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i. Watch This First!

ii. Customize Experience

iii. Magnetic Interaction Manifesto

The Magic of Immediate Opens

When you see that woman you are attracted to, I want you to immediately start
moving in her direction, extend your hand out and meet her.

Very simple.

Don’t stand around waiting for the perfect moment to engage, or try to think up the
best possible opening line.

Just go.

Why is this so important?

The answer is two-fold:

#1 A few seconds of hesitation is all it takes for your analytical mind to spring into
action, presenting you all the reasons why you shouldn’t go for it.

Then your stress hormones kick in - causing your heart rate to increase and
breathing to become more rapid - basically getting you ready for fight or flight.

Sure, you can still push through this and approach her, but you’re probably going to
be radiating nervous energy.

But more likely you’ll just avoid the situation altogether, and do nothing.

By eliminating those few seconds of hesitation and taking immediate action you are
taking control, trusting your faculties, and not allowing stress or fear to derail you.

#2 Attractive women have been getting male attention from a very young age, and
develop a sixth sense to know when a man is checking them out.

They can also sense when one of these men is thinking about approaching them,
and in most cases will instinctively put their guard up.

If she’s noticed you checking her out for the last few minutes, and then you finally go
and talk to her, your chances of success are greatly reduced as she may have
already pegged you as creepy or unconfident.
By approaching immediately, its like you came out of nowhere - she never saw you
coming, and thus her guard will be significantly lower or non-existent

This allows the interaction to feel much more spontaneous and exciting for both you
and her.

Like You Already Know Her

Meeting a stranger for the first time can be stressful for some people.

A way to greatly reduce this is to approach from the frame that you two already know
each other.

Act as if.

Approach her as an old friend or someone you are already dating.

Take on that feeling inside your body. Think about it - there’s no nervousness or fear
of rejection when approaching someone you already know.

It’s no big deal.

And there’s no reason why you can’t take on this frame when meeting women.

This will allow you to come off as much more relaxed and natural, and will in turn
allow her to relax and enjoy the experience.

Pop The Bubble

Go to a crowded area and look around - everyone is going about their day in their
own little bubble, their own little world.

Maybe it’s a guy bobbing his head to the music blaring through his headphones.

Maybe it’s a woman breezing by with a handful of shopping bags...

Or absorbed into her smartphone.

Maybe there are a group of friends, laughing and carrying on in their own little
collective bubble.
Either way, when approaching women, you have to make the sort of impact that will
“pop” this bubble.

Get her out of her own little world, and into an interaction with you.

If you approach a woman very timid, quietly, or without conviction, she’ll likely breeze
on past, hardly even noticing you.

Compare that to what you see me doing in the videos - approaching with certainty,
and oftentimes snapping, pointing, or using authoritative tonality.

I’m doing this on purpose as a pattern interrupt - to pop her bubble, snap her out of
whatever state she is in, and bring her into my reality, into my bubble, where we can
have a Magnetic Interaction.

Same goes for women in pairs or in groups.

Eye Contact

When interacting with a woman it’s so important to keep and maintain smooth steady
eye contact.

It facilitates a connection between the two of you, and displays your confidence in
the interaction.

It also allows you to gauge her interest level in you, based on the level of eye contact
she reciprocates.

Continuing with the bubble analogy, you won’t be able to keep her in yours without it.

Confident eye contact is nearly impossible to fake, so if you are uncomfortable with
maintaining eye contact with the women you are attracted to, or just people in
general, it is something that you MUST practice.

It should be something that you naturally do when engaging with someone,

regardless of who they are, but especially with women you are attracted to.

When you begin to do so, you will quickly realize how adept women are at holding
eye contact.

They have no problem locking in, and using it as a screening mechanism to see how
confident you really are.
If your eyes start to fidget or wander while the two of you are locked in, it signals to
her that you are not quite as confident as you are representing yourself to be.


Verbal communication is important, but far more important in your interactions with
women are your sub-communications.

The outward manifestation of your self confidence and intentions, which comes
through in your body language, eye contact, vocal tonality, and overall vibe or energy
that you bring to the interaction.

A guy who is confident and clear in his intentions is going to speak clearly, in a
neutral tonality.

His body language is going to be strong, and he’s not going to move too much - no
nervous movements or tics.

He’ll be standing tall, and leaning slightly back, never forward.

His eye contact is going to be locked in.

He’ll be there to give, not get, so he is bringing self-generated positive emotions to

the interaction, regardless of how she reacts to him.

He’s also clear in his intentions - when interacting with an attractive woman, he’s not
trying to hide the fact that he is sexually attracted to her, to him it’s perfectly natural.

And because women are highly intuitive, she knows why he is there, she gets it.

Her impression of you should be here’s a cool guy who saw me and was attracted to
me, and had the confidence to walk up and meet me.

That in itself is one of the highest compliments she can receive, when done properly.

Staying Centered

You must be grounded and centered both physically and emotionally in your

Being grounded and centered physically means being firmly rooted into place, with
little to no fast, floaty, fidgety, or wasted movements.
No nervous energy...

You want to be the oak tree.

Something happens in the environment around you, someone yells, or someone

accidentally bumps into you, you hardly notice.

You are there to do your thing, and could care less about what’s going on in the
environment around you.

Being grounded and centered emotionally means self generating your own positive
state, and not letting the environment, including the woman you are interacting with,
dictate or affect it.

When interacting with a woman, if she reacts negatively at first, or throws a shit test
at you, you remain calm and do not react emotionally.

Same thing goes if she reacts amazingly well.

Either way, you are in control of your own emotional state.

Own it.

Physical Contact

Establishing a physical connection is important.

In almost every single interaction you see me in, I’m making physical contact,
generally right off the bat - extending my hand with the assumption that they are
going to take it.

And when they do, you’ll often see me hold it for an extended period of time, as long
as I can sense that the woman is comfortable with it.

You’ll also see me pick a girl up of her feet and spin her around in the air, and
everything in between.

As you work on this skill set, start with the handshake and then start working your
way up to the higher level things you’ll see me do in the videos.

As you do this, you’ll develop a sense of awareness and calibration of how and when
to escalate physically.
The key though is for it to feel natural for you.

You’re just a physical kind of guy - it’s part of how you communicate.

If this terrifies you, then you should start being more physical when interacting with

Give your mom more hugs.

Grab your buddy’s shoulder when you’re talking to him.

Get comfortable being physical with people in general.


Fear of rejection is one of the bigger hurdles for guys to get over when they first start
approaching women.

But the problem isn’t rejection itself, but rather the meaning that gets attached to it.

The belief that being “rejected" in a brief interaction with a total stranger who they
know nothing about, is somehow a reflection of their own self-worth.

This is total bullshit.

You need to eliminate the word “rejection” from your vocabulary altogether because
the truth is...

It doesn’t exist.

At least not in the way the masses have defined it.

Because when you learn the skills I’m going to teach you in this training, and
understand how to have a Magnetic Interaction, if a girl then chooses to react
negatively or dismissively to your approach, it is a reflection on her, not you.

Maybe she is in a horrible mood.

Maybe she is in a hurry to get somewhere.

Maybe her boyfriend just cheated on her and she loathes all men.
Maybe her dog just died.

Maybe she has a negative outlook on meeting new people, or maybe she simply was
not in the mood to talk.

There are an infinite number of reasons why she may choose to react negatively in
that moment of your approach, far too many for you to even attempt to understand.

So don’t even try.

Simply move on to the next one.

The Emotional Wheel

Women are not like men.

They want to experience the full spectrum of emotions - they want to laugh they want
to cry, they want to love, they want to feel excitement, anger, everything and all in
the same day.

