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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Procedure to Turn On / Send to Specified Point (Home) / Check Axes

Turn On

1. Release three Emergency Stop buttons (one on the MRC Controller front panel,
one on the Teach Pendant, and one on the Safety circuit control panel.) by turning
them clockwise.
2. Turn main power switch on
3. On MRC Controller front panel select Mode: TEACH and Cycle: STEP
4. If there is an Axis Alarm message on the Teach Pendant Screen, note which axes
are highlighted on the SLURBT display, then press F5 (RESET)

Check "Specified Point"

(Note: if there is an error in input, press Cancel key)

1. Servo Power On (Hold 3 Seconds)

2. Enable key On
4. Press F3 (SPEC PT)
5. Press F1 (POSN CHG)
6. Set manual coordinate system to JOINT (using COORD key)
7. Set manual speed to MED (using MAN SPD keys)
8. Press and hold the FWD key. The robot will move to its HOME position. When
all axes read 0 pulses in the right-hand column, the robot arm will stop moving
9. Press F4 (CHECK) (If this option is not available it’s not needed – just carry on.)
10. Press F5 (QUIT)

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Moving the Arm

1. Turn Servo Power On (Hold 3 Seconds)

2. Enable key On

Joint Mode

3. Set manual coordinate system to JOINT (using COORD key)

4. Set manual speed to MED (using MAN SPD keys)
5. Move the arm using the 12 axis keys. Learn which keys move each joint

World/Cylindrical Mode

6. Set manual coordinate system to WLD/CYL (using COORD key)

7. Move the arm using the 12 axis keys. Learn what happens to the arm as each key
is pressed

Tool Mode

8. Set manual coordinate system to TOOL (using COORD key)

9. Move the arm using the 12 axis keys. Learn what happens to the arm as each key
is pressed

User Mode

10. The use of User Reference Frames is an advanced concept that will be dealt with

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Procedure to create a New Job and Teach a simple program

1. Initialize the robot according to instructions in Section 1

2. On MRC Controller front panel select Mode: TEACH and Cycle: STEP

Create a New Job

1. Press DISP key to get to the top menu.

2. Press Select key
3. F2 (NEW JOB)

Note cursor is on Input Line. Enter the new Job Name using the numerical keypad
for numbers and the ABC menu for alphabet characters. Use the Shift (up arrow
key beside the menu keys) to access the next menu level.

4. Press Shift Key. Select F1 (ABC)

5. Use cursor keys to select the desired character
6. Press Enter to write the character in the input line
7. Repeat for desired alphabet characters
8. Use the Shift key to return to the first menu level
9. press F5 (QUIT) to stop entering alphabet characters
10. Press Enter to save the job name

Teach a Simple Program (using newly created job)

1. Turn Servo Power On (Hold 3 Seconds)

2. Enable key On
3. Set manual coordinate system to JOINT (using COORD key)
4. Set manual speed to MED (using MAN SPD keys)
5. Use MOTION TYPE key to select MOVJ (joint move) programming
6. Select PLAY SPD Key; move cursor to 25%; then deselect PLAY SPD (press it
again). This must be done before any location points are registered.
7. Press DISPLAY, then press F1 (JOB), then press EDIT
8. Make sure the cursor is moved to the Left side of the display (left side and right
side of the screen present different editing menus.)
9. Press Enter to Save the Home position as the first location (assuming you have
done the start-up properly and the robot is at Home position. If not, do the
Specified Point check first.)
10. Move the arm using the axis keys
11. Press Enter to Save each new location
12. If needed, enter Gripper commands as explained below
13. At the end of your program save the Home position as the last location, using the
following procedure:
1. Use cursor keys to place cursor on line 1 (previously saved as Home

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

2. Hold the FWD key until the robot stops moving at the home position
3. Use cursor keys to place cursor on last line (the last position saved)
4. Press Enter to insert a final MOVJ command to the Home position

Using the Gripper

To program the gripper:

1. Press F3 (DEVICE)
2. F1 (HAND)
3. F1 (CONST)
4. At the prompt Tool_no= , press 2, then ENTER
5. F1 (CONST)
6. F2 (ON) or F5 (OFF)
7. Press ENTER to insert the command in your program. If you want to
insert the command in the middle of your program you must select the
Insert Mode key before pressing ENTER.

