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Shall we let the Tren Maya be developed?

During Mexican elections, Mr. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador result the
winner as the President of Mexico, with the majority of the votes that he was able to
get by many proposals, who convinced the Mexican people, such as the Tren Maya
and price reduction of fuels. In some instances , the ambitious project seems to be
attractive for Mexican people and tourism which is the evidently reason for the
president to get that project developed. There is a plenty of reason to get it done.
However, there is a group of people who thinks that a project of that proportions is
not viable. Due to the destruction of the environment as long of three different states
of Mexico, getting the natural habitat of different species destroyed, in the knowledge
that are already endangered. Only in our state, in Yucatan exactly in Calakmul,
would be affectation in the eighty percent of the vegetation, more than three hundred
bird species and almost one hundred mammal species. The real issue is not only in
Yucatan, that will pass through over fifteen protected areas, which means a huge
problem, in addition that there was not an environmental research to support the
idea. According to Gustavo Ampugnani, executive director of Greenpeace Mexico
its worrying to have stablished a deadline to proceed with the project even though
there is not a study and without enough requirements.

Another issues that is causing controversy, is the fact that there is not enough
resources to afford that ambitious project, as Mexico es passing over a lack of found
and serious problems in the country, such as security problems and poverty, the
necessity to take in hands the Tren Maya should not be forefront for the government,
there is not doubt that tourism is really important for our country since we have
multiples and amazing distinctions that others do not. All of these natural beauties
should not disappear. Nevertheless, if this project might be developed must be
thorough study in order to not affect our environment and also get the project done.
It is our decision to end with the worst mistake ever taken over our nature, only
because we need founds for our country. We will get in risk the beauty and majesty
of our nature and spend money that we won’t recover in a couple of days.

By David Enrique May Molina


Bonachera, A. (2018). ¿Es viable el proyecto del Tren Maya de López Obrador para México? No
todos están convencidos. February 3rd, 2019, from Cable News Network (CNN. Website:

Rivera, A. (2018). En Riesgo, 15 áreas por Tren Maya. February 3rd, 2019, from El Unniversal.

(2018). Tren Maya. February 3rd, 2019, from Tren Maya. Website:

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