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Getting digital
Communicative goals:

 Write a simple story or description of an event using basic time expressions.

 Write a short, simple description of a familiar device or product. .
 Write simple instructions on how to use a device or product, using the given

1. Think about…

1. What are your favorite brands?

2. Which logos of technological brands you

remember the most?

3. Why do you prefer these brands over the

other ones?

4. What do you prefer, an outstanding

smartphone or a great laptop?

Logo: Symbol that identifies something.

Outstanding: Exceptionally good.

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete

the following exercise. At the end you will learn more vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. I need a phone with a long-lasting battery because I’m going to work all day long.

- A quick battery - An efficient battery.

b. I really need to buy a faster phone. This one is unbearable.

- Intolerable - Slow

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c. My mom sticks to her old cellphone because she doesn’t like smartphones.

- To keep using something -To fix something

d. He is going to set up the new program on the computer.

- Uninstall -To make equipment ready for use.

e. I’m customizing my new cell-phone. I don’t like that wallpaper.

- Get used to something - To modify

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Difference ( ) A Able to be used.
2 Purchase ( ) B Give assistance or help.
3 Switch ( ) C Things that are not the same.
4 Support ( ) D Change.
5 Available ( ) C Acquire something by paying for it.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text called “Family gathering”, a story of a 16-year-old boy, Pete,
who lives with his parents, grandmother and his sister’s husband.

If you want to buy a new cellphone, we

generally recommend to stick with the
same platform your current phone
uses. At a minimum, you are not going
to have problems learning the
differences of a new interface and
potentially losing access to purchased
apps, app-specific data, or even
photos. But if you’re considering a
switch in this moment, we are going to
show you differences between iOS
and Android, from thousands of hours
of using smart-phones and tablets on
both platforms.

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Apple’s iOS is usually the best choice for people who want a phone or tablet that just works.
IOS isn’t as flexible as Android. You can’t customize the way it looks or works, and because
of that, you need to live with changes Apple makes to the software every year. But iPhones
and iPads get many years of quick software updates; new apps and games often debut on
iOS before they come to Android. Additionally, Apple’s hardware and software support is
generally excellent.

Some people like iOS a lot, but it’s not the best option for everyone. Nowadays, good
Android phones are available in many more shapes and sizes than iPhones, and some
people prefer them as they are cheaper than iPhones; you can buy good ones for under
$300USD. Additionally, the Android platform has, is more versatile and customizable and
you can get multiple apps for free. So, although it was a huge difference in the past between
these two platforms, at present, people have a wide variety of devices and options to choose
from depending on their needs and budget.

4. Tips for composition:

In this session you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that help
you with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the
next step!

4.1. Write 6 sentences in which you describe how the technology was in the past, how
it is in the present, and how you think it is going to be in the future.


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If you are describing an object, there are some aspects you need to take into account.

First, try to answer these questions:

What does it look like?

How big is it? /What size is it?
How much does it weight?
What color is it?
What is its material?
What does it do?
What is the purpose of it?
How does it work?

After that, you can use a set of adjectives to describe the object. Remember the following details:
 Adjectives go before nouns. Ex. This is an expensive (adjective) cellphone (noun)
 Adjectives like excellent, good, bad are opinion adjectives and always come after fact
adjectives like small, round, old. Ex. I like Android because of its awesome new operative
 When there are two or more adjectives, take into account the order of adjectives:
(Good, bad, (huge, big,
beautiful, horrible, enormous, little, tall, (Round, square,
confortable, horrible, long, small, short, triangular, fat, flat,
lovely, cool) tiny) wavy, curvy)


(Old, new, antique, (Glass, paper, (Shooping, riding,
young, ancient, plastic, leather, iron, fishing, witing,
mature) wood, gold) dancing, listening)

This is an excellent big flat TV screen.
I don’t like my cellphone because it is a horrible, big, old equipment.

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4.2. Take a look at the following list of devices. Write some adjectives you can use to
describe them. Then, write complete sentences taking into account the adjective order.

