CA Disclosures Booklet (Awcadiscbookletrev032018) 2018.05.01

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WITEIESS fyi CALIFORNIA SERVICE/ PRODUCT DISCLOSURES ASSURANCE WIRELESS | CALIFORNIA LIFELINE PLAN SCHEDULE OF RATES Applicable Terms and Conditions of Service are set forth in Assurance Wireless Important Service/Product Specific Terms and Assurance Wireless General Terms and Conditions of Service Regular Rate Federal Lifeline Discount ec ee pony $25.00 California FREEdom’ Poor ey $2750" Con Cee ee rir) cocoa’ oN Seay Se ac LifeLine customers) to¢imin $9.25 $9.25 NIA California LifeLine Discount $1430 $1430 NIA Monthly ‘Company Discount (funded by AW) Monthly Discounted Rate $145 $3.95 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NIA Number of Minutes Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited NIA Domestic Messages. Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited See rates below Data Applicable Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges ° 268" 2GB" See rates below None None. ‘As required by law for prepaid nond.ifeline service California Lifeline Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges Exemption Per Minute! Message Fee for ‘Additional Minutes! Messages: None (LifeLine Exempt) None (LifeLine Exempy) None. (LifeLine Exempt) Na (Exemption does not apply ta non- Lifetine customers) Voice: Unlimited domestic (US) voice ‘minutes included with offer Message (Text): Unlimited domestic (US) messages (texts) Included with offer Intemational text is not included in the ‘monthly allocation of messages. Voice: Unlimited domestic (U.S) voice minutes included with offer Message (Text): Unlimited domestic (US) messages (texts) Included with offer International text is, not included in the monthly allocation of messages. Voice: Unlimited domestic (U.S) voice minutes included with offer Message (Text): Unlimited domestic (US) messages (texts) Included with offer International text is, not included in the monthly allocation of messages. Addit minutes / messages: 10cimsg sent or received Domestic Messaging Packs: +1199 for 50 msgs +9499 for 200 megs + 9,99 for 1000 msgs +7999 for nimtedmags Fee for Additional Data racy Seared Pony ‘Add’l or Pay as You Go Data Rates: Ine 20¢ msg, sent & 10¢ /msg to receive Email & IMs: 1Oeimsg (sent or received) Data Packs: $100 for 100MB $3.00 for 5OOMB $5.00 for 1GB. $10.00 for 268 $20.00 for 4GB $30.00 for 5GB * Data Packs expire after30 calendar days ee ey Add'l or Pay as You Go Data Rates: Int: 20¢ /msg. sent & 10¢ Jmsg to receive Email & IMs: 10¢imsg (sent or received) Data Packs" $1.00 for 100MB $3.00 for 500MB. $5.00 for 1GB $10.00 for 268 $20.00 for 468, $30.00 for 5B. * Data Packs expire after 30 calendar days Can Ge Ree oer) Goce ‘Add’l or Pay as You Go Data Rates: Int: 20¢ msg. sent & 10¢ ‘/msq to receive Email & IMs: 10¢/msg (sent or received) Data Packs:* $1.00 for 100MB $3.00 for SOOMB $5.00 for 1GB $10.00 for 268 $20.00 for 4GB $30.00 for SGB * Data Packs expire after 30 calendar days AW CA Sree Coa eee er) ‘Add’l or Pay as You Go Data Rates: Picture msg: 25¢ /msg sent or received Int: 20¢ msg, sent & 10¢ /msg to receive Email & IMs: 10¢/msg (sent or received) Data Packs:* $1.00 for 100MB $3.00 for SOOMB $5.00 for 1GB $10.00 for 268 $20.00 for 4GB $30.00 for SGB * Data Packs expire ater 30 calendar days Fee for Calling Nit Special Service Numbers Fee for Calling Fee for Calling Operator Services Activation Fee $0.00 (21, 311, 51, 6, 711, 811& 9M) $175 per call + standard airtime charges $0.00 (21, 311, 511, 61, 711,811 & 911) $175 per call + standard airtime charges $0.00 (21, 311, 51, 6, 711, 811& 911) $175 per call + standard airtime charges 40¢/min (with the exception of 911 which is $0.00) $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime charges $175 per call + standard airtime. charges $39.00" $39.00° $39.00" $0.00 Discounted ‘Activation Fee" ‘Activation Fee for Service Conversion. Discounted Activation Fee for Service Conversion" Cell Phone Fee. = initial activations $0.00 (discount funded by AW) $0.00 (discount funded by AW) $0.00 (discount funded by AW) $0.00 $39.00° $39.00" $3900" $0.00 [discount funced by AW) $0.00 (provson efit hands) $0.00 (clscount funcec by AW) $0.00 (provision of intial hanes) $0.00 (ciscount funded by AW) $0.00 [p:ovison of inital