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prey seared SARC NTRS mI Wi l IMU Bahasa Inggris SMK UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 SMK BAHASA INGGRIS Rabu, 15 April 2015 (07.30 — 09.30) PUSPENDIK BALITBANG KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Bahasa Inggris SMK_ Mata Pelajaran —: Bahasa Inggris Jenjang : SMK Hari/Tanggal —: Rabu, 15 April 2015 Jam £07.30 - 09.30 1, Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang meliputi : a. Kelengkapan Jumlah halaman atau urutannya. b. Kelengkapan dan urutan nomor soal, c. Kesesuaian Nama Mata Uji dan Program Studi yang tertera pada kanan atas \Naskah Soal dengan Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LIUN) d._ Pastikan LIUN masih menyatu dengan naskah soal. 2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta LJUN yang rusak atau robek untuk mendapat gantinya. 3. Tulislah Nama dan Nomor Peserta Ujian Anda pada kolom yang disediakan di halaman pertama butir soal. 4, Tsilah pada LJUN Anda dengan : a. Nama Peserta pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya, b. Nomor peserta dan Tanggal Lahir pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai huruf/angka di atasnya ¢. Nama Sekolah, Tanggal Ujian, dan bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda pada kotak yang disediakan, 5. Pisahkan LJUN dari Naskah soal secara hati-hati. 6. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal tersebut. 7. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, pada Setiap butir soal terdapat 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban, 8. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya, 9. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkaan kepada pengawas ruang ujian, 10, Lembar soal dan halaman kosong boleh dicorat-coret, sedangkan LJUN tidak boleh dicorat-coret. SELAMAT MENGERJAKAN Kerjakan dengan jujur, karena kejujuran adalah cermin kepribadian, U-2a-20142015 ©*Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by itp/pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL errmnrarery 3 Bahasa Inggris SMK Nama No Peserta Listening section In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part Part I. Pictures Questions: 1 to 3. Directions : For each section, you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements. These statements will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. ‘When you hear four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. Look at the sample below. Sample answer Oana A B Yc DD Now listen to the four statements. A. The man is pushing the car. B. He is wearing a baseball cap the right way round. C. The car is covered in water. D. The car is covered in soap foam. Statement (D) “The car is covered in soap foam.” best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore you should choose answer (D). Let’s begin with question number one. U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang Lene eel OA Son + Bahasa Inggris SMK Part II. Question — Responses Questions: 4107. Directions In this part of the test you will hear a question spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample questions: You will hear Woman You will also hear: Man “ould you do me a favor? (A) Here, check out this flavor. (B) Sure, What do you need? (©) No, I wouldn’t be able to. Sample answer cS x a c B The best response to the question ” Could you do me a favor?” is choice ( B ), “Sure. What do you need. Therefore, you should choose answer ( B ) 4, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. U-2a-20142015 ®*Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa In MK 2014/2015 by htnv/nak-anang Lene eel A eevee 5 Bahasa Inggris SMK 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Part IML. Short Conversations Questions: 8 to 11. Directions : In this part of the test you will hear four short conversations. You will hear the conversations two times. The conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet Example: You will hear ‘Man The driver will meet you at the gate. Woman : What kind of car will he be driving? Man : He will be driving a large black limousine. You will read : What will the woman do? A. Look fora specific car. Sample answer . Doo ew > A B Cc D D. Calla taxi. Choice (A) — “Look for a specific car” ~ is the best answer to the question “What will the woman do?”. Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet. 8 What do you think the man’s profession is? A. Mechanic, B. Teacher. C. Electrician. D. Shopkeeper. 