Robotic vacuum
Typewriter Go-Pro camera Smart-watch

1. Robotic vacuum cleaner: ____________________________________________________________

2. Typewriter: __________________________________________________________________________
3. Go-Pro camera:______________________________________________________________________
4. Smart-watch: ________________________________________________________________________


When giving instructions, there are some elements you need to know:

1. Use imperatives. Ex. Don’t use your cellphone! / Turn your cellphone on!
2. Use sequencing words to show the steps in the process.
Ex. First, turn on your cellphone.
Secondly, go to settings.
Then, choose screen settings.
Finally, change the wallpaper.
3. Give extra information and advice.

 Remember you can customize your device.

 Try to ask for technical support.
 Try not to turn off your computer.
 You need to familiarize with the new quirks.
 It's important to switch it for a new version.
 It helps to set up the program

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4.3 Imagine you are a technological advisor. One of the customers doesn’t know
how to use the Bluetooth ear buds. Give instructions to synchronize the
cellphone and the new ear buds.


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All about Bali
Communicative goals:
 Write a story with a simple linear sequence.
 Write the concluding sentence or sentences of a basic paragraph, using the given
 Write a basic description of experiences, feelings and reactions, using the given

1. Think about…

1. Which are the most important

touristic places in your city?

2. What are the things you enjoy the

most when traveling?

3. Would you accept the chance to

travel around the world as a

Backpacker: A form of independent,

low-cost travel in which a person only
travels with a backpack.

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete

the following exercise. At the end you will learn more vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. My grandma finally went to La Guajira. It was on her bucket list for a long time.

-List or note to remember things. - Things to do before you die.

b. He regularly jaunts to Manizales on vacation.

-A short journey for work. - A short journey for pleasure.

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c. Going to the Eiffel tower is a must-do in Paris.

- Something you have to do - Something that is prohibited

d. Monserrate has a beautiful view of Bogota. It is stunning.

- Really high -Really beautiful

e. He’s definitely a morning person. He wakes up very early in the morning. I can’t!

- A person who does well in the morning - Cold

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Hidden ( ) A Time in the evening when the sun disappears.
2 Sunrise ( ) B Not easy to find.
3 Sunset ( ) C A particular place or point.
4 Spot ( ) D Obtain or get something.
5 Grab ( ) E Time in the morning when the sun appears.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text called “What do you know about Bali?” Simon is a backpacker
and one of his most important experiences was in Bali. Let’s read his story.

Do you know anything about Bali? I’m

going to tell you my experience there.
Someone told me once that Bali is an
island that should be on “everyone’s
bucket list.” I was there for three
weeks and I discovered Bali has a
combination of hidden gems and
great experiences.
First of all, I saw the most impressive
waterfall in Bali. It was wonderful!
Hidden from all other tourist
attractions this waterfall is a real gem!
Few tourists go there because of its
location but it was the first place I

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At the foot of the waterfall, you can experience its power and enjoy a fresh shower if the sun
and weather is good. The number one must-do in Bali!

Then, I traveled to another popular tourist attraction in Bali and one of my top things to do,
Tegalalang. It is a beautiful valley located near Ubud. When I was there, I was surprised by
its stunning sunrises and lovely sunsets. My recommendation is to make sure to experience
the sunrise there even if you’re a morning person or not.

Finally, I read before the trip that Bali is made for surfing. I decided to go to Kuta beach
which is for all the beginners like me, but there are other spots like Uluwatu or some beaches
at Canggu for the more experienced surfers. I would say to all the beginners out there: Grab
a board, get an instructor on the beach and you are ready to go!

At the end, I enjoyed all the places I traveled to. The great waterfall, the amazing sunrises
and sunsets, and the different activities at the beach. I totally recommend this place as one
of the places to visit.

4. Tips for composition:

In this session you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that help
you with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the next

It refers to the identification of the components of a story, such as the beginning,
middle, and end. It is really important in order to understand and place of the details
and the sequence of events.

A lineal story is written chronologically, so the events are connected.


1 2 3

First of all Before Finally Immediately

At first After At the end Suddenly
To begging with While At last Then
At the beginning During In the end Next

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First of all First of all, I saw the most impressive waterfall in Bali.
Then Then, I traveled to another popular tourist attraction in Bali.
At the end At the end, I enjoy all the places I traveled to.

