Physics 22000, Lab Session 2: Newton's Laws of Motion: Norhan Mahmoud Eassa

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Physics 22000, Lab Session 2: Newton’s Laws of Motion

Norhan Mahmoud Eassa

Purdue University, Department of Physics and Astronomy

September 4, 2019

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Points to be discussed

1 Objectives

2 Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Models of Acceleration

4 Lab Equipment

5 Lab Procedure

6 Required Tasks for Lab Report

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Points to be discussed

1 Objectives

2 Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Models of Acceleration

4 Lab Equipment

5 Lab Procedure

6 Required Tasks for Lab Report

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The main objectives of this lab are:

1 Understanding Newton’s three laws of motion.
2 Examining motion by creating acceleration vs. time graphs.
3 Learning about the relationship among acceleration, velocity and position as they
vary with time.
4 Examining how force relates to motion.

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Points to be discussed

1 Objectives

2 Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Models of Acceleration

4 Lab Equipment

5 Lab Procedure

6 Required Tasks for Lab Report

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

According to Newton, there are 3 main laws of motion, which are...

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Newton’s First Law

A body at rest remains at rest and a body in constant motion tends to

stay in its state of constant motion unless acted upon by an external
force. This tendency to stay in a state of constant, uniform motion in a
straight line is called inertia.

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Newton’s Second Law

An external force acting on a body gives it an acceleration that is in the

direction of the force and has a magnitude directly proportional to that
of the force and inversely proportional to that of the mass.
a= or F = ma (1)

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Newton’s Third Law

Whenever a body exerts a force on another body, the latter exerts a

force of equal magnitude and opposite direction on the former.

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Points to be discussed

1 Objectives

2 Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Models of Acceleration

4 Lab Equipment

5 Lab Procedure

6 Required Tasks for Lab Report

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Acceleration on an incline

Figure 1: A box accelerating on an inclined plane.

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Acceleration of two masses with a horizontal pulley

Figure 2: Two masses, one on a horizontal plane and the other hung over the pulley, accelerating.

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Acceleration on an elevator

Figure 3: Acceleration on an elevator.

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Kinetic Friction

When an object moves along another object (i.e. an object moving on a sort of plane)
each object exerts a kinetic friction force on the other.

FFRICTION = µk N (2)

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Points to be discussed

1 Objectives

2 Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Models of Acceleration

4 Lab Equipment

5 Lab Procedure

6 Required Tasks for Lab Report

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Lab Equipment

Computerized motion sensor

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Lab Equipment

Force sensor

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Points to be discussed

1 Objectives

2 Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Models of Acceleration

4 Lab Equipment

5 Lab Procedure

6 Required Tasks for Lab Report

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Lab Procedure

We shall now discuss and demonstrate the required lab procedures for
each activity.

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Points to be discussed

1 Objectives

2 Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Models of Acceleration

4 Lab Equipment

5 Lab Procedure

6 Required Tasks for Lab Report

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Required Tasks for Lab Report

The following must be handed in with your lab report:

Activity 1: Hand in the acceleration vs. time graph. Moreover, calculate the
average acceleration and the standard deviation of the measurements, along with
the absolute and relative errors.
Activity 2: Hand in the acceleration vs. time graph. Moreover, calculate the
average acceleration and the standard deviation of the measurements, along with
the absolute and relative errors.
Activity 3: Measure the weight, calculate its theoretical value, and calculate the
random error.
Activity 4: Hand in the produced graph and answer the questions on this activity in
the lab report.
Answer the conceptual questions.
Before you leave, let me take a look at your lab reports.

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