Benefits of A Multipurpose Furniture To The Selected Senior High School Students of Eac

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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty

of Senior High School
Emilio Aguinaldo College – Cavite

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for Senior High School 12



April 2018


We hereby certify that the thesis entitled:



is our work and that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published

or written by another person nor material to which to a substantial extent has been accepted for award

of any other degree or diploma of a university or other institution of higher learning except where due

acknowledgement is made in the text.

We also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of our work even though we

may have received assistance from others on style, presentation and language expression.

____________________________ _______________________
Tamayo, Earl Vincent M. Bola, Arwill F.

____________________________ _______________________
Botastas, Emmanuel Dominic B. Hatol, Melbert Wesley S.

Lipata, John Manuel M.


I want to give my deepest gratitude to our Almighty God. Without him, I don’t think we will be

able to accomplish and finish our research study. It is him who gave us the courage and strength to finish

what we started. That is why I’m very thankful to Him.

The first person we’re very grateful for is Ms. Maureen Madiano. For being a great subject teacher

for research who helped all of us accomplish and finalize our research study. We’re very thankful to her

because she guided all of us so that there will be no major flaws in our research.

Lastly, we would like to thank all of the people who willingly participated in the said research

study. To the group mates who cooperated at all times, to our family members who gave us support when

we can’t see the light, and to all the participants, classmates, schoolmates, friends who willingly helped

us in this magnificent journey.


In the modern era of furniture, folding furniture like chairs and tables are very popular as this were used

by people to let their home be more spacious that brings to the topic that this furniture is a multipurpose furniture.

The researchers goes to the product they named as "CHAIBLE" which is the combination of a folding chair and

a folding table and to make it to have multiple purposes for the people to use it. The researchers’ objective in this

product is to know if this product will have an ability to free up space and storage inside their home and how well

this product can benefit the Senior High School students of EAC-C. In order for the researchers to do this, they

are assigned to make their own product and build it and finish it in a designated time. The only problem that the

researchers faced doing the product is finding a good materials as the researchers think the safety of the product

when the users sits on it. They gathered materials for their product that can fit for its durability. They used palo-

china as their wood because of its strength, light colored and it's durability that fits for the product. They added

an extra features to the product where you can play chess for the entertainment.. After they finished the product,

they conducted an experimental research procedure where the selected students test the researcher’s product. In

the end, the researchers supported the alternative hypothesis. The researchers concluded that the product useful

and can benefit the users as this product can free up space and the needs of the storage.

Key words: Spacious, multiple purpose , modern era, furniture.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background of the Study.................................................................................................1
Statement of the Problems...............................................................................................3
Objective of the Study.....................................................................................................4
Scope and Delimitation...................................................................................................4
Significance of the study.................................................................................................5
Definition of Terms.........................................................................................................7
Synthesis of the Introduction...........................................................................................8
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
Literature: Local.............................................................................................................10
Literature: Foreign..........................................................................................................10
Studies: Local.................................................................................................................12
Studies: Foreign..............................................................................................................12
Theoretical Framework...................................................................................................13
Conceptual Framework...................................................................................................14
Synthesis of the Review of Related Literature................................................................15
Chapter 3: Methodology
Research Design..............................................................................................................16
Sampling Procedure and Technique................................................................................17
Research Instrument........................................................................................................18
Data Gathering Procedure................................................................................................19
Data Analysis Procedure..................................................................................................20
Synthesis of the Research Methodology..........................................................................21
Chapter 4: Presentations, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Presentations, Analysis and Interpretation of Data..........................................................23
Synthesis of the Interpretation of Data............................................................................31
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary of Findings.......................................................................................................33


Table No. Title Page

1 The Number of Participants and Frequency..............................................................23

2 The Result of Surveys................................................................................................25
3 The Mean of Statements............................................................................................26
4 The Mean of Benefits Received per Participant........................................................28


Figure No. Title Page

1 Conceptual Framework.........................................................................................14


A. Communication Letters
B. Research Instrument/s
C. Transcribed Interview
D. Curriculum Vitae of the Researchers



This part of the research paper provides relevant background of the current information from past

researches. This will effectively help the research paper set forth the history and background information on the

researchers’ thesis problem. This will help the readers understand what will be the research tells about.

Furniture are everywhere. Every home has at least more than 5 kinds of furniture. Most common furniture

that can be found are the ones that is mostly place at the living room. These are chairs, table, stools, drawers,

wardrobe, thrones, & etc. Furniture dated back to the time where Pharaohs ruled, the Ancient Egypt. These early

furniture were mostly made of wood and had ridiculously artistic designs engraved within the wood, sometimes

even gemstones are engraved in it too. The beds might as well be the earliest form of furniture as sleeping on a

comfortable position is a great innovation at the time and was then followed by wooden chairs and wooden tables.

These Egyptian chairs were then followed by Greeks, Romans, Mexicans, Medieval, Chinese, Renaissance,

English, 18th, 19th, 20th and modern chairs.

The researchers have decided to go with the research project “Chaible”, which is a combination of chair

and table and is very portable. The part of the chair where a user lies his back contorted 30 degrees from the right

angle, this is implemented in order for the chair to be more relaxing. The legs of the chaible is to be created

welding metal square bars. Then after welding it, the researchers will weld braces to the mid-bottom part of the

feet as a reinforcement. The researchers have added the capability of the chair to be transformed into a table for

camping or adventure purposes, this product would minimize their luggage. According to the statement of Mar I

u Fm-Laduc from his invention of combining folding chair and table, he stated that the present invention relates

to combination furniture and more particularly to a combination folding chair and table or tabouret. A tabouret is

a French stool which is famous in the 17th century France. He stated that when manufacturing a product the

materials must be low-cost and are mainly made from wood, plastics or metals so that when arranged and created

the product is able to resist wear and tear and even rough treatments. This statement suggest that even though the

materials to be used are low-cost, the materials are resilient like wood, plastic and metals. The main idea the\at

the statement of Fm-Laduc discussed and want the readers to understand is about the capability of furniture to

withstand the test of time and wear and tear. Another statement that supports the project is what stated by Wood

H.M & Madison, W., which is their own statement from their created product which says, This invention relates

to a combined chair, desk and table combination, the primary object of the invention being to provide a chair,

table and desk combination furniture wherein the frame thereof comprises removable sections from which the

chair or seat, and table or desk, may be readily and easily removed or replaced. The researchers also took their

idea of a combination of three furniture as one and incorporated it into their own product. The product the

researchers are going to create is the Chaible which is able to transform into 3 modes: The first on is the Chair

Mode, wherein you can sit and relax with the backrest tilted about 120 degrees but still having a straight backrest

to support the vertebrae and prevent slouching and postural problems. The second one is the Table Mode, wherein

after using the chair mode, close the chaible using the backrest as the lid and you can put anything on top of it. It

also has a design attached to the top which is a chess board. This is added as a recreational activity. The last mode

is the Compartment Mode, wherein users can put their belonging inside the chaible when not being used as a chair.

