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Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Selected College Working Students in the

Province of Cavite, 2018-2019

In partial fulfillment

of the requirements for

Practical Research II

(A Quantitative Research)

Submitted by

Leader: Marc Xavier Espinosa

Assistant Leader: Angelica Diaz

Gabriel, Hans Darren

Paiste, Axl Boy

Billete, Dannalyn

Camerino, Laurice

Mendoza, Romma Lyn

Ombao, Erica

Submitted to

Felicitas P. Centeno, LPT

October 18, 2018

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Title Page………………………………………..…………………………………..…………1

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………….…….....2

Chapter I: The Problem and its Setting

Introduction………………………………………………………………… …..........3-4

Background of the Study…………………………………………………………...…4-5

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………..5-6


Theoretical Framework……………...………………………………….......................6-7

Conceptual Framework……………..…………………………………………….........8

Significance of the Study…………….………………………………………………..8-9

Scope and Delimitation of the Study…..……………………………………………….9

Definition of Key Terms……………………………………………………………..9-10

Chapter II: Review Related Literature……………………………………………………10-15

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This chapter presents the introduction of the study, as well as its background, statement
of the problem, theoretical frameweork, conceptual framework, dignificance, and scope and
delimitations of the study. Terms will also be unlocked in this chapter.


"Bright minds make bright future"

It is believed that the young adults today are the hope of the country. But what if there are
many hindrances affecting their chances to study and pursue their chosen career? When a student
gets a high grade, it is concluded that one has learned a lot, and if not, the student would most
likely have attained lesser learning skills. Everyone has a bright mind. Particularly, each and
every student has a bright mind. It is just up to those who take care of them whether how they
will bring the great skills out of these students.

There are some factors that greatly affect the academic performance among selected
working students. School, colleges and universities have no worth without students. Students are
the most essential asset for any educational institute. The social and economic development of
the country is directly linked with student academic performance. For many, the idea of going
back to college or university (or considering a certification) while working a full time job can be
daunting. Handling a full time job and your studies at the same time requires a good level of
planning and prioritization. While some students would choose of not working while furthering
their education, there is a massive group of students who are balancing a job while studying for a
degree. Measure their intelligence quotient, habits, gender, age, year, and even their social status.
But, it has been long since it was recognized that in the process of learning, the study habits of
the students play an important role in their academic performances. Students’ performance
(academic achievement) plays an important role in producing the best quality graduates who will
become great leader and manpower for the country, thus, responsible for the country’s economic

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and social development. The school is known for enhancing and developing the potential of a
There are many challenges everyone will face during the greatest moment they will be
along their journeys so the researchers aim to know whether these selected students think as if
this kind of problem serves as a hindrance to arrive at their chosen destination. This study also
gives both positive and negative feedback. Whether this problem lets people show mercy to these
selected students, or if this problem serves as an inspiration and motivation to some students who
think that their hard-works don’t have place in this world.
In this study, the researchers will try to get and give answers to this kind of problem from
the selected working students in the province of Cavite.

Background of the Study

This study focused on the factors that affect the academic performance of selected
college working students in the Province of Cavite. Inclined to this study, several major causes
of problems about this topic were brought up by the researchers to help everyone to understand
what was discussed here. The most typical problem of selected students that affect their
academic performance is the hours spent in their job or work for them to sacrifice time in
studying which could results to undone school works or lower grades due to shortest number of
time in doing it. In line with this, selected working students have come up with the plan of
balancing time between work and study in order to attain their academic goal and maybe
providing for their needs when it comes to school expenses and other things. Some people say
that there is no need to work while studying to pay expenses due to the fact there are different
schools or universities that offer free tuition because they are provided by the government.