That is why you you can’t stay on one topic or emotion in the interaction for too long,
or else she’s going to get bored.

You need to make them FEEL something.

Take her on a journey, spanning different topics and more importantly different

This is something that’s going to become more natural for you the more you interact
with women and start playing with the emotional wheel.

For those of you just starting out, I just want you to be aware of this, and avoid
staying on one topic or one vibe for too long, to the point her eyes start to glaze over
and the interaction fizzles out.

This is powerful stuff.

If you choose to master this, you will be able to have girls hooked for life.

It’s like a drug, they literally get addicted to you, and all the emotions you’re able to
make them feel.

Be mindful of this power and use it ethically.

Honey Holes

Honey Holes are a crowded area with lots of potential women to interact with.

This could be a busy public square, a mall, a park, a gym, yoga studio, bar or club.

One of the first things you’ll want to do is figure out where the honey holes are near
you, and carve out a certain amount of time each week to be there.

I want you to master this skill set, but I also know you’ve got other things going on in
your life and other goals you are pursuing, so it’s important to go about this in the
most efficient way possible.

Putting yourself in a Honey Hole for an hour or two where you’ll have the opportunity
to interact with several women, one after the other, is the way to do that.

Whenever I travel to a new city, one of the first things I do is figure out where the
Honey Holes are, so you should definitely do some research and find this out for
yourself in your area.

And if you happen to live in a really small town, then you need to start thinking about
how you’re going to get over to the next closest big city for a few hours each week.

iv. Magnetic Interaction – 101

Stopping A Girl On The Move

Stopping a girl on the move is one of the most important skills you need to have in
your arsenal if you want to maximize your Magnetic Interaction opportunities.

How many times have you been walking around and you see a beautiful woman
coming your way, only to let her breeze right by, maybe even within inches of you?

When these moments present themselves, you must capitalize on them.

Here’s what you need to know:

The 10 Foot Rule

If a woman is heading in the opposite direction you are walking, the interaction starts
when you are about 10 feet (3 meters) apart.
Consider this the bare minimum whenever circumstances allow.

At the 10 foot mark is where you square up to her, set your feet, start extending your
hand, and initiating eye contact.

We want to give her this lead time to notice you, as opposed to jumping right in front
of her at last minute...

Which most times will come off as startling and or creepy, ensuring the interaction is
over before it starts.

Square Up

Since you’re walking one way and she’s walking the other, you’ve got to “square up”
with her, and put yourself directly in her path.

In basketball terms, I refer to this as “taking a charge”.

In order for a basketball player to draw a charging foul, he needs to be squared up,
in the opponent’s direct path, with his position established and feet set, prior to

It’s the exact same thing here.

By setting yourself squarely in her path, it forces her to make a decision:

She can either stop and engage with you or alter her path.

Ignoring you while continuing on her way is no longer an option.

Either way, you’ve now popped her bubble.

Please keep this in mind - Not 99% on the line, or 95% or 50%, 100% on the line
she is walking....

Anything less and you dramatically decrease the chance of her stopping.

Ignore this requirement at your own peril.

Extend Your Hand Out

When someone extends their hand out towards us, we’ve been conditioned to take

It’s an automatic, subconscious response.

Use this to your advantage to lock in the interaction and establish physical rapport
with the woman.

When you extend your hand out, do it with with confidence and certainty, with the
absolute assumption that she is going to take it.

If you do this correctly, 9 times out of 10 she will.

Once she takes your hand, you’re in.

Make Eye Contact

From the 10 foot mark, you should be locked in on her eyes, attempting to establish
eye contact.

This lets her know that your actions are deliberate, and your intention is to meet her.

You’re not just some random guy in her way.

If you can establish eye contact at the 10 foot mark, and hold it all the way through
the handshake, your interaction is off to a great start.

You’ve successfully popped the bubble she was in, and drawn her into yours.
If you have not done this before with a woman you didn't already know its time to get
out there and practice.

Consider this a required action to mastering the art of a Magnetic Interaction.

Personally, this is my favorite way to begin an interaction when the opportunity

presents itself, as so few guys take the time to properly execute this...

Which is going to really set YOU apart!

Approaching From Behind

In the last video you learned how to stop and interact with a woman who is walking
toward you.
But what happens if you see a beautiful woman you would like to meet, and she is
walking in the other direction?

Should you just let her go?

Absolutely not.

When you’re out with the intention of meeting women, every scenario isn’t going to
be perfectly set up for you.

Sometimes you’ve gotta hustle a little bit and go after what you want.

As always, start moving in her direction...

The further away she is, and the quicker she is walking, the faster you’re going to
have to move.

Do not approach from behind...

This is just bad form, and tends to creep women out.

Instead, roll up on her right or left side, leaving a bit of space between both of you...

And then extend your hand to meet her.

Now, if the woman is facing away from you but not moving...

Casually walk up on the side of her, not from behind, and lightly tap her on the side
of her shoulder to get her attention.

As she turns to acknowledge you, extend your right hand out as you square up to
face her.

Boom, you’re in.

If the shoulder tap doesn't feel natural in certain situations, thats all good.

You can always use your voice to get her attention once you are close enough for
her to hear you.

The Handshake
In almost every single interaction you see me in...

I’m making physical contact, generally right off the bat - extending my hand with the
assumption that they are going to take it.

And when they do, you’ll often see me hold it for an extended period of time, as long
as I can sense that the woman is comfortable with it.

Start making this a habit.

Rather than being the one to initiate the break in the handshake / hold, just continue
to hold it until you get the sense that the girl may be getting uncomfortable.

But here’s the thing…

She’s likely only going to be uncomfortable with it if you are uncomfortable with it.

The more you practice this, making it a habit when you meet women, the more
natural it will feel for you, and the more comfortable the woman will be.

Try and forget that you’re even holding her hand at all, and just continue on with the
interaction like it’s totally normal.

Holding her hand for an extended period of time is subtle but very powerful.

It accelerates a sense of connection, trust, and physical rapport - setting a great tone
for the interaction itself, as well as the dynamic between you two going forward.

It demonstrates your confidence and social savvy.

And it also builds sexual tension.

As you can see from the video, I casually hold their hand for an extended period of

Start off all your interactions with the handshake...

Engaging The Friend

When you see a woman who is with a friend, 99% of the time you’ll want to engage
both women.

Rule of thumb is to always approach the woman you are interested in first, but this is
not a hard and fast rule.
You may see a pair of women who are equally attractive, and want to meet them
both to see who you vibe better with.

One of the big reasons we want to bring the "friend" into the interaction, is that the
girl we are interested is VERY likely to get uncomfortable if she notices here friend
off to the side, or walking away from the interaction completely.

Women care what their friends think.

Further, she's only known you for 10 seconds and known her friend for 10 years...

She's not going to pick you, over her, in these situations.

Bring the friend into the Magnetic...

If you were able to include the friend in the interaction, giving her a positive
experience as well, she’s going to be an asset.

Once you’ve exchanged information and parted ways, she’s going to encourage her
friend to see you again.

I’ve even had situations where the friend outright suggests that I get her friends
information before I even ask for it.

That’s when you know you’re really doing it right.

When the time comes to meet back up with her, she’s going to be much more
comfortable with the idea knowing that not only does she like you, but that her
friend(s) approve too.

Body Language
When interacting with a woman, your focus should be outward and not inward.

Many guys get stuck in their own head, thinking about what to say, how they look,
what she thinks of him, etc.

This is going to sabotage your ability to express yourself freely, and to have a
Magnetic Interaction...

But when your focus is inward and not outward, you are literally missing out.
This prevents you from picking up on all the little subtleties and information that she’s
communicating to you through her eye contact, body language, and facial

This is the stuff you want to picking up on, in order to know and understand how the
woman is feeling in the interaction, so that you can calibrate accordingly.