Users can store small to medium sized thing inside the chaible like cards, chess pieces, small bags, a couple of

clothes, and even food.

The research project and the product will only be tested on Senior High School Students of Emilio

Aguinaldo College-Cavite only. This means that the research gap will be the College since it will take a lot of

time when college department were to be included in the said study.


In this part of the first chapter of the research paper, the researchers will enumerate the problems that they

want to be answered in the end of the research study. The researchers will provide some solvable problems in

order for the readers to understand what they can do if they want to make the same product as the researchers.

The researchers have encountered numerous problems within the making of the product. There are

questions that the researchers wanted to be answered regarding the product Multipurpose Furniture “Chaible”.

The following are the problems within the research study the researchers want to resolve:

1.) Does the “Chaible” benefit the Selected Senior High School Students of EAC-C?

2.) What are the benefits of the product that it can offer to the users?

3.) Is it sturdy enough to endure differing weight classes?

4.) Is the product’s physical appearance is pleasing to the users?


This part of the first chapter aims to show and enumerate the objectives the researchers want to accomplish

in the end of the research study. The objectives are purposively connected to the problems or questions so that the

research study will not encounter any flaws and easily answer the research problems that are needed to be

answered in order for the research study to be successful.

1. To determine whether the product will be beneficial to the selected senior high school students of EAC-


2. To identify the benefits the product can offer to the users.

3. To test the product’s capability to resist and support different weight classes.

4. To know if the product’s physical appearance is pleasing to the users.


This section of research deals on what to expect in the body of this part. This will help the readers

understand what will be the scope of the study will be and what will be limitations the researchers will set in the

said research study.

This study focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of the product multipurpose furniture “chaible”.

The researchers will make a product as its main objective for the selected senior high school students of the Emilio

Aguinaldo College - Cavite. The students will try the chaible that the researchers will present to them to show the

abilities of it. The said product has three main modes: Chair mode, Table mode, and Compartment mode.

This research will be limited to thirty (30) participants which are the selected students of grade 11 and

grade 12 and their availability to participate in our product. The researchers will select students with different

body types and weight, this is to test the product’s durability. This product will be tested one student at a time to

test how will it endure every different weight and the researchers aim to give every participants a chance to try it



The Senior High School Students: The results will provide the knowledge on how this product will serve as an

advantage in their daily lives. The said product will be very useful for them in their daily life.

The Users: The product will greatly benefit the users as they will experience a 3-in-1 type of furniture having

chair mode, table mode, and compartment mode.

The Parents: If the product became a success, parents will not have to worry about buying chairs as the chaible

will just make the other chairs obsolete.

The Readers: As they read this research thoroughly, they can visualize what can this product can do to their daily

lives as this product can be helpful in many ways. The said product may also pave the way for future generations

of researchers and manufacturers to incorporate the design for future use.

The Future Researchers: For the future researchers, this will help them innovate more future inventions as they

can use this guide as a future instruction. Future researchers will capable of doing more things that can help the

future people for the future living.

The Engineers/Architects: This product will be a great base for many aspiring engineers and architects as the

model of the said product is highly versatile and can be somewhat implemented in their chosen careers.


The following hypotheses or “Intellectual Guesses” were brainstormed thoroughly by the researchers as the

hypothesis will be their basis whether the research have succeeded in proving the usefulness of the product.

Null Hypotheses: The product “Chaible” did not offer much benefit to its users.

Alternative Hypotheses: The product “Chaible” greatly innovated a simple chair into a multipurpose furniture, able to

benefit its users with its capabilities.


 Chaible

Conceptual Definition - a name made up by the researchers; this is to indicate the combination of chair

and table.

Operational Definition – a name made up by the researchers; this is to indicate the combination of chair
and table.

 Multipurpose
Conceptual Definition - a thing with many purposes; highly versatile.

Operational Definition - According to, multipurpose (having multiple uses)

“a multipurpose tool”.

 Versatile
Conceptual Definition – a state of being very flexible and highly capable.

Operational Definition – According to, versatile (competent in many areas

and able to turn with ease from one thing to another).

 Fusion
Conceptual Definition – a combination; mix
Operational Definition – According to, fusion; coalition (state of being
combined into one body).

 Tabouret
Conceptual Definition - a cylindrical seat or stool without arms or back; stool
Operational Definition - According to, taboret; tabouret (a low stool in the
shape of a drum).

 Withstand

Conceptual Definition – to resist something; being able to resist

Operational Definition – According to, defy, withstand, hold, hold up

(resist or confront with resistance).

 Sturdy

Conceptual Definition – durable; tough

Operational Definition – According to, sturdy, tough (substantially made or



This section aims to give clarity and point out the main points tackled and the summarization of the whole

content here in the first chapter of the Research Project. The main objective of the research project is to determine

the benefits it can offer to the users that are going to use it. For the Background of the Study, the researchers just

explained the background of the furniture and cited some related products to the Chaible as their proof that the

product is possible to create and they also stated the research gap of the study. In Statement of the Problem, the

researchers stated the problems they want to answer and the objectives they want to accomplish within the course

of the study. Next is the Scope and Delimitation of the Study wherein the researchers discussed the coverage of

the study that is being conducted and what will be the limitations of the study. Next is the Significance of the

Study in which the researchers enumerate the people groups that will greatly benefit from the said product which

are the Senior High School students, the users, the parents, the readers, the engineers/architects, the future

researchers, and lastly the researchers themselves. Next to it is the Hypotheses. In this section the researchers have

come up with a Null Hypotheses (Ho) which is "The product “Chaible” did not offer much benefit to its users."

and an Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) which is "The product “Chaible” greatly innovated a simple chair into a

multipurpose furniture, able to benefit its users with its capabilities." The research study will be totally dependent

on the hypotheses as it will state whether the researchers’ product is successful or not. Next is the Definition of

terms wherein the researchers listed all of the rare and confusing words that needs to be clarified in order for them

to be understood clearly by the readers. Lastly is the Synthesis. This part acts as the whole summary of the first


The study was made in order to give solution to the problems stated and accomplish the objectives listed

by the researchers. The research’s main purpose is to define, clarify and determine the benefits it can offer to

different people groups that will be testing it. But this time, only the Senior High School Students of EAC-C will

test it.