4.1. Think about the last travel you had. Taking that experience into account complete
the following chart mentioning the activities you did there.






4.1.1 Connect the events you wrote in the last exercise and describe the story in a
linear sequence. Use the expressions explained above.


In a conclusion paragraph, you summarize what you wrote in your text. One suggestion is
to focus on the main idea. Your concluding paragraph should reinforce your main idea.

Let’s take a look of one example:

At the end, I enjoy all the places I traveled to. The great waterfall, the amazing sunrises
and sunsets, and the different activities at the beach. I totally recommend this place as one
of the places to visit.

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All in all In one word

In brief As can be seen
To conclude In closing
Overall In sum
4.2. Using the expressions bellow, create a short conclusion of the following situations.

 I had many good experiences in my last vacation. I went to the beach and took many
pictures. My mom also liked the adventure and we enjoyed hiking on the mountains.
We also had the opportunity to swim with the fishes and sharks. At the end of the
trip we relaxed and got tan.
 My best friend had the worst vacation there. First of all, he couldn’t visit the waterfall;
one of the must-do’s in the city. Additionally, he isn’t a morning person and his flight
was very early in the morning. Also, he lost his money and his bag.


Sometimes you want to describe exactly how you feel. It is very important
to know how to express your emotions in order to communicate your
thoughts and feelings. This vocabulary list will help you to express
yourself in an appropriate way:

Peaceful Annoying Curious

Calm Frustrating Confused
Friendly Cranky Insecure
Glad Hostile Afraid
Joyful Violent Suspicious
Satisfying Exasperated Anxious
Amazing Indignant Nervous
Blissful Aggressive Horrify
Radiant Disgusting Shocked

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 The sea was amazing and the sun was radiant.
 The people in the plane were annoying and I was exasperated.
 First, she was afraid and anxious but when we arrived to the island, she felt curious and
shocked by the beauty of the waterfall.


If you are describing an experience, feeling o I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach because it
or reaction, try using also these expressions: was the first time I traveled abroad.
 Butterflies in stomach (Extremely o He arrived in a black mood from his trip because it
worried/excited) was a disaster.
 Black mood (bad mood) o They were down in the dumps because they lost
 Down in the dumps (Really sad) their flight.
 On cloud nine (really happy) o When I finally arrived, I was on cloud nine!

4.3 Choose 5 of the expressions/words to describe experiences, feeling and reactions,

and use them to describe a situation you had on your last vacation.

 I was in a peaceful town near Barcelona with my friend Albert. People there were very
friendly and calm.
 ________________________________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Now you are ready for your writing test. Let’s write something!

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A shopping nightmare

Communicative goals:
 Show a basic direct relationship between a simple problem and a solution.
 Write a basic formal email/letter requesting information.
 Write an everyday connected text using a set of short elements or facts in

1. Think about…

1. How often do you go shopping?

2. When you are shopping, do you
use coupons? Do you look for
3. Do you often buy products
advertised on TV, newspapers or
magazines? If so, what was the last
item you bought?

Coupons: A ticket used to get a

Sales: Products sold at reduced

2. Words matter!
To do well in this lesson it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete
the following exercise. At the end you will learn more vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. Thank you for buying here. This is your change and the receipt. We hope to see you soon!

- Ticket you get when you buy something - The things you buy

b. Please, fill out this form to get our subscription.

-To write information in blank spaces - To buy something

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c. I wish to make a complaint. This is not what I ordered.

- To express dissatisfaction - To give advice

d. Look Jeremiah, I need you to deliver this package to 48 Concord square.

- To collect - To send

e. My concern is that we are not selling enough soap.

- Worry - Security

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Advisor ( ) A A person who buys goods or services.
2 Customer ( ) B To try to get a lower price.
3 Purchase ( ) C Someone who gives an advice on a particular topic.
4 Haggle ( ) D Something that you buy.

3. Read a bit!
Read the following text about James’ bad experience in an outlet store and the
answer that the sales manager gave him after the inconvenience.