For example, by reading her body language:

Is she communicating that she is nervous and a little intimidated?

Take a step back, giving her some more space, and lighten the tone of the

Is she communicating that she has somewhere to get to?

Then go for the information exchange.

Is she communicating that she is really into you?

Then start initiating some physicality.

As human beings we are social animals, and our brain is designed to pick up on
these little cues and interpret them.

So in a lot of ways this stuff is self explanatory…

IF you are staying present in your interactions, and your focus and attention are on
the woman, where it should be, and not stuck in your own head.

One thing you’ll hear me say a lot is to use your intuition.

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for
conscious reasoning.

How do you build your intuition when it comes to understanding women?

By paying attention in your interactions!

(And by having a lot of them)

Repetition is the mother of all skill.

Not Getting A Great Reaction
Not every woman is going to give you a great reaction right off the bat.

Think about it - you just approached her in public, which probably does not happen
very often.

Not many guys can pull this off.

So if she appears a little bit nervous, cautious or confused, especially on the outset
of the interaction, that’s perfectly fine.

Here’s two things I want you to know:

1. Do not mistake this for disinterest, and leave the interaction prematurely.

Stick in there!

Give her the opportunity to experience you.

Sure she may be a little bit confused in the first few moments of the interaction.

That’s normal.

But with a bit more time, she may begin to warm up to you and the interaction may
start going amazingly well.

But if you left the interactions prematurely, you’re never going to find out.

You’ve robbed yourself and the girl of having an awesome experience.

Another thing to remember is that the girl is free to walk away at any time.

So if she’s still standing there in front of you, it’s a sign that although she might not
be completely sold on you, she’s still curious.

On that note, especially when you are starting out with this skill set, be prepared to
stick in there until things start moving in a positive direction, or until she walks away.

Either she’s going to get to experience you and enjoy the interaction, or she can
excuse herself.

You’ll be surprised at how many interactions that don’t start off great start to go really
All because you had the balls to stick in there.

2. Don’t let her initial lack of interest affect your state.

Remember, you are responsible for your own emotional state, not her.

So no matter what reaction you get, you need to continue to self generate positive

That’s on you!

Don’t let her nervous or confused vibe rub off onto you, or else it validates her reality
that this is weird or awkward, and the interaction will likely end that way.

This is such an important concept.

Your reality that meeting new people is fun and exciting, and if given the opportunity
to get to know you this girl is going to like you, needs to be stronger than hers.

Having that certainty about yourself is going to allow you to get over the hump more
times than not.

The more certain about it you are, the better.

Draw her into your reality, don’t allow yourself to be drawn into hers.

Ending With Physicality

At the finish of a Magnetic Interaction it is very important to end with some type of

If the girl was attracted to you, and had a great time, it would be weird if you didn't
end with physicality.

With that said, not every interaction will end with it because not every woman you
meet will be into you, so don't "force it".

But, when there is clearly a connection using the side-huge, kiss on the cheek or
pick-up spin move is a great way to end things on a high note!

The Magnetic Slide

The "Magnetic Slide" was born out of necessity and efficiency.
While simple, this powerful movement can be used to start interactions fully squared
up, on the path of least resistance...

Helping to ensure the highest engagement rate possible.

Always give the woman ample space, so that if she chooses to divert her path, you
are not bumping into her.

v. Magnetic Interaction – 102

Including The Friend For An Epic Interaction

When meeting women during the day, which I prefer, many of them are going to be
in pairs or groups.

Rather than letting that deter you, let it work to your advantage!

Here’s a great example of how to do that.

Cruising through the streets of Athens, I spot an attractive girl and her friend coming
towards me at the very last second.

I know the most important thing is to get in front of them, so instinctively, I take a
giant step laterally in order to put myself directly in their path.

This all happens so quickly that there is literally no time to think, just act.

Act, don' think.

If you are doing what you are supposed to do, and taking immediate action, then
some of your interactions are going to start off like this.

Here is what I mean...

Obviously it’s great if you can spot them from a distance and adhere to the 10 foot
rule, but in some cases it all just happens too fast.

And that’s a great thing, because it means you’re taking immediate action, and
trusting your instincts.

The cameraman quickly reacts and flips the camera on just as I am extending my
hand out to meet them:
“Hi, nice to meet you. Wanted to say hello.”

I then immediately engage the friend.

“Friend, hello. Scott.”

The next few lines are all just autopilot dialogue, as the three of us settle into the

Me: “Where you guys headed?”

Girls: “To University”

Me: “The University, school today?”

Girls: “Yes”

Me: “That’s cool, what are you guys studying?”

Girl: “Were studying communications and media”

Me: “How’s my communications?”

Boom. Breaking the pattern. Moving the emotional wheel.

“Great”, the girl I’m attracted to immediately says. “Very nice”, says the friend, both

They’ve complimented my communication, but notice how they are commenting on

my sub-communications, rather than anything I’ve said.

That is what they are focusing on, especially in the beginning of the interaction.

That’s why I put so little to no thought into what I’m going to say in my opening

It just doesn’t matter enough to warrant any additional thought or focus.

When you see the girl you are attracted to, stop thinking and start acting.

By being direct and going for what you want without making excuses or beating
around the bush, women respect and appreciate that.
After some back and forth banter, I hit the friend with one of my favorite questions
when interacting with women in pairs:

“So what kind of guys does she go for?”, motioning at the one I’m attracted to.

I like this line for several reasons:

-It gives the friend the spotlight, making her feel valued and included. This builds
rapport and helps turn her into an ally

-It’s a fun topic that women love to talk about

-It provides me with a lot of good information as well as new conversational threads
that can be introduced in the interaction

-It further communicates why I am there. I’m attracted to this girl and I want to know
a little more about her and the type of guys that she goes for

Friend: “Really tall guys, and all the guys she’s dated dress up in suits”

I’m neither of those things.

But rather than try to qualify myself, as to why she should still like me in spite of not
checking those boxes, which would be low value, I’m going to do the opposite and
disqualify myself, as I continue to sub-communicate high value by being calm and

Knowing that at the end of the day, the archetype of guy that she thinks she wants or
has dated in the past is irrelevant when you’re able to have a Magnetic Interaction.

Me: Suits? Well, I don’t wear suits and I’m not that tall, so I guess it’s never going to
work out.”

They laugh. And the girl I’m attracted to is clearly a little embarrassed.

Me: “That sounds kinda boring, so she likes the businessmen huh?”

Girl: “Well kind of, the charming ones. But I like your accent, so…”

Now she’s downplaying the fact that she likes guys in suits, while giving me

A clear indicator that she is interested.

Since the friend has proven to be a fun asset to the interaction, I ask her another

Me: “So what else should I know about her?

Does she kick them to the curb pretty quickly, does she move through them pretty

Notice how I’m coming from a buyer rather than seller frame.

I’m not trying to sell the girl on why she should be interested in me.

The fact that she likes me is assumed, so I’m doing the opposite.

I’m asking questions of the friend, in order to make a determination of if / why I

should be interested in her.

This is subtle but very powerful, and here’s why:

Subconsciously, women want to chase, rather than be chased.

By qualifying and selling yourself, you’re chasing.

On the other hand, by coming from the buyer frame, it rigs the interaction for them to
chase you.

The friend really shines here, stepping up and selling her friend hard:

Friend: “She’s really fierce, and persuasive, and she’s really clever, she always gets
what she wants, and she never settles for less. Never.”

The girl is completely smitten with her friend now - “Giiiiirl, I love you” she says, as
they giggle like schoolgirls.