handset) Cell Phone Fee = lost/stolen replacement de- vice provided” Cell Phone Fee broken phone within warranty period” Cell Phone Fee: = broken phone ‘out of warranty Cell Phone Fee: = Upgrade of Wireless Device (current feature phone customers) Restocking Fee Deposit Early Termination Fee racy Seared Pony From $0.00 upto a price not to exceed the retal price, depending on device type. $0.00 From $0.00 up to a price not to exceed the retall price, depending on device type. From $0.00 up to a price not to exceed the retail price, depending on device ‘ype. $0.00 ee ey From $0.00 up toa price not to exceed the retail price, depending on device type. $0.00 From $0.00 up to a price not to exceed the retall price, depending on device type. From $0.00 up to a price rot to exceed the retail price, depending on device ‘ype. $0.00 Can Ge Ree oer) Goce From $0.00 up toa price not to exceed the retail price, depending on device ‘ype. $0.00 From $0.00 up toa price not to exceed the retal price, depending on device ‘type. From $0.00 up toa price not to exceed the retal price, depending on device ‘ype. $0.00 AW CA Sree Coa eee er) From $0.00 up to a price not to exceed the retail price, depending on device ‘ype. $0.00 From $0.00 up to a price not to exceed the retail price, depending on device ‘ype. From $0.00 up to a price not to exceed the retal price, depending on device ‘ype. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Nationwide Domestic (US.) $0.00 (hice in the unite base plan) $0.00 (ree inthe untimited base plan) $0.00 (cluded in the united base plan) 10¢/min $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25¢ per message sent or received Caller 1D Call Waiting™™"* all Forwarding*"** Voicemail S.way alling’"*** Toll Domestic Blocking Mobile Hotspot" $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NIA Included ‘stleg is billed at 10¢ per minute and 2nd Call Waiting leg billed at 10¢/min 10@/min for the minutes consumed during the forwarded call $0.00 ‘stlegis billed at 10¢/min and 2nd leg billed at 10¢/min NIA Nia AW CA Sree Coa eee er) oe ee Ge Cen re] Goce 900/976 Blocking Contract Needed No No No No Credit Check Needed, "Avaliable only to former Calfornia LifeLine customers no longer participating in CaforniaLifeLine service. “The regular rate relecs the pricing ofthe offer. Howeves, this offers avaiable only to approved California LifeLine customers for as long es they are eligible. Its nt avaliable to non-Lifeine customers atthe regula rate The regular ate reflects the pricing of the offer. However this offer is avalable only to approved California Lifeine customers for as long 2s they are eligible. Its not avalable to nomLifeline customers a the regular rate. racy Seared Pony ‘The regular rate reflec the pricing of he offer. However, his ofe is evallaule only to approved California LifeLine customers for as long 2s they are eligible. Its not avalable to non-Lifeline customers atthe regular rate Unies yout deviee Is connected to WHEL, your phone's software installations will deduet rom your monthly dala amount “Unless your device s connected to Wi, your phone's software installations will deduct fom your month data amount "actvaton fee assessed upon service activation for Lifeline is dlscounted for CA LieLine elgible customers. As used hereln, “Activation ‘means “ination or reestablishment” of Calfornia LifeLine Service. See note ** below. “Activation fee assessed upon service activation for Lifeline is elscaunted for CA LifeLine-cligibe customers. See nate “below, Acthation fee assessed upon service acivation for Lifeline fs clacounted for CA LifeLine-eligile customers. See note ““" below, ‘The Actwaton Feo for Senfce Conversions assessed upon convosion fam another Calforna LfLine Sorviceprovor to AW Calfbia FREEGor plan. However, the Activation Fee is ciscounted to $000 through an AW-funced aiscount whichis provisec by AW for customers who choose to migrate 0 ADs California FREEcom™ pia, regardless of whether the customer is eigibe Tor an actvation/coanecton reimbursement pursuant to Commission Decision 17-0032 in R1-03-073 As used herein, service “conversion” means a change fom another Clforia Lifeline Service provider to AW for Calorie LifeLine Service ('carior change’, See note “below. "The Activation Fee assessed upon service conversion to AW Calforia FREEdom® plan with Free Data elscourted to $000 trough an AW. funced discount whichis provided By AW for customers who cnoase to migrate to AW's Calfornia FREEdor® plan wih Free Data, regardless of whether tne customer is eligible for an actvationtconnectan reimbursement pursuant to Commission Decision V7-0-032 in RIHO3-013 See n.7 supra end note“ below, “The Activation Fee assessed upon service conversion to AW's California FREEdom?