA2CO3 5g, Folin
contains 3-glucose and 3,5-diglucocide from Ciocalteau, tanic acid, BHT, Amilum 1g. And the
delphinidin, cyaniding, and pelargonidin1). Another tools used are Pipette volume, Micro pipette, Vial,
components are from elagitanin such as elagic acid, Vortex, Analitical scale, pH meter, refractometer,
punicalagin, and punicalin 2). colorider, spektrofometry UV-Visible.
On the other hand, pomegranate also rich of Methods
vitamine C and it can be an antioxidant agent. This research used completely randomized design
Antioxidant component that contains in (RAL), with factorial patterns which consists two
pomegranate is type of polyphenol that consist factors each Citrtic Acid Concentration ( 5, 10, and
anthocyanin and tannin. 15%) and Sodium Bicarbonate Concentration ( 20,
Pomegranate can be consumed as a fresh fruit, 30, and 40%), and trhee replications.
syrup, juice, or jelly. As a fresh fruit, pomegranate Sample Preparation
is not easy to consume because it has a lot of seeds. 1. Sorting pomegranate by maturity level and size
On the market, pomegranate sold as a juice. To between 0,2 kg – 0,35 kg.
make it easier to keep and marketing pomegranate 2. After sorted red pomegranate separated to pulp and
is made as a powder or flour. rind by knife.
One of the liked product of pomegranate is a drink 3. Pomegranate’s pulp collected in a plastic container
in form an effervscent, because it is practical, while the rind discarded.
soluable in water and give a sparkle effect or feels 4. Sorted pulp be put to fabric filter then squeezed so
like drinking a soda 3). Besides practical (because we got pomegranate filtrate.
we do not need to brewed and save storage) 5. Added dextrins into pomegranate juice about 40%
effervscent powder makes more easier to save and then stir well.
carry4). Therefore, in this research we made a drink 6. Then put into dryer cabinet wit temperature 60oc
from pomegranate ini form as a effervscent powder. abot 6 hours.
7. Dry pomegranate juice powder sifted using sieve
Pomegranate Composition 80 mesh, after that add citrate acid ( 5%, 10%,
Vitaminee C (mg/gr) 6,814 15%) and sodium bicarbonate (20%, 30%, 40%)
Phenol (ppm) 4757,5648 8. Mixture above stirred well add 100ml water, then
Antioxidant (%) 83,698 do physic, chemistry and organoleptic analitical.
Anthocyanin (ppm) 311,623 9. Acid parameters : vitamine C, phenol, citric acid,
5) sodium bicarbonate, anthocyanin, antioxidant
Based on Indri’s research , in order to make
activity, moisture and solubility.
effervscent powder from panjare, using comparison
citrtic acid, tartrat acid and sodium bicarbonate
A. Analitical of pomegranate fruits
each 2%, 28% and 50% has produce effervscent
In this effervscent making from pomegranate juice,
tablet with a nice flavour also soluable in water. In
vitamine C, total phenol, antioxidant and
this research, we would like to make pomegranate’s
anthocyanin were analyzed.
juice effervscent with addition treatment of citrtic
Tabel 1. Analitical pomegranate juice result
acid and sodium bicarbonate.

Ingridient Composition

Water 81 g
Fat 0,3 g
Carbohydrate 17,2 g
Vitaminee C 7,140 mg Tabel 2. According to Astawan (2010) nutrient
composition per 100 gram, pomegranate part can
METODOLOGY be eaten are :
Pomegranate was used are red pomegranate and
white pomegranate, of size between 0,2 kg – 0,35

ISBN: 978-602-9372-70-0


“Fundamental and Applied Research for Industrial Sustainability: Food, Agrochemical, and Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)”
September 2-4, 2014, BALI-INDONESIA

