200 Pounds Beauty

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200 Pounds Beauty

(Reaction Paper)

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched –
they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

200 Pounds Beauty is a drama film directed by Yong-hwa Kim. It was

released on 14th of December in the year 2006. This Korean film is all about a pop
singer who ended up with a decision to have a full-body plastic surgery.
Unfortunately, these physical changes somewhat had also changed her personality
as well as how she dealt with people she used to know. The dilemmas of the story of
the film follow after.

At first, I had observed that the title of the film is figurative. Thus, it is an
oxymoronic or a contradictory phrase for the fact that beauty is not usually
connected with a weight of 200 pounds since beauty itself is usually realized of a
lighter weight. The making of the title of the film is a good one because it is an
attention getter or catchy to people to ponder why is a weight of 200 pounds
associated with beauty? Or why is having a weight of 200 pounds considered a

Moreover, the introduction of the film goes with the introduction of the
protagonist, who is Kang Han-na, a large woman happens to have a weight of 200
pounds. Because of her appearance, the protagonist suffered discrimination, social
isolation and disrespect from other people. The film thus emphasizes the life of a
not-so-beautiful woman living in a world where beauty is objectively evaluated.
Beauty can actually be defined in either objective or subjective way. Yet I would
agree to what Philosopher David Hume said that beauty exists in the mind which
contemplates it; and each mind perceives a different beauty. This philosophical
statement can be seconded by a famous quote “Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder.” Beauty can’t be limited to a common definition. Its definition can be
originated from one thought to the other. Though, the word has a common definition
in dictionaries, that is, “the degree to which a person’s physical traits are considered
pleasing or beautiful.” Yet in the real setting, people have their own perspective of
beauty. Other’s perception of beautiful may not be a perception of the other and vice

A part of the film, on the other hand, shows how productive or successful
beautiful people are in the eyes of many. The famous “singer” Ammy uses the voice
of Kang Han-na in performing her concert since she has greater voice compared to
Ammy. This situation leaves a question, “Why not Kang Han-na be the performing
artist during the concert instead of Ammy?” This representation means that
physically beautiful or attractive people are likely to earn well, noticed and favored by
majority compared to those who are less attractive. I think that this is an error
concept. People should be treated and be valued to what he or she deserves,
beautiful or not. Just like in Han-na’s case, her extraordinary talent deserves more
than be hidden in the backstage, her talent deserves to be seen and heard more by
other people.

The protagonist in the film has suffered enough because of her appearance.
She, then, underwent a full-body plastic surgery to change her ridiculed body to a
sexy, gloomy and a beautiful one. Ideal standards of body sizes worry her so much
to the extent she plants or creates a negative body image. This negative body image
results in self-image problem wherein her looks mismatches her beauty standards.
Han-na was greatly influenced of a culture having a perfect body and a perfect face.
It is actually sometimes good to worry in not being able to comprehend on certain
used cultures or qualifications to be noticed and be heard. One can actually worry
but aim positively at the same time. Yet one worrying and aiming to change himself
or herself to a person who isn’t him or her is a NO. It would be healthier to a person
if he or she addresses flaws and imperfections positively, that is, making these as
motivations and a drive to be successful in a certain goal.

According to Branch in the movie Trolls, “Life is not always cupcakes and
rainbows” same as it’s not all the time we get what we want or we have what we like.
There will always be .01% problems in 99.9% opportunities and flaws to almost
perfection. To be called beautiful is an achievement. To be treated beautiful is
happiness. Yet doing good to other people and accepting oneself is real beauty.
Overall, this film 200 Pounds Beauty wants to enlighten people lurking in the dark
ashamed of how they look. This film wants to encourage and reawaken people to
start loving and accepting themselves now before it’s too late.

“Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s
when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

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