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You have to choose the best answer to each 4. How do you do, everybody?

The underlined word

questions from the alternatives given. means ....
Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 2 A. Ahmad
B. Deni
Mr. Ahmad : Good afternoon, sir. May I C. Tono
introduce myself? My name is Ahmad. D. Tono and Deni
I am a technician of PT AUTOMO-
E. Nani, Nana, and Tono
The secretary: Please sit down, what can I do for
you, sir? 5. What do Nani, Tono, and Nana answer to
Mr. Ahmad : I want to see Mr Rahmat, the me- Ahmad's expressions.
chanic in the workshop. Is he in today? A. How are you?
The secretary: I am sorry, sir. But Mr Rahmat isn't B. How do you do?
in today. C. What is your name?
Mr Ahmad : I see. Never mind, sir. Goodbye. D. You're welcome
The secretary: Good bye E. May I introduce myself?
6. May I introduce myself? The underlined word has
1. The people in the dialogue are talking about the same meaning as
.... A. Acquaint
A. a technician of PT AUTOMOBILA B. Deduce
B. a way of greetings C. Contest
C. Mr Ahmad and the secretary D. Annoy
D. Mr. Rahmat is in toda E. Dedicate
E. Mr. Rahmat's attendance 7. Jack : Rita, ...
Rita : I am delighted to meet you.
2. We use the italicized words to express an.... Doni : I am delighted to meet you, too.
A. Greeting A. Doni is my friend
B. Advice B. Doni wants to meet you
C. introduction oneself C. Don't you know Doni is my friend
D. Complaint D. Please introduce yourself
E. introductoion others E. I'd like you to meet my friend, Doni.
8. Surya : Lusi, this is my new friend, his name is
Text 2 is for questions no 3- 6 Doni. He is a company director.
Deni : Hello, Ahmad. Lusi : Hi Doni.
Ahmad : Hi, Deni. Nice to see you. Doni : Hello, Lusi_____? Nice to meet you.
Deni : Nice to see you, too. How are you? Lusi : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.
Ahmad : Fine, thank you. And you? A. How are things with you
Deni : I am quite well, thanks. B. What are you.
Ahmad : may I introduce my friends? C. May I help you
This is Nani. This is Tono and that is is D. How are you
Ahmad : How do you do everybody?
E. How do you do
Glad to meet you.
Nani, Tono and Text 3 is for questions no. 9 -14.
Nana : How do you do Ahmad? There are a large number of people in Hotel Armico.
Glad to meet you, too. They are-attending-the opening ceremony of One-
Ahmad : Are you all students? Day Seminar on Business. They are now at the
Nani : Yes, we are. meeting room. The man at the podium is the
Ahmad : I am sorry, friends. I am in a hurry… president of the seminar. His name is Mr Doni
Deni : Oh! Are you? See you again some-time. Juanda. He is from Bandung. The people beside him
Goodbye, Ahmad. are the main speakers who would like to make a
Ahmad : Good bye, everybody. Glad to have met speech in the seminar.
you. At first Mr. Doni says: Ladies and Gentlemen, well,
to shorten the time allow me here to introduce on
my right is Mr. Dadi Permadi, he is an expert in
3. The italicized expressions above to express....
economics, from Jakarta. On my left is Mr.
A. an advice Darmawan, he is an economics lecturer at the STIE
B. an introduction people Bandung. From the far right is Mr Sumantri, he is a
C. an introduction myself skillful and successful-businessman in Indonesia, and
D. a formal greeting from the far letf is Mrs. Susilawati she is a company
E. a complaint director of PT HUTAMA DORAYA in Surabaya. They
F. are all qualified speakers and good at business.
All of the participants are on their seats. Mrs. Lusi is 15. Monik is a new member of Rotary Club. She
among them. Her seat is in front of the podium. On introduces herself.
her right side is Mr. Surya. He is from Solo. All the Monik : Ladies and gentlemen, ....
people are silent. They are paying attention to the A. allow me to introduce myself
speakers concentratedly. B. I am happy to meet you
9. What sort of ceremony are they attending?
C. It is okay to see you
A. Special meeting
B. General meeting
D. let me introduce you to the audience
C. Successful businessman E. may I introduce you to the audience
D. One Day Seminar on Business 16. The book is about a girl .... won the race
E. Flag ceremony A. which
B. and
10. The text tells us that the man at the podium is C. who
A. the committee of the seminar D. that
B. the expert of economics
E. if
C. the president of the seminar
D. the participants of the meeting 17. Anti .... drive all the way to Jogjakarta
E. the speakers of the meeting A. are go
11. The main idea of the second paragraph is.... B. is going to
A. an expert in business C. go
B. introducing oneself D. are going to
C. introducing other people
D. qualified speakers E. will be
E. ladies and gentlemen 18. “Attention, please! The train will arrive
12. He is from Bandung (paragraph 1, line 6). The about 5 minutes....”
underlined words here refers to .... A. announcement
A. Mr. Darmawan B. advertisement
B. Mr. Sumantry
C. Invitation
C. Mr. Dadi
D. Mr. Dadi D. Gratitude
E. Mr. Doni E. Apologize
13. In accordance with the text above Mr. Dadi is an 19. I don’t like people ..... never come on
... in economics. time.
A. applicant A. When
B. costumer B. Where
C. user C. That
D. d. lecturer
D. Who
E. e. expert
14. They are all qualified speakers and good at busi- E. Which
ness. 20. The machine .... broke down has now
The underlined word means .... been repaired.
A. being equipped by training A. That
B. be equipped B. Whom
C. be qualmed C. Where
D. be supplied D. When
E. be applied
E. Who

21. My friend is a good guitarist, and she loves hers guitar so much. She often practice by herself to
A B c D
strengethen her skil
22. My family has a big family meeting every weekend. All our relative are asked to bring food their
making them self

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