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Materi Presentasi

Adverbs are a very broad collection of words that may describe how, where, or when an
action took place. They may also express the viewpoint of the speaker about the action, the
intensity of an adjective or another adverb, or several other functions.

- Adverb of time
Example : I saw that movie last year.
Jim has been working here since 2016.
- Adverb of place
Example : Come over here and look for what I found!
- Adverb of manner
Example : He run quickly.
- Adverb of degree
Example : She is running very fast.
This box isn’t big enough.
- Adverb of certainly
Example : We will probably remember tomorrow.


There are two very important rules to remember when using prepositions. Because they are
somewhat vague.

 The first rule is that certain propositions must be used to make the relationships between
words in a sentence clear. Most prepositions are interchangeable but only to a certain
 The second rule for using prepositions is that these words must be followed by nouns.

Types of Prepositions
1. Simple Preposition

Simple prepositions are used in the simple sentences.

For example:

 I am not going with

 She is waiting in the park.
 Dad is going to the market.
2. Compound Preposition

Compound prepositions are used to join two nouns, pronouns or phrases. For example:

 My city is located between two mountains.

 I will finish the lunch before
 I want to know about

3. Phrase Preposition

Prepositional phrases are groups of words having prepositions indicating relationships among
various elements in the sentence.

For example:

 I returned home due to condolence in the college.

 According to me, there were three mango trees in the garden.
 I work hard in order to maintain my position in the class.

4. Participle Preposition

A participle preposition is a participle (like an, ed, or ing verb) which acts as a preposition

For example:

 I get sick during summer season.

 I would like to speech regarding healthy food.
 My project work is still pending.
 I think I can pass the exam easily considering my hard work.

5. Double Preposition

Double prepositions are words having two prepositions (joined together to make a whole new

For example:

 We need to solve three questions out of

 We won the game just because of
 I need to complete my project within four days.


Prepositions of place are used to show the place where something is located
For examples :

-I like swimming in the sea.

- She meets me at the station.

- He puts the picture on the wall.


There are many kinds of preposition of movement like Into, Out of, Onto, Off...


- I fall into the river.

- He comes out of the room.

- A cat jumps onto the table.

- A woman jumps off the bridge.


There are three kinds of preposition of time. They are At, In and On.

 We use At with (Clock, Meal, Religious, Festival...)


- We have breakfast at 6 o’clock.

- At breakfast they talk a lot.

- All my friends come to meet each other at my birthday.

 We use In with (Season, Month, Year, Century, Part of the day...)


- It rains a lot in rainy season.

- They will come back in June.

- Bopha gets married in 2007.

 We use On with (Day, Date...)


- I fly to the USA on Saturday.

- She makes an appointment with me on the 2nd of May.

There are some prepositions that are the same meaning but the usage is different.

 We use “Over and Under” for thing that is higher or lower than another thing and it is
direct vertical.


- The mirror is over the sink.

- The sink is under the mirror.


An interjection is a word solely designed to convey emotion. It expresses meaning or feeling.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of interjections in the English language. Most
are designed to express strong emotions, such as love, hate, surprise, happiness, anger,
enthusiasm, disgust, boredom, confusion or unhappiness. However, this is not always true.
Some interjections can express either a mild emotion, or can be expressions, such as “Excuse

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