Second Summative Test 4TH

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I. Direction: Identify the change happening in each situation. Write MW for mechanical
weathering and CW for chemical weathering.
1. A boulder of shore is slowly broken apart by the force of water.
2. Earthworm make tunnels in the ground which may lead to the breakdown of stones
and rocks.
3. Some plants release chemicals which loosen the rocks and cause them to break.
4. Water inside the rocks freezes and melts again.
5. The chemical composition of rocks changes when acid is produced by the roots of some
II. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following tends to cause physical or mechanical weathering?
A. Animal that burrow in the ground
B. Root of plants growing into the cracks in the rocks
C. Water that seeps into the pores and cracks of rocks
D. All of these
2. The following human activities are caused of physical weathering, EXCEPT.
A. Quarrying of rocks C. Mining ores
B. Building roads and tunnels D. Boating and fishing
3. How does temperature weather rocks?
A. Rocks are heated and cooled continuously.
B. Rocks are cooled tremendously all the time.
C. Rocks are heated greatly all the time.
D. Rocks are at different temperature
4. Plant serves as agents of weathering. Which of the following statements support this
A. Falling of leaves cause rocks to break.
B. Decaying trunks of plants cause the rocks to break
C. Root of plants that grow in rocks and cause them to break.
D. Branches of plants cause the rocks to break when blown by the winds.
5. Acid rain causes the following type of weathering:
A. Physical
B. Mechanical
C. Chemical
D. Social
6. What are the four agents of erosion?
A. Gravity, soil, landslides, water
B. Wind, water, landslides, air
C. Gravity, glaciers, wind, water
D. Glaciers, gravity, air, soil
7. When is wind an agent of soil erosion?
A. When it breaks rocks into pieces
B. When it blows rock pieces to other places
C. When it stops picking up rocks
D. When it presses down rocks
8. Which of the following shows that soil erosion is caused by animals?
A. Construction workers are building a housing project.
B. Hen is digging the soil.
C. Root of pants are growing.
D. Sandstorm
9. What process is being modeled in this figure?
A. Weathering
B. Erosion
C. Glaciers
D. Watering plants

10. Mushroom rocks can be created by which of the following weathering, erosion and
deposition processes?
A. Water
B. Wind
C. Ice
D. Gravity

11. All of these are causes of soil erosion except one.

A. Water C. Sun
B. People D. Wind
12. Which of these is the correct sequence of soil erosion process?
A. weathering-deposition-erosion
B. erosion-deposition-weathering
C. weathering-erosion-deposition
D. deposition-erosion-weathering
13. How are Chocolate Hills formed?
A. Sediments deposited by water.
B. Soil blown by the winds.
C. Pyroclastic debris moved away by lahar flow.
D. Soil and sand carried away by animals.
14. Which causes the limestone formation that make Palawan a popular tourist destination?
A. Glaciers C. Eruption
B. Water D. Wind
15. Why are sandy beaches prone to erosion?
A. Because of the wind
B. Because of the waves and tides
C. Because of mining
D. Because of the marine animals
16. Which two effects of soil erosion are useful?
A. Formation of oceans. C. Formation of stalactites and stalagmites
B. Formation of hills D. Formation of caves
17. Which causes the limestone formation that make Palawan a popular tourist destination?
A. Glaciers C. Eruption
B. Water D. Wind
18. When sand settles on the beach after waves dropped it there. This is an example
A. Weathering C. Erosion
B. Deposition D. Explosion
19. This method involves alternately planting different crops in strips.
A. Contour plowing C. Terracing
B. Strip-cropping D. Crop Rotation
20. Plowing soil in curved bands that follow the shape of the land, thus preventing soil from
flowing directly down slopes.
A. Contour plowing C. Terracing
B. Strip-cropping D. Crop Rotation
III. Direction: Identify the following terms. The first letter is done for you.
1. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an accelerated soil erosion caused that cause harm to properties, living
things and humans.
2. S _ _ _ is the most important product of weathering.
3. O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of animals is one of the major causes of soil erosion.
4. W _ _ _ _ with calcite produce stalactites and stalactites in caves.
5. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are the type of rocks deposited on the Chocolate Hills of Bohol.

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