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1. Every member shall keep in mind that every weekends, holidays, and free time

during class hours (weekdays) can be use to have a meeting pertaining to feasibility

study. Therefore, every member must wait and comply to the announcement of the


2. Every member must arrive on time in the said location (where the meeting will be

held or where every member had agreed to meet). Failure to comply regarding in

this matter will be given a penalty.

3. Member that will absent in the meeting shall inform the group prior to the time of

the meeting (this may vary) and must present a valid proof on the next day or before

his/her absent (the timeframe of presenting a proof may vary). Those who will

absent without any valid reason and proof will be penalized.

4. Every member shall participate in every meeting. Those who will be caught doing

things which isn’t useful to the group will be penalized.

5. Every member must submit their designated task on time with quality and

correctness. Failure to comply in this matter will be penalized.

6. Member that will absent (X) times without valid reason and proof will be removed

from the group.

7. Every member must contribute for the fund of the group and pay the penalty if there

8. Expenses of the group will be deducted from the fund. When lack of fund, expenses

will be divided on the group equally. Excess of fund if there is, will be divided in

the same manner.

9. There must be an accounting regarding to the fund and it must be seen by anyone

at any time.

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