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THW forgive student's debt (-)

Problem: SQ students can negotiate paymentlonger time, when individuals are smart enough
there is also scholarship regularly given.

Student debt: the money lent by the government toward individuals wishing to pay university tuition
fee. The current amount of loan given in total in the US is as much as $1 trillion. Higher than the
current total of credit card bill, a debt that the government cant forget with no sacrifice being made.
In the current condition there are already steps to ease the debt of individuals. Federal loan interests
are already down 0.1% and the interest toward the loan is only counted 6 month after graduating,
You can also negotiate with the federal loan, wishing to install your payment working part time
during college, There is also a break of 6 month to pend paying debt, unemployed food cupons and
other benefits are given while student wait to get their first job, the pending keeps on continuing if
you keep sending CV’s to companies. The government is help these students as much as they can. If
status quo is not enough there are also improvements.

Obama student plan: would be able to reduce their monthly payments from 15 to ten
percent of their discretionary income as of 2014. Additionally, that plan dictated that the balance
of borrowers' debt would be forgiven after 20 years of payments rather than in 25 years.


1. It ensure the responsibility and rational calculation of students

a. What is “responsible”?  its relations with paying students’ debt
b. Why is teaching responsibility important?  future of the students
c. Why is forgiving debts harming the students’ responsibility?  rational calculations,
making responsible decision
2. During the economic crisis in the US, it is the time of austerity not increasing the amount of
luxury you’re giving to people
a. What is the ideal action to be done in times of crisis?
b. Why forgiving students’ debts = not fair
c. Forgiving debt will only exacerbate problem
i. Minimize money in the federal reserveerasing $1 trilions higher than
credit card bills
ii. Double standards deflect society participation in supporting austerity
3. It will reduce the government reserves to ensure the continuity of good quality of higher
a. What is government interest on education sector?
b. How forgiving student debt = harms that process of ensuring good quality
c. Comparison of universities when its funded by government and when its with

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