Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation Are Treatments For Severe Kidney Failure

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Dialysis and kidney transplantation are treatments

for severe kidney failure, also called renal failure,

stage 5 chronic kidney disease, and end-stage renal
disease.When the kidneys are no longer working
effectively, waste products and fluid build up in the
blood. Dialysis takes over a portion of the function
of the failing kidneys to remove the fluid and
waste. Kidney transplantation can completely take
over the function of the failing kidneys
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling
disease that randomly attacks the central
nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The
progress, severity and specific symptoms of the
disease cannot be predicted; symptoms may
range from tingling and numbness to paralysis
and blindness. MS is a devastating disease
because people live with its unpredictable
physical and emotional effects for the rest of
their lives.

Insulin decrease the glucose level in the blood and

prevents occurence of diabetes.
Prevention of Surgical Site Infection
 It is very important that you
wash your hands before
changing your dressings or
touching your surgical site.
 Touch surgical site or area around
incision as little as possible.
 Keep everything that comes in
contact with the area as clean as
 No soaking of wound in water until
sutures or staples are out and wound
is completely healed. May shower
after 72 hours.
 Refer to your discharge instructions
regarding how often to change the
 If prescribed antibiotics, take until
 Watch for signs of infection:
o Increased redness or swelling

o Increased pain

o Purulent (thick yellowish

drainage) drainage from the

o Fever

o Red streaks from incision

A pilonidal cyst occurs at the bottom of

the tailbone (coccyx) and can become infected
and filled with pus. Once infected, the technical
term is pilonidal abscess. Pilonidal abscesses
look like a large pimple at the bottom of the
tailbone, just above the crack of the buttocks. It
is more common in men than in women. It
usually happens in young people up into the
fourth decade of life.

After surgery, medications and

immobility can cause constipation. Here
are some helpful tips to assist in
preventing this common problem.
 Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.
 Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
 Be aware of your bowel pattern. If
you notice changes, then take
action! If you miss 2 or 3 or your
usual bowel movements, or you
begin to feel uncomfortable, you may
need a gentle oral laxative or stool
 Eat light meals 2 days prior to your
 Do not take laxatives the day before
or the day or your surgery.
 Enemas are not given prior to
surgery, so you will be much more
comfortable if your bowels are
regulated prior to surgery.

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