Activity1 T3 U5

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Activity 1 Topic 3

Complete the following chart telling how do you feel or what do you wear
when you are…. (you can change the examples that you don’t agree with).

Aches/pains What do you feel? How do you get? What do you do?

(Sensations) (Emotions) (What do you wear?)

The cold/the flu I sneeze and cough. I get sick I wear a scarf

fever I get hot

Headache I feel dizzy

Stomachache I get ill

Toothache I go to the dentist

Cut I feel pain

Bruise I get worried

Rash I scratch the rash

Animal Bite I feel scared

Broken Bone I get frustrated

Bleeding I go to the hospital

Sore throat I feel annoyed

Backache I get tired

Burn I wear a patch

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