9. What is NOT available? A. Milkshake B. Tomato juice. C. Lemon juice D. Iced tea. 10. What will does the woman mean? A. She accompanies her mother on Monday. B. She visited many tourism spot. CC. She had a journey to Eiffel. D. She didn’t go to Europe. U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL errmnrarery 6 Bahasa Inggris SMK 11. What was the woman imply? A, She went to Europe with the man, B. Had a vacation in Hawai CC. Joined his friends for vacation. D. Asked the woman to search his cousin. Part IV. Short Talks Questions: 12 to 15. Directions : In this part of the test you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. The questions will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Number 12 - 13 refer to the following instruction. 12, What is the instruction about? A. Howto dry the computer monitor B. How to shut down the computer C. How to replace a broken computer D. How to clean the computer monitor 13. What the first step of the instruction? ‘Turn off the monitor. Wipe the dust on the screen. Apply cleaning solution. Cleaning the grime off. one> Number 14 ~ 15 refer to the following advertisement. 14. What is the main purpose of this advertisement? A. To discuss the history of Arabella. B. To outline ways to get to Arabella C._ To describe Arabella’s local music. D. To make Arabella attractive to visitors. 15, What was Arabella originally? A center for sailing events. A trading center. A cultural center. A resort island. onwp> This is the end of the listening section. U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL A eevee 7 Bahasa Inggris SMK 7. 19. Questions 16 to 20, choose the inappropriate structure in the following sentences or dialogues. Caller: Should I get the number for Ratih sang school of modeling? A B Operator: We don't have listening under that name. D Bill Smith’s garden is Jarge than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers A B and vegetables, but Joe’s garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a c D wooden bridge over a pool ‘A magazine whom I read in the doctor's office had an article you gught to read. [t's about A B g the importance of good educations in our family. D We are leasing company. As many as 65% of our employees are posted in the marketing A division, Most of them are smart, tallented, good look, young men, who do not B c mind working ten hours a day, six days a week. D New articles try to present only facts. The editorial page is the section of the newspaper A news writer are given the opportunity to express their opinion about events, policies, B c and community acti U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip//pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL ai. ey 23. Bahasa Inggris SMK errmnrarery 8 Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following text. Battelle Insurance Company Chicago, Ilinois William P. Mervin Policy Number: 23 Dribble Drive A987 8907 E08 Hobart, IL 33456 Car Description: 1993 Ford Escort Enclosed is your latest dividend check. Since Battelle’s claim costs continue to be Jess. than anticipated, our Board of Directors has authorized payment of this dividend on your auto insurance policy. If you have any questions about your auto policy, or about insurance for your home, life, or health, please call me. We are pleased to send you this dividend and to take this opportunity to thank you for selecting Battelle as your insurer. Sincerely, Joe Mullee Battelle Insurance Agent For what insurance is the coverage on the above policy? A. Life B. Home C. Health D. Automobile What has William Mervin received from his insurance company? A. A payment on a claim B. A rebate on his payment C. A bill for insurance coverage D. A notice of his policy cancelation “...t0 take this opportunity to thank you ...” (last paragraph). The underlined word refers to ... A. profit B. chance C. payment D. information U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang 5 OA picabiaauanies Bahasa Inggris SMK uestions 24 to 26 refer to the following text, Think Globally with World View Software! Keep time with the rest of the world by converting your computer screen into a world clock. Clocks located at the top of the screen display the current time for every time zone in the world in an attractive graphical display. The display can be customized to display the local time for virtually any world city you choose. World View Software adjusts automatically for Daylight Saving Time. Can also be set up as a screen saver. Typically costs $45.00 or more at retail stores and $40.00 when you order fom the software washer, but now available for Nationwide Airline passengers at the discount rate of only $34.35 when you order directly from Sky catalogue! 