Advisor: Thank you for chatting with us. In

Zafari Outlet, we are glad to hear from
you. I’m Zara, how can I help you?

Costumer: Hi! My name is James and today I

bought a pair of shoes at Titan Mall in
Toronto. When I got home, I found you packed
two left shoes. What should I do? I’m
really disappointed with your store. I
didn’t even haggle! And I have to say that
it wasn’t what they said on the propaganda
on TV.

Advisor: Oh! Sorry to hear that. Please,

come to our outlet with the receipt and the
shoes. Then, fill out the complaint form
with your personal information. You have to
wait 1 day for a solution. But, don’t
worry. If everything is fine, your shoes
will be delivered directly to your home.

Costumer: Awesome! Thank you very much!

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Dear James,

Thank you for your message telling us about the problem you had with our outlet in Toronto. I am
really sorry about this situation. We are working on answering our costumers’ concerns very quickly
in order to minimize any inconvenience they have in our stores. For that reason, in this package we
replaced the old shoes. Also, we are going to give you a coupon with a 30% discount on your next

Please, accept our sincere apologies. We will make every effort to see that this never happens again.
We hope you keep choosing us as your favorite outlet.


Aleksandra Troyanov

Sales Manager

4. Tips for composition:

In this session you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that help
you with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the
next step!

Sometimes we need to let people know about our dissatisfaction about a
person, situation or event. Here, we are going to give you some expressions
you can use to express your dissatisfaction:

I would like to express my disappointment for… the product I bought.

If you don’t reply to me as soon as possible I will have no choice but to contact your

My complaint is about the quality of the product.

I trust you will deliver the package in good condition.

I am sorry to say this, but I’m going to write a complaint about your horrible
costumer service.

Don’t get me wrong but this cellphone is a piece of junk!

Excuse me, but I’m not satisfied with my last purchase. The laptop is a lemon!

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Excuse me, I’m afraid the receipt is wrong. This isn’t what I paid.

Look, I’m sorry to trouble you, but the package never arrived to my house.

I’m angry about the coupons you gave me. I can’t use them in this store.

There is something wrong with the price of this product.

4.1. Write 5 sentences expressing the following problem: “You bought a sofa on the
internet, but they charged twice the price of the sofa on your credit card”

Sometimes we need to give solutions to the issues we face. These are some
expressions we can use in those situations:

One possible way to solve this problem is to give a special coupon.

In order to solve this situation, I would suggest you to come to the store and enjoy
our sales.

Also, we need to apologize for the inconvenient.

I’m so sorry, but this will never occur again.

I’m really sorry, we will do our best not to make the same mistake again.

But, there are cases that we cannot find a solution right away, so these are the
expressions we can use:

I’m afraid we can’t help you at the moment. Could you

leave your personal information or fill out this format? We
will contact you soon.

Even, there are times in which we cannot give any solution:

 Well, I’m afraid there is nothing we can do about

 I’m sorry, there isn’t much we can do now.

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4.2. Write 5 sentences expressing a solution to the previous problem.

 ____________________________________________________________________________________.
 ____________________________________________________________________________________.
 ____________________________________________________________________________________.
 ____________________________________________________________________________________.
 ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Formal letters
There are some elements you need to take into account if you want to express
yourself in a formal way when writing a letter. Let’s take a look at some details:

In formal letters you need to greet properly:

Dear (title + surname or name)
Avoid spoken English (Slang)
In formal letter we do not use contractions.

Divide the letter in 3 parts:

1- The subject (the explanation of the events)
2- Your apology or complaint.
3- The solution you give or expect.

24th Street
November 11th, 2018

Dear, Sir / Madam.

I am writing to complain about the holiday

your agency arranged for my in-laws. I am
sorry to say this, but because of the
misspelling of their last name they could not
enter the hotel you booked. Your sales
advisor wrote “K-u-m-i-s” and it was “C-u-m-
m-i-n-s”. As a result of this, they had to
pay for a new room. Therefore, they could not
enjoy most of the activities we bought with
your company in this first week of their

If you don’t reply to me as soon as possible,

I will have no choice but to contact the
manager of the company and ask for a refund.
We will not accept this. Right now, we demand
the correction of that mistake and a
compensation for our troubles.


