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Chapter 2: Forward Kinematics

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan Ba

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2.1 Introduction

2.2 Degree of freedom (Bậc tự do)

2.3 Link description (Sự biểu diễn của các thanh liên kết)

2.4 Link-connection description (Biểu diễn sự kết nối của các thanh liên kết)

2.5 Convention for affixing frames to links (Các qui ước gán các hệ trục tọa độ đến các thanh liên kết)

2.6 Manipulator kinematics (Động học của robot)

2.7 Examples

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 2

2.1 Introduction

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 3

Review - Fundamental terms (Các thành phần cơ bản )defined in robotics

Coordinate systems or frames {B}, {J1},…, {EE}

Joint-based state variables Joint angle, velocity…

Joint-based control signals Joint torque…

Link parameters Link length, offset..

End-effector-based state variables Cartesian position,

End-effector-based control signals EE force, torque…

Fig. C2.1.1: A typical robot configuration

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 4

Motivation (Động lực) - Example 1

2 ( xee , yee )
y0 l2 = 1 There are several ways to find:

1 l1 = 2  xee = f x (1 , 2 );

 yee = f y (1 , 2 );
Fig. C2. 1. 2: A simple robot

1) Find ( xee , yee ) =300 ,

2 =−45
−900  1  900 ;
2) Using Matlab, plot the feasible range of ( xee , yee ) w.r.t 
−90   2  0 ;
0 0

max( xee )?
min( xee )?
max( yee )?
min( yee )?

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 5

Motivation (Động lực) - Example 2

How to find:  xee = f x (1 , 2 );

 yee = f y (1 , 2 );

Fig. C2. 1. 5: A redundancy robot

Fig. C2. 1. 4: PUMA 560

Fig. C2. 1. 3: An excavator

Fig. C2. 1. 2: A simple robot Need to develop a general method?

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 6

What is kinematics?

Coordinate systems or frames {B}, {J1},…, {EE}

Joint-based state variables Joint angle, velocity…

Joint-based control signals Joint torque…

Link parameters Link length, offset..

End-effector-based state variables Cartesian position,

End-effector-based control signals EE force, torque…

Forward kinematics

Fig. C1.1.1: A typical robot configuration Joint-based state variables End-effector-based state variables
Inverse kinematics

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 7


2 ( xee , yee )
y0 l2 = 1 Forward kinematics (Động học thuận):

1 l1 = 2  xee = f x (1 , 2 );

 yee = f y (1 , 2 );
Fig. C2. 1. 2: A simple robot
It’s possible to compute and control the desired end-effector position.

It’s able to derive the velocity and acceleration of the end-effector and joints.

It provides the basis to derive dynamics of the robot.

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 8

2.2 Degree of freedom (Bậc tự do)

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 9


In Robotics, degree of freedom (DOF) of an object is the number of independent parameters that define its

Examples: (6DOF) (1DOF)


A point in space A single body in space

(Vật thể đơn) A constrained single body in space
(Vật thể đơn bị ràng buộc)


A ball joint in space

(Khớp cầu)

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 10

Joint type

Fig. C2. 2. 1: Several joint type

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 11

Number of DOF of Robot

In space (3D):

M = 6(n − 1) −  (6 − f )
j =1

n: number of rigid bodies (including ground)

m: number of joints
In planar (2D): fj: number of DOF at j-th joint

M = 3(n − 1) −  (3 − f )
j =1

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 12

m n: number of rigid bodies (including ground)
n = 3
j =1

M = 3(n − 1) − (3 − f j ) m: number of joints
 fj: number of DOF at j-th joint
m = 2 M =2
 f =1
 1,2
Fig. C2. 2. 2: Example 1
M =?

Fig. C2. 2. 4: Example 3

M =?

Fig. C2. 2. 3: Example 2 M =?

M =?

Fig. C2. 2. 5: Example 4

Fig. C2. 2. 6: Example 5
Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 13
2.3 Link description (Biểu diễn của các thanh liên kết)

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 14

Review - Fundamental terms (Các thành phần cơ bản ) defined in robotics

Coordinate systems or frames {B}, {J1},…, {EE}

Joint-based state variables Joint angle, velocity…

Joint-based control signals Joint torque…

Link parameters Link length, offset..