Rather than continue to pump her state, or join in this little love fest, I move the
emotional wheel in different direction, with a provocative cold read.

Me: “She maybe needs some discipline though, she doesn’t look like she’s been
disciplined in a long time. She just walks all over the guys”

Cold read.

I’m getting the sense that this is the type of girl she is, who takes the dominant frame
in her relationships with men.
Partly because I can tell she has a strong personality, and partly because most guys
have just gotten soft, and don’t know how to lead.

They allow the woman to dictate the relationship, setting the terms and owning the
frame until they get bored or meet a new guy.

This is said with sarcasm, but by calling this out, I’m implying that if she chooses to
be with me, it would be a different type of experience than what she’s used to.

I then move the emotional wheel again as I transition to the close.

Me: “Do you have instagram?”

Girl: “Yes”

Now watch what I do here:

Me: “Alright cool, I’m gonna find you on there, we’ll continue this conversation.
Although we might have to invite you out (motioning to the friend), because I don’t
know if I’d feel comfortable with just you (motioning to the girl). She might try to take
advantage of me.”

Playfully flipping the script, implying that she would be the one trying to take
advantage of me, vs the other way around.

This is a great frame to play around with, and you’ll notice I continue to poke at it
through the end of the interaction.

I hand her my phone and she finds and adds herself on instagram.

As is customary, I hang in there for a minute or so after the information exchange,

making small talk before hitting her with the question:

“So, when are you going to make time for me?”

Putting her on the spot.

This is a fun line to use, but I want you to use your intuition here.

In this circumstance it works because I can tell the girl is into me, I’ve been bold from
the start, and laid a solid groundwork of humor, sarcasm, and playfulness in the
interaction, so it’s congruent for me to say something like this.
It’s also good because it helps lock in the date / time of the next meet up.

Girl: “Well we can talk on instagram and set up a date, or something”

“I agree”, the friend chimes in, lol, as if she’s actually going to be invited.

I scoff at the idea, and continue to play into the frame that she’s the one trying to
move things forward, while I’m being overly cautious.

As if going on a tradition style date would be moving too quickly.

Me: “Well it’ll be more like a hangout. A date sounds very official.”

And plus, I’m not really interested in going on some boring official date with this girl.

That would be something she’d have to convince me to do, later on down the line.

“Just make sure she doesn't show up to the hangout thinking she can treat me like a
piece of meat”, I say to the friend, continuing to toy with that frame.

Friend: “Ok, don’t you worry, I’ll take care of it.”

Totally playing along.

As I’m saying my goodbyes, I go in for what the girl probably believes is going to be
a hug, until she’s being lifted off the ground and spun around.

This is a ballsy move, especially if you haven’t initiated much physicality with the girl,
but it’s an amazing spike when it hits, as evidenced by her reaction.

It also communicates that I’m the type of guy who isn’t afraid to make bold moves,
and plants the seed for what she can expect going forward.

Blond Canadian Bridesmaid

Walking, walking…

Boom. Girl spotted.

Without thinking I made an athletic spin move around the camera man in order to get
in front of this girl and engage.

Split second move - no thought, just immediate and decisive action.

That’s what having a hair trigger response is all about.

Considering this all happened in the blink of an eye, do you think I had some
awesome witty line to engage with?


“Hi. Hello, Who are you?”, while extending my hand out.

Amount of thought required: Zero.

If you’re still overthinking what to say in your opening line, stop. Seriously.

This is a great example of a girl not even being able to process what is happening
because it all happened so fast.

She can’t stop giggling, and has a hard time answering even the most basic

Me: “Where do you come from?”

Her: “Umm….uh, um, Canada!”

From there I find out that she’s in Vegas as part of a bachelorette party.

“What’s your whole take on Marriage?”, I ask. “It’s one penis for the rest of your life.
Do you think that’s a good idea?”

Getting her opinion, giving mine.

Expressing myself in a fun and playful way.

Also notice that 45 seconds into the interaction I am still holding her hand.

I’m comfortable with it, she’s comfortable with it, so it’s no big deal.

No need to break it prematurely, when you can continue to hold it and build sexual

She mentions that she’s out to grab a bite to eat, and we keep the banter going.

Me: “We tend to just eat at the steakhouses here, get a big piece a meat and just eat
it with your hands”
Her: “Mmm I love that”

Totally nonsensical, but it’s fun and it infuses a sexual type vibe into a totally
nonsexual subject.

From there I segue into her logistics.

I need to know how long she’s going to be in town for, and want to know more about
the dynamics of the group she’s with.

Specifically, if she’s willing to break free from them and come meet up with me.

Lucky for me, the group she’s with sounds pretty boring, and she’s looking to have
some fun.

Me: “Are you the troublemaker?”

Her: “Yes.”

Me: “Ok cool, well then we’re going to have to hang out while you’re here so that you
can actually have fun.

From there it’s textbook information exchange, direct command like you’ve seen me
do multiple times by now, although I did add a funny little quip at the end of it:

“You’re gonna put your number into my cellular device, right now, and I won’t make a

It’s a nice way to soften the direct command in a funny way, as evidenced by her
laughing as she takes my phone.

Feel free to play around with stuff like that.

She puts her number in, but doesn’t put her name...

And it’s not like I remember it at this point, so I hand the phone back to her.

When collecting numbers, always make sure you enter the name in, especially if you
are getting a lot of them.

Or else you’re going to get them all mixed up.

She enters her name, and then I ask the question “What’s my name?”, knowing that
she either won’t remember or I haven’t given it to her.
It puts a little bit of pressure on her, in a playful way, and it flips the script on the
narrative that it’s the guy who is always forgetting the girls name.

As standard protocol, I continue to hang in there and chat for bit after the information
exchange, while making plans for the subsequent hangout.

“Maybe tomorrow night, when you’re done with your boring friends, Aria, Alibi (a
lounge inside the Aria casino), we’ll meet up.

At this point I can tell the girl is bought in, she’s into me.

So I go for some physicality on the goodbye.

Picking her up and spinning her around, as she laughs, and then send her on her

I want to, because its fun, she’s hot and I want to feel her body against mine, but it
also communicates what I’m about, and what she can expect if and when we get
alone together.

Total interaction time: 4 minutes.

Cross Walk
Ever been at a crosswalk and spotted an attractive woman on the other side?

Of course, it’s happened to all of us.

But it’s a tricky situation - if you want to meet this woman what do you do?

When the light turns green do you stay on your side and wait for her to cross?

Do you meet her in the middle of the street?

This is the situation I was presented with in this scenario, and here’s what I do.

First off, I’m attempting to establish eye contact with the woman from across the

I’m putting out the vibe and energy that I’m going to talk to her, so that when I do
approach, it’s not going to come as a surprise.

As the light turns green I immediately enter the crosswalk.

I get a head start, because I want to meet and stop her before she’s made it to the
halfway point.

Me: “I’m coming for you... Who are you?”

Notice how I’m almost the entire way across the street, while she’s barely a few
steps in.

“I’m Lydia”, she says, smiling, with a very friendly vibe as she stops to meet me.

Me: “I’m Scott nice to meet you. Let’s step out of the road”

Girl: “Oh, thank you”

As quickly as possible, I want to get her out of the crosswalk and back onto the curb
where the interaction can continue.

Ideally you’ll just take a few steps back to her side, which you see me do here.

But if she’s determined to cross the road, feel free to walk with her, and then
continue the interaction on the other side.

Either way it really doesn’t matter, just get her out of the road.

She appreciates this, and even thanks me for it.

Me: “Where you headed to?”

I want to figure out what she’s up to.

Whether she’s in a hurry to get somewhere important or just strolling around.