Note: If you need to activate the gripper manually, press the (STAR) button and the
TOOL2 ON/OFF button (Number Pad 3) together. Each time you press this combination
the gripper cycles open and closed.

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Additional Programming / Editing Procedures

Select an Existing Job

If, for any reason, you are returning to your job after someone else has worked on a
different job, retrieve your job using

1. Press SELECT
2. F4 (SEL JOB)
3. Move cursor to your job
5. Press EDIT

Move your cursor to the desired line and continue.

Adding lines at the end of a job

1. Move the cursor to the last existing line

2. Position the robot
3. Make sure you have the desired speed and motion type settings
4. Press Enter to register a new position.

Inserting lines

1. Move the cursor to the line preceding the desired insert point
2. Position the robot
3. Make sure you have the desired speed and motion type settings
4. Press the INSERT key
5. Press Enter to register a new position

Modifying an existing position

1. Move the cursor to the line to be changed

2. Position the robot
3. Press the MODIFY key
4. Press Enter to register a revised location

Changing the motion type of a specific location

1. Move the cursor to the line to be changed

2. Move the cursor to the right to highlight the motion type
3. Press EDIT
4. Press F3(INTRPL)
5. Select the desired motion type
6. Press Enter to register the new motion type

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Selected Topics

Changing the speed of a specific move instruction

1. Move the cursor to the line to be changed

2. Move the cursor to the right to highlight the motion type
3. Press EDIT
4. Press F2 (SPEED)
5. Select the speed type (VJ for MOVJ or V for MOVL or MOVC)
6. Enter a value and press Enter to register the new speed

The system will jump to the next similar type of motion and allow you to change it by
pressing ENTER, or Skip it by pressing F1 (SKIP), or end the operation with F5 (QUIT).

Creating a Time Delay

Make sure the Control panel is in TEACH Mode and the current job is displayed on the
Teach Pendant.

1. Move the cursor to the point where the time delay is to be inserted
2. Press EDIT
4. F3 (TIMER)
5. Enter the time in seconds
6. Press ENTER to insert the value into the edit buffer
7. Press ENTER to insert the command into the program

Using Positioning Level for Reduced Accuracy Motions

1. Teach all desired locations

2. Move the cursor to the line you want to change
3. Move the cursor to the right side of the line. A new menu appears.
4. Press F1 (Line Edit)
5. Press the Shift Up key
6. Press F5 (PL)
7. Enter a value for the PL (4 for lowest accuracy, 0 for highest)
8. Press Enter to complete the command.

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Procedure to Run a Program

Run a Simple Program

1. Press Select key

2. Press the More key to get more menu choices
3. F1 (UNLOCK) to release the Teach Pendant safety interlock
4. De-Select ENABLE button (NOTE: if you skip this step you will get an ALARM
when you push START – if that happens, just press the CANCEL button and
carry on)

Single Step Testing Mode

5. On MRC Controller front panel select Mode: PLAY and Cycle: STEP
6. Step though the program using START button on the front panel.

Single Cycle Run Mode

7. On MRC Controller front panel select Mode: PLAY and Cycle: 1 CYCLE
8. Press START to run the program through once

Continuous Run (Automatic) Mode

9. On MRC Controller front panel select Mode: PLAY and Cycle: AUTO
10. Press START to run the program through continuously

Return to Teach Mode

11. On MRC Controller front panel select HOLD to pause the robot
12. On MRC Controller front panel select Mode: TEACH and Cycle: STEP
13. On Teach Pendant Press DISP key to get to the top menu

Testing Locations using the FWD and Manual Speed settings

When you are done teaching, use the arrow keys to place the cursor at line 0001, the first
MOVJ to Home position.