Brayan Duck

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4.3 Taking into account the elements of a formal letter, identify each one of them in
the letter provided bellow. Then, complete the following information:

(complaining/ giving


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Where beer comes from

Communicative goals:

 Write descriptions of past events, activities, or personal experiences.

 Write about personal interests in some detail.
 Prepare a simple outline to organize ideas and information.

1. Think about…

1. What did you do last weekend?

2. What kind of beverages do you like

to drink?

3. Are you in the legal age to

consume alcohol?

Beverage: A drink other than water.

Legal age: Age legally accepted to

drink alcoholic beverages.

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete

the following exercise. At the end you will learn more vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. Carla jumped up and down with joy when she found out she passed all her exams.

- Great sadness - Great happiness

b. I become a professional dancer when I’m tipsy.

- Slightly drunk - Extremely drunk

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c. My mother said that the cure for the hangover is to eat chicken noodle soup.

-Cold/flu -The aftereffects of the excess of alcohol.

d. Once, Daniel told me I was sociable when I drink beer.

- Friendly - Cold

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Ferment ( ) A Only, just.
To prepare a beverage by boiling and mixing a solid in
2 Barely ( ) B
3 Lead ( ) C The act or process of fermenting.
4 Ale ( ) D To conduct, influence or cause something.
5 Brew ( ) E Synonym of beer.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text called “Let’s drink a beer ”a short text where the history of
beer is described.

Did you know that women invented beer? Yes! This famous liquor was in woman’s domain
for thousands of years. Some researchers proved that women invented beer and this is
because beer is fermented barley.

In the past, women were responsible

for cooking and taking care of the
family. They used a strategy called
fermenting, which led to the
invention of beer. They created a
drink called ale, which was food at
the time and even Queen Elizabeth
drank ale for breakfast and
sometimes during the day.

Ale became very popular and only

women had permission to brew it, these women were called “ale-wives” or “Brewster”. Some
years later, they discovered a flower called “hop”, which they used to add flavor to the ale
and to preserve it for a longer period of time. This was the invention of beer.

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Today, people consume beer all over the world and many people think it's a “man thing”
and we hardly appreciate women for this wonderful invention. So the next time you drink a
beer or see someone drinking one, it should remind you of the beautiful things women have
done to make the world an enjoyable place to live in.

4. Tips for composition:

In this session you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that help
you with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the
next step!


What do we need to show our ideas? Let’s say we are doing a skills assessment, a
speaking test or worst! The mock test! To prepare your presentations you need some
ideas to organize yourself in order to be successful. Mind maps are an easy tool that
help students to organize their conflicted thoughts.

It’s easy!

When you have a presentation and time to prepare yourself these concepts will help

1- What is the main topic? Choose one or the one given by the teacher will be
2- You will need some branches to develop your main topic, the more ideas that
complement your topic the better.
3- Put some keywords that help you remember.
4- Add colors and images, draw if it is necessary! Those pictures will be full of
meaning for you to write.

Mind maps are excellent tools to help you memorize and organize yourself.

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4.1 Choose one topic you are interested in. Then, complete the following information
and create a mind map in order to organize the information.

1- TOPIC: _______________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________


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We use the simple past tense to talk about a completed action in the past.

Remember: In the simple past tense we need to be aware about:

a. The auxiliary: Did

b. The regular verbs
c. The irregular verbs

We use the auxiliary to make negative sentences

I didn’t drink that!

Remember, the verb doesn’t change when an auxiliary is in the sentence.

Then, we have the regular verbs. They are regulars because they follow some rules. In most
of the cases, the ending is –ed, sometimes –ied.

I tried to call her yesterday.

I walked home because I was so drunk!

But, there are special verbs that don’t follow rules. So, you have to learn them by heart.

Taken from

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Don’t forget the question structure!

Wh + did+ subject + Verb + Complement?

What did you drink yesterday?

Where did she party last Saturday?