Girl: “I’m going to get something to eat”

Me: “What are you going to eat?”

Girl: “I don’t know, maybe a sandwich or something”


So this girl is just strolling around looking for something to eat, without even a
specific destination in mind.
No need to rush this interaction.

Me: “Do you live around here in Kolonaki?”

Were literally a block away from my apartment, so I want to know if she lives in this
area as well, which would be amazing logistics for a future hangout.

Girl: “No I live far away from here”

Well, so much for that.

Me: “What brought you to the city?”

Girl: “I went to the hairdresser”, she says proudly, as she shows off her hair.

Me: “Oh new haircut huh, what’s the occasion?”, as I stroke her hair, initiating some
subtle physicality.

Girl: “Nothing”

At this point, I want to figure out where this girl lives, and how far that is outside of
the city.

Me: “So where do you live outside of Athens?”

She goes on to say that she lives in a town that I’ve never heard of, but seems pretty
far out, considering I am familiar with all the neighborhoods in and around Athens.

Girl: “What are you doing here?”

She’s interested and wants details

Anytime the girl starts asking you questions it’s a good sign - she wants to know
more about you.

Also noticed how relaxed this conversation is.

I’m totally relaxed, she’s totally relaxed, there’s nothing awkward about it.

It’s like we already know each other.

A lot of your daytime interactions should look like this.

Very casual and relaxed.

I explain where I’m from, and then ask her how much longer she’s going to be in the

I want to know how long of a potential window I’d have to work with.

I find out that she’s here with her mom.

Me: “Well where is she”

Girl: “She’s at the hairdresser”

Me: “Well we should go in there, and say hi”

I love playing off this narrative - meeting the mom, or meeting the parents.

The narrative that when a girl really likes a guy she’s going to introduce him to her
parents, and that it’s going to be this major event.

I’m of course playing off the absurdity of it, by assuming we’ve already reached that
point, minutes into us meeting.

This is a fun one to play around with if the subject of her mom or her parents comes

Based on the fact that she's out with her mom, and is only going to be in the area for
another hour or so, I know that there’s not much more I’m going to be able to
accomplish with this girl here today.

She did mention that she’s going to get something to eat, and if I wanted to I could
have accompanied her, parlaying the interaction into an instant date.

And in fact, I would encourage you to do so if this opportunity presents itself.

In this case though, I had already eaten, and we had been out filming for several
hours and on our way home to relax, so I opted to just get her info and set something
up for a later date.

I hand her my phone and she adds herself on instagram.

When getting a girls instagram as the information exchange, one thing that I like to
do is poke fun at either her bio, or one of her recent photos.

It’s a nice little tease.

In this case her bio says something about being antisocial, which I play around with,
especially considering she’s been nothing but friendly and social with me up to this

After the exchange, I stick in there for a few moments and continue the interaction,
as is best practice, and find out that she works at a news agency.

Me: “Well this is newsworthy, so feel free to report it when you get in on Monday”

Playing up the fact that us meeting is newsworthy.

Playfully over exaggerating your own self worth or the importance of the occasion of
you two meeting is another good one to play around with if the opportunity presents

“Tell your Mom I said hi”, I say, as I send her on her way.

Brazilians On Vegas Vacation

I spotted this pair of girls coming from the level below, and quickly sped down the
elevator and across the open floor to meet them.

Remember, you see a girl you want to meet, start moving in her direction.

Not every opportunity is going to be perfectly set up for you, but that is not an

Make it happen.

In this scenario all I’m concerned about is catching up to these two women, which is
actually great, because you know what I’m not worried about - What I’m going to say,
or how they are going to react, or any of that B.S. that can clutter your mind in the
moments before you engage.

When I finally catch up to them you know what comes out of my mouth?

“Hey. Hi. Who are you?”

Literally as basic as it gets.

It’s like one level above just walking up and grunting at them.
Think about that the next time you are scared to approach because you are worried
about what to say.

The words barely matter.

Far more important is what you are sub-communicating upon the approach.

As you see in the video here, I’m approaching with confidence and certainty.

My body language, tonality, and relaxed vibe all reflect this.

And that is what they are really picking up on.

From there we engage in a minute or two of mindless small talk.

But notice how calm and relaxed I am.

Look at my body language, my posture. The calmness in my voice.

There almost a hint of boredom in it.

There’s not an ounce of nervousness or excitement emanating from me.

My state is my own, and they have absolutely no influence over it.

Also notice that I’m not trying to build rapport, or fish for commonalities.

When they mention they went to a club called Tao the previous night, my response
was “How was it there, I hate that club.”

This is what relaxed, unfiltered dialogue sounds like.

I’m not saying that as a spike or to try and get a reaction, I’m saying it because I
actually don't like that club.

As the interaction moves along, continue to notice my body language compared to


Who is moving more?

Who is more centered and grounded?

Who is reacting to who?

I then ask:

“So you’re the quiet one, and you’re the party animal?”

Cold read - a great way to move the emotional wheel, and to infuse some fun into
the interaction.

Notice how much the girl on the right begins to move around after the emotional
wheel move.

She’s playing with her hair, crossing and uncrossing her legs, she’s smiling.

She’s starting to get really attracted, and nervous.

A great sign.

Remember, when you’re focus is outward, and not inward stuck in your own head,
you’ll be able to pick up on all these subtle body language cues.

Another great sign is when they start asking you questions.

They are investing in the interaction, moving it forward.

They want it to continue.

Anytime the girl starts asking you questions, you’re on the right track.

After explaining where I’m from, and how long I’ve been living in Vegas, they then
say something in their native language and laugh.

I ask what language that is, and they both snap to answer - Portuguese.

Both these girls are totally bought in.

I mention that I know a little Spanish, and it’s at that point that one of the girls throws
out a minor shit test - “I’m 100% sure you can’t understand us”.

Rather than trying to combat that, or to qualify myself, I simply hold eye contact and
say “Really, ok” as I subtly nod my head.

And then immediately change the subject.

I’m not going to be baited into a conversational thread that gets me nowhere.
I’m going to stay in control of the interaction.

Don’t be afraid to do this - to cut a conversational thread that’s not going to work in
your favor.

I then steer the conversation back to what I want to talk about - in this case, strip

I ask if they plan on going to any while they are here.

Strip clubs are a big deal in Vegas, and somewhere I enjoy bringing girls.

So I toss the idea out there.

Turns out, the one friend who had been to Vegas before had been to one in the past,
but the other friend, whose first time it was, and who I am more attracted to, had
never been.

“You should go to a strip club, just to have the experience”, I say.

Which prompts the friend to chime in - “Go with her”.

Basically making plans on her friend’s behalf.

Remember, when you are able to engage both girls at once, giving them both a
Magnetic Interaction, when it comes time to make plans with the one you are into,
the friend will often be your biggest ally.

She’s pre-approved you as a cool guy, and is going to encourage her friend to meet
back up with you.

Powerful stuff.

I could get her number at this point in the interaction - but I don’t.

I first want to qualify the one I’m into to see how serious she is about the idea.

“I don't know, are you brave enough?”

Rather than just going off the suggestion of the friend, I want her (the one I’m
interested in) to take ownership of the fact that she is down to meet up with me later.

By doing this, by getting the girl to qualify that she is serious about meeting up, it
drastically reduces her flaking.
From there it’s textbook information exchange - whip out my phone and hand it to
her “put your number in my phone”, which she does.

The entire interaction was less than 2 ½ minutes, but look at how much was

German Blonds Outside The Club

This interaction happens around midnight in Las Vegas, right outside the club

This is the time of night where a lot of hot girls are out, dressed to the 9, but their
focus is not on meeting people, their focus is getting into the club.