24. What is the text about? A. Computer clock. B. Computer sereen. CC. Time of the world. D. Daylight Savings Time 25. What does this product cost when we order from the software washer? A. $85.00 B. $45.00 Cc. $40.00 D. $34.35 26. What is the synonym of the word “converting” (in line 1)? A. Imitating. B. Changing C. Adjusting D. Purchasing. Questions 27 to 28 refer to the following text. ‘Rudyard Kipling, one of Englands most famous writer, was born in Bombay, India, in 1865, where his English father was working for the British government. Kipling spent his carly chidhood in India, At six he was taken to England and educated in an English school, From 1882 until. 1883 he was editor of his school paper. He went back to India in 1883 There he became interested in writing and work for a newpaper. When he was twenty -one he published his first book, which was a small book of poetry. Before he was twenty-four he had brought out a small collection of short stories. These were well-liked and full of brilliant descriptions and accurate observations. Between 1887 and 1889 Kipling travelled around the world, He visited China, Japan, and he lived for a few years in America, where he married an American woman. During this period he wrote several of his most popular works, the stories for children, which made him famous; The Jungle Books (1894), Kim (1901) and Just So Stories (1902). He also published several books of peotry during this time. Kipling returned to England from America and spent the rest of his life there until his death in 1936, 27. What is the first paragraph about’? Kipling’s brief background. Kipling’s favorite writers. Kipling’s popular books, Kipling’s foreign family. onep U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL errmnrarery 10 Bahasa Inggris SMK 28. What made Kipling famous? A. He wrote some stories for children. B. He married an American woman. CC. He was educated in England. D. He visited many countries uestions 29 to 31 refer to the following text. How to Organize Your Work Space Organize your work space to encourage maximum productivity Instructions: 1, Place your computer monitor directly in front of you if you want to discourage people from interrupting your work. Position your desk so that you can see people who approach your door. Avoid leaving spare chairs around your desk to minimize distractions. Keep important papers or equipment within reach. Your phone, computer, filing cabinet, fax machine and printer should be within reach if you use them frequently. 5. Post a calendar and clock close by. Try using a large calendar that can be posted on your wall and written on with dry erase markers. Have papers and materials for only the task at hand on your desk Establish a filing system, keeping current files in your deep desk drawer or a filing cabinet within reaching distance of your desk. Store papers you need only periodically somewhere else. 8. Label file names clearly, and try color-coding your folders for better organization. File alphabetically. 9. Set up an inbox and outbox ' one to receive incoming papers and another to hold assignments you've completed before forwarding them to the appropriate person. 10, Read incoming paperwork with a highlighter in hand, marking important deadlines or phone numbers. Deal with urgent papers immediately, set aside those that aren't urgent, and throw away the ones that aren't important. 11. Tidy your desk space at the end of the day, noting what you need to work on tomorrow. Bu ao the text about? A. How to encourage maximum productivity. B. How to organize our work schedule, CC. How to manage our work space. D. How to place our computers. 