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Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)


Name of Student : MOHD NAIM B ISHAK

Matric No. : 56711
Course Code : WE03

Week: _________5________

Date Daily Task

15/07/2019 Morning briefing by Puan Raduyah. Being brief about achieving new opening
account by the end of July. All staff member needs to think about a new strategy in
order to promote a new account towards customers. Being assigned to counter at

There are steps on how to open an account in ASNB. The first step for above 18
years old, you must go to the kiosk in the branch in order to do the first registration
of your account. After successful register at the kiosk, you will get the account
number that you needs when filling the next forms. The next form called the
purchase form. You need to fill the form if you want to invest in funds. There many
funds available to customers. However, some of the funds are only available for
Bumiputera only. For example ASB, ASB2 and ASB3 DIDIK. The next steps are
proceeded by giving them the CCPO form and hand them the queue number.

There are multiple cases that I encounter today that customers forgot to print out
their account number from the kiosk today. To overcome the problem, we must go
back to the kiosk and rewrite the account number to a piece of paper or snap a
picture in order to record the account number for future use.

At 4 pm, the Batching process where we assorted the forms to each of their funds by
using T3 form. We also separated the original forms and the carbon copy for
safekeeping. This process is to check the forms and avoid any missing forms or any
mistake made.

16/07/2019 Morning briefing by Puan Raduyah. Being brief about achieving new opening
account by the end of July. All staff member needs to think about a new strategy in
order to promote a new account towards customers. Being assigned to counter at

There are steps on how to open an account in ASNB. For below 18 years old, you
cant use kiosk for registration instead you need to fill the registration form
manually. In the form, you must fill in your information and also registered
guardian information in order to open an account. You also need to fill the
employment detail of your registered guardian and also FATCA section. This
FATCA section is in order to combat tax evasion by US persons opening accounts
offshore. They also must fill the purchase forms in order to invest in the funds. The
minimum amount for invest in a fund is RM 10.
Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

There are cases where people below 18 trying to open an account without bringing
their registered guardian. They must bring their registered guardian in order to open
the account or otherwise they cant register their account. There are also cases where
the registered guardian work as a housewife. Since ASNB want to know their
sources of income then they must include the husband name, identification number
and the employment detail of the husband in the form.

At 4 pm, the Batching process where we assorted the forms to each of their funds by
using T3 form. We also separated the original forms and the carbon copy for
safekeeping. This process is to check the forms and avoid any missing forms or any
mistake made.

17/072019 Morning briefing by Puan Raduyah. Being brief about achieving new opening
account by the end of July. All staff member needs to think about a new strategy in
order to promote a new account towards customers. Being assigned to counter at

The process where the heirs claim the shares of the deceased could be very difficult
if the deceased doesn’t put a nominee at the first place. First, the heir must fill the
claim form or also known as the T1 form. They also need to fill the document
acceptance acknowledgment. For the heir to be eligible for claiming Khairat help,
they must claim it before 6 months after the date of death. There are also documents
that the customer must bring in order to claim the deceased funds.

For below RM 10000, they must bring the death certificate, identification card of
the heir and any document that can be proved the relationship between the heir and
the deceased. The example of the document that can be proved the relationship
between the heir and the deceased include birth certificate and marriage certificate.

There are cases where the heir doesn’t bring enough document or just bring the
photostat copy instead of the original one in order to support the claim. In those
cases, the heir first must find the original document and bring the original copy to be
validated by the officer in charge.

At 4 pm, the Batching process where we assorted the forms to each of their funds by
using T3 form. We also separated the original forms and the carbon copy for
safekeeping. This process is to check the forms and avoid any missing forms or any
mistake made.

18/07/2019 Morning briefing by Puan Raduyah. Being brief about achieving new opening
account by the end of July. All staff member needs to think about a new strategy in
order to promote a new account towards customers. Being assigned to open counter
at the outside of the branch in order to fulfill the KPI of the branch.

