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Most Valuable Brands (Shariah-Compliant)

U.S. listed world famous brands (Shariah-Compliant)

These brands have their chains all over the world

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Mutual Berhad.
3. Largest Economy

The U.S. economy (GDP) in 2017 was US$19.5 trillion.

US$ Tril

5 $3.7

U.S. China Japan Germany
Source: IMF WEO Jan’19, GDP current prices in US$
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Mutual Berhad.
4. Global Spotlight

America provides global platform:

In technology, business, sports, engineering,
music, movies, and everything.

America offers
global platform

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Mutual Berhad.
Interesting Facts about the
U.S. Market
1. World’s largest stock market
2. Exposure to multinational companies
3. Positive long-term return
4. Innovation
5. Resilient economy outlook
6. Strong reporting transparency
7. Strong corporate governance

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#1 - World’s Largest Stock Market
U.S. is the BIGGEST market (by market cap) in
the world. Its market cap is near 5 times China’s.

China Japan
USD 6.7 t USD 5.7 t HK
United States USD 5.5 t
USD 30.4 t UK
USD 3.3 t

Source: Bloomberg (28 February 2019),

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