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The IFRS for SMEs is intended to apply to the general purpose financial statements of entities

that do not have public accountability (see Section 1 Small and Medium-sized Entities).

The IFRS for SMEs includes mandatory requirements and other material (non-mandatory) that is

published with it.

The material that is not mandatory includes:

 a preface, which provides a general introduction to the IFRS for SMEs and explains its

purpose, structure and authority.

 implementation guidance, which includes illustrative financial statements and a

disclosure checklist.

 the Basis for Conclusions, which summarises the IASB’s main considerations in reaching

its conclusions in the IFRS for SMEs.

 the dissenting opinion of an IASB member who did not agree with the publication of the
IFRS for SMEs.

In the IFRS for SMEs the Glossary is part of the mandatory requirements.

In the IFRS for SMEs there are appendices in Section 21 Provisions and Contingencies,

Section 22 Liabilities and Equity and Section 23 Revenue. Those appendices are non-mandatory


Introduction to the requirements

The objective of general purpose financial statements of a small or medium-sized entity is to

provide information about the entity’s financial position, performance and cash flows that is

useful for economic decision-making by a broad range of users who are not in a position to

demand reports tailored to meet their particular information needs. Almost all sections of the

IFRS for SMEs specify disclosures, most of which are presented in the notes to the financial

statements. Moreover, additional disclosures are required when compliance with the specific
requirements in the IFRS for SMEs is insufficient to enable users to understand the effect of

particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity’s financial position,

financial performance and cash flows (see paragraphs 3.2 and 8.2(c)).

Section 8 Notes to the Financial Statements sets out the principles underlying information that is

to be presented in the notes to the financial statements and how to present it. It specifies the

structure of the notes and requires disclosure of significant accounting policies selected and of

the most sensitive estimates and other judgements made in applying those accounting


Disclosure of the most important of these judgements enables users of financial statements to

understand better how the accounting policies are applied and to make comparisons between

entities regarding the basis on which managements make these judgements.

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