The researchers will conduct the said study within the premises of Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite which

is located at the Congressional East Avenue, Burol Main, Dasmarinas City, Cavite. The test subjects will be

selected individually and is available for all strands. The researchers will disclose the given time and date of when

the picked respondents will be interviewed and will present a waiver for excuse in case there were some conflicts

with the schedule.


Review of Related Literature

In this chapter, the researchers will present many related studies and literature in regard to the research

product which the Chaible.

Literature Review is a type of an academic writing or a scholarly paper, wherein the researchers

performing it includes different related study and current related knowledge regarding the research’s main topic.

It is also the search and evaluation of the available literature and studies of the given subject or chosen topic area.

Literature Review is an essential part of any research study as it will act as the main evidence that will support

the research.

Review of Related Literature

As we see in this modern age, furniture are an essential part of our everyday lives. Furniture is everywhere

we can see it in our own houses, building and etc. We can also see many businesses that is mainly towards furniture

making as it’s the best product for its usefulness. In accordance with McMahon (2016), for the lacking of space

area like offices, businesses or even inside the houses, a folding table is very more likely be usable for this

problems as this product gives many different use for the users for the product is a multipurpose. The statement

above explains that there are business places that are lacking in space which is why McMahon states that combo

furniture like chaible or something is very beneficial to its users especially in a space-lacking area. He also

asserted that the folding tables are very convenient as this product are very flexible that it can store right away in

a place where the product can be stored as this can be fold into smaller object to make the room have a bigger


Based on the statement of Christensen, M.B. (2014), the mechanism of a functional folding chairs gives

some pleasing design to the eyes of a the buyers in which the chairs gives more additional value to the product’s

feature. He also said that a simplicity of a folding and unfolding of the chair makes it more appreciated that shows

compliments from the product and uniting the value of the hearts of the consumer about the product.

From the statement of Buffart (2017), In today’s age architectural application, the functionality of a folding

products like chairs and tables are really helpful to lessen the space of the user. Utilizing this products is a good

way and idea to transform any houses with a shortage of space into a spacious area which helps the user to be less

compact inside their house. He also stated that having a multipurpose furniture provides multiple creativity as it

unleashes more potentials and more capabilities for the future users to come.

A claim by Sakanoue K., et. al, (2012), folding table’s part are very important as this will help the product

fully functional. Using specific parts for the locks, for the support and for the shaft holes will make the product

easily to use. Using the parts should be useful as this will strengthen the product itself. The producer should have

a manual on where to put the parts of the product in order for the user to know where it will be put and where will

be the designated places that should be put.

Piretti, G., (2015) states that the parts of a folding chair has an elements or parts where there is a right

measurement. If the parts has a specific measurements, like having the chair’s pair of legs parts and the rotatable

joints structure should be in a transverse axis as this will make the users be more comfortable and the chair will

not be shakier. Having a right measurement pf a chair will be more structured and fine as this will make the users

like more the product.

According to Frankel, A.D., Zheng, & S., Zheng, T., (2014), headrest is very important to a chair as this

is very universal for the product that will make it more comfortable. The model of a headrest expands the

functionality of the chair as it is attached at the top of the backrest of a folding chair. This will give the product

flexibility as for the multipurpose product as it give cleverness of the product on how the headrest be more

supportive to the products purpose of comfortability.

According to Yang, B., (2012), supporting frames of the folding product is a portion of a multipurpose

products which are called extras. Supports in an object gives an additional safety for the product. Example of

supporting frames are the backrest support, sliding sleeves, support rod and the frame body. Having this

supporting materials gives the users application to add more benefits as they use their folding chair. The more

they have a supporting frames, the more they are likely to love the product and they can have like a more

decorative chair in their house.

From the statement of Lu, CM, et. al., (2010), locks in a folding chair is very important as the locks will

help the product to not easily be broken and will support every joints of the product. The locking mechanism of a

folding chair will be the support of the chair as this provide the strength to the any parts where the locks is being

attached from. As the users use the locks from the product, they will not be worried for their safety as the locking

mechanism provides safety and convenience of the user.

Theoretical Framework

This part aims to present the theories that support the product. The researchers were able to find one

theory that can support the research study.

The theory that the researchers found useful is the Theory of the usability of furniture.

All furnitures must have an apsect where all of it must be usable for all the users as this is the purpose of all

the objects in accordance in many studies about furnitures. From the field of architecture, the design of a usable

furnitures must be more functional as it is professed from the breakthrough from the 20th century of
redesigning and reproduction of usable furniture. One pioneering country was Sweden where the research center

for furniture Möbelinstitutet was created in 1967 with financing mainly from the state. The first projects dealt

with ergonomic aspects and dimensions, and on the basis of these studies recommendations were given and

disseminated effectively. Below is an excerpt from General ergonomic requirements for office chairs and desks

(from Berglund, 1976 p. 45). The theory stated that the furniture must have the following characteristics:

The furniture must have a backrest that is comfortable that will able the users freely to move from their sit.

When a user leans to the backrest of the furniture, it must give support to the backbone of the user for the

comformity. The right measurement of the backrest must 15 degrees inclined from the perpendicular as it will

not restrict the moving arms of the user, the height of the sear must be 2cm under the joint with a suitable hright

for the seat from the desk must be from 65 cm to 75 cm. The backrest and the seat must have a soft pillow or a

comfortable cushions as it will make the user be at ease. Make the seat at a concave state for ai it will allow the

user's to exactly sit in their pelvis. Using the product should not harm any users like the possiblity of pinching a

nerve at the lower part. Try to avoid making sharp edges to the seat..

Conceptual Framework

This part aims to clarify concepts and present the concepts in this study, this section provides

illustration. The conceptual framework is presented below:




The table above shows the benefits of the product that is CHAIBLE which can offer and give to the

users. The concept above present the three main benefit the product can give to the users namely: multipurpose,

easy to use, and the product’s durability.