® plan with Free Dela is discounted to $0.00 through fan AWLfunded dscount which is provided by AW Tor customers who choose to migrate to AW Calforia FREEGom® olen with Free Data, regardless of yrther the customer f elgiae for an activation/eannection reimaursement pursuant to Commission Decision 17-01032 in RIL03:013, See n, 7 supca and note below. See information below conceming AWs Calfomia LifeLine Service Handset Poicies. ~~AW 'sresponsibe fr funding the Actwation Fee discount when LfeLine Service is established fo a LieLine Service-eigibie customer, ether for anew California Lifeline Senjice customer or for an existing Calforia LieLne Service customer who is “carwerting” From another Lifeline provider to AW, AW will subsequently seek reimbursement rom the Calflornia LeLine Fund for each LieLine Service Activation that boleves Is eligible for suct reimbursement. However, AW wil ol seek or otherwise ask a Lifeline Service customer, whether a new Lifeline service customer o an exsstng Lifeline service customer who Is “converting ram another ifeLine prover to AW, to pay an Activation Fee, even FAW sunsequently leas tat the Activation isnot elgbe for reimbursement fom the LifeLine Fund Coifornia Public Ulties Commission Decision 14-0036 provides, In Ordering Paragraph 18 "All LifeLine telephone service plans including bundled, promotional, and fami plans, which meet or exceed the minimum service elements and are consistent with California Lifeline rules, shall be eigibie fr the California LifeLine discounts ‘Assurance Wireless will comply with Ordering Paragraph 1 of Decision 7-01-032, which provides: “The reimbursement rate capped at $3900 for service connection/actwation charges for Calforna LfeLine wireless telephone services, wth a limi of net more than two clscounts per California LifeLine participant pet yeer, shal continue unl the Calfornia Puble Unites Commission addresses the issue in a subsequent decision or resolution, The two types of reimbursable actives for reimbursements of service connecton/actation charges for California LifeLine wireless telephone services are ) when the Calforia ifeLine participant establishes California LifeLine wireless telephone service for the fst me; ani} when switching from ane Calfornia LifeLine telephone service provider, whether wireline or wireless, 0 a California LifeLine wireless telephone service provider” AVY will also comply with Conclusion of Law 27 of Decision 17-01032, which pcovides: “Calfomia LifeLine participants who change to @ different service plan offered by thei current California LfeLine service provider. toa different service acctess, orto adfferent phone number strould not be eligible for dlscounts for service ectlvatlon/cannection charges” Please see AW's Calfornia Product Guide fr all applicable Terms and Conditors. (e*"feature avalablity based on handset capablties) PLAN SUMMARY Pica ea Plan Name Lda ately cl ONC elt Oley pa Ls ree International text is not included in the monthly allocation of messages. Add’ or Pay as You Go Data Rates: Inet: Unlimited domestic 20¢ /msg. sent & 10¢ /msg | Yes (plan CAFREEdom® | (U.S.) voice minutes joleceNe| provides Plan Without Free | and unlimited Email & IMs: over 1000 Data domestic (U.S) text 10¢/msg (sent or received) voice messages minutes) Data Packs:* - $1.00 for 100MB + $3.00 for SOOMB $5.00 for 1GB $10.00 for 268 $20.00 for 4GB $30.00 for 5GB “Data Packs eer 0 cedar days International text is not included in the monthly allocation of messages. Add’l or Pay as You Go Data Rates: Int’: CA FREEdom® 20¢ /msg. sent & 10¢ /msg Unlimited domestic Yes (plan Plan with Free to receive : voice minutes, provides Data & California | niimited domestic Email & IMs: over 1000 FREEdom® Plan text messages and 40¢/msg (sent or received) voice with Free Data Hades 2GB of data minutes) ba Malte Data Packs:* + $1.00 for 100MB + $3.00 for S0OMB $5.00 for 1GB $10.00 for 268 $20.00 for 4GB + $30.00 for SGB * Data Packs expr after 30 calendar ays ‘CALIFORNIA LIFELINE SERVICE HANDSET POLICIES Assurance Wireless’ policies regarding replacement and upgrades of wireless handsets provided by AW to California LifeLine Service customers are included in AW's California Product Guide and may be viewed online at: http:/ California LifeLine Service Product Guide (“California Product Guide”) EFFECTIVE 02-09-2018 The terms set forth in this California Product Guide are applicable to participants in the California LifeLine Program. The California Product Guide supplements the sections indicated below of the Assurance Wireless General Terms and Conditions and Assurance Wireless Important Service/ Product Specific Terms, which are available at SERVICE ACTIVATION Your service activation date is the date you call AW to activate your handset. You may terminate service within 14 days of service activation without incurring early termination fees. If service is cancelled within 3 days of service activation, excluding national holidays, Assurance Wireless will refund any applicable service connection charges and deposits. If you received your phone in the mail, to activate your Assurance Wireless service, program your handset using the account PIN provided with your Assurance Wireless Welcome Letter. NATURE OF OUR SERVICE In California, the California LifeLine Program is administered by the California Public Utilities Commission and its designee, the California LifeLine Administrator, The California LifeLine program is funded by California ratepayers. The California LifeLine Program is subject to all applicable California and federal laws. PAYMENTS AND CHARGEBACKS, California LifeLine participants may pay their phone bills in person without being assessed a fee. TAXES & GOVERNMENT FEES SURCHARGES, California LifeLine participants are exempt from taxes and surcharges, CPUC user fee, federal excise tax, local franchise taxes, and State 911 tax associated with telephone service. ASSURANCE WIRELESS CALIFORNIA RATES (ONLY AVAILABLE TO CALIFORNIA LIFELINE FREEDOM® PLAN CUSTOMERS) Customers should always check the Assurance Wireless Website at http://assurancewireless.virginmo- to see the current rates (domestic and international), terms and conditions for California LifeLine Service, which are subject to change and may not be current as shown in this booklet, depending on the date it was printed and distributed. ADDITIONAL CALIFORNIA TERMS Unless a California LifeLine participant subscribes to a service plan with unlimited voice minutes, airtime minutes are deducted for all incoming and outgoing calls, including incoming call waiting calls, simul- taneous calls, calls to toll-free numbers, 411, 800 or 800-like toll-free services and to access your voice mail. Assurance Wireless provides free access to the California Relay Service via 711; however, associat- ed calls made using the 711 relay service may count against airtime minutes, Assurance Wireless will provide access to two California LifeLine discounted telephone lines to participants in the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program. Calls to 911 and Assurance Wireless Customer Care are free and unlimited for Assurance Wireless's California LifeLine participants and do not count against allotted Voice minutes or number of calls. California LifeLine participants are not required to purchase bundled plans with video, data, and/or other services to receive California LifeLine discount. Assurance Wireless does not require service contracts for its prepaid services. LIMITATIONS ON SUBSIDY FOR SERVICE CONNECTION/ACTIVATION CHARGES Assurance Wireless will provide both verbal and written notice to Lifeline customers in compliance with Conclusion of Law 11 and Ordering Paragraph 1 of Decision 17-01-032. Conclusion of Law 11 provides: 1, California LifeLine wireless telephone service providers should be required to inform consumers ver- bally prior to service initiation and in writing that: 1) the California LifeLine Program will not subsidize ser- vice connection/activation charges more than twice per year; and 2) the consumer or the California Life- Line wireless telephone service provider will be responsible for paying the service connectior/activation charges beyond the two for which reimbursement