This study also aims to make everyone understand that there are still a lot of expenses in
school that the selected college working students need to have like food, travel allowance,
projects and other miscellaneous fees. On the other hand, there are some several advantages
regarding their work such as they could provide their tuition fees in their education to enrolled

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class and support further premises in school or institutions. Through the help of other companies,
they apply for part time and full time job. In attempting to work full time it could bring longer
level of stress and hectic time but working full time could support themselves financially and
still go to school. Some selected working student work part time,which may lead to stress and
feeling of mentally and physically drained because of having both commitment that take a lot of
efforts woking students could still continue their school works because of fewer hours compared
to full time job.

This study aims to serve as basis of encouragement and motivation to the selected
working students and even the non-working students. It is believed that this study is important to
anyone’s mind as a motivation to pursue one’s career and overcome hindrances and also as an
awareness that everyone has the same path as someone else’s. To successfully gather the
findings of this study, we provide questionnaires to investigate information that require answers
on factors affecting the academic performance of selected working students in the Province of

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know what are the possible factors affecting the academic
performance of college working students and what are the effects of their work to their life as a
student. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents according to:

a. gender
b. age
c. educational attainment
d. economic status
2. What are the reasons why college working students choose to work?
3. How is academic performance affected by being a working student?

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The following hypotheses were stated:

H0: The determined factors have actually no significant effect and impact on the academic
performance of selected working students in the province of Cavite.

H1: The determined factors have an impact and greatly affect the academic performance of
selected working students in the province of Cavite.

Theoretical Framework

Academic Performance of the working students have attracted increased attention among
the university teachers and students with the aim of knowing and understanding the reasons,
problems and other factors affecting them. This may empower them for lifelong learning to their
journey to success hindered by their busy schedule and always no time to their study and
academic performance.

According to Atkinson (1996), educators generally agree that a major variable affecting
the academic performance is motivation. However, important as a motivational variable’s may
be in understanding, predicting and controlling classroom performance, there is paucity of
information and theory associated with them. There are many theories of human motivation; but
little attempt has been made to extend this theories in a systematic way to educational situations.

the occasional application of psychological theory to education has not typically eventuated in
theory of academic motivation a unified and coherent body of information. As a result, there is
very little in the way of motivation theory which is clearly help to the academic performance.

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The work is a stressor that upset balance affecting the academic performance. Actions
that may require restoring the balance may require the dropping of other subjects that they can
focus on the others or just enroll the subjects suited to their schedules. Time management and
proper approach on every situation are also helpful.

According to Lazarus &Folkman (1997) cognitive-relational theory defines stress as a

particular relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as
taxing or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well-being.

According to Albert Bandura is well regarded for his Social Cognitive Theory. It is a
learning theory based on the ideas that people learn by watching what others do, and that human
thought processes are central to understanding personality. This theory provides a framework for
understanding, predicting and changing human behavior.

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Conceptual Framework

Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Selected College Working Students in the Provice of
Cavite, 2018-2019

Possible Effects to their

Demographic Profiles of Possible Causes Why They Life as a College Student
the College Working Chose to Work While
Students Studying (Advantages and
• Age • Financial Problem • Build social and
• Gender • Gain Experience communicative skills
• College Year or Level • Have an Employment • Be more knowledgeable
• Sibling position History • Difficulty in balancing
• Monthly family income academics and work
• May cause fatigue
• Build up stress

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will serve as additional knowledge and awareness on people in
their academic community of how their current work affects their academic performance. In this
way, it lets people have an idea in regards to the particular topic the researchers have discussed.
This study intends to help other students to understand the situation of college students who are
work while studying.
The negative and positive effects of this kind of problem affect not just the ones who are
experiencing it, but also those people who aim to know the struggles if they are experiencing
this kind of situation and thinking how to help or how do these people cope up with this kind of
stress they might have been experiencing. The researchers would like to provide basis on the
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factors affecting the academic performance of selected working students that will benefit the
following group of people:

To professors - This study will have a better understanding of working students who are
attending in their class, through providing them with remedial class or alternative tasks that will
not sacrifice effectiveness of teaching techniques and essence of learnings wherein they are in
situation of having conflicts between work and study. This also serves as an act of hard work that
may affect the professor’s way of thinking about the different kinds of students’ will to learn
despite the challenges life brings them.