Synthesis of the Review of Related Literature

This part of research paper discusses the whole concepts and theories that the researchers presents. It

discusses some of the sources related and some educational background to the product that the researchers


This study is a quantitative experimental design which the researchers will test the product to the

students. The researches defined the literature review in which it is is a type of an academic writing or a

scholarly paper, wherein the researchers performing it includes different related study and current related

knowledge regarding the research’s main topic. According to the references that the researchers cited, this

product will help the users for its multipurpose because it can help the room be more spacious for the

convenience of the user’s area of work. This product can be flexible and can be utilized by architectural

application. The parts of this product should be stronger and be more durable as the users will be in a different

weights that can affect the strength of the product. The product should be in complete of the supporting parts so

that this will not collapse easily. The concepts show the benefits of the CHAIBLE which are its components are

its multipurpose, easy to use and its durability. The researchers show the theoretical framework that helps the

readers understand the product.


Research Methodology

Research Design

This part of the third chapter aims to present the audience with the design the research used in order to

present the data and the necessary information needed to complete and establish a firm research paper. The

researchers are able to generate such design so that the audience will have an easier access to the research’s core

topic. The research was created with accuracy so that there will be no error mid-way the research process.

The researchers will use quantitative research. A quantitative research deals with numbers, logic and

empirical in nature. This research focuses to the numerical computations, mathematical and statistical analysis as

they gather their data and form their results. This research's objective is generalized to a large group of participants

and to measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample by quantifying the results.

Under the quantitative research, there are many designs that this research have. As for this research, the

researchers will use experimental research design as this design fits their research study which is titled Benefits

of a Multipurpose Furniture Chaible to the Selected Senior High School Students of EAC-C. The experimental

research design aims to establish cause - effect relationship between the two variables. As for this research design,

it can manipulate variables but with limitations like the extraneous variables or the variables that can affect the

researchers study.

Since the study is an experimental research study, the researchers will be manipulating variables to their

liking so that they will be able to get the needed data for their research product. The researchers will be testing

the product once finished, to the willing selected participants of the Senior High School Department of Emilio

Aguinaldo College-Cavite. The product “Chaible” a multipurpose furniture capable of transforming into three

different modes fit the research design very well as testing it to the participants will garner the necessary data to

further prove the effectiveness and state the benefits of this said furniture compared to the standard furniture.

Sampling Procedure and Technique

This part in the third chapter aims to give the readers with ample knowledge on how the researchers will

gather the participants that are going to be involved in the said study. There are different kinds of sampling

procedures and the researchers came up with one method of selecting respondents to gather data from.

Sampling procedure and technique is a strategized and organized research procedure where researchers

tells how did they methodically gathered their data. Here you will see on how the researchers follow a step by

step procedure for gathering their data, how they select their chosen participants and how they categorized and

explained all of it. The researchers will use a simple random sampling technique where they will pick a random

Senior High School students of Emilio Aguinaldo College - Cavite. This technique will be used by the researchers

to avoid biases that may occur in their works and it will be fairly and equally represent the variables that will need

in the study.

Simple Random Sampling is one of many sampling procedures where the researchers will select a group

of subject(s) for study from a larger group. Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the

population has the same chance like the others of being picked and included in the study. The reason that the

researchers chose the Senior High School students as the research is only inside the premises of the Emilio

Aguinaldo College - Cavite. The researchers will be needing at least 30 participants willing to participate in the

said study and are open to test the said product. The reason that the researchers only needing 30 participants

because of their research design which is experimental design as this design only needs 30 or less participants for

the study. The thirty (30) required participants are divided in to, fifteen (15) students from the Grade 11 and fifteen

(15) students from the Grade 12.

Research Instrument

This part of the third chapter is the research instrument. Research Instrument is a testing device for

measuring a given phenomenon, such as a paper and pencil test, a questionnaire, an interview, a research tool, or

a set of guidelines for observation. This section aims to explain, enumerate and present the research instruments

the researchers will be using in order to gather data necessary information to be able to answer the main research


The research instruments that the researchers used in their study are three, which are questionnaire, survey

and test. Questionnaires are set of questions that the participants will answer related to the product in order for the

researchers get some numerical and narrative data to get some results. Next instrument is test. Test in experimental

research means measuring the knowledge, skill, feeling, intelligence or aptitude of an individual or group

Surveying actually involves gathering responses from subjects through a written medium. They will be

distributing paper questionnaires for your subjects to answer. They will then tally the results and use the data for

your research. Surveying also allow the researchers to gather a lot of data within a short period of time unlike

observations and interviews that need a very long time and a very long process to gather the data needed. Surveys,

unlike observation and interviews, will eat up a lot of time and interviews are very time consuming let alone

transcribing all of what the interviewee said during the course of the interrogation.

The researchers used surveys in the past, so they have finally accustomed to using it and surveys a perfect

fit for a quantitative research. Survey is a research instrument that is commonly used for obtaining and gathering

data from huge target population. Close-ended survey will be used as the form of the surveys because this is what

the researchers needed in the quantitative research and makes the answers valid and reliable. Close-ended surveys

doesn’t offer much flexibility and fluidity but the answers are on point and exact. The survey that the researchers

will be handing out to the selected respondents will have a 5-answer selection which are SA – Strongly Agree, A

– Agree, N – Neutral, D - Disagree & SD – Strongly Disagree. The 5 choices are scored as follows: SA – 5, A –

4, N – 3, D – 2, and SD – 1.

The survey below is the research instrument the researchers will use. The survey is comprised of ten (10)

statements which are all about the benefits the product is able to offer and give to the users.


1. The product is comfortable to use in terms of

2. The product is more resilient than the

conventional chairs and tables.
3. The product’s mechanism are smooth and easy
Data to understand.
4. The product conserves space in the designated
area such as in the living room.
5. The product has a good design in terms of its
physical nature.
6. The product has a good quality in terms of its
life expectancy.
7. The product functions the way it is intended to
8. The product offers versatility in terms of its
ability to change modes.
9. The product is fully capable of exerting its full
10. The product is proven to be useful in your daily
Gathering Procedure
This part of the third chapter aims to show the readers the procedures the researchers came up with to

gather data from fellow students within the institution of Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite, specifically the Senior

High School Department. Each respondents who participated in the research study were given an informed

consent before taking the surveys to ensure that there were no force or bribing that happened in the making of this

correlational research study.

Before the researchers proceed for data gathering, they firstly made informed consent for the principal and

for the research adviser for them to approve in order for the data gathering to proceed. The researchers gathered

data by providing surveys to the students who crossed by to their product. The researchers lets the participants

test the researchers’ product which is the “CHAIBLE". The researchers lets the participants know the researchers

product by discussing how the product works, providing some explanations, and letting them test the product.

After all the testing and explanations, the researchers gave questionnaires to the participants for the answers that

the researchers needed for the results.

