Project Proposal Form: Tiffany Roque BSM Mr. Findel Hawkins Project To What Extent Is Animal Testing Justified?

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Project Proposal form

Learner Name Tiffany Roque Learner number

Centre Name BSM Centre Number

Teacher Assessor Mr. Findel Hawkins Date

Unit Project

Proposed project title To what extent is animal testing justified?

Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities

Title or working title of project (in the form of a question, commission or design brief)
To what extent is animal testing justified?

Project objectives (eg, what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to do? What do you
want to find out?):

- I want to reaserch how many animals die from animal testing.

- I want to identify where in the world is animal testing banned.
- I want to find out how does animal testing improve the human health.
- I want to explore why animal testing still exists.
- I want to find out and answer whether we should stop animal testing? - is it nessecary to test animals in the
21st century when technology is now stronger?
- I want to answer if animal testing is only justified for essential use? For medicine?
- I hope my project can help me identify factors and solutions that can help animals as well as help
humans as well.
- I also want to develop my researching skills as well as writing an essay.

If it is a group project, what will your responsibilities be?

It is not a group project.

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project

Reasons for choosing the project (eg, links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans,
knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):

I am an eager student when it comes to animals, and how their life cycyle is operated. I am determined to find
solutions for the animal crisis. Each year, 100 million animals are killed in US laboratories. In almost every country,
animals are being tested for numerous reasons, however some of these reasons are unaccepatble. Hence why i
thought to research what these unpuroposeful reasons are. Once I have identified these factors, I will use my
knowledge and my researching skills to explore why these scientists are still testing these animals to get unhelpful
results. After I’ve gathered my essential results, I could perhaps think of accepatble ways where testing animals
gives us a beneficial outcome. Nonetheless, there may be other consequences that I have to encounter and accept,
such as medcines or cures that are still undiscovered which could lead to deaths of animals. However these types of
factors suchas the one I’ve mentioned, should be adequate. Although testing animals for cosmetics should be
undesirable, but I still need to explore different sides of the point to get an equal argment. Despite the contrary,
once i’ve reasearched all my findings, I could possibly state some ideas where animal testing is justified. I’ll then
give a few ideas and recommendations where it’s tolerable i.e undiscovered cures. At the end I should be able to
anwer if animal testing is only justified for essential use.

Section Three: Activities and timescales

Activities to be carried out during the project (eg, research, development and analysis How long this will take:
of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, rehearsal techniques, production
meetings, production of final outcome, administration, evaluation, preparing for the
presentation, etc):

Project planning:
First of all, I will do my primary research to see what books and magazines say
1 week
about my topic. I will then interview people and ask questions about what they
think about animal testing, here I will surely find numerous opinions. This will
help me have a range of opinions to specify when I write it up.

I am going to look for books, articles and websites for valid information that
relates to animal testing i.e the background story, what it is used for, how
many have died during experiments, the reason for it to be relevant in the 21st
5 weeks
century etc. As well as looking for statistics that will support my evidences. It
would be helpful if the sites are proving a statement, whether animal testing is
acceptable or not. This will help me have an idea about the 2 sides of the story
enabling my piece of writing to be balanced. To enhance my research, I am
planning to create a survey where I let them answer a few questions about
whether or not they accept animal testing. This will help me have a acceptable
amouont of initial research. As a result, I hope to have recorded all my findings
and be able to add my research to a part of my writing.

Development of arguments:

As I identified, I will encounter other opinions towards this question and that I
will be assessing the arguments i've found and I will be developing my
discussion part of my writing with different arguments. I will hopefully be able 5 weeks
to expand on their opinion and justify why they could be thinking this - it will
help the reader view and clear idea of the reason for their opinions. At the end
of my research I will make an attempt to find out solutions that will help the
animals but at the same time, help us humans.

Other sections of the project:

I will include an abstract, introduction, conclusion and an evaluation. 4 weeks

I will draft my writing then re-draft once i've recieved feedback from my
teacher. 4 weeks
Milestone one:

Target date (set by tutor-assessor):

Milestone two:

Target date (set by tutor-assessor):

Section Four: Resources

What resources will you need for your research, write up and presentation (eg, libraries, books, journals, equipment,
rehearsal space, technology and equipment, venue, physical resources, finance):

I will need a few books as I would like to extend my research and look for answers as well as look and get primary
research from other people to further enhance my question. I will be using my laptop to record my data so I do not
lose my data. It is important to research about this topic as it will help me support my points by giving statistics.
This will also expand on my knowledge about animal testing. I can also be able to explore and listen to other
opinions to make me have 2 sides of the point. As my research goes, I might be able to record some people that are
for animal testing, it would be interesting to listen to why they think this, it would be very useful to add a few
opinions and thoughts about why animal testing is justified. Although to present, I will be using animaker to portray
the other opinions about animal testing, I will be appyling statistics about animal testing and other valuable
information. Instead of using a normal presentation, I will use a video presentation to really attract the audience.
Therfore, following this procedure, I will be able to enhance my learning about my topic, as well as listening to
other opinions.

What your areas of research will cover?

I will be exploring implentations of the different ways on people that have tried to solve animal testing - I can then
maybe research the different ideas people came up with that could produce useful results when testing an animal,
although without harming it at the same time.
I can then look at factors that help decrease the number of deaths of animals, but still enabling to generate
effective reaserch for humanity

Comments and agreement from tutor-assessor

Is the learner taking this project as part of the Diploma? Yes/No

If yes, which Diploma are they taking? ______________________________________________

Comments (optional):

Is project derived from work which has been/will be submitted for another qualification? Yes/No

Which qualification (title and unit)? _______________________________________________

Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is

Agreed: (name) (date)

C​omments and agreement from project proposal checker

Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is appropriate.

Agreed: (name) (date)

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