To students - The findings of the study will give deeper insights to other students who
could afford their academic fees or support by their parents. They will able to help selected
working students to build strong desires to study and get motivated. They could serve assistance
with regards of missed outputs or tasks of selected working students, the same with school
administrators and teachers or professors who enrolled to their subject or class. These working
students may serve as an inspiration to many, particularly the students who don’t need to work
just to study in a expensive or even a school provided by the government, and just to buy their
needs. It gives an idea to these students that every little thing in this life matters so they should
not throw the little things they have that are big in somebody else’s eyes.

Future Researchers - Through this study it will help the future researchers to serve as
reference related to the investigation of factors affecting the academic performance of selected
working students. It will give them ideas that also helped the present researchers in regards of the
particular topic the present researchers wanted to know about.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This quantitative research aims to garner on what will be the possible factors affecting the
academic performance among working selected students. It involves student who are in college
degree or level, survey will be conducted to gather significant data and information for the study.

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The researchers limit their study by giving questionnaire to the (50-80) working students in
selected institutions at the province of Cavite. The academic performance of the working
students did not affect due to the time management, they can balance their study while working
they still have time to study and the factors that affects their behaviour, study habits and social
life. The researcher will explain and enlighten the mind of the readers for them to know the reason
and how it affects the working students on their everyday life and for them to clearly understand
this study.

Definition of Terms

Academic performance - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved
their short or long-term educational goals.

Manpower - defined as the total of number of individuals who are employed in a company or
available for a particular project assignment or work.

Time management – a process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on
specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.

Emotionally Drained- a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by

excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and
unable to meet constant demands.

Quotient –a degree or amount of a specified quality or characteristic.

Hectic - very busy and involve of alot of rushed activities and characterized by intense agitation,
excitement, confused and rapid movement, etc.

Financial - usually refers to money matters or transactions of some size or importance.

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This chapter includes various studies, ideas, finished thesis, conclusions and others that
are fundamental in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the current study
concerning college working students.


All of the research review related support the hypothesis that student performance
depends on different socio-economic, psychological, environmental factors. The findings of
research studies focused that student performance is affected by different factors such as learning
abilities because new paradigm about learning assumes that all students can and should learn at
higher levels but it should not be considered as constraint because there are other factors like
race, gender, sex that can affect student’s performance (Hansen, Joe B.2000).

B.A Chansarkar and A. Mishaeloudis (2001) explained the effects of age, qualification
distance from learning place etc. on student performance. The performance of students not
affected by such factors as age, sex and place of residence but is associated with qualification in

quantitative subjects. It is also found that those who live near the university perform better than
other students.

Student performance is very much dependent on SEB (socio economic background) as

per their statement, college students’ level of performance is with statistically significant
differences, linked to their gender, grade level, school location, school type, student type and
socio-economic background (SEB). (Walters &Soyibo, 1998)

Some working students do not continue schooling and drop out because they cannot
afford or do not have the time or the energy to attend school. Their lack of education limits their
future employment and makes it difficult to move out of poverty. For other students work does
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not mean an end to schooling, but may lead to irregular attendance, poor academic results and
students repeating classes. Work may deny students their rights to a meaningful, quality
education which is enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991). A
working paper issued by Save the Children UK (2000) reviews recent research on long-term
implications of child labour. It highlights education and health as key areas for intervention
alongside with poverty reduction measures. It calls for good quality, appropriate and flexible
education systems that meet the needs of working children.

(Gur et al., 1974; Fraser et al., 1977) explained that some of the practices adopted by
college administration in higher education like residential colleges or organized study groups
also help to increases performance. Keeping in view all of the variables discussed by different
researchers we have chosen only those variables that are recognizable .

