Key Terms: International Conference On Information Fusion, Stockholm, Sweden

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Aligning the Warehouse and the Web

Mining, Vol. 1. J. Wang (ed), Idea Group Publishing, KEY TERMS

ISBN: 1591405572, pp. 328-333.
Decision Support System (DSS): An interactive
Qazi, F.A. (2006). Use of Semantic Web in Health Care
arrangement of computerized tools tailored to retrieve
Systems. SWWS 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 26-
and display data regarding business problems and
Ross, M. (Oct. 2006). “Four Fixes Refurbish Legacy
Deep Web: Denotes those significant but often
Data Warehouses”. Intelligent Enterprise, 9(10), 43-45.
neglected portions of the web where data is stored in
Available at
inaccessible formats that cannot be readily indexed
Shah, U., Finin, T., Joshi, A., Cost, R. S., & Mayfield, by the major search engines. In the literature the term
J. (2002). Information Retrieval on the Semantic Web. “Invisible Web” is sometimes used.
Paper presented at the Tenth International Conference on
External data: Data originating from other than
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2002),
the operational systems of a corporation.
McLean, Virginia, USA.
Metadata: Data about data; in the data warehouse
Sheth, A. (2006). Semantic Web applications in Financial
it describes the contents of the data warehouse.
Industry, Government, Health Care and Life Sciences.
AAAI Spring Symposium on SWEG, Palo Alto, Cali- Operational Data: Data used to support the daily
fornia, March 2006. processing a company does.
Strand, M. & Wangler, B. (June 2004). Incorporating Refresh Cycle: The frequency with which the data
External Data into Data Warehouses – Problem Identified warehouse is updated : for example, once a week.
and Contextualized. Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Information Fusion, Stockholm, Sweden, Semantic Web: Area of active research in which
288-294. XML based technologies are being used to make web
data “smarter” so that it can be readily handled by
Sullivan, D. (2000). Search Engines Review Chart. software agents.
[Electronic version], retrieved June 10, 2002, from http:// Transformation: The conversion of incoming data
into the desired form.
Schwartz, E. (2003). Data Warehouses Get Active. Info-
World, 25(48), 12-13.
Wang, J. & Lochovsky, F.H. (2003). Data extraction and
label assignment for Web databases. WWW2003 Confer-
ence, Budapest, Hungary.
Winter, R. & Burns, R. (Nov. 2006). “Climb Every Ware-
house”. Intelligent Enterprise; 9(11) 31-35. Available at
Zhenyu, H., Chen, L., Frolick, M. (Winter 2002). “Integrat-
ing Web Based Data IntoAData Warehouse”. Information
Systems Management; 19(1) 23-34.
Zillman, M. P. (2005). Deep Web research 2005. Retrieved

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