is provided, and if such additional charges are incurred, specify how much that charge will be. This consumer education requirement should continue until the Commission adopts or alters this disclosure requirement. California LifeLine wireless telephone service providers should also include the information in their annual notice. Ordering Paragraph 1 provides: 1, The reimbursement rate capped at $39.00 for service connection/ activation charges for California LifeLine wireless telephone services, with a limit of not more than two discounts per California LifeLine participant er year, shall continue until the California Public Utilities Commission addresses the issue in a subsequent decision or resolution. The two types of reimbursable activities for reimbursements of service connection/ activation charges for California LifeLine wireless telephone services are i) when the California LifeLine par- ticipant establishes California LifeLine wireless telephone service for the first time; and ii) when switching from one California LifeLine telephone service provider, whether wireline or wireless, to a California LifeLine wireless telephone service provider. Specifically, pursuant to Ordering Paragraph 4 of Decision 17-01-032, prior to service initiation, reestab- lishment of service or carrier change through the live sales agent channel, Assurance Wireless’ sales agents will provide verbal and written notification by reading the following script on a tear-off sheet given to the customer: The California LifeLine fund will pay for no more than two connection/activation/ conversion fees per year per LifeLine-eligible household. Assurance Wireless, and not the customer, is responsible for any activation or conversion fee that is not eligible for reimbursement from the LifeLine fund. The notification will be included in pre-sale disclosures (flyers, application letters, web copy and the terms of service in the California Product Guide, which are available online for any person to review at any time). This information will also be posted on AW’s web site and will be provided to any LifeLine customer who requests it from an AW sales agent. Written notification will also be provided through provision to the customer of this California Product Guide (which is provided to a new LifeLine customer together with the AW Welcome Letter) Pursuant to Ordering Paragraph 5 of Decision 17-01-032, AW will include information about the rules that are contained in the Decision 17-01-032, as noted above, in its annual notice to LifeLine customers. AW will comply with Conclusion of Law 27 of Decision 17-01-032. Conclusion of Law 27 provides 27, California LifeLine participants who change to a different service plan offered by their current California LifeLine service provider, to a different service address, of to a different phone number should not be eligible for discounts for service activation/connection charges. LIMITATIONS ON REQUESTING CALIFORNIA LIFELINE DISCOUNTS ‘When a consumer submits an enrollment request to receive the California LifeLine discounts for cell phone service the consumer has to wait up to 30 days to submit another enrollment request. A consumer CANNOT have multiple enrollment requests for the California LifeLine discounts for cell phone service going at the same time. The 30-day waiting period ends when either 1) the California LifeLine Administrator sends the final eligibility decision, 2) the enrollment request is cancelled, or 3) the 30 days have passed since the en- rollment request, whichever occurs first. After the 30-day clock stops, a consumer may then submit another enrollment request for the California LifeLine discounts for cell phone service, as applicable, A consumer can independently cancel an enrollment request by contacting the California LifeLine Administrator by phone at 877-858-7463 or going to Check Your Status at http://www.californialifeline.comy. The cell phone company can also cancel an enrollment request. COVERAGE; WHERE YOUR DEVICE WILL WORK; SERVICE SPEEDS ‘911 OR OTHER EMERGENCY CALLS ("CALIFORNIA SAFETY DISCLOSURE") Unlike a traditional wireline phone, a wireless handset may be removed from the home. By removing your Wireless cell phone from a residence that does not have other phone services, residents may not have a way to make 911 calls during