Writing about yourself can have different applications, for example as an ice breaker in an
online chat when you are meeting someone, maybe in your CV when you want to look
appealing to the employer or when you start writing your Oral presentation. But, what
should you focus on?

1- Focus on your habits. For example, “In my free time, I swim for 2 hours and I go bike
riding. But this week, I couldn’t because I had to study for a test.”
2- Focus on your likes. “I loved running, however after the accident, I had to stop”
3- Focus on your personal interest, “In my last job, I was the coordinator of the
advertisement branch. Right now, I want to explore new fields, for example quality

Don’t forget that according to your purpose you will need to modify your register whether
formal or informal English. So, keep an eye on your words. You don’t want to sound informal
in an interview, do you?

4.2 Write 5 sentences with the things you were interested in when you were a child
and 5 more about the things you weren’t.

Things you were interested in



3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________


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Things you weren’t interested in

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

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My final composition
Communicative goals:
 Articulate all the goals described along the Writing Assessments and compose a
text for the Oral Presentation.

1. Think about…

1. Do you think the tips in the

previous writing practices can help
you to articulate your oral

2. Would you prefer to create a text

using your own experiences or using
historical/scientific facts?

Articulate: Express an idea or feeling.

Fact: A thing that is proved to be true.

2. Words matter!
To do well in this lesson it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete
the following exercise. At the end you will learn more vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. I have to pick the best option.

- Reject - Select/choose

b. When the teacher wants to carry out a speaking activity, he holds a brainstorming activity
so we come up with ideas.

- Share ideas - Something funny.

c. There were many options so they had to narrow them down.

- To choose. - To limit.

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d. After the trip, Brian was full of anecdotes of the experience.

- Stories. - Jokes.

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Sum up ( ) A A piece of work.
2 Ensure ( ) B Describe something as briefly as possible.
3 Outline ( ) C Make sure that something is going to happen.
4 Task ( ) D A general description or plan of a topic.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text. Francisco is one of the most popular teachers in ASW as he
loves writing. Take a look of the advice he gives to his students.

Most of my students are worried or scared when they have to create a written composition.
Organizing and structuring the text and ideas can be hard for some people. That is the
reason why I decided to write this short article to mention some tips for writing better texts.

First of all you have to pick a topic. You

can start brainstorming and writing
down some ideas that come to your
mind. Then, narrow the ideas down and
choose an interesting topic depending
on your interests. After that, you should
organize your thoughts. Try to connect
your ideas using a diagram. If you prefer,
you can also create an outline
mentioning the topic and listing smaller
ideas related to it. This can be used as a
‘skeleton’ that is going to help you to
write a more organized text.
After that, it is time to start writing. Write an introduction that captures the attention of the
readers. Then, it is time to develop your ideas in the body of the text. Explain the topic and
mention relevant information and examples. If you are describing a personal experience, you
can try mentioning anecdotes. Finally, write a conclusion which should sum up the ideas
you mention in the text.

I&D Team 2018

Some personal advice, read and reread your paper to ensure everything is OK. Check the
grammar and vocabulary and make the necessary corrections. If possible, ask one of your
friends to check the text.

To conclude, although some people can consider the writing process as a difficult task, it
only takes a little bit of organization, planning, revision and obviously, loving what you do!

4. Tips for composition:

In this session you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that help
you with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the
next step!

Let’s take a look of all the grammar and composition topics of the previous writing
practices so they can guide you with your final text for the oral presentation.

Writing practice 1  Write about likes and dislikes.

 Skills and abilities.
 Giving examples and pointing out references.
Writing practice 2  Using adjectives – Nouns as subjects or objects in the
 Comparison and contrast based on descriptions.
Writing practice 3  Writing simple personal emails/letters.
 Description of experiences, feelings and reactions.
Writing practice 4  Using time expressions.
 Describing objects.
 Giving instructions.
Writing practice 5  Writing with a simple linear sequence.
 Concluding an idea.
 Describing experiences, feelings and reactions.
Writing practice 6  Stating a problem/solution.
 Writing a basic formal letter.
Writing practice 7  Describing past events.
 Organizing ideas and information.
 Describing personal interests.

I&D Team 2018

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