1. Make sure the Servo and Enable LED's are still on.
2. Set MAN SPD to MED
3. Press FWD and hold. If the robot is at Home position and you are trying to move
it to Home position, nothing will happen.
4. Move the cursor to the next line, press and hold FWD until the robot stops
5. Set the MAN SPD to FST, move the cursor to the next line, hold FWD, and notice
the difference in speed.

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Selected Topics

6. Move the cursor to the next line, and hold HIGH SPD then hold FWD, and notice
the difference.

Testing motion path using the TEST-START / FWD sequence

Move the cursor to line 0000, the NOP instruction

1. Make sure the Servo and Enable LED's are still on.
2. Hold TEST-START and press FWD once to start the sequence

The program will continue (using whichever CYCLE mode - STEP, 1CYCLE or
AUTO is set on the controller front panel) as long as TEST-START is held. Once
the motion stops, TEST-START must be released before the sequence can be

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Saving Jobs to Diskette or Flash Drive

The FDE for Windows software for saving files from the Motoman runs only on
Windows 95/98. If the FDE software is not running, you can start it by clicking the icon
on the Windows desktop.

Make sure that communications (COMM Port) are OPEN.

When files are saved from the Motoman, they will appear in the Motoman folder on the
Win98 machine. From there they can be dragged to the Floppy Drive icon or the USB
Key icon. Do not leave them on the computer – they will be erased!

The following instructions are performed on the MRC Teach Pendant.

To save files from the controller to your diskette

1. Make sure the FDE software is initialized properly

2. Press FUNC
3. Press F1(FDD)
4. Press F1(FC1)
5. Place the cursor on JOB
6. Press F2(SAVE)
7. When the job list is shown, place the cursor next to the job you wish to save and
press F1(EACH). This will mark the job to be downloaded
8. After you have selected all the jobs you want to save, press F5(EXECUTE) and
wait until the download is complete

To bring files from your diskette back to the controller

1. Make sure the FDE software is initialized properly

2. Press FUNC
3. Press F1(FDD)
4. Press F1(FC1)
5. Place the cursor on JOB
6. Press F1(LOAD)

The rest of the procedure is the same as for saving.

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Selected Topics

Saving Position Variables to Diskette

To save files from the controller to your diskette

1. Press FUNC
2. Press F1 (FDD)
3. Press F1 (FC1)
5. Press F2 (SAVE)
6. Move the Cursor down to VARIABLE DATA
7. Press F1 (EACH) (This will mark the VAR.DAT file to be saved)
8. Press F5 (EXECUTE) and wait until the save operation is complete

To bring files from your diskette back to the controller

1. Press FUNC
2. Press F1 (FDD)
3. Press F1 (FC1)
5. Press F1 (LOAD)
6. Move the Cursor down to VARIABLE DATA
7. Press F1 (EACH) (This will mark the VAR.DAT file to be loaded back to the
8. Press F5 (EXECUTE) and wait until the download is complete

Deleting Files from the Controller

1. Press DISP
2. F1 (JOB)
3. F1 (DIS CHG)
4. F5 (LIST2) (Programs will be listed in date order)
5. Press EDIT
6. Place the cursor on Job to delete
7. F2 (DELETE)

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Reading and Controlling External Devices

Input Command

In Edit mode:
1. F1 (IN/OUT)
2. F3 (WAIT)
3. F1 (UNIV IN )
4. F1 (CONST)
5. At the prompt Input_no= , press 1 or 2 etc., then ENTER (enter the input number
attached to the sensor you want to read.)
6. F1 (CONST)
7. F2 (ON) or F5 (OFF)
8. Press ENTER to insert the command in your program. If you want to insert the
command in the middle of your program you must select the Insert Mode key
before pressing ENTER.