Once the researchers have finished creating and finalizing the surveys, they will now disseminate it to the

target subjects. The target subjects being the Senior High School Students of Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite.

There were no demographics included in the surveys because they don’t need to compare the results to the

respondents’ ages, gender, etc. The researchers will be disseminating 30 surveys for the needed 30 respondents

that will be testing the product. The researchers will then collect all of the answered surveys and make sure that

not even one survey will be left behind. After collecting all surveys from all the respondents the researchers then

counted all of the surveys making sure that it is exact 100 and then encode it in Microsoft excel.

Data Analysis and Procedure

This part of the third chapter aims to explain to the readers how the researchers will analyse the gathered

data and what procedures did the researchers used to analyse the data. This will discuss the critical analysis and

interpretation of figures and numbers, and attempts to find descriptions behind the emergence of main findings.

Data analysis collects data that involves discussing the common patterns that the results provided by the data

gathered as well as the differences that may be related to the research area.

Data analysis, also known as analysis of data or data analytics, is the process of inspecting, cleansing,

transforming, modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and

supporting decision-making. Data analysis obtains raw data then converts this into whole useful information that

separates components to individual examination. This data is collected to answer the questions and what

hypotheses for the product to accept. This data analysis is necessary because it inputs what the researchers

analyzed and interpreted in the data that the researchers obtained through data gathering. After the data initially

obtained, this will be processed and organized for analysis by placing the data in tables and columns for statistical

software analysis. Once the data is processed, the researchers will describe the outcome of the results whether the

product is beneficial or not.

After the researchers gathered all the data they needed, they will calculate it to find the essential result that

they want to get. Using the help of Microsoft excel, the researchers can calculate the scores, tabulate it and get

the results. Since the study is an experimental research, the researchers can manipulate the variables to suit their

liking and to get better data from it. The researchers will analyze the data that will be gathered and use it as

evidence to support the product. They hope that through analysis, the data that will be synthesized become a

significant proof and help reinforce the research’s credibility and effectiveness.


This is the last part of the third chapter and this part acts as the conclusion for the entirety of it. Unlike the

past chapters, Chapter 3 now focuses on the procedures that will be needed to be utilized and performed by the

researchers. The data that will be gathered will then be tabulated and presented in the upcoming chapter which is

the 4th Chapter.

This research study is a quantitative research that focuses with the research product “Chaible” and is

entitled, “The Benefits of a Multipurpose Furniture – Chaible to its Users”. The third chapter focuses on all of the

procedures that will be needed to perform in order to gather the necessary data regarding the product’s benefits.

The researchers have spent time making the said product and also creating their own research instrument that

would satisfy the needs of the research study. The research needs at least 30 respondents for the product which is

to be tested on them and have them answer the surveys that will be handed out to them. Each survey is like the

other, both having an informed consent so that there is proof that they were not forced or bribed but willing

participated in the said study.

The research is conducted within the vicinity of Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite and the data gathering

will also be conducted within this academic institution. All respondents that are to be included in the said study

will be Senior High School Students of EAC-C only as there’s not much time available for the researchers to

conduct survey to the people outside the academic institution. The research product “Chaible” is still under

construction which is why the researchers have not handed out a single survey form. With that being said, the data

gathering will be conducted once the product is 100% finished and once the subject teacher give them the go sign.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

In this chapter, the researchers will present the data that were gathered through testing the multipurpose

furniture Chaible to the selected Senior High School students of Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite. The

researchers presents the gathered results from the data they computed through tables/graphs and they will give

explanations to each tables that can further elaborate and explain each of it. The study’s main purpose is to

determine the benefits that the said product will be able to give to the selected SHS students of EAC-C. This

research study aims to determine the benefits that the Multipurpose Furniture Chaible can offer to the selected

SHS students. The researchers gathered 30 participants for the study to be surveyed about the benefits that the

product have them experienced through testing the product themselves. The 30 participants are divided exactly

into 2, 15 for the grade 11 students and 15 also for the grade 12 students. For the presentation of data and results,

the researchers tabulated the results in order for them to present their data clearly and in order for them to discuss

if the hypothesis is rejected or not. Lastly in the synthesis part of the chapter, they will tackle the key points that

can be found here.

Presentation of Data

This section of paper tackles and presents the data gathered data and findings from the past week. It

discusses the tables presented which includes descriptions and analysis of each table. There are three tables

presented, the first table shows the number of participants that participated in the study and the frequency, the

second table shows the tabulated results of the gathering of data, the third table shows the mean of scores of every

questions, and the fourth table shows the average score of benefit for each participant.

Tables with Data

Table 1. The Number of Participants and Frequency

Participants Frequency Percentage

Grade 11 Students 15 50%

Grade 12 Students 15 50%

Total 30 100%

The table above shows the number of participants who participated in the study and the frequency of

distribution of surveys. Since the researchers’ title is “Benefits of a Multipurpose Furniture Chaible to the

Selected Senior High School Students of EAC-C”, they divided the participant threshold which is 30 participant

into two thus resulting into what stated above in the table: fifteen (15) participants for the grade eleven (11)

students and fifteen (15) participants for the grade twelve (12) students which are all students of Emilio

Aguinaldo College-Cavite.

The percentage depicts the amount of the frequency takes up over one-hundred (100). Since the 30

participants are divided into two, the grade 11 students will take up fifty percent (50%) and the grade 12

students will take up fifty percent (50%) also.

Table 2. The Result of Surveys
Participants Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
P1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
P2 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 4
P3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5
P4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
P5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
P6 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
P7 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4
P8 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5
P9 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3
P10 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5
P11 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4
P12 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4
P13 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 3 4
P14 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5
P15 4 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 4
P16 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
P17 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
P18 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4
P19 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
P20 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5
P21 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4
P22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4
P23 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 5 4 4
P24 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
P25 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5
P26 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5
P27 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5
P28 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5
P29 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5
P30 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5

The table above shows the result of the surveys. The researchers gathered thirty (30) participants for the

study and handed them surveys which has 10 statements that are all about the benefits that the chaible can offer

and give to them. There are five choices, Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D), and

Strongly Disagree (SD). Each choice has a corresponding numerical value which are: SA – 5, A – 4, N – 3, D –

2, and SD – 1.

Since there are 18 strongly agrees and 11 Agrees, the researchers found out that the product was really

able to benefit the participants. This proved that the product is very beneficial to the people who are going to use

it especially to the Senior High School Students.