I spot two hot blondes coming my way, and choose to go with a hard pattern
interrupt on the open.

A pattern interrupt is a way to break someone out of their current state or thought

This is akin to “popping the bubble”, which you learned about in the Manifesto.

“Who the fuck are you?”

What I did not realize though was that these particular girls were from Germany, and
so were a little shocked and confused with this opener.

“What?” she says, with a subtle laugh.

So I repeat, very calmly - “Who the fuck are you?”

By reading these girls body language and expression, I’m seeing that they are a little
bit shocked and confused as to what is going on.

Part of it has to do with the slight language barrier, part of it has to do with the
environment that they are in, and part of it has to do with the fact that they have
probably never been approached like this before, let alone in a foreign country.

So what do I do?

I call it out.

“You look shocked, what’s going on with that?”

“Yes I am” she says.

Yea, this girl literally had no idea what was going on and was a little bit nervous.

But in spite of that, they are both standing there, holding my hand (I now was holding
the friends hand as well) talking to me.



My reality was stronger than theirs.

I approached with such certainty, and from a place of authority, that their automatic
response was to stop, and take my hand.

To comply.

“Have you never met anyone before in your life?”

This question, along with the fact that I am totally relaxed, sets the tone that they are
the ones that are being weird and / or awkward, not me.

What I’m doing is perfectly normal.

Again, my reality is stronger than theirs.

And so they become drawn into it.

“Where do you guys come from?”

Notice how they both snap to answer - “Germany”.

These girls are hooked.

I’m excited about the fact that they are from Germany, as it’s a place I’ve been in the
past and really enjoy.

My natural excitement is now getting infused into the interaction, turning the
emotional wheel.

Now we’re building some rapport, they’re telling me where they’re from, why they’re
in town, I’m making fun of they’re accent, etc.
Notice the friend cracking up. We’re having fun now.

But within the flow of conversation, I’m also screening for information, to see what
these girls are about, and to see how long they are going to be in town for.

What I learn is that it’s just the two of them, they are here through the weekend,
they’re here to party, and they are going to be getting fucked up tonight.

Alrighty then.

Once I’ve gathered that information, it’s time to move the emotional wheel again.

Cold read: “So who’s the crazier one, I think probably you are”, pointing at the girl I’m
interested in.

It hits, notice the friend’s reaction, she immediately starts cracking up.

Start playing around with cold reads like this in your interactions.

Even if you don’t guess right, it’s all good, it’s fun.

And the more you practice the better you’re going to get at them.

And when it hits, like you see here, it’s a great spike in the interaction.

This high point in the interaction is where I finally introduce myself - “What is your
name by the way, I’m Scott”.

Finally, after this little rollercoaster of an interaction, I’m grounding it by getting their
names and giving them mine.

By waiting to exchange names, it’s also a nice bit of validation for the girls - they’ve
proven themselves to be cool and fun enough for me to want to actually get their
names and to give them mine.

They’ve earned it.

From there it’s time to exchange info...

After a bit of confusion, she hands me her phone and I enter in my name and
Remember, on the occasions when you are entering your number into the girls
phone, you don’t just stop there.

Always send a text to yourself from her phone, so that now you have her number as
well, and so that it gets the chain of communication rolling.

Total interaction time: 3 ½ minutes

Shorty Waiting For Uber

Meeting women when you are out at a honey hole with the intention of doing so is

It’s what you’re there to do, and you’re mentally prepared for it.

But what about the times when you are not necessarily looking to meet women -
maybe you are tired, in a hurry, on the phone, etc - but a hot one enters your

Sure, you could let the opportunity pass by, or you could man up and go in.

That’s the situation I was in here.

We had been out all day filming, I just had a massive dinner, and alI I was really
interested in doing at that point was going home to pass out.

I was literally on my way home when the universe served up one last opportunity for
the day.

We quickly fired up the camera and I went in.

When you watch this interaction, it’s going to look different than the others you’ve
seen up to this point.

It’s low energy, there’s no witty or provocative banter, and almost no physicality.


Because that’s the state that I’m in.

I’m tired. I’m mentally drained. I’m ready to go home...

But I still want to meet this girl because she’s hot.

You don’t always have to be in a great mood or pumped up state to meet women.

You can be in whatever state you happen to be in and still make it work.

You can still be damn effective if you just follow the principals in this training.

As I walk out of the casino on my way home, I notice this girl in the Uber pickup area,
seemingly waiting for her ride to show up.

“Hi, who are you?” I ask, which she interpreted as “How are you?”.

This happens from time to time, and when it does, I usually just correct them.

“No, who are you?”

I can tell she’s a little bit confused, as if she’s having a difficult time locating her Uber
driver, so I call it out: “You look confused are you waiting for Uber?”

From there we get into a little bit of rapport, as I ask screening questions to see what
this girl is up to and what she is about.

I find out that she is a Vegas local, which is great because unlike most of the women
I meet in Vegas, I’m not going to be operating within a 1 - 3 day window.

Notice that when I find out she lives in Vegas, I don’t immediately pounce on that
and announce that I live in Vegas too.

I don’t need to. I’m not trying to qualify myself.

I’m not fishing for commonalities.

If anything, I can keep that one in my back pocket, for later on in the interaction.

“You look pretty tired, like you’ve been drinking a little bit.”

Cold read.

By now you can see that I throw at least one of these into almost all of my

She goes on to tell me she just got back from a work trip. My response: “That’s cool.”

And then just let it sit.

Long pause...

I can tell she’s trying to figure out this Uber situation on her phone, and so I simply

I’m chillin.

Silence is not a bad thing.

When two people can sit comfortably in silence together, it means they are
comfortable with each other.

Think about it, when you are with your family, close friends, or girlfriend, are you
always rushing to fill the silence?


You can enjoy spending time together, through those silences.

Don’t be afraid to play around with long pauses and silence in your interactions.

The pause is only awkward if you feel awkward.

After a nice long pause I ask “You don’t live on the strip?”, with the connotation that
it’s less cool if she doesn’t, which in my mind is true.

Especially considering that I did at the time.

“Ya I moved out here like a year ago”, I say, very nonchalantly.

“Oh you live out here too?? Niiiiice”, she says.

While she’s subconsciously thinking this guy had the opportunity to tell me this when
I mentioned earlier in the interaction that I lived here, but he didn’t.

This guy is not trying to qualify himself or impress me.

He doesn’t need to.

This guy is high value.

This is a subtle but nice little emotional wheel move, as it shifts the context of the
Up until now she probably assumed I was in Vegas from out of town, whereas now
she realizes she’s in an interaction with a cool guy who actually lives here.

Now we’re building some real rapport, relating to each other as two Vegas locals.

“Babe I’m sorry to interrupt you….”

She’s back looking at her phone, trying to figure out this Uber situation.

So again, I just relax and let her do her thing.

No big deal.

This signals to me that her Uber has likely arrived, so as she’s dealing with that I
whip my phone out and open up the contacts app, so it’s ready to go.

Her: “Nice meeting you”

Me: “Likewise. Put your number in my phone”

Direct command. No asking.

She laughs, and is probably thinking wow this motherfucker has some audacity.

She was probably just expecting a friendly goodbye, and just got way more than she
bargained for.

But she’s bought in, so she of course complies.

I am of course completely relaxed, as if this is totally normal and I’ve done this 1,000
times (which is actually true).

She enters her number in, and as she hands it back she says “That might be it”, as if
to try and save face or level the playing field, considering she just got one-upped big
time haha.

“We’ll see”, I say, as she walks off.

And of course, it was.

Long Lost European Hottie

When you get out there and do this enough, especially when you begin to frequent
the same honey holes, then guess what:
You’re going run into some of the same girls that you’ve interacted with in the past.