30. What should we do with the files? A. Post them. B. Label them. C. Avoid them. D. Establish them, 31. What is the synonym of the word “... to encourage maximum ..." A. Avoid. B. Place C. Manage D. Support. U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang Lene eel A een n Bahasa Inggris SMK Questions 32 to 41, choose the appropriate option to complete each dialogue 32. Rudi: Maya, do you think Anita will help us solve this Math homework? Maya: Lam sure, she will... ‘You should help her. She may ask you about it ‘We would go somewhere. She is good at math. pomp 33. Fariz — : I'd like to book a room, please. Aladin: Certainly. When would you like to stay. When will you be available? Would you like a single or a double? Would be OK to have a suite? camp 34. Donita: I feel exhausted today, but the report is due at three. Fikri . Donita: Thanks. That's very kind of you. You can take a rest later. Thad better give you a hand, then ‘You ought to finish the repost now. Thave to concentrate on my job, firs. pomp : Tell me, that do you do in your spare time, Yudi? .. Lalways try new recipe from the newest cooking book. I care about Japanese tofu. ove eating many kind of food. enjoy collecting traditional utensils. like preparing the table. Yudi camp 36. Bank Teller: May Thelp you? Customer : Bank Teller: Certainly, Madam, Is that a savings or checking account? Customer: Saving account, please. Bank Teller : All right. Please fill out this form then, T'd like to cash a check I want to do a transfer. I'd like to exchange currencies. Twant to make an account. gaw> 37. Mona: Oh, P’'ve left my calculator at home. Mariah: Yes, please do, but return it to me soon, Mona — : Okay, thanks I'd like to give it to you. Would you like to borrow mine? May [use yours? Can [lend it to you? pomp U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL A CUO 12 Bahasa Inggris SMK 38. Dena : Have you lived in Medan since you were born? Selly: No, We used to live in Jakarta, then we moved here only three years ago. Dena ‘Oh, I see. A. Ifour father had not got a job here, we would have stayed in Jakarta, B. Unless there was an economic crisis, we would move to Medan. CC. We will move to Medan if our father works in Jakarta, D. We would stay in Medan if our father came from Jakarta, 39. Rani: Where are you going for your holiday, Sin? Sinta — : Thaven’t decide it yet, but .... [do really want to visit the Pisa tower. A. must finish my term report. B. I should accompany my mom to the dentist. C._ I might go to Italy with my family. D. Iwill just stay at home, 40. Sue: Why did you come late this morning? Jane: I’m sorry, .... Because, I forgot to bring my notebook. It’s really important for me. A. Thad to go back home. B. Thad to call my brother. CC. I need to cancel the presentation. D. I'm going to report it to the office. 41. Receptionist : I’m sorry. Ms. Bertha isn’t in the office boy today. Caller s A. Then Ill call her back another time. B. Allright. Would you like to leave a message? C. What can I do for you? D. I think I’ve dialed the wrong number. uestions 42 to 44, complete the following text with the words provided! Library Closure Parkhurst Library will be (42) ...., from Monday December 2014 until further notice, due to staff (43) .... We (44) .... for any inconvenience. Please make use of other Libraries in the area like Parkview, Emmarentia, and Linden Library. Management of Pankhurst Librar 2. A. built B. open C. closed D. renovated 4B A. shortage B. surpluses CC. excess D. extras 44. A. apologize B. feel bad C. feel sad D. sory U-2A-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujan Nasional Bahasa Ingeris SMK 2014/2015 by hips/pak-anang Lene eel OA SS 3 Bahasa Inggris SMK 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa In uestions 45 to 47, complete the following text with the words provided! Memorandum To All (45)... From: Thomas Rifangi Subject: New Procedures A new procedure will be (46) .... for a style of letter writing that will take place (47) .... for Westerns Security Systems. An example of the new block style is enclosed. Enclosure employ employers employees employment implemented developed done held surely certainly immediately immeasurably UNe> DaAw> oND> juestions 45 to 47, complete the following text with the words provided! To: Rebecca Winter 156, High Street Bristol 30th Jnuary, 15 Dear Ms. Winter, On behalf of (Global Software Systems), let me (48) .... you on being selected for the position of (Project Manager) in our company. I heard invite you to (49) .... our company and wish you the very best for your new role here. For any clarifications or doubts, please feel free to (50) .... me. Sincerely, (Anne White) (Manager - HR) information introduction invitation congratulation come include join enter text contact letter email UAm> vaw> onw> is SMK 2014/2015 by hpulpakcanang MUTA Bahasa Inggris SMK Pembahasan Soal ““Bocoran”’ UN 2015 s OA picabiaauanies Bahasa Inggris SMK PARTI Pictures A. The girls are swi B. They are walking along the sea shore. C. The women are sun-bathing on the beach. D. The