According to Susan Eling and Theodore Eling (2000), Students who worked 30 or more
hours per week were less involved with campus activities than students who were not employed
or were employed fewer than 30 hours.

Many researchers has been discussed the different factors that affects the student
academic performance in their research. There are two types of factors that affect the students’
academic performance. These are internal and external classroom factors and these factors
strongly affect the students’ performance. Internal classroom factors includes students
competence in English, class schedules, class size, English text books, class test results, learning
facilities, homework, environment of the class, complexity of the course material, teachers role
in the class, technology used in the class and exams systems. External classroom factors include
extracurricular activities, family problems, work and financial, social and other problems.
Research studies shows that students’ performance depends on many factors such as learning
facilities, gender and age differences, etc. that can affect student performance (Hansen, 2000).


According to Karl Nicole Nucum (2018), over the years, the concept of “work-study
balance” has been an ongoing struggle for working students. While there can be a number of

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factors involved, financial crisis is still the primary reason why students take part-time (or full-
time) jobs. Running from school to work and juggling academic requirements and side-hustles
while keeping your family, social, or love life in check is a truly daunting task. Nucum have
stated some ways on how you can emerge victorious at work and in school: Look for feasible
work-study options Try to look for work opportunities inside your campus. Aside from
scholarships, some schools offer financial aids to students by working as a student assistant (SA)
in your school’s different departments and faculty. Some benefits of being an SA can include
free or discounted tuition fees or school allowances. It also provides you with more time for your
academics since you won’t have to travel between classes or shifts. Working for a company, on
the other hand, can provide higher salary, but the demands and stress levels are also higher.
Another option you can also consider is the Special Program for Employment of Students
(SPES) offered by local government units in the country. SPES provides summer job
opportunities for students so it doesn’t have to interfere with your regular classes.

Bagongon and Edpalina (n.d) intend to determine the possible relationships of study
habits and the factors affecting to the academic achievement of under graduate education
students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan. They used time management, learning skills
and study skills as independent variables to find out of how it affect students’ study habits. In
such time, many factors considered to indicate the desire of students in achieving their academic
goal. One primary factor stated are the grades, which for many measures the intelligence of a
student. If they get higher grades therefore they are the students who learn most throughout their
academic years while students that get lower grades lesser learners. Even before, grades are the
basis of academic performance of a student hence they believed to attain and become successful
in life. It is not declared that education is the key in order to meet the standards of the world.
However, it is substantial for such people. Companies and institutions they give much attention
towards the grades of their employees, which influenced their perspective regarding to the
employees. Parents who are always concern to their children’s academic grade because they
believe that good grades offer great job. Reputations creates good image and possible to gain
higher respect from others. In general, study habits affect the performance results of the students.
Performance results manifest good academic background and grades.
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The AcademiaWebSite (2003) the national Statistics Coordination Board (NSCB)
published that the full-time workers in July 2010 recorded a share of 64.3 percent of the total
employed while the part-time workers, 35.0 percent. The number of underemployed persons in
July 2010 was estimated at 6.5 million, placing the current underemployment rate at 17.9
percent. More than half (58.1%) of the total underemployed were reported as visibly
underemployed or working less than 40 hours during the reference week. Those working for 40
hours or more accounted for 40.4 percent. Most of the underemployed were working in the
agriculture sector (46.7%) and services sector (37.8%). The underemployed in the industry sector
accounted for 15.5 percent.Only half of working students finish college: CHED