citrtic acid also cannot stabilize anthocyanin

concentration so real influence on effervscent
pomegranate’s juice is not happening.
In additon of sodium bicarbonate also real
The difference amount of vitamine C from the influence is not happening, because in base
analitical result with the literature can be caused of condition anthocyanin become weak base so it
other influence from the pomegranate, such as: cannot stabilize anthocyanin contents7).
where its from, season, climate, variety, etc. 4) Effervscent’s Antioxidant Activity
B. Effervscent Pomegranate juice’s Analitical Result Analitical result show that additonal treatment of
1) Vitamine C citrtic acid and sodium bicarbonate real interaction
Based on the research result, pomegranate contain is not happening toward effervscent’s antioxidant
vitamine C about 6,814 mg/g and decrease when it activity, so also to each tratment real influence is
become effervscent about 6,1 mg/g. Based on not happening, shown on table 3.
diversity analitical show that the citrtic acid and On table 3. Anthocyanin contains in fresh
sodium bicarbonate treatment is not occur the real pomegranate is about 83,689% and decrease to
interaction toward vintamin C that contain in 82,871% this caused by analitical result of vitamine
pomegranate, thus happen each treatment is not C, anthocyanin, and phenol from fresh ingridient
happen real interaction. Average percentage of become effervscent decreasing so antioxidant
vitamine C effervscent pomegranate juice with activity also decreasing.
addition treatment of citrtic acid and sodium According to Pratt and Hudson (1990) vitamine C
bicarbonate shown on Table 3. Vitamine C stable including in antioxidant that can ward off free
in acid condition, addition treatment of citrtic acid radical, while phenol is an plant’s natural
is not showing the influence of the addition because antioxidant that can be a flavonoid and
of the acid condition that cannot stabilize vitamine polyfungtional organic acid.
C 6). 5) Effervscent Water Level
2) Total Phenol Effervscent Analitical result show that between additon of
Analitical result show that between adiition of citrtic acid and sodium bicarbonate interaction is
citrtic acid and sodium bicarbonate the real not happen toward effervscent pomegranate’s juice
interaction is not happen toward pomeganate juice produced water level, so also to each treatment
effervscent’s phenol, so also to each treatment influence is not happen, shown on table 3.
influence is not happen for real, see on table 3. Table 3. Show that treatment proportion of citrtic
Based on Table 3. Amount of pomegranate’s fresh acid and sodium bicarbonate is not give the real
phenol is about 4757,5648 ppm, and average down influence toward effervscent pomegranate’s juice
to 4681,729 ppm, because of the solubility process. water level, this is caused by treatment additon
Phenol concentration down or easy to damaged done in a short time of period.
because of acid and base condition. Phenol has one 6) Effervscent Solubility rate
characteristic as a weak acid so that acid condition Analitical result show taht between addition of
is not enough to stabilize phenol7). citrtic acid and sodium bicarbonate reaction is not
Sodium bicarbonate addition in phenol give unreal happening toward solubility speed of effervscent
influence because in base condition phenol is pomegranate’s juice produced. Average speed of
unstable, so it can lower phenol stability 7). effervscent pomegranate juice with additon of
3) Effervscent’s Anthocyanin citrtic acid and sodium bicarbonate shown on Table
Analitical result show that between citrtic acid and 3.
sodium bicarbonate treatment real intreaction is not Table 3 show that effervscent pomegranate juice
happening toward effervscent pomegranate’s juice solubility speed is about 12.737 s – 51.113 s.
anthocyanin contents, so also to each tratment real Highest solubility speed performed on 15% additon
interaction is not happening, shown on table 3. citrtic acid : 40% additon sodium bicarbonate. This
Based on Table 3 shows that each treatment (with is caused by citrtic acid has characteristic fast to
different proportion of citarte acid and sodium soluble in water, according to Charley (1989)
bicarbonate) real influence is not happening toward Sodium bicarbonate are perfectly soluble in water
effervscent pomegranate’s juice anthocyanin, fresh and in cold water or acid release CO2 quickly, so
pomegranate’s anthocyanin contains about 311,632 that higher addition of citrtic acid and sodium
ppm, and decrease to 301,569 ppm caused by one bicarbonate then effervscent pomegranate juice
of anthocyanin characteristic is when its in acid solubility will increase.
condition the anthocyanin is unstable, by adding
ISBN: 978-602-9372-70-0


“Fundamental and Applied Research for Industrial Sustainability: Food, Agrochemical, and Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)”
September 2-4, 2014, BALI-INDONESIA

Table 3.
Average amount of effervscent pomegranate juice vitamine C with addition treatment of citrtic acid and sodium

Citric Sodium Vitaminee Phenol Anthocyanin Antioxidant Moisture Solubility

Acid Bicarbonate C (mg/gr) (ppm) (ppm) activity (%) (s)
(%) (%) (%)
5 20 6.108 4680.895 301.335 82.867 3.18 12.737a
10 20 6.154 4680.606 301.134 82.869 3.23 15.667ab
15 20 6.095 4681.162 301.599 82.871 3.12 20.117f
5 30 6.109 4681.123 301.501 82.869 3.28 25.590bc
10 30 6.100 4681.729 301.219 82.870 3.15 50.000c
15 30 6.108 4680.781 300.897 82.871 3.11 51.113d
5 40 6.078 4681.062 301.179 82.537 3.26 27.407ef
10 40 6.098 4680.995 301.569 82.870 3.21 20.930de
15 40 6.118 4680.990 300.931 82.868 3.30 13.110g

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