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Canteen Inspection

Check List Canteen Inspection

You sure about HACCP?

You have to be sure. But the company could run if you do catering contract with:

Home industry? cook on the floor, peeling vegetables on the floor, and talk ngulek sambal?

• Buying food in wet markets instead of the supplier

• Did not have a refrigerator
• Boro-boro procedures

And catering cook at home rather than at the company where you work

What do you expect if the money to eat only Rp. 5000, -?

Just do the canteen each day of inspection:

In his officials:

• There is no skin infections, wounds, severe cold, the eyes & ears watery / pus,
diarrhea, vomiting.
• Uniform Work
• Put on apron
• Use Closed Head
• Use plastic gloves
• Wear closed shoes
• Nails clean & short
• No smoking
On equipment:
• Employee Identification Card catering use
• Wipe to the floor, shelves, and cempal used separately and cleaned every day
• DO NOT use the leftovers yesterday
• Kitchen safe from insects and rodents
• The use of plastic in a closed trash
• Cutlery o left dry by itself
• Cutlery washed using hot water (80 C) and using detergent
• Cutlery o used in bersihKompor cleaned after each use
• Clean food heater, heater & temperature of 70 C

• Food served at temperatures> 70 ° C and clear of animals

• The level of maturity sufficient food
• Menu is presented in accordance with the provisions of dosages in accordance with
the provisions of The number of servings provided in accordance with the orders
• Raw foods are stored separately with cooked food
• Food heater reaches a temperature> 70 ° C before cooking included
• Food is always stored in a closed container
• Schedule a timely presentation
• Kitchen and warehouse cleaned every turn of the work schedule / shift
• All equipment used is from stainless or plastic
• Automatic control of garbage disposal to clean
• Warehouse equipment is neat and clean
• Food is stored in warehouse of food in good condition / NOT BROKEN
• Temperature 1-40 C refrigerator and always clean and tidy
• Food is used in accordance with predetermined specifications
• Food warehouse in a neat and clean condition
• All the kitchen staff not to smoke in the kitchen area and / or serving area

For prospective new canteen service providers:

• Approval recommendation from the local Labor Department in accordance with the
Circular Letter of Director General of Employment Relations and Supervision Norma
Work Number: 86/BW/1989 about catering company that manages food for labor
• Certificate of training on nutrition and Safety at Work
• Examination of the microbial food routine
• Employees MCU examination Catering

Procedures have to manage Food Ingredients

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