Makalah B.inggris 1

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1.1 Identification Problem

Meanwhile, capital auxiliaries are words that have their own meaning and only followed
by the basic form. Sentences that use capital auxiliaries, changes that occur in capital
auxiliaries not on verbs, verbs still basic form. The capital auxiliaries function is to express
present and past abilities, expectations, choices / something more liked, current needs, past
needs, suggestions, advice about the past, possibility of present and past, asking for action,
and permission. Other than that, the author found 9 types of capital auxiliaries in Saul
Bellow's short story entitled "Looking for Mr. Green", namely can, could, will, would,
should, ought to, must, have to, and might that uses different tenses / information. And the
most dominant use is the capital auxiliaries could be with percentage of 18.26%.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What do you mean by Modals, formulas and how are they?
2. What is the meaning of Modals, what are the formulas, the distribution and examples?
3. Function or purpose of learning Modals?



2.1 Definition
Auxiliary verb is an auxiliary verb that appears before the main verb (main verb) in a
sentence to modify the meaning of the verb. This verb consists of the primary auxiliary
verb and the capital auxiliary verb.
2.2 Forms Of Capital Auxiliaries
(+) S + MODAL + V1
(-) S + MODAL + NOT + V1
(?) MODAL+ S + V1

2.3 Use Modal Auxiliary Verb

1. CAN
Used to declare:
a. Expressing an Ability
Example : You can take medicine at the pharmacy
b. Expressing a Permission
Example : can i do medical chackup now?
c. Expressing a Possibility
Example : You can recover completely, if you regularly take medication
Is the past tense form of CAN and the shape is the same for all subjects. But in its
use does not always mean past time (past).
COULD is used for:
a. The past tense of can
Example : mary could sing a songwhen she was young
d. Request politely
Example : could you bring me an infusion set
e. used to state the possibility in the past (past possibility)
example : She could be at home now, but she usually plays volleyball.
Used to declare:
a. Expressing a Certainty
Example : I will go to the hospital for cataract surgery next week
b. Subtle requests and offers
Example : Will you bring the bag for me?
c. Promise or determination to be made
Example : I will routinely take medicine to get well soon
Used to declare:
a. The past tense of the will
Example : he would be punishedbefore her escaped
b. Request and offers are politely
Example : would you mind closing the window?
d. If combined with “LIKE” indicate passion or desire
Example : would you like go to there?
e. If combined with “rather” shoe meaning more like “prefer”
Example : I would rather be a doctor than a president
Used to declare:
a. Has the meaning of “will” in the future tense
Example : I shall go to hospital tomorrow
b. Statements politely to give help or suggestions
Example : shall I get treatment?
Used to declare:
a. Past tense of shall (bentuk lampau dari shall)
Example : I should check the patient's condition before the patient's
condition worsens
b. Suggestion or advice (anjuran atau nasehat)
Example : you shouldsee the doctor
7. MAY
Auxiliary verbs that mean "may / may”, Used to declare:
a. Request for permission

Example : may I take the medicine now?
b. Request or expectation
Example : may you smooth the operation smoothly
c. The chances are less than 50 percent of certainty.
Example : She may be at hospital
Past tense form of MAY, but its use can also be for the present or future. Used to
a. Possibility of are weaker than may
Example : he might have been treated last night
b. Permit a more polite than may
Example : If I have been operated on, might I go home tomorrow?
Auxiliary verbs that mean must or must, Used to declare:
a. Expressing a necessity
Example : mrs. Lisa must take medicine 3 times a day
b. Expressing a prohibition
Example : Miss Lisa musn’t get out of bed
c. Expressing a certainty
Example : rini must go to school today. Her final exams today

Used to declare:
a. Auxiliary verb which mean “preferably”, “should”, “naturally” and even
“should” (which is rather soft)
Example : she ought to take medicine now
b. Stating tasks/work that is not completed or abandoned. usually in the form
of perfect infinitives.
Example : You should have taken medication after eating

2.4 Auxiliary Modals Rules

1. Verbs should not be added with -s / es, if there are capital auxiliaries
He can makes a muffin. (wrong)
He can make a muffin. (right)

2. Among the capital words auxiliaries with verbs must not be associated with "to"
The letter to that room. (wrong)
They can take this letter to that room. (right)
3. If the capital of past form auxiliaries, the verb used must be the first form of the verb
They could be the master piece (the karaoke place) until midnight. (wrong)
They could sing at the master piece (the karaoke place) until midnight. (right)
4. The question sentence (interrogative sentence) is formed by placing capital auxiliaries
in front of the sentence.
Can your mother speak French well?
Could you contact him last Monday?


3.1 Dialog Medical Term, Hospital Situation

Nurse : good morning . my name is nurse’s ria, I will take care of you this morning.
Patient : good morning too nurse’s
Nurse : how are you today?
Patient : I am fine, my fever is gone, but still feels weak
Nurse : have you eaten?
Patient : not yet, I might have been full because I had drunk a lot of water.
Nurse : you have to eat, because you will take medicine.
Patient : I may ask for help to get food
Nurse : I will get food for you, wait a minute
Patient : thank you nurse’s
Nurse : you are welcome


4.1 Conclusion
Auxiliary verb is an auxiliary verb that appears before the main verb (main
verb) in a sentence to modify the meaning of the verb. This verb consists of the
primary auxiliary verb and the capital auxiliary verb.

4.2 Sugestions
By understanding the explanation of Modal Auxiliaries
Medical Term, Hospital Situation, it is expected to use it in making sentence



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