ladies are climbing up the mountain, Pembahasan: Jelas terlihat bahwa orang-orang yang ada pada gambar berjalan di pasir tepi laut (They are wiking along the sea shore). Mereka tidak sedang berenang (The girl are swimming on the ocean). Mereka juga tidak berjemur di terik mentari (The woman are sun-bathing on the beach). Juga tidak mendaki gunung (The ladies are climbing up the mountain). Jawaban: B n The bikers are behind the car. The pots are between the taxi and the bicycle, The car is beside the bikers. The building is at the end of the road. Pembahasan: Pada gambar jelas terlihat bahwa orang yang bersepeda tersebut berada di belakang mobil (The bikers are behind the car). Jawaban: D U-2a-20142015 "Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa In MK 20142015 by hipinak-anang Lene eel OA Sno ae Bahasa Inggris SMK One of the presenters has long hair. Both of them are too skinny. They are wearingsun-glasses. One of the women is wearing a veil. Pembahasan: Tampak pada gambar bahwa salah satu wanita tersebut menggunakan kerudung (One of the women is wearing a veil). Jawaban: D PARTI Question — Response 4. Woman — : What should I wear for your graduation day? Man 3 A. Kebaya will make you prettier. B. My graduation day is on Saturday this week. CC. They were from a famous high school. Pembahasan: Pada percakapan, penutur wanita bertanya kepada penutur pria apakah yang harus ia kenakan pada saat hari wisuda.? Respons yang tepat untuk memberi saran adalah “Kebaya will make you prettier”. Jawaban: A 5. Man : Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Woman: A. Sure, that would be lovely. B. I’ve gota bad cough. CC. The cafe serves black coffee. Pembahasan: Pada percakapan tersebut, penutur pria menawarkan untuk meminum segelas kopi. Sehingga respons yang tepat adalah “Sure, that would be lovely” Jawaban: A U-2a-20142015 ®*Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa In MK 2014/2015 by htnv/nak-anang Lene eel A een "7 Bahasa Inggris SMK 6. Woman — : Can you tell me where is the nearest drugstore is? Man A. No, [have just read the story. B. There’s one at the end of the street. CC. My office is just near the store. Pembahasa Penutur wanita menanyakan suatu tempat, sehingga jawaban yang paling tepat adalah “There’s one at the end of the street.” Jawaban: B 7. Man: Isthis printer working well? Woman oe A. Thave a new printer. B. I think so. C. Yes, I'm wall Pembahasan: Pada percakapan tersebut, penutur wanita menanyakan kepada penutur pria apakah printer tersebut dapat berfungsi baik. Jawaban yang tepat adalah “I think so”. Jawaban: B PART UI Short conversation. 8. Woman: What do you usually do every day? Man : repair machines. Tam keen on fixing the machines. Woman — : No wonder if you want to have your own repair shop. What do you think the man’s profession is? A. Mechanic. B. Teacher. C. Blectrician, D. Shopkeeper. Pembahasan: Dalam percakapan tersebut penutur wanita menanyakan jenis pekerjaan kepada penutur pria Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “Mechanic”. Kata kunci pada percakapan tersebut adalah kata “yepair machine” Jawaban: A U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL A CUO 18 Bahasa Inggris SMK 9. Man : Can [take your order? Woman —_: Lemon juice and choco milkshake, please. Man : Well, I’m afraid we don’t have any lemon juice, Sir. Would you care for tomato juice or iced tea? Woman _ : Iced tea, please What is NOT available? A. Milkshake. B. Tomato juice. C. Lemon juice. D. Iced tea Pembahasan: Pada percakapan fersebut penutur pria menanyakan pesanan minuman kepada penutur wanita, Namun penutur pria takut bahwa jus lemon tidak tersedia. Sehingga jawaban yang sesuai adalah minuman yang mungkin tidak tersedia adalah ‘“lemon juice” Jawaban: C 10. Woman: What about our project? When will we do it? Man : What about Saturday? Woman — : I'm sorry, I can’t, I have to accompany my mother. Let’s do it on Monday. What does the woman mean? ‘A. She accompanies her mother on Monday B. She does the project by herself C. She wants to do the project on Monday D. She does the project on Saturday Pembahasan: Pada percakapan tersebut disebutkan bahwa penutur wanita menanyakan tentang kapan pekerjaan dilaksanakan. Penutur wanita mengatakan bahwa lebih baik mengerjakan proyek pada hari Minggu. “She wants to do the project on Monday”. Jawaban: C 11. Woman — : Hi Tara! How was your journey to Europe? Man It was so amazing. I visited so many tourism spots there. I visited Wall of Berlin, Eiffel, Pisa, and