Rather than shy away from those opportunities, or try to not to let her notice you, it’s
totally cool to go in there and re-engage with them, even if the initial interaction
wasn’t all that great.

It’s crazy man, there have been times where I approached and interacted with a girl,
she seemed totally disinterested and the interaction went nowhere.

And then I see her out a week, month, or year later, and she is all excited to see me.

You never know.

And full disclosure, I’ve had the opposite happen as well - interaction goes great, and
then you see them out at a later time and they want nothing to do with you.

If anything, it reinforces the fact that a woman’s reaction to you is more a reflection of
her and her own internal state in that moment, than it is a reflection of you.

Anyway, in this video I’m back in Belgrade, and I spot a girl that I interacted with two
years prior.

Were on opposite sides of a crosswalk, so I’ve got time to scroll through my phone
and find a picture of us that I took on the initial meeting.

I find it, just as the light is turning green, and with the cameraman in place, mic
turned on, it’s go time.

She crossed the road, while talking on her phone.

Is that going to deter me in any way?

Should you let that deter you?

Of course not.

“Dober dan, hey”

(Dober dan means hello in Serbian - it’s the one word I know)

“Is that you?”, as I show her the picture of us from 2 years ago.

“Uh, Yes”, she says, definitively.

Notice how I’m completely ignoring the fact that she’s on her phone.

Now if I was getting the sense that this was a really important call, I may have
acknowledged the fact that she was on the phone, but to me it did not appear as
such, and so I just completely ignored it.

After a quick back and forth about how we met two years ago, I get off the topic.

Although I’ve met this girl before, this is a brand new interaction and should be
treated as such.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Scott.”

We engage in some quick dialogue about what she wants to be when she grows up.

As a man of high value, I’m asking questions not as a way to build rapport, or to try
to keep the conversation going.

I’m asking because I’m screening her, seeing if she’s cool, getting a feel for her

Gauging whether she is a girl I would be interested in seeing again.

This is the frame you want to come from when interacting with women.

So often guys are on the wrong side, and position themselves as the “seller” in the

They subconsciously feel lower value than the girl, and thus need to sell themself in
order to win her over, or even just to keep her from walking away.

And while this may keep the girl there for a bit longer, it’s not going to build

Start to think of yourself as the “buyer” in these interactions.

You see a girl that you like, but you need to get to know her a little bit in order to
determine if she’s actually a cool girl that’s worth investing your valuable time into.

About a minute or so into the interaction, her friend rolls up, and it happens to be the
same friend that she was with 2 years ago, which is hilarious.

What is important though is how you see me handle this.

If you’re chatting with a girl and one of her friends enters the picture, acknowledge
the friend, as if you are excited to meet them, and welcome them into the

Into your reality.

As the friend rolls up, I immediately engage her.

I’m not going to let them start chatting amongst themselves and cut me out.

Or just ignore her, and make them both uncomfortable.

I remain in control.

“So what kind of trouble are you guys getting into? Same trouble as before?”

Emotional wheel - changing topics.

“Something like that”, they say”

After a short bit of banter, I transition to the information exchange, as there’s no real
point in me sticking in there much longer.

If the friend had not entered the picture, then I may have stayed longer, and may
have tried to go on an instant date with this girl, grabbing a cup of coffee or

But with the friend there, it was time for me to make my exit.

“Do you have instagram now?”

A lot of times, when I’m meeting women outside of the country, I go for the social
media exchange, rather than a phone number.

This is because each country has its own weird country code and number
sequencing, and sometimes when you enter it in your phone it does not register as a
valid number.

It’s annoying, and that’s what happened the last time I met this girl two years ago.

She didn’t have instagram at the time, and so she gave me her number, but for
whatever reason it wasn’t valid.
I wasn’t going to let that happen again!

She tells me her instagram, but I’m having trouble finding her.

Eventually I have her pull it up on her phone and take a photo of it.

Sometimes you gotta get creative.

“Alright well, I’ll message you on there, it won’t be anything exciting at all to look
forward to, and I’m expecting a mean reply from you like a judge…”

“You’re gonna get it” she says, cutting me off.

Haha, I like that, sharing a quick laugh with the friend.

I bring them in for a group hug, initiating some physicality, and send them on their

Total interaction time: 3 ½ minutes.

Ball Busting MILF's

Cruising through the Wynn hotel I spot two hot older women, a blonde and a
brunette, probably in their early 40’s sipping wine outside of one of the high end
boutique shops.


One thing you’ll notice about this interaction is the amount of ball busting and shit
tests that these women throw at me.

This is common among attractive older women, as they generally have better “game”
considering they’ve been getting approached by guys for 20+ years.

Through years of experience, not only do they know how to quickly screen out the
pretenders from the contenders, they’ll flat out toy with you if you aren't ready.

Be prepared for this when interacting with older, more experienced women.

Rather than the standard “Hi I’m Scott” opener, I go with the playful authority frame
with these two.

It’s a fun way to open, and also involves zero thought.

Whatever the girl is doing, tell them that they’re not allowed to be doing that, as if
you’re in charge of the building.

Me: “Oh no those are illegal, those glasses right there”

Blonde: “No they’re not”

Brunette: “You’re just trying to have a conversation with us”

And so it begins...

In these situations, when they are ball busting or throwing shit tests at you, the most
important thing is to not react.

Do not let it affect your state.

If they see you start to react emotionally, and it affects your confidence in even the
most subtle way, you’re pretty much done.

My response:

“Of course, why wouldn’t I want to have a conversation with you two”, very calmly, as
I touch each of their shoulders, letting them know that the confidence is real, and that
I am not going to be intimidated or pushed around in this interaction.

Then, myself and the brunette ask questions simultaneously:

Me: “Where do you two come from?”

Brunette: “What are you doing?”

As you can see the opening sequence of this interaction is a little sporadic and

There’s no rhythm to it, yet. And that’s ok.

You’re interactions don’t have to start off perfectly.

Some of them are going to be a little rocky at first, but remember to remain calm,
hold your frame, be patient and stick in there until things settle out.

Trust the process.

For the sake of steadying this interaction, I’m going to answer the brunette’s
question, but I’m not going to qualify myself in any way.

Me: “What am I doing?”

Brunette: “Yeah”

Me: “Pretty much whatever the fuck I want”

Brunette: “This evening. What are you doing this evening?”

Me: “Well I just came out...”

(she cuts me off)

Brunette: “Where’d you come from?”

This brunette is screening hard, attempting to figure out what my deal is.

Me: “Well, I live here in Vegas, so I came down an elevator from my place, and now
I’m here.”

Notice how I’m not qualifying myself at all. I’m not explaining where I’m from, or what
my intentions are, I continue to be calm and slightly aloof, answering her question
very literally.

At this point the blonde interjects - “Wait so you live in this building?”

She’s watched me stand in there and very calmly go toe to toe with her ball busting
friend in this opening sequence, remaining unscathed.

So far so good.

Time to move the emotional wheel.

“How many glasses is that for you guys?”, I ask.

A harmless question, but also a slight dig, as it carries the implication that they may
be drunk.

They go on to say that they just landed.

Me: “From where?”

Blonde: “Orange County”

Me: “Ohhh, California. I can’t talk to you guys now”

The disqualifier. Watch how this one hits. They respond immediately in unison:

Blonde: “Why?”

Brunette: Montreal, I’m from Montreal”

The blonde wants to know why, while the brunette immediately qualifies herself as
not being from California.

The disqualifier is a fun one to play around with in your interactions.

Whenever she says something about herself (where she’s from, what she does for a
living, what sports team she likes, etc.) disqualify yourself by saying oh I can’t even
talk to you anymore.

