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RIC No in LTTTT) ‘Higher National ITE Certificate ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FLECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM (EESO13PA ) THEORY PAPER, 2HOURS. MARCH 2012 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 Bo not open this question paper until you are told to do 60. 2 Write your NRIC NovJFIN clearly at the top right-hand comer of the front page. 3. This paper consists of three sections, Section A: Twenty five muttisle-choice questions; Section B : Five short questions; and Section C : Three structured eseay-type questions. 4 Attempt all questions in Section A and Section B, and choose any two questions in Section C, 5 For Section A, shade the appropriate circle for the correct answer on the OM Answer Shest provided, using 28 pencil, Use soft eraser to completely erase any mistakes. 6 — Write your answers for Section 8 and Section C in the answer booklet provided. Use elther BLUE or BLACK ink only, 7 For Section C, begin each question on a new page. 8 Provide diagrams related to your answers whenever possibla, 9 Show the working for all caleulations clearly. 10 Write the question numbers of the questions which you have attempted on the front. cover of the answer booklet. ‘1 Formulae are provided in Annex A, 12 Retum this question paper at the end of the exarn. This question paper consists of printed pages WW GBLVOIENG 3G OL LON YoHeoNpa eo!UYOo| 30 emMIASUE quOURJedeg jueuilojeneg suORCUUEXA WOLs AGO Bona ce Section A- 60 marks (2 marks per question) Answer all questions. Choose the correct answer and shade the appropriate circle on the OMR answer sheet. 4 One ‘of the objectives of the Singapore Electricity Market is that it will (A) seitie the accounts of market participants. {B) __ maintain the reliability of the power system. (Co) ensure electricity licensees will provide an efficient service. GD _ promote the efficient supply of competiively-priced electrety ‘Al present, one of the most environmentally-friendly generating plants on commercial scale is the (8) Gas turbine plant. (8) Steam turbine plant Diesel engine plant. Combined-cycie plant. Tho name that is given to that part of a power system which consists of the substation and transmission lines of various voltage rating is known as @ Grid Distribution (©) Generation. (0) Receiving station, The minimum clearance all round a switchboard in a consumer's switchroom is 8 600 mm. (3) 700mm (c) 800 mm. (0) 990mm, ‘The type of busbar system that is normally used in transmission or important distribution switching station is the (A)—_Ring mains system, Single busbar system, {©} Double busbar system, (0) Seetionalized busbar system. ‘A medium ling transmission is a line between 60 km and (a) 100 km. (BL 10 km. 420 km, ©) 190 km. In Singapore, the permissible distribution vollage variation is kept at (A) 4% of its declares voltage. 25% of its declared voltage, 26% of Its declared voltage, 27% of its declared voltage, \ cr o oynsul quouiedeg jWeusde.-sog suoHeURIEXg WOIs AJOO SOI: 8 z 2 g im g e 5 g & g z é 9 4 °° gaivditena 3! 8 Reactive power surcharge will be imposed to high voltage consumer, if the power factor is less than 0.85, 8) more than 0.85. He more than 0.90, (0) more than 0.95, 9 ‘The installed capacity of a power station is defined as the @ actual capacity. (8) average comand, (C) reserved capacity, (0) maximum demand, 10 The negative effects of low power factor is that it will cause a/an @®) increase in capital cost. {8) decrease in capital cost, (c) increase in iron losses. (D) decrease in copper losses. Tl Three methods of improving power factor involved the use of capacitors, synchronous motors and (A) resistors. (©) inductors, S) — domotors. phase modifier. 12 The types of current imiting reactors that ate generally being used ara iron cored magnetically shielded reactor, air cored ring shielded reactor, and air cored shielded reactor. air cored non-shielded reactor. ) al cored rectangular shielded reactor. (D) iron cored non-magnetically shielded reactor. 13 An earthing instaflation will consist of (A) capacitors, BP earth eloctrodes, ) air crout breakers, (D) circuit non-protective conductors. 14 The two basic principles that are used in feeder unit protection scheme are circulating current and fa) balanced voitage. ( balanced current. (©) circutating voltage. (0) balanced resistance. 7 ‘ GELVONENG 38 OLLON YoneonpajeoluYyoes jo aMpsU] yUeUIIEdeg WeuIdo}eneg suonBUREXS wos AGOO BONS RABY AdOO 3 4 ‘w 18 19 20 2 The type of relay that is used for parallel feeders, under protection scheme is the B) directional relay. overcurrent relay. (D) —_undervattage relay. ‘The time from separation of contact to the extinction of the arc Is called the (A) arching time. Y closing time. (C) opening time. (0) total break time. Which one of the following circuit breakers is of the low voltage dovico? Air circuit breaker. Ol circuit breaker. (C) SF circuit breaker. {0} Vacuum circuit breaker. Motor control centres are physical grouping of a combination of (A) _ fuses in one assembly. (8) starters in ona assembly, })__switchgears in one assembly. (0) transformers in one assembly, Which one of the following starters is used to reduce the starfing current and starting torque of an a,c, motor? iA Face plate starter. (BY StarDolia starter (Cc) Direct On-Line starter. {d) Forward-Reverse starter. In Singapore, the rated operational voltage of a 3-phase system switchboard Is (Mov. By 280 V. c) 400. (0) 600. The standard accuracy elass for protection current transformer (PCT) is 02, 8) 08 A@G SUONBURUEXZ WOLS quewde ay uy GaLYMENe 3a OLLON uoneoND; [eoIuYoe| Jo ems) WeUnJEdeg a 22 The tester that is used to inject the required high voltage pulses into the q faulty underground cable is known as alan o im (A) Ohmmeter. 2 Mullett, f Megger tester. Q Surge generator. 8 2 23 Which of the following load is classified as non-essential load’? 3 3 (A) PAsystem, 3 (8) Alarm system. o (C)) Air-conditioning. 5 TY Ghergony aking system z 2 24 Ifthe fundamental frequency is 60 Hz, then the ® harmonic frequency is 3 (A) 100 Hi, 2 250 Hz 3 (C) 300H2, 5 {0} 500 Hz, 3 8 a 25 Which one of the following types of power system devices Is fkely to be affected by o harmonics? 3 3 (A) Isolators. = Capacitor banks. 3 {C) Direct current motors, g (0) Direct current genorators. = 5 = = 8 g a 3 3 2 5 a mn = 5 8 fk 8 8 & g 3 ° fa g é 3 = oS a 73 7 a g a Section B - 30 marks ( 6 marks per question) Areweratteaestions Write your answers in the answer booklet provided 26 ar 28 29 20 List any three functions of a substation. Name threo methods of earthing the neutral point. A power station with 20% reserve capacity, supplies four regions of loads whose peak loads are 10 MW, 4 VY, 6 MW, and 8 MW. The diversity factor of the load at the stalion is 7.4, Determine: (A) the maximum demand; and {B) the reserve capacity (A) What is the rated secondary current of 2 600/5A current transformer? (8) State the difference between a rated operational voltage and a rated insulation voltage as found in a switchgear catalogue. List any thrae types of emergency power sources. su [6 marks} [6 marks} {3 marks} [3 marks} {2 marks] [4 marks} [6 marks} AdOO TOWER: yoo Jo oInWIsu) Wewpedag ysUdesheg SUORBUPIEG wOd neonpa ie: BIOLLON vor a3uvdnand

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