Table 3. The Mean of Statements


1. The product gives comfort to the 4.166667 A

2. The product is more resilient than 4.033333 A
the typical chairs and tables.
3. The product has a good design in 4.533333 SA
terms of its physical appearance.
4. The Multipurpose Furniture 4.433333 SA
Chaible’s compartment mode
benefits the users
5. The Multipurpose Furniture 4.266667 SA
Chaible’s chair mode benefits the
6. The Multipurpose Furniture 4.466667 SA
Chaible’s table mode benefits the
7. The Chaible’s mechanisms are 4.366667 SA
easy to understand.
8. The Chaible is useful for everyday 4.5 SA
9. The product is a furniture that 4.2 A
allow users to experience multiple
features of differing furniture in
one product.
10. The Chaible is proven to offer 4.366667 SA
users with many benefits.

The table above shows the statements about the benefits of the product Chaible, mean of the statements

and the interpretation of the result of each statement. A Mean is the average of the entirety of the results. You get

this by adding up all the scores are dividing them by the number of them. There are five interpretations that the

researchers will use: SA (Strongly Agree) = 4.21 – 5.00, A (Agree) = 3.41 – 4.20, N (Neutral) = 2.61 – 3.40, D

(Disagree) = 1.81 – 2.60 and SD (Strongly Disagree) = 1 – 1.8.

The first statement which is about the comfort the product gives to the user got a mean of 4.166667. This

means that the participants agree with the statement. The second statement is about the resilience and sturdiness

of the product. The statement got a mean of 4.033333 which means that the participants also agree that the chaible

is tougher than the typical chairs. The third statement is about the physical appearance of the chaible. The

statement got a mean of 4.533333 which means that the participants agree and liked the design of the product

which means that it is pleasing to the eyes. The fourth, fifth, and sixth statements are about the products three (3)

modes: compartment mode, chair mode and table mode. The compartment statement got 4.433333, the chair got

4.266667, and the table mode got 4.466667. This means that the three main feature or mode of the product is very

useful to the selected participants of the study. The seventh statement is about the mechanism of the product. It

received a mean of 4.366667 which means that the products mechanisms are easily understood. The eight

statement is about the usefulness of the product in one’s everyday life. It receive a mean of 4.5 which means that

the participants strongly agree to the statement. The ninth statement is about the product’s multiple features. It

received a mean of 4.2 which means that the participants agree to the statement. The last statement is about the

product’s benefits offered to the users. It received a mean of 4.37 which means that the selected participants do

strongly agree that the product Chaible really is capable of giving the users many benefits due to its multipurpose


Table 4. The Mean of Benefits Received per Participant

Participants Mean
P1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3.6
P2 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 4.2
P3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4.7
P4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3.7
P5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.3
P6 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.1
P7 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4.3
P8 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 4.4
P9 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3.4
P10 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4.5
P11 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4.2
P12 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4.4
P13 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 4.1
P14 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 4
P15 4 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 4.1
P16 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.1
P17 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.7
P18 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4.5
P19 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4.7
P20 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4.8
P21 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4.5
P22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4.1
P23 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 4.1
P24 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.9
P25 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4.8
P26 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 4.7
P27 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4.4
P28 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4.7
P29 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4.5
P30 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 4.5
Total Average 4.333333

The table above shows the results of the survey once again but this time it has the average of how well it

benefits the users. The mean was calculated by summing all of the results per participant and dividing it by the

number of statements.

There are only three (3) results starting with 3. They were given by participant 1, participant 4 and

participant 9. The first participant gave a mean of 3.6, the fourth participant gave a mean of 3.7, and the ninth

participant gave a mean of 3.4 which is a neutral. All mean except for the ninth participant are either Agree (A)

or Strongly Agree (SA). As what is stated in the table, there are eleven (11) Agrees, eighteen (18) Strongly Agrees,

and one (1) Neutral.

The total average is 4.333333. This means that in totality, they all agree that the product Chaible has all

of the benefits in the statements. This satisfies the research study because of the results acquired answered all of

the problems the researchers want to be answered.


This part of the chapter shows the result of the gathered data from the participants of the study. The

gathered data shows that the product Chaible is a very beneficial product and this is further proven by the results

acquired throughout the data gathering and data analysis. The gathered data helped answer the following:

The first question of the research study is “Does the “Chaible” benefit the Selected Senior High School

Students of EAC-C?” According to the data collected from the grade 11 and grade 12 students through testing

the product, almost all of them agreed that the product is very beneficial. This is proven by a statement from

FIRA. According to FIRA (2008), they stated that a good furniture must safeguard the physical comfort of

students through proper ergonomics and the capability to adjust to individual students’ physical needs.

Ergonomics is a study that is mostly about the efficiency of people in their respective working environment.

The second question of the research study is “What are the benefits of the product that it can offer to the

users?” According to the results of the surveys, all participants agree to the benefits stated in the surveys. The

product gives comfort to the users, it is more resilient compared to the typical chairs and table since the feet are
made of steel, the product boasts a nice appearance, the three modes (compartment, chair, and table mode)

hugely benefit the users, the mechanisms are easy to understand, the product is useful in one’s daily life, the

product allows the users to experience different features of furniture in one and lastly, the product proves to be

very beneficial to its users. According to FIRA (2008), Adaptability in correctly specified furniture and

equipment will support creativity, and help students to make the most of their working day. The specification

and procurement of suitable furniture, fittings and equipment (FF&E) will support individual learning by

encouraging different learning styles and stimulating students to manage their own learning. This will help

students to spend appropriate time on tasks by ensuring the right furniture is provided to maximise

concentration, communication and information. Learning spaces that combine appropriate products will achieve

functional, aesthetic environments which reinforce the values and ethos of tomorrow’s learning. An investment

in adaptable high quality, fit for purpose, ergonomic furniture which meets and exceeds British and European

standards will save resources in the long-term while emphasising the value placed on learning by children,

teachers and the community.

The third question of the research study “Is it sturdy enough to endure differing weight classes?” Since

the feet of the chaible is metal and the main frame of the chair is palo china, the users can expect a very sturdy

furniture. According to Leib (1988), he stated that there are many known designs for chairs. He then explained

that metal chairs can be extremely functional and durable by virtue of the strength characteristics imparted by

metal; however, such chairs do not create the warm ambience provided by wood. Wood, on the other hand, does

not necessarily provide adequate strength for chairs which have unique characteristics such as a pivoted or

cantilevered seat or backrest. In the statement above, he explained the unity between wood and metal when

applied in the creation of a product. He said that wood is a compliment for the sturdiness of the metal parts of

the chair. He added, There are particular environments where it is desirable to combine these features, in other

words, to have a chair with strong features providing for movement such as front-pivotable action of the seat,

and at the same time to have the warmth and residential character traditionally associated with wood that can

coordinate more suitably with other wood furniture in proximity. Like what is stated above, he talked about the

wood and metal being a good combo for furniture.