other interesting places. Woman : Wow. Ifonly I could go with you. What did the woman imply? A. She went to Europe with the man. B. She visited many tourism spots, CC. She had a journey to Eiffel. D. She didn’t go to Europe. Pembahasan: Penutur wanita bertanya tentang bagaimana liburan penutur pria. Penutur pria mengatakan bahwa liburannya sangat berkesan. Lalu penutur wanita mengutarakan bahwa seandainya ia bisa liburan bersama penutur pria. Sehingga jawaban yang sesuai adalah penutur wanita tidak pergi ke Eropa. Jawaban: D U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL A renee 19 Bahasa Inggris SMK PARTIV. Short talk Procedure Cleaning the computer monitor regularly will help you see the display clearly. Follow this guide to clean it Power down the monitor. Wipe the dust off with a dry cloth. Apply cleaning solution to the cloth. Clean the grime off with the cloth. Let the monitor dry. where What is the instruction about? A. How to dry the computer monitor B. How to shut down the computer C. How to replace a broken computer D. How to clean the computer monitor Pembahasan: Prosedur tersebut berisi tentang cara membersihkan monitor komputer. Jawaban: D What is the first step of the instruction? A. Turn off the monitor. B. Wipe the dust on the screen C. Apply cleaning solution, D. Cleaning the grime off. Pembahasan: Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah mematikan monitor. Jadi “Turn off the monitor” Jawaban: A U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip//pak-anang DOKUMEN PRIBAL een 20 Bahasa Inggris SMK Looking for the perfect spot for a tropical gateway? The warm sun, erystal blue seas and wealth of secluded beaches on the island of Arabella could be just what you are looking for: Arabella was established as a major Caribbean trading base, but trade is no longer important part of the island’s economy, and the beautiful coral reef now attract visitors for all over the world. Arabella also hosts world-class events, such as the famous Arabella Sailing Championship held at the end of April and the Caribbean Carnival Dance and music festival held in mid October. Call us today for information on how you can make the perfect winter holiday escape this year. We also offer special March break discount. What is the main purpose of this advertisement? A. To discuss the history of Arabella B. To outline ways to get to Arabella. C. To describe Arabella’s local music. D. To make Arabella attractive to visitors. Pembahasan: Pengumuman tersebut adalah tentang promosi wisata. “The outline ways to get to Arabella” Jawaban: B What was Arabella originally? A. A center for sailing events, B. A trading center. C. Acultural center. D. A resort island. Pembahasan: Arabella dulunya adalah tempat perdagangan utama di Kari Jawaban: B “A trading center” U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2014/2015 by hiip/pak-anang Lene eel OA CUO 21 Bahasa Inggris SMK 16. Kata “should” tidak tepat untuk menanyakan sesuatu, seharusnya “can/could”. Jawaban: A 17. Untuk menyatakan perbandingan, maka kata “large” seharusnya “larger”. Jawaban: A 18, Kata yang tidak sesuai adalah “whom”, seharusnya “thatwhich”, Jawaban: A 19. Untuk mendeskripsikan kata benda pada frase kata benda “smart, tallented, good look young men” kata “good look” scharusnya “good looking” Jawaban: B 20. Kata “who” hanya digunakan untuk orang dan langsung diikuti oleh “verb” atau “to be”, sedangkan untuk selain orang memakai “which” dan bisa diikuti oleh “verb” atau “to be” atau subjek. Jawaban: A 21. Asuransi tersebut berkaitan dengan asuransi kendaraan. Kalimat “...about insurance for your home, life, or health, please call me” di paragraf 2 menyatakan bahwa apabila ada pertanyaan tentang asuransi untuk rumah, jiwa, dan Kesehatan silahkan hubungi kami, menyatakan tawaran untuk asuransi ketiga hal tersebut kepada William, Kata kunei ada pada kata “Car Description” jelas menyatakan tentang asuransi kendaraan “automobile” Jawaban: D 22. Surat tersebut berkaitan dengan potongan pembayaran premi asuransi. Jawaban: B 23. Kata “opportunity” memiliki makna kesempatan sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah “chance”. Jawaban: B 24. Perhatikan kalimat utama pada kalimat pertama, menjelaskan bahwa teks tersebut berkaitan tentang layar komputer. Jawaban: B 25. Harga produk ketika dipesan dari software washer adalah senilai 40 dollar. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat *...