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Changes to the OK AuthentiCare User Manual

June 6, 2011 Update

The User Manual is located at
Section Change
General Replaced the following screen shots throughout the manual:
• Home
• Authorization page
• Calendar
• Report page
• Report filter
Section 5.2 Provided instructions to providers for obtaining the 835 remittance
advice from OHCA
Section 5.3 Provided instructions for uploading the 835 into AuthentiCare
Section 9.2 Added ability to filter the calendar by Team Assignment
Section 9.6 • Added Team Assignment to the text of the late and missed visit
• Added a selection screen to allow filtering of late and missed
visits rather than simply listing them all
Section 10.1 Revised to reflect new IVR flow
Section 10.3 Revised instructions for deleting voice print
Section 10.4 Explained extra safeguards for workers with more than one Worker
Section 10.5 Revised Worker Instruction Sheet
Section 11 Changed daily claim confirmation to reflect different times for
(Introduction) individual claims and bulk claims
Section 11.4 Added instructions for Express Claims Entry
Section 11.7 Added Offline Afterhours Bulk Claim Confirmation
Section 12 • Added requirement to select report format from the filter page
prior to running the report
• Added ability to run Claim Data Listing Report by team
• Added new report – Eligible Client Report

Section Change
Appendix A.1 • Deleted service code 2025 (CD-PASS NOS Item or Service)
(and Section 10.6) • Corrected service code T1016 (was T016)
• Added service code G0151, Physical Therapy
• Added service code G0152, Occupation Therapy
• Added service code G0153, Speech/Language Therapy
Appendix A.2 Personal Care Activity Codes –
• Added “All Scheduled Tasks Performed” (#10)
• Added “Dressing” (#23)
• Deleted “Assist with Medication Administration” (#20)
Advanced Supportive/Restorative (ASR)
• Added “All Scheduled Tasks Performed” (#10)
Added activity codes for RN Assessment Evaluation (NEW)
Appendix A.4 • Administrator sub-role (HH & CM) - added right to upload the
And Section 2.1.2 835 remittance advice
• Scheduler/Coordinator sub-role (HH & CM) – added access to
Provider Activity Report
• Intake/Referral sub-role (CM only) – added access to add/edit
the CM-Client link
• NEW sub-role – AdminAssistant (HH & CM)– same as
Administrator except cannot change registrations or upload the
835 remittance advice

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