Sembrano (2004) About 216,000 students in the country are currently juggling school
and work, according to latest data from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).The
figure is about 8% of the total number of college students in the country.CHED said working
students today are mostly into food service, entertainment and sales, apart from their usual stints
as library and research assistants."Dahilsa financial crisis, kailangannilang extra income," said
lawyer JulitoVitriolo, officer-in-charge at CHED's office of the executive director.Vitriolo added
that these students are forced to work because of higher commodity prices and tuition
fees.JerryRontal, who delivers oxygen tanks in a hospital. Rontal is currently taking up
Criminology, and needs to pay a tuition fee of P24,000 for this semester.The amount does not
include expenses for books, uniform and public transport."Gustokongumangatsahirap.
Kakayaninpo, kailanganpo eh. Kung hindiakokikilos, walangmangyayari," Rontalsaid.Despite
their efforts, the pressure to balance work and school is just too much for many working
students.The CHED said that only 50% of working students get to finish college, as many cannot
cope and cannot concentrate on their studies, while some have poor health, while others give up
because of insufficient funds.CHED advised working students to get jobs that are not that
demanding, and that are more closely related to their courses.

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Today's college students are less prepared for college-level work than their predecessors.
Once they get to college, they tend to spend fewer hours studying while spending more hours
working, some even full time (D. T. Smart, C. A. Kelley, & J. S. Conant, 1999).

According to the Unknown blogger, those Filipino teenagers are very eager to pursue to
finish their school even if their parent or their family could not help to support them financially.
They go to school and at the same time, they are working for their needs for the school
requirements and for the payment of their tuition fees. If we know that a teenager finishes her or
his school with the help of themselves through work after school they are admirable. Filipino
teenager is admirable for being diligent and industrious.

Being a working student of Filipino teenager it not easy but sometimes through the
support of the family, they can handle working at the same time going to school. He mentioned
to his article what is a life or what is the stuggle of being a working-student. He said that, being a
working student is very hard they need to give their 100 percent of attention when they are in the
school and give 100 percent of their strength when they work. They have different time for
working and give a time for studying. A working student is responsible enough to handle their
life being a student. They will know how hard to handle a job while they need to go to school
after their work. They will know how important the commitment and the time when they become
a working student. He also mentioned about the application for working-student in the school
need. One of appliction needed he gave is, (1) Intellectual ability and academic competence.
Being working student, you should learn how to balance the time of being employee and being
student. (2) They should maintain the high grades. (3) A working student should have no drop-
off subject. And he also mentioned what would be the benefits of being a working student. (1)
They can do better in the school. A working student needs to participate better in the school to
get a high grade while they are working. You can see that most working students are responsible
because they are matured enough to be a better person. (2) Being a working student can help to
boost your personality and can be a stepping stone when you really face the reality after
graduation. (3) Some benefits of being a working student are there become smarter and they can
have a strong personality. (4) They gain more confidence in all area of their life when they face
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trials and all the people around them. (5) The good thing about working while studying is that
you have experience at a very young age to work at you will appreciate more those parents that
have work yet at the same time take care of their family.

And in additional, being working student is you can learn how to be independent when it
comes to save money. Being a working student, it doesn't mean that you will not go to stage and
receive a diploma because a working student has a strong personality. hen you see a working
student there are more matured compare to other students, They think more matured, act as an
adult, and they are more responsible in their life. They know how important to have education
and nobody can take it away from them if they have a degree in the near future. However, they
know that the rewards they can get are to finish school and have a better job in the future. One of
the most awarding feelings to Filipino parents is when they see their children finish their school
and have a better job. It is an awesome feeling knowing that their children hard work has a good
result and they feel happy and contented knowing that their children have a better future ahead.

Chapter 3

Research Design

This study was simply correlational. A correlational method is commonly use to

statistical assessment from the same group of variables. The researchers have two (2)
quantitative variables. In this study, the independent variables are the following factors affecting
to the academic performance of selected college working students and the dependent variables is
the impact of working in their education.
The researchers aim to have objective and precise outcomes in research. The
method was used to simply describe the correlation of independent variables to dependent
variables. This study intends to know if the following factors are related to the academic
performance of the selected college working students. It will help the readers to solely analyse
the relationships of two (2) quantitative variables.

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