$40,00 when you order from the software washer”. Jawaban: C 26. Kata “converting” artinya perubahan, schingga padanan kata yang sesuai adalah perubahan “changing” Jawaban: B 27. Paragraf pertama menyatakan tentang Rudyard Kipling salah seorang penulis terkenal Inggris yang dilahirkan di India. Juga menceritakan tentang latar belakang singkat tentang kehidupan Gari seorang Kipling. Sehingga jawaban yang sesuai adalah “Kipling’s brief background”. Jawaban: A 28. Satu hal yang membuat Kipling terkenal adalah tulisannya tentang anak-anak, seperti U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa In ditunjukkan kalimat “...he wrore several of his most popular works, the stories for children, which made him famous...” Jawaban: A is SMK 2014/2015 by hpulpakcanang Lene eel OA errmnrarery 2 29. 30. aly 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. U-2a-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujian Nasional Bahasa In Bahasa Inggris SMK Teks tersebut berisi topik tentang bagaimana mengatur ruang kerja “how to organize your work space”, Jawaban: C Berkas yang dimiliki scharusnya diberi label, atau dinamai. Seperti dijelaskan pada poin ke-8 “label file names clearly” Jawaban: B Kalimat “encourage maximum productivity” memiliki makna mendukung produktivitas yang maksimum, Sehingga kata yang sesuai adalah “support” yang memiliki arti mendukung, Jawaban: D Rudi ragu Anita akan membantu menyelesaikan PR maternatika, kalimat yang sesuai untuk mengisi baris yang rumpang adalah “she's good in math”. Jawaban: D Kalimat yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi jawaban dari Aladin adalah menawarkan pilihan tempat tidur. Kalimat yang sesuai adalah “would you like a single or a double?” Jawaban: C Donita kelelahan, tetapi tugasnya harus diselesaikan. Melihat kondisi Donita seperti itu berarti Fikri memberikan pertolongan. Sehingga jawaban yang sesuai adalah “L had better give you a hand, then” Jawaban: B Kalimat yang tepat untuk menjawab dari pertanyaan dan melengkapi kalimat “I alwa new recipe...” (saya selalu mencoba resep baru) adalah “I love eating many kinds of fo Jawaban: B Kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi pertanyaan tersebut adalah “I want to make an account” Karena wanita tersebut akan melakukan transaksi bank, dan yang dipilihnya menabung. Jawaban: D Kalkulator Mona tertinggal di rumah, sehingga dia ingin meminjam kalkulator temannya. Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengungkapkan keinginannya adalah “May I use yours” (Bisakah saya meminjam milikmu?) Jawaban: C “If our father had not got a job here, we would have stayed in Jakarta” adalah jawaban yang tepat. Karena tenses yang digunakan conditional type 3. Jawaban: A Kata “but” menjadi kata kunci karena mengandung arti kebalikan Sehinggam jawaban yang sesuai adalah meskipun belum diputuskan, tapi ia ingin ke Italia dengan keluarganya Jawaban: C Sue bertanya kepada Jane mengapa dia datang terlambat. Jane menjelaskan bahwa dia harus pulang lagi ke rumah (I had to go to back home) karena dia lupa membawa buku catatannya yang sangat penting untuknya. Jawaban: A is SMK 2014/2015 by hpulpakcanang Lene eel OA errmnrarery 23 Bahasa Inggris SMK 41. Jawaban yang tepat untuk menjawab telepon adalah si penelepon akan mencoba meneleponnya lagi suatu saat nanti. Sehingga jawaban yang sesuai adalah “Then I'l call her back another time Jawaban: A 42. Parkhust akan direnovasi, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah “renovated” Jawaban: D 43. Karena kekurangan dari staf, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah “shortage” Jawaban: A 44, Kami mohon maaf untuk segala ketidaknyamanannya, Sebingga jawaban yang tepat adalah “apologize” Jawaban: A 45. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah “employee”, karena kata yang sesuai adalah kepada seluruh pekerja. Jawaban: C 46. Sebuah prosedur baru akan diterapkan, Sehingga jawaban yang sesuai adalah diimplementasi “implemented” Jawaban: A 47. Akan dilaksanakan segera. Sehingga jawaban yang sesuai adalah “immediately” (segera). Jawaban: C 48. Izinkan kami memberikan selamat bahwa anda terpilih.... Sehingga kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah “congratulation”. Jawaban: E 49. Kalimat yang sesuai untuk melengkapi titik-titik adalah bergabung (join). Jawaban: C 50. Silahkan menghubungi kami. Sehingga kalimat yang sesuai adalah “contact”. Jawaban: B U-2A-20142015 ‘Bocoran” Ujan Nasional Bahasa Ingeris SMK 2014/2015 by hips/pak-anang

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