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Human Computer Interaction


Liaba 10155125

Iqra Akmal 10155116

Submitted To:

Ma’am Komal Bashir

Lahore College for Woman University Jail Road Lahore

Q#1: What is the role of interface in success of website?

Role of interface:
The user interface plays an important role in bringing huge volume web traffic to it. The main
function of a good user interface is to provide users with an intuitive mapping between user’s
intention and application’s function that manages to provide a solution to the given task. Basically,
user interface describes the way people interact with a site and the way users can access its
functions. Though a website provides a broad array of offerings, absence of a proper means to
interact with that website will make it worthless.

A Good User interface focuses on making the user’s interaction simple and efficient. Users
appreciate interesting websites with intuitive User interfaces that guide them towards their task
in the most engaging style.

A bad UI design bounces away visitors to seek a more reliable website. Every single second a
user spends on a website is directly attributable to the usability of a good UI. User experience
(UX) evolved as a critical aspect of web development that focuses on human engagement and
experience. A successful UX design is a blend of cognitive psychology, skillful graphics and
relevant content.


Characteristics of interface:
 Clear
 Concise
 Familiar
 Responsive
 Consistent
 Attractive
 Efficient
 Forgiving

Q#2: a) Reasons for success of software

 Smart people
 Smart planning
 Open communication
 Careful risk management
 Strong project closure

b) Reasons for failure of software

 Poor communication
 Resistance to change
 Not reviewing project progress on regular basis
 Unclear requirements
 Unrealistic expectations
 Absence of a good project manager
 Working without purpose
 Moving the goal posts too often
 Not investing enough time and money in your team
 Over promising just to closed the deal


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