The fourth question of the research study is “Is the product’s physical appearance is pleasing to the

users?” According to the results gathered from the participants, they strongly agree that the product has a nice

physical appearance. A furniture with a good looking finish has a physically and mentally pleasing effect.

According to FIRA (2008), they stated that almost all of today’s children are a part of a design conscious

society and that this awareness in the said aesthetic properties extend up to the furniture they use. FIRA also

stated that: Good furniture indicates that the purchaser respects the children; in return they are more likely to

adopt a more positive attitude which is more conducive to learning. FIRA concluded and stated that

unattractive, unergonomic and poor design encourages graffiti and vandalism and shortening the life span of the

furniture, thus, resulting into a negative environment for the students.


This section aims to show the key point on this study and to synthesize all of the results that were

gathered and presented. This part will act as the conclusion for all of the things presented here in the fourth


This study was conducted within the vicinity of Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite during the school year

2017-2018. The researchers used survey forms to gather the necessary data and this specific research study is

composed of 30 participants in which 15 are form the grade 11 students and 15 for the grade 12 students. The

main purpose of the study is to determine the benefits of the product that it can offer and give to the selected

senior high school students of Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite. The first table showed the number of the

participant and the percentage of the distributed survey forms. The second table is about the results gathered

from the participants and tabulated it on a table. The third table shows the mean of all the statements in which

the participant answered truthfully. The fourth table shows how well the product benefited the participants who

tested it. Since almost all of the participants have agreed to all the statements about the product and the results

that were acquired answered all of the problem of the research study that needs to be answered, this means that

the research study conducted is successful. As the results are all in agreement that the product Multipurpose

Furniture Chaible is very beneficial to the users especially to the senior high school students of Emilio

Aguinaldo Collge-Cavite, the researchers will reject their Null Hypothesis which states that the product

“Chaible” did not offer much benefit to its users and accept their Alternative Hypothesis which states that the

product “Chaible” greatly innovated a simple chair into a multipurpose furniture, able to benefit its users with

its capabilities as it is clearly shown by the results acquired from the selected participants who willingly

participated in the said research study.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

In this final chapter of the research paper, the researchers will present the summarization of all findings

that has been gathered, give the conclusions of the study that the researchers conducted, and present some

recommendations for the future researchers that are willing to explore more the product's potential and continue

it in the future. In this part will also present all the references that the researchers used in the said study and this

part will provide an appendices for the study.

The study mainly focuses on the benefits of the product "CHAIBLE" to the selected Senior High School

students of Emilio Aguinaldo College - Cavite.

Summary of Findings

Through synthesizing the findings that the researchers got from the interpretation of data and results that

gathered from the fourth chapter of this research paper, there are four tables that discusses the variables and

what and how does this scores mean with each other. The table number one discusses the participants of the

study that they gathered, the second table discusses the results of the survey, the table number three discusses

the means of every question, and the last table discusses the means of the benefits that the participant received

from the product.

Here in the summary of findings, we will focus on the tables three, and four. First, according to the

results from the table three, the participants agrees to all the statements from the researchers’ survey that was

given to them. This proves that every statement that was given to them was very well satisfied and met the

expected outcome of the researchers’ product in which that the product is very well beneficiary for them. The

fourth table states the totality of the result. From the given table, the results shows the overall average of score

which is 4.333333. This means that every participant agrees that the researchers’ product which is “Chaible” is

beneficial for the students. This proves and answers all the questions and problems that the researchers wanted.


This part of the paper aims to give a conclusion that the researchers found out in conducting the

research. This will serve as the final synthesis not for the chapter but for the whole research study.

This quantitative research is an experimental research study wherein the researchers have performed

their conducting of research for just one week because of the shortage of time. But fortunately, the researchers

have gathered all their needed data in order for them to prove and accomplish the research’s main objective

which is to determine if the product "CHAIBLE" is beneficial for the selected Senior High School students of

Emilio Aguinaldo College - Cavite. From the data that were gathered from the fourth chapter of this research

paper, the researchers can finally answer their main problem of the research which is how well the product will

be beneficiary to the SHS students. The researchers have found out the answer from their hypothesis based on

the given results in the fourth chapter, which gives them the answer that the product proves that it was really

able to benefit the participants. An evidence for this is the results presented in the fourth table. The data in the

fourth table represents the total benefits the product is able to give to the participants of the study. This proved

that the product is very beneficial to the people who are going to use it especially to the Senior High School


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. The researchers concluded that the product is beneficial to the Senior High School students of Emilio

Aguinaldo College – Cavite through the data that were acquired from the participants of the study and the data

presented in the fourth table. This conclusion is further proven by the fact that 18 participant strongly agreed

and 11 participants agreed that the product really is beneficial to then except for one participant who gave a

Neutral mean.

2. Due to the results that was given in the chapter four, the researchers found out that the product is resilient and

can support anyone who use it. According to the result, the participants agrees that the product is stronger and

tougher than the typical chairs and tables from the market.

3. The researchers concluded that the product “Chaible” physical appearance is pleasing to the users.


This last part of the research paper and the fifth chapter aims to provide the readers and the audiences the

recommendations for the said study. This part mainly focuses for the future researchers as this will be their

guide if they are willing to continue and extend the capability that the product can perform. This part will also

talk about how the researchers will recommend the research study “Benefits of a Multipurpose Furniture

Chaible to the Selected Senior High School Students of EAC-C” to their chosen group of people. The

recommendations will be brief, concise, and precise so that it will be easily be understandable for the readers

and the future researchers. The following recommendations are suggested by the researchers based on the

findings and conclusions that they found out.

I. Manufacturers

The researchers highly recommend this research study entitled “Benefits of a Multipurpose Furniture Chaible

to the Selected Senior High School Students of EAC-C” to the furniture manufacturers as this research study

tackles the importance and the benefits the furniture they’re going to create can offer to their users.

II. Teachers as a Participant

The future researchers should aim to make their teachers as a participants in the future studies too because as

they struggle in their faculty area with a shortage in space, you as a researchers can ask them how will this

product will be helpful for them to solve the case they are facing right now.

