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Technology Acceptance Model
 Information Systems theory that models how users come to accept a
technology and how they use that technology

 Of all the theories, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is

considered the most influential and commonly employed theory for
describing an individual’s acceptance of IS
 TAM has been validated over a wide range of system and routinely
explains up to 40% of usage intentions and 30% of systems usage
Determinants – Perceived Ease of Use

Determinants – Perceived Usefulness

Technology Adoption Lifecycle (TALC)
 First introduced by Everett Rogers in 1962 as part of his
diffusion research..
 Sociological model that describes the adoption or acceptance of
a new product or innovation, according to the demographic and
psychological characteristics of defined adopter groups
 Divides potential new technology adopters into five adopter
categories or segments, according to the degree to which a person
is ready to adopt innovative products or services as compared to
the rest of society.
 This is the cycle in which your market will begin using your new
technology - Whether you are building an eCommerce store, a web
application, a communication portal for your customers, or some other
grand vision

Technology Adoption Lifecycle (TALC)

Technology Adoption Lifecycle (TALC)
 Innovators (Technology enthusiasts) - First to commit to new technology
 first individuals to adopt an innovation
 Their role is one of gatekeeper, providing access to the next segment of buyers.
 Catch phrase: This is cool technology.
 Early adopters (Visionaries) - Relying on intuition and vision, these individuals
appreciate the benefits of a new technology.
 Driven to embrace the new technology to gain a competitive advantage.
 Willing to accept a solution that is not entirely complete, and they are prepared to
commit the required resources and effort to make the technology work.
 Catch phrase: I can see the impact.
 Early majority (Pragmatists) - Methodical and pragmatic in their approach to
solving problems
 Rely on hard, proven data and facts
 Tend to buy from the market leader.
 look for a safe purchase and adopt an innovation after a varying degree of time.
 Catch phrase: Show me or Prove me
Technology Adoption Lifecycle (TALC)
 Late majority (Conservatives) - Price-sensitive and demanding,
 Approaches with high degree of skepticism
 Adopt a new technology so that they are not left behind.
 Like the pragmatists, they require facts and a proven track record, but this
information needs to be extremely thorough and proven to be reliable.
 Catch phrase : Everyone else is doing it, so I guess we have to.
 Laggards (Skeptics) - Never adopting new technology & majorly in
criticism mode.
 Uses established legacy systems until the option is no longer available.
 Catch phrase: That will never work. The old way is the best way.
 Split of market groups in adopting a technology
 68% of between Pragmatists and Conservatives
 16% of represented by Innovators and Visionaries
 16% are still laggards
Valley of Death (VoD)
 The chasm represents the gulf between two distinct marketplaces -
early market dominated by early adopters (Visionaries) and the
conservative mainstream market where the financial returns can be
delivered (Pragmatists)
 In the chasm the product category encounters a pause in market
 The length of the pause depends on how radical is the disruptive
 The pause occurs often due to weak or incomplete value chains and
because pragmatists do not trust visionaries as a reference.
 Members of the pragmatic Early Majority, value their peers’ opinions
and experiences far more than their own desire to remain on the cutting
edge of technology
 Pagers, Blu Ray technology, Disc Man, MP3 players did not make it
to the early majority stage
Phases of Hype Cycle
Hype Cycle for ICT in India, 2019
Effective IT Adoption process

Ghobakhloo, M., Hong, T. S., Sabouri, M. S., & Zulkifli, N. (2012). Strategies for successful information technology adoption in
small and medium-sized enterprises

Reasons for Failure of IT Adoption


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