I assigned to open counter at the Petronas Jalan Teku. I accompanied by Puan

Raduyah, our branch manager and one of the ASNB staff Encik Sufian. Our goal
today is to update the information of the customer, promote the myASNB and
opening a new account. These counter will benefit those who live in the area and
helps to increase the amount of the new registration.

The process of opening myASNB account involved updating process as well. The
customer needs to update their phone number and email address in order to open the
myASNB account. The next steps are to create a username for your myASNB
Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

account and fill in the question in case you forgetting your password. After you
have done register myASNB account, you will obtain a temporary password that
you have to enter when you do tour first-time login in myASNB portal or apps. In
the apps, you can purchase fund through online and doesn’t need to go to the branch
anymore when want to buy funds.

The problem that I faced today is that we have a low-speed internet connection that
slows our process when registering myASNB account. The connection also always
lost and in order to fix the problem, we need to open the portable kiosk and reset the
connection. To fix the problem also take a lot of time but we have to be patient
about it. The next problem on the day is that we don’t bring our photostat machine
with us. The customer can only register their account but couldn’t buy the fund
because we need their photostat copy of their identification card in order to finish
the transaction.

At 3.15pm we packing up and headed back to the ASNB branch.

19/07/2019 Morning briefing by Puan Raduyah. Being brief about achieving new opening
account by the end of July. All staff member needs to think about a new strategy in
order to promote a new account towards customers. Being assigned to counter at

There are steps on how to update the information if they haven’t updated their
account with their new identification number. In this case, we need them to fill the
CCPO forms. CCPO form function is to register a new account or also can be used
to update the customer information. We also must be cautious about the wrong date
of birth of the customer because of it commonly wrong with the customer who still
hasn't updated their new identification number. For customer who has a problem
with their date of birth, they also need to fill document acceptance acknowledgment

The problem that I encounter when dealing with the process is that the senior citizen
often to already forgot their mother name. Plus they don’t have a phone number that
crucial when updating information. To overcome this problem we need to use any
family member phone number in order to contact them later on.

At 4 pm, the Batching process where we assorted the forms to each of their funds by
using T3 form. We also separated the original forms and the carbon copy for
safekeeping. This process is to check the forms and avoid any missing forms or any
mistake made.

20/07/2019 Morning briefing by Puan Raduyah. Being brief about achieving new opening
account by the end of July. All staff member needs to think about a new strategy in
order to promote a new account towards customers. Being assigned to counter at

Today we open only for half-day because it is Saturday. ASNB only open on
Saturday on the third week every month.

For above RM 10000, they must bring the death certificate, identification card of the
heir and probate letter. Probate letter is compulsory for any claim that above RM
10000 in ASNB. Probate letter is made by the District Office.

The problem that I encounter today with the probate letter is that wrong detail of the
deceased account number in the probate letter. The heir needs to amend the probate
Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

letter in order to make the claim valid. They need to go back to District office to fix
the probate letter then proceed with the claim.

At 12.15 pm, the Batching process where we assorted the forms to each of their
funds by using T3 form. We also separated the original forms and the carbon copy
for safekeeping. This process is to check the forms and avoid any missing forms or
any mistake made.
21/07/2019 Holiday

Declaration of Student

I hereby declare that the above information is true and complete.

(Student’s Signature)

Name of student: MOHD NAIM B ISHAK

Declaration of Industrial Training Supervisor

I hereby verify that the above information is true and complete.

(Industrial Training Supervisor’s Signature)


Name & Official Stamp:

Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB)

Important Remarks
1) For absence from work due to illness/sick leave (if any), the student is required to provide medical
certificate from government clinic or hospital ONLY.
2) Meanwhile for the other approved leave (if any), satisfactory and concrete evidence must be submitted by
proving that it was unavoidable and has been approved by the industrial training organization.
3) All supporting documents (original copy of MC, official letter, etc) must be attached together with the
industrial training log book.
4) Leave(s) taken (if any) should be replaced by the student (compulsory).
5) The logbook must be signed and stamped every week.

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