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A Research Study

Presented to the Faculty of

Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research II

Submitted by:

Castañeda, Justine L.

Hernandez, Napoleon B. III

Velasco, Jaira Corrine E.

X – Newton

Submitted to:

Mr. Paulo Genesis Gabane


The research paper entitled MODIFIED HAND GRIP IN LOWERING BLOOD

Castañeda, Napoleon B. Hernandez III, and Jaira Corrine E. Velasco in partial
fulfillment of the requirements in Research II, has been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.

Mr. Paulo Genesis G. Gabane

Research Adviser


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _____.

Ms. Jesusa H. Gomez Mr. Miguel P. Gomez Ms. Janeza T. Alignay Ms. Imelda M. Bartolay
Member Member Member Member

Ms. Maria Cristina R. Miranda Mr. Christopher O. Pabia Ms. Corazon A. Esteban
Member Member Member

Ms. Shinah Jasmin N. Recena Ms. Marilyn C. Santos Mr. Micheal L. Lezondra
Member Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement in Research II

Dr. Dionisia L. Alvarez, Ed. D.



The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to
the following people who contributed to the success of this research study:

To Mr. Paulo Gabane, the researchers’ adviser and teacher for all his efforts on
helping, giving advices and also giving constructive criticism to the researchers to make
their research better throughout the school year.

To Joseph Castañeda, who also became an adviser, for helping the researchers
create a topic from the start and helping them until the end of the study. Also, in helping
the researchers to create the prototype and for his suggestions that made the study better.

To Paulo Chica, Angela Nierves, Ericka Dy, Claire Gagelonia, Kirsten Montes,
Ruth Pastera, Richie Marquez and Lennard Ching, for being supportive friends and helping
the researchers in their study especially when the researchers needed materials in making
their display board.

To Napoleon L. Hernandez II, Jocelyn B. Hernandez, Neil Jacob B. Hernandez,

Annie E. Janeo, and Teresita L. Castañeda, for being understanding and supportive family
members, and giving efforts and providing everything they could help during the
preparation and conduction of the experimentation.

To the subject, Research, which made the researchers motivated and better
throughout the whole year and giving the researchers a stressful yet great and a memorable
experience during their stay as a tenth grader in the school. Also, for giving them the
opportunity to conduct a research and share the knowledge that they gathered throughout
the whole school year.

And lastly, to our Almighty God for giving the researchers the courage, strength,
hope and guidance needed for them to continue the study even when sometimes, they are
already giving up. The researchers would like to thank Him for helping them in every step
needed for it to be successful.


Title Page ............................................................................................................................ i

Approval Sheet .................................................................................................................. ii

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................ iii

Abstract ........................................................................................................................... viii

Chapter 1: The Problem and its Background

Introduction ..............................................................................................................1

Conceptual Framework ............................................................................................2

Statement of the Problem .........................................................................................2


Significance of the Study .........................................................................................3

Scope and Limitation ...............................................................................................4

Definition of Terms..................................................................................................4

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Related Literature .......................................................................................5

Local Related Literature ..........................................................................................6

Foreign Related Studies ...........................................................................................7

Local Related Studies ..............................................................................................9

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Research Design.....................................................................................................12

Materials, Instruments and Equipment ..................................................................12

Procedures ..............................................................................................................12

Flowchart of Procedures ........................................................................................13

Statistical Treatment ..............................................................................................14

Chapter 4: Results, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data ................................................15

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary ................................................................................................................21

Conclusion .............................................................................................................21

Recommendations ..................................................................................................22

Bibliography .....................................................................................................................23

Appendices ........................................................................................................................26


Table 1. Raw table of Data for Statement 1 15

Table 2. Significant difference in Systolic before and after workout 15

Table 3. Significant difference in Diastolic before and after workout 16

Table 4. Conventional Vs. Modified Hand Grip 17

Table 5. Significant difference in Systolic using a Conventional Hand Grip 17

Table 6. Significant difference in Diastolic using a Conventional Hand Grip 18

Table 7. Significant difference in Systolic using a Modified Hand Grip 19

Table 8. Significant difference in Diastolic using a Modified Hand Grip 19


Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study 2

Figure 2. Flowchart of Procedures 13


The main purpose of this study is to create a modified hand grip with piezoelectric
disks attached in order to help in lowering blood pressure. Piezoelectric disks are
transducers that are capable of producing electricity whenever they are bent or out of shape.
The piezoelectric disks in the hand grip produced electrical energy that was enough to
power up the motor that acts as a vibrator in the wrist. The researchers made the prototype
and searched for respondents that are at risk or experiencing high blood pressure. They
collected data by getting the blood pressure before and after the use of the hand grip for
the results to be obtained. After collecting the data, they came up with the results. The
results of the respondents before was 150/100, 135/110 and 145/100 which became 120/80,
115/80 and 110/85. It showed that using the modified hand grip, the blood pressure of the
respondents decreased in a great amount. Respondents also used the conventional hand
grip and the researchers saw that the blood pressure also decreased but not in a great
amount. The researchers concluded that the modified had grip can help on lowering blood
pressure better than a conventional hand grip. The results showed that using the modified
hand grip in one minute can lower the blood pressure in great amount. They recommend
to use more piezoelectric disks to produce more voltage and a better motor for best results.


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