Note in step 7, if you select ON, the program will pause until the sensor is ON; if you
select OFF, the program will pause until the sensor is OFF.

Output Command

In Edit mode:
9. F1 (IN/OUT)
10. F1 (DOUT)
11. F1 (UNIV OT )
12. At the prompt Output_no= , press 5 or 6, etc., then ENTER (enter the output
number attached to the device you want to activate.)
13. F1 (CONST)
14. F2 (ON) or F5 (OFF)
15. Press ENTER to insert the command in your program. If you want to insert the
command in the middle of your program you must select the Insert Mode key
before pressing ENTER.

Manually Activate Output Devices

1. Press DISP
2. F5 (DIAG)
3. F2 (UNIV OT)
4. Press EDIT
5. Move Cursor Up/Down to select an Output
6. Press F4 (ON) or F5 (OFF)

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Motoman Manual

Selected Topics

Program Flow

Using the CALL instruction to jump to a sub-program

Make sure the Control panel is in TEACH Mode and the current job is displayed on the
Teach Pendant. This procedure assumes that the sub-program you will call already

1. Press EDIT
3. F2 (CALL)
4. F1 (NAME)
5. Move the Cursor to the sub-program you want to call
6. Press ENTER to insert the command in your program.

Using the RET instruction (usually at the end of a sub-program) to return to the
calling program

1. Press EDIT
3. Press the Shift Up key
4. F1 (RET)
5. (Optional: F1 (IF) to set conditions for returning)
6. Press ENTER to insert the command in your program.

Conditional Program Flow (Jumps, Calls and Counter Variables)

The Motoman supports a number of unconditional and conditional program flow

operations. Each can be based on a numerical condition or an I/O condition.

• The JUMP (unconditional) or JUMP IF (conditional) instruction is used to JUMP

from one part of a program to another, using a LABEL.
• The CALL or CALL IF instruction is used to CALL a sub-program.
• The RET or RET IF instruction is used to RETURN from a sub-program at some
point before the END statement is reached.
• The PAUSE or PAUSE IF instruction is used to cause a programmed HOLD
condition; the START button on the controller must be pressed to continue
execution of the program.

There are 4 types of variables available for use in numerical conditional operations. They

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Selected Topics

• INTEGERS (variables I000 to I039)

• DOUBLE PRECISION (variables D000 to D039)
• REAL (variables R000 to R039)
• BYTE (variables B000 to B039).

Setting a Label

1. Make sure the Control panel is in TEACH Mode and the current job is displayed
on the Teach Pendant.
2. Move the cursor to the correct line of the program. The LABEL will be inserted
AFTER the cursor
3. Press EDIT
5. F4 (LABEL)
6. If you want to use Alphabetic characters, use Menu Shift Up -> F1 (ABC)
7. The system will automatically mark the LABEL with an asterisk. LABELs can
have 8 characters. After you have entered the label text, press F5 (QUIT)
8. Press ENTER to insert the text into the edit buffer
9. If you are not appending this instruction to the end of the program, you must
activate the INSERT key to insert the instruction or MODIFY key to change the
current line.
10. Press ENTER to insert the LABEL into the program

Using the JUMP IF Instruction

1. Make sure the Control panel is in TEACH Mode and the current job is displayed
on the Teach Pendant.
2. Move the cursor to the correct line of the program
3. Press EDIT
5. F1 (JUMP)
6. F1 (LABEL)
7. If you want to use Alphabetic characters, use Menu Shift Up -> F1 (ABC)
8. After you have entered the label text, press F5 (QUIT)
9. Press ENTER to insert the text into the edit buffer
10. Menu Shift Up
11. F1 (IF) (Turn the JUMP instruction into a JUMP IF)

Using a Condition based on I/O

12. F1 (UNIV IN)

13. At the prompt Input_no= , press 1 or 2 etc., then ENTER (enter the input number
attached to the sensor you want to read.)
14. F1 (CONST)
15. F2 (ON) or F5 (OFF)