III. Outside the Institution Data Gathering

The researchers would want the future researchers who would want to continue and further improve the

product to gather data outside the school’s premises and perform a qualitative research in regards to the said

product. This will further add credibility to the research as qualitative researches talks about Significant

Human Experiences.


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To the Respondents:

The research group W.B.E (Wannabe Engineers) from Grade 12 STEM-Masiyahin are conducting an

experimental quantitative research titled, “The Benefits of a Multipurpose Furniture – Chaible to its Users” that

needs at least 30 respondents. We, from TEAM WBE want you to participate in the said study by answering our

survey and by trying the said product. The objective of the research is to prove that Class Environment have an

effect on the Student’s Behavior through the data that will be gathered and computed. The survey contains

questions that are divide into two parts: classroom environment and student’s behaviour. The survey is modelled

like it is so that we would be able to gather the necessary data in order for us to prove the relationship between

our two variables. By receiving this informed consent, you accepted the invitation and are willing to participate

in the said study and you know that the researchers will keep all of your answers and even your identity anonymous.

We, as the researchers, will never disclose any of the confidential matters and information without your

permission. Thank you for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,









Direction: Answer the following questions regarding the satisfaction that the product brings to you. Please

check the following that corresponds to your chosen answer: (SA – Strongly Agree, A – Agree, N – Neutral, D

– Disagree, SD – Strongly Disagree)


11. The product is comfortable to use in terms of

12. The product is more resilient than the

conventional chairs and tables.
13. The product’s mechanism are smooth and easy
to understand.
14. The product conserves space in the designated
area such as in the living room.
15. The product has a good design in terms of its
physical nature.
16. The product has a good quality in terms of its
life expectancy.
17. The product functions the way it is intended to
18. The product offers versatility in terms of its
ability to change modes.
19. The product is fully capable of exerting its full
20. The product is proven to be useful in your daily


Participants Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Mean per Participant
P1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3.6 A
P2 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 4.2 A
P3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4.7 SA
P4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3.7 A
P5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.3 SA
P6 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.1 A
P7 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4.3 SA
P8 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 4.4 SA
P9 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3.4 N
P10 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4.5 SA
P11 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4.2 A
P12 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4.4 SA
P13 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 4.1 A
P14 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 4A
P15 4 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 4.1 A
P16 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.1 A
P17 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.7 SA
P18 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4.5 SA
P19 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4.7 SA
P20 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4.8 SA
P21 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4.5 SA
P22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4.1 A
P23 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 4.1 A
P24 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.9 SA
P25 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4.8 SA
P26 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 4.7 SA
P27 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4.4 SA
P28 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4.7 SA
P29 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4.5 SA
P30 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 4.5 SA
Mean of Questions 4.166667 4.033333 4.533333 4.433333 4.266667 4.466667 4.366667 4.5 4.2 4.366667 4.333333333 SA


Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite

School Year School

 Elementary 2011-2012 Southern Luzon College,

Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite.

 Junior High School 2012-2016 Immaculate Conception

Academy East Campus,
Congressional Rd., City of
Dasmariñas, Cavite.

 Senior High School 2016-2018 Emilio Aguinaldo College-

Cavite, Congressional East
Ave, Burol Main, City of
Dasmariñas, Cavite.


Awards Date
 Honor Student 2017
 Gawad ng Karangalan Inductee 2012
 Valedictorian 2012


Nickname: JM
Age: 17
Name of Mother: Aileen M. Lipata
Occupation: Online Researcher
Name of Father: Manuelito C. Lipata
Occupation: OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker)



EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite


EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite

I hereby verify on my honor that the above information is certified true and correct.



Blk 10 Lot 1 Acacia Homes Brgy. Burol III, City of Dasmariñas,

School Year School

 Elementary 2006-2012 Sta. Cristina Elementary

School, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite

 Junior High School 2012-2016 Dasmariñas East National

High School, City of

Dasmariñas, Cavite

 Senior High School 2016-2018 Emilio Aguinaldo College-

Cavite, Congressional East
Ave, Burol Main, City of
Dasmariñas, Cavite.

Nickname: Arwill
Age: 18
Name of Mother: Arlene Fulong
Occupation: Sewer
Name of Father: Willy Bola
Occupation: Sewer


EAC SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite


EAC SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite

I hereby verify on my honor that the above information is certified true and correct.


Blk 9 Lot 36 Royale Avenue Street Dexterville Royale San Nicholas II
Dasmarinas Cavite

School Year School

 Elementary 2006-2012 Tanzang Luma Elementary

Elementary School,

 Junior High School 2012-2016 Kin Yang Academe

Dasmarinas Cavite

 Senior High School 2016-2018 Emilio Aguinaldo College-

Cavite, Congressional East
Ave, Burol Main, City of
Dasmariñas, Cavite.

Nickname: Wes
Age: 19
Name of Mother: Melba Sudario
Occupation: HouseWife
Name of Father: Bayani Madrigalejos Hatol
Occupation: Architect



EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite


EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite

I hereby verify on my honor that the above information is certified true and correct.



San Nicholas II, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite

School Year School

 Elementary 2006-2012 Sacred Heart Of Jesus School, City of

Dasmariñas, Cavite

 Junior High School 2012-2016 Dasmariñas East National

High School, City of

Dasmariñas, Cavite

 Senior High School 2016-2018 Emilio Aguinaldo College-

Cavite, Congressional East
Ave, Burol Main, City of
Dasmariñas, Cavite.
Nickname: Emman
Age: 18
Name of Mother: Ailene Botastas
Occupation: Housewife
Name of Father: Renante Botastas
Occupation: Seaman


EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite


EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite

I hereby verify on my honor that the above information is certified true and correct.



P5 Blk25 Lt64 Parklane Country Homes, General
Trias Cavite

School Year School

 Elementary 2006-2009 Peter Paul Academy

2009-2012. Kin Yang Academy

 Junior High School 2012-2013 Rogationist College

2012-2016 Vel Maris School

 Senior High School 2016-2018 Emilio Aguinaldo College-

Cavite, Congressional East
Ave, Burol Main, City of
Dasmariñas, Cavite.
Nickname: Earl
Age: 17
Name of Mother: Rowena Tamayo
Occupation: ABM Mercury Drug
Name of Father: Alexis Tamayo
Occupation: Government Employee (Philippine General Hospital)



EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite


EAC-C SHS Teacher
Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite

I hereby verify on my honor that the above information is certified true and correct.




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