an emergency. Your handset will not work if itis not charged. A commercial power outage will interfere with the ability to recharge the handset. In addition, if a commercial power outage interferes with the operation of wireless towers and related equipment and the backup power source for such equipment does ot function, you will not be able to use your wireless service, even if your handset is charged. When you are outside of the coverage area of Assurance Wireless but within another wireless cartier’s ser- vice area, pursuant to FCC rules, that wireless service provider is required to transmit your 911 call, regardless of whether you subscribe to that carrier's service. Wireless service may experience interruptions due to weather conditions, terrain or gaps in service cov- erage. California LifeLine participants are entitled to a voice-grade connection. If an Assurance Wireless California LifeLine participant fails to receive a voice-grade connection and notifies Assurance Wireless, Assurance Wireless will 1) promptly restore the voice-grade connection, or if not possible, (2) provide telephone service to that participant using a different technology if one is available from Assurance Wireless and if the participant agrees. However, if a voice-grade connection cannot be provided, the participant may contact Assurance Wireless to terminate California LifeLine Service without penalty. OUR RIGHT TO SUSPEND OR TERMINATE SERVICE Assurance Wireless will provide 30-days' notice before it withdraws from offering California LifeLine services. USING ASSURANCE WIRELESS SERVICES AFTER TERMINATION OF LIFELINE SERVICE Customers on the Assurance Wireless Transitional Plan may continue to use the service for so long as they meet the requirements for maintaining an active account. STATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION INFORMATION Unresolved questions or complaints regarding Lifeline service may be directed to the following state offices or agencies: California: CPUC Consumer Affairs Branch, California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone: 1-800-649-7570, online at: httpy/ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH CTIA CONSUMER CODE FOR WIRELESS SERVICE A certificate evidencing Assurance Wireless’ Compliance with the CTIA Code for Wireless Service Is attached to this document as Exhibit A. Assurance Wireless provides LifeLine Service in California in full compliance with all requirements of the CTIA Code for Wireless Service. UNLOCKING POLICY Upon request, Assurance Wireless will unlock your Assurance Wireless mobile phone pursuant to the following Unlocking Policy UNLOCKING YOUR DEVICE Assurance Wireless appreciates your interest in learning more about device unlocking. Device unlock- ing is a complicated technical issue which has evolved over the past few years. Please read carefully the information below to better understand the facts and Sprint’s policies on this matter. IMPORTANT NOTE: Unlocking a device is a general term that refers to one or more types of device unlocking. MSL unlocking refers to providing an MSL code in order to disable software that sets device parameters and prevents the device from activation on a different network. Unlocking also refers to enabling the SIM slot of your device to allow you to insert another carrier's SIM card (either domestically or internationally) Unlocking a device will not necessarily make a device interoperable with another carrier's network. In other words, a device designed for one network is not made technologically com- patible with another network merely by unlocking it. Additionally, unlocking a device may enable some functionality of the device but not all (e.g., an unlocked device may support voice services but not data services when activated on a different network. Assurance Wireless will only activate devices certified to work with Assurance Wireless services and may not activate unlocked devices from other carriers/service providers, including devices manufac- tured for Sprint, Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile. GENERAL ELIGIBILITY FOR UNLOCKING Assurance Wireless will unlock a device (i., provide the MSL Code and/or perform a domestic SIM unlock (OSU) under the following circumstances: + The device has not been reported as lost or stolen or otherwise flagged