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Watch me Rolly poly !

September 2019 Teacher: Liz

Khaled a few months ago I wrote about your advanced physical
skills and how you were attempting to follow the older children
and do a rolly poly. At that time you needed my help to push
you over, but look at you now!
It was a rainy day so set up a mat for our future gymnasts to
practice. To my surprise without any hesitation you did a run-
ning dive into a rolly poly and you were successful!
You were so proud of yourself, but when I praised you gave me
a look as if to say that’s nothing! Of course I can do it! I love
your confidence! And your quiet self achievement. You didn't
need me to notice you!
Khaled, you set yourself a goal, I don't know how many times
you had attempted a rolly poly before today, but you knew
what to do and you were confident in self and knew what the
movement looked like, and you were able to achieve the goal
Being able to observe the older children and your big brother
certainly spurs you on to achieve. Your physical skills, strength
and balance are pretty unbelievable! I'm sure you have all
kinds of sports to look for in your future. Remember us when
your rich & famous! Masha Allah!
I wonder what your next challenge will be? I wonder how we can provide
even more challenge for you? Maybe we can visit the park
again soon there is a lot there for you to conquer, heights, bal-
ance, strength, confidence & courage.

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