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16. Press ENTER to insert the JUMP IF instruction into the program


Using a Condition based on a Variable

12. F3 (VAR) (the condition will be based on a variable

13. F2 (I) (The variable type is INTEGER)
14. Enter the variable address, then Press ENTER
15. Select the comparison function that applies (equals, greater, less etc.) using the
appropriate F() key
16. To compare the variable to a constant:

1. F1 (CONST)
2. Enter the numerical value
3. Press ENTER

To compare the variable to another variable:

4. F2 (VAR)
5. F2 (I)
6. Enter variable address
7. Press ENTER

17. Press ENTER to insert the text into the edit buffer
18. If you are not appending this instruction to the end of the program, you must
activate the INSERT key to insert the instruction or MODIFY key to change the
current line.
19. Press ENTER to insert the JUMP IF instruction into the program

Using the SET, INC, and DEC Instructions to manipulate variables

1. Make sure the Control panel is in TEACH Mode and the current job is displayed
on the Teach Pendant.
2. Move the cursor to the correct line of the program
3. Press EDIT
4. Menu Shift Up
5. F2 (ARITH)
6. F2 (INC), or F3 (DEC), or F4 (SET)
7. F2 (I)
8. Enter the variable address
9. Press ENTER

At this point complete the INC and DEC commands by simply pressing ENTER
(remember to set the INSERT or MODIFY key if required).

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Selected Topics

SET needs the following additional steps:

10. Menu Shift Up

11. F1 (CONST), or F2 (VAR)
12. Enter the numerical value (or a simple mathematical expression if F2 (VAR) was
selected above)
13. Press ENTER to insert the text into the edit buffer
14. If you are not appending this instruction to the end of the program, you must
activate the INSERT key to insert the instruction or MODIFY key to change the
current line.
15. Press ENTER to insert the SET instruction into the program

Editing Variables

1. Make sure the Control panel is in TEACH Mode and the current job is displayed
on the Teach Pendant.
2. Press DISP
3. F4 (VAR)
4. F2 (I)
5. Move cursor to variable address you wish to change
6. Press EDIT
7. Press MODIFY
8. Enter the value the variable should have
9. Press ENTER

Creating Incremental Position Variables (for short tooling motions)

Make sure the Servos are ON and the ENABLE key is activated

1. Press DISP
2. F4 (VAR)
3. Menu Shift Up
4. F1 (P) (this stands for position variable type
5. Use F2 (FILE UP) or F3 (FILE DN) to select a P variable to edit. (P variables
range from P000 to P127)
6. Use F3 (DATA CL) to erase the current value of the variable
8. F2 (XYZ) (not always required)
9. F2 (COORD) (not always required)
10. F2 (ROBOT) (indicate that this position variable refers to the robot coordinate
11. Move Cursor to Coordinate (for this lab use Z)
12. Make sure the MODIFY key light is on
13. Key in the distance in MM. (use 50 or -50 for this lab)

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Selected Topics

14. Press ENTER

15. F5 (QUIT)

Using An Incremental Move in a Program

Make sure the Control panel is in TEACH Mode and the current job is displayed on the
Teach Pendant.

1. Move the cursor to the point where the incremental motion is to be inserted
2. Press EDIT
3. Menu Shift Up
4. F1 (MOTION)
5. F5 (IMOV)
6. F1 (ROBOT)
7. F1 (P) (this incremental motion is based on a position variable)
8. Enter the number of the previously created position variable to use
9. Press ENTER
10. Menu Shift Up
11. F1 (V) (the incremental motion needs a speed)
12. F1 (CONST)
13. Enter the speed value in mm/sec
14. Press ENTER
15. Menu Shift Up
16. Menu Shift Up
17. F2 (RF) (using the robot reference frame (not a user reference frame))
18. Press ENTER

The IMOV command is now registered as an instruction in the program.

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