End-effector-based state variables Cartesian position,

End-effector-based control signals EE force, torque…

Fig. C2.1.1: A typical robot configuration

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 15

Basic configuration of a link

A link is considered only as a rigid body that defines the relationship

between two neighboring joint (các khớp liền nhau) axes of a

Link description reflects the relationship of two axes (lines).

Fig. C2.3.1: A general link

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 16

Relationship of two given lines

rs a = 0,  0

r // s ?

rs ?

 rs ?

Fig. C2.3.2: Two given line

y Line distance: a

Easier way to distinguish the relationship?

Line angle: 

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 17

Link description

A link is considered only as a rigid body that defines the relationship

between two neighboring joint (các khớp liền nhau) axes of a

Link description is the relationship of two axes (lines).

Fig. C2.3.3: Link description

Line distance: a Link length: a

Line angle:  Link twist (góc xoắn): 

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 18

Link description - Examples

Link length: a5?

Link length: a1?

Link twist (góc xoắn): 5?

Link twist (góc xoắn): 1?

Fig. C2.3.4: Example 1

Fig. C2.3.5: Example 2

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 19

2.4 Link-connection description (Biểu diễn sự kết nối của các
thanh liên kết)

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 20

Review - Fundamental terms (Các thành phần cơ bản )defined in robotics

Coordinate systems or frames {B}, {J1},…, {EE}

Joint-based state variables Joint angle, velocity…

Joint-based control signals Joint torque…

Link parameters Link length, offset..

End-effector-based state variables Cartesian position,

End-effector-based control signals EE force, torque…

Fig. C2.1.1: A typical robot configuration

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 21

Link-connection description

A link is described as a specified line segment.

Link-connection description reflects the relationship of two special

line segments (đoạn thẳng đặc biệt).

Fig. C2.4.1: Link description

Line distance: d Link offset: d

Line angle:  Joint angle: 

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 22

2.5 Convention for affixing frames to links (Qui tắc gán hệ trục
tọa độ cho các thanh liên kết)

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 23

Review - Fundamental terms (Các thành phần cơ bản )defined in robotics

Coordinate systems or frames {B}, {J1},…, {EE}

Joint-based state variables Joint angle, velocity…

Joint-based control signals Joint torque…

Link parameters Link length, offset..

End-effector-based state variables Cartesian position,

End-effector-based control signals EE force, torque…

Fig. C2.1.1: A typical robot configuration

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 24

Objective and rules

The frame attachment should ensure the homogenous transformation of two neighboring links and whole robot
as simple as possible.

Rules: 1) Frame {i} is attached to link {i}

2) zi axis is chosen along the ith joint exis.

3) xi axis is chosen along the common perpendicular of the two axes (zi and zi+1 ).

4) yi axis is chosen to complete a right-hand coordinate system.

5) The frame {0} is chosen to match {1} when the first joint variable is zero.

6) The frame {N} can be freely chosen but generally ensure as many linkage parameters as possible become zero.

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 25

Determination of link parameters (Xác định các thông số thanh liên kết) or Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters

Fig. C2.5.1: Link frames attached

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 26

Example 1

2 ( xee , yee )
y0 l2 = 1

1 l1 = 2

Fig. C2. 5. 2: A 2R robot

1) Set the link frames

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description?

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 27

Example 2

1) Set the link frames.

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description?

Fig. C2. 5. 3: A 3R robot


Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 28

Example 3

1) Set the link frames.

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description?

Fig. C2. 5. 4: Another 3R robot

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 29

Example 4

1) Set the link frames.

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description?

Fig. C2. 5. 5: Another 3R robot

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 30

Example 4

1) Set the link frames.

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description?

Fig. C2. 5. 6: Apart of PUMA robot

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 31

2.6 Forward kinematics

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 32

Link transformation (chuyển đổi đồng nhất giữa các thanh liên kết)

Fig. C2. 6. 1:

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 33

Concatenating Link transformation (chuyển đổi đồng nhất của robot)

Fig. C2. 6. 2: End-effector transformation

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 34

2.7 Examples

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 35

Example 4

1) Set the link frames.

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description?
3) Compute the link transformation.(forward kinematics)

Fig. C2. 5. 5: Another 3R robot

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 36

Example 1

1) Set the link frames.

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description.
3) Compute the link transformation.

Fig. C2.3.5: Example 1

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 37

Example 2

1) Set the link frames.

2) Find Denavit-Hartenberg table for link description.
3) Compute the link transformation.
Fig. C2.3.5: PUMA560

Instructor: Dr. Dang Xuan ba 38

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