as ineligible to be unlocked + The device has been active on the associated account for at least 12 months with the account active at that time Assurance Wireless may refuse any unlock request that would result in an abuse of these policies or is part of an effort to defraud Assurance Wireless or its customers. These policies are subject to change at Assurance Wireless’ discretion without advance notice. For more information on the Unlocking Commitment, please visit the following link: For more unlocking details, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at the following link: CALIFORNIA LIFELINE SERVICE HANDSET POLICIES W'S POLICIES FOR REPLACEMENT OF WIRELESS HANDSETS Under certain conditions, as outlined below, AW will provide a replacement wireless handset if AW provided the original device to the California LifeLine Service customer. The replacement device will be a smartphone. The replacement model provided by AW may not be the exact same model as the original device; AW may provide ‘a new oF refurbished device. Customers should call Assurance Wireless Customer Service for assistance. LOST AND STOLEN PHONES + Customers may be required to pay for a replacement device; the price of the replacement phone will vary based on device offered, but will not exceed the retail price of that device. + AW may charge for shipping at a cost to be specified by AW at the time it is requested. + Customers may also choose to purchase any Assurance Wireless-compatible device at retail or use any Assurance Wireless compatible device. BROKEN PHONES + Customers with broken phones that are within the one-year warranty period will receive a free replacement phone. Because AW has not offered feature phones to LifeLine customers in more than 18 months, only Android phones could still be within the warranty period and therefore eligible for warranty replacement. Alll warranty replacements will be a smartphone, but the specific model is dependent on inventory available and cannot be guaranteed. + Customers with broken phones that are outside the one-year warranty period may be required to pay for a replacement device; the price of the device will vary based on device offered, but will not exceed the retail price of that device. + AW will ship a replacement for a broken phone that is within the one-year warranty period, at standard shipping intervals at no additional charge. California LifeLine Service customers may obtain expedited shipping at a cost to be specified by AW at the time it is requested. + Customers are required to return broken phones that are within the one-year warranty period, within 45 days or their account will be suspended. A prepaid postage envelope/return package is provided with the replacement phone. + Customers may be charged shipping for broken phones that are outside the one-year warranty period. + Customers can also choose to purchase any Assurance Wireless compatible device at retail or use any Assurance Wireless compatible device. AW POLICIES FOR UPGRADE OF WIRELESS DEVICES - CURRENT FEATURE PHONE CUSTOMERS. + Current feature phone customers can upgrade to a smartphone by calling Assurance Wireless Customer Service for assistance. + Customers who request an upgraded device may be required to pay for the device; the price of the device will vary based on device offered, but will not exceed the retail price of that device. + AW will ship an upgraded device at standard shipping intervals. Customers may be required to pay for standard or expedited shipping at a cost to be specified by AW at the time it is requested. + AW does not require customers to return their feature phone when upgrading to a smartphone. + AW will not exchange an Android phone for a different smartphone. + Customers can also choose to purchase any Assurance Wireless compatible device at retail or use any Assurance Wireless compatible device. Sssajailm 2oueINssy Uo> ejqnedio> oUo}9I9) JaINbJen> Jesh o epuia!| EUN UD SSBl>:1N ‘aoueinssy Uo? ajqneduio> onjisodsip Jainbjens sesdwo> s169ja uapand ugiquiey sauat|> SO7 * “equalayp aquabyjaqu! oU9}9/0) UN Jod prospuy OUD}a|a} UN EUEIqUIED OU MAY * ‘aquaBijaqu! OuoJ9|=x un e UADtjeNDe 5 opuens seoiseq seoNistie}9e189 ap OUOJ9}a} NS UeAJaNAAp SAzUEI|D So} aNb asainbas OU MAY * PMyPI}OS e| ap CWO. 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