Why?, they’ll always ask.

Feel free to make something up, tell them it’s a long story, or let them know you’re
just fucking around.

It’s a fun little spike to throw into your interactions.

We then get into some small talk about the DJ playing that night, when the next shit
test comes:

Brunette: “You just like strolling around, seeing what the best option is this evening?”

Her shit test is designed to frame my behavior as low value, but notice how she
stumbles over her words a little bit, struggling to spit out that question.

She’s a little bit in her head now, not as confident as in the beginning of the

Me: “Yeah, I have to evaluate that and then…”

(Blonde cuts me off)

Blonde: “Are you here by yourself?”

Me: “Nah I have a buddy of mine, here somewhere”

Blonde: “Are you guys like trolling different portions of the casino?”

Another shit test.

Again, trying to put me in this low value frame.

Not gonna happen.

Me: Yeah, well see I’m in the east quadrant, and he’s in the southwest.”

I’m playing off of their shit tests in a comedic way, having fun with it.

I’m not qualifying myself like most other guys would in this situation.

Remember that, when you get shit tests thrown at you, stay calm, and either play off
of them in a comedic way, or just ignore them and continue on in the interaction.

Never fall into the trap of trying to explain yourself!

I pass the shit test, and shortly after the brunette excuses herself to go back inside
the store, leaving me alone with the blonde.

Me: “So what brought you two to Vegas?”

Blonde: “Just a little fun”

Me: “What level of fun?”

Blonde: “Like, the maximum”

Good sign.

She mentions that they like to go to the club in the hotel that they are staying at.

To which I agree is the best idea, since it presents the best logistical situation for
getting laid.

You simply leave the club and go up an elevator. The blonde agrees.

Another good sign.

After a bit more banter I hit the blonde with a cold read:
Me: “You look like a button pusher. You find that beta male provider and you walk all
over him.”

Whether or not this is actually true, she denies it, pushing back.

Blonde: “Not really. How do you know that I’m not the beta provider? How do you
know that?”

Another shit test.

Me: “I would just be able to read that about you and I’m just not getting that at all”

Blonde: “So you’re wrong”

Whether I’m right or wrong here is irrelevant.

Who cares.

I’m not going to get baited into this argument that will ultimately lead nowhere.

In situations like this, remain calm, and steer the conversation in a different

Me: “I think you go for the alpha male, thats whats exciting, that’s what turns you on”

Blonde: “Totally. Yeah”

Brunette: “Are you the alpha male?”

Again the brunette is baiting me into qualifying myself, which I of course do not.

A true alpha male never has to qualify himself.

His behavior speaks for itself.

Me: “I don’t know, am I?”, flipping it back onto them.

Blonde: “Ya, you’re an alpha male”

Brunette: “Of course you are”

Blonde: “Just to even approach us you’re an alpha male”

Let that one sink in for a second...

These women are hot, they know they’re hot, and they’ve known this for a long time.

They’ve gotten a ton of male attention over the last 20+ years.

During that span they’ve had some men approach them, but the overwhelming
majority just look at them and do nothing - the beta males who don’t have the balls to
step up and go for what they want.

Which category do you want to be in?

At this point these women who have been ball busting and shit testing me for the last
five minutes have now given me a nice compliment.

Rather than toot my own horn or anything like that, I downplay it in a funny way
“Look the Wynn security team told me that if I see any suspicious behavior I should
report it immediately.”, as if I’m simply following orders.

“It’s the Wynn Female Satisfaction Coalition”, I tell them.

She and her friend have thrown everything they have at me, and I’m still in there,
totally unfazed, still loose, cracking jokes.

They’re realizing holy shit, this is a true high value guy.

And now you’re going to see them start investing.

“What’s your name?” asks the brunette.

Me: “I’m Scott”

Brunette: “Cindy, nice to meet you”

Since she’s now playing nice, I give the her a bit of validation.

Me: “You look like a Cindy, the name matches”

Now the blonde chimes in.

Blonde: “So what does my name look like?”

I’m more interested in the blonde, so my response to her is going to be a bit more
Me: You? I don’t want to offend you...actually I do want to offend you, you look like a

She laughs.

I’m now going to screen them for more info on who they are here with and what their
intentions are for this trip.

Me: “So is it just you two?”

Blonde: “Yea, it’s just us. We’re just out having some fun.”

Again, throwing out the fact that they are out here in Vegas to have some “fun”.

Me: “So, what is the average age of the guys that you date?”

Blonde: “Well I’m married, so I date my husband”

Me: “Well, the ones that he doesn’t know about”

Notice what I do here.

Rather than get tripped up by the fact that she says she’s married, I let her know that
I can see right through that.

I can tell what this girl is about.

Blonde: “Well, I’m a very catch and release type person”, she says, now admitting
that she fucks other guys on the side for fun.

Me: “Exactly, that’s what I’m saying”

Agreeing with her in a non-judgemental way, letting her know that I understand the
situation, and am totally cool with that.

Because, I am that other guy.

2nd Times A Charm

When you approach a woman it’s not always going to be perfect timing.

In this situation I barely got her name before she and her friend veered off into the
H&M store.
I had two choices here, follow them into the store, or let them go.

My intuition at the time was to let them go, and that proved to be the right move,
although I’m not saying you can’t follow them, in a situation like this.

Important thing to note here is that this wasn’t “rejection”, although a lot of guys
would take it as such.

It was simply bad context / timing.

In a different context with this same girl, the initial interaction may have gone really

Here are some other examples of things that can happen moments after your
approach the girl, which can disrupt the interaction:

-Her phone rings and she answers an important call as soon as you approach

-Her friend that she is there to meet walks up as soon as you approach

-Her favorite DJ hits the stage moments after you approach

-Her boss motions her to get back to work

If this happens, it’s all good man.

There are always going to be random variables that you cannot control.

But sometimes you get a second chance.

Sometimes you’ll spot that girl again later that day or night, and if that’s the case, I
would always encourage you to re-engage.

In this case, I spot her and her friend about an hour later.

Again, the timing isn’t great, as they are at a distance, walking away from me toward
the subway station to catch their train.

But this girl is hot and I’m not letting this second opportunity slip away.

I speed up to catch them, and luckily I got her name on the quick initial interaction.

“Ava!”, I say, in an authoritative tone to get her attention, and to try and slow her
“It’s me again”.

Based on the speed that they are walking, and distance to the subway tunnel, I know
I’m working with a very small window of time.

Fortunately, as I catch up to her, I notice she is scrolling through instagram on her



“Take my instagram down”, I say.

Direct command.

“Ehhhh, ok.”, she says, a little hesitant.

“It must have been fate that brought us back together”, I say.

This is a good line to use when you re-engage with a girl for the second time.

Sarcastic but funny.

It almost always gets a positive reaction.

In this instance though it doesn’t hit, because I’m dealing with a little bit of a
language barrier.

So I call it out.

“You don’t seem very excited about that”, I say, as she begins to crack a smile.

At this point were 20 or so meters from the tunnel, so it’s time to complete this
information exchange.

“Alright, you ready?” I say, as I stop walking.

She stops as well, as her friend continues on into the tunnel.

She’s hands me her phone, but everything is in Greek, including the keyboard, and
so I’m having trouble finding myself.

Now she’s looking up, looking for the friend, who has continued on into the tunnel to
catch the train.
I need to get her off of this, so that we can complete this info exchange, so rather
than ignore it, to where she could use it as an excuse to leave at any moment, I call
it out:

“Your friend left you, she’s mad at you.

She’s never going to talk to you, ever again. Your friendship is over”, I say, making a
joke out of it.

This does two things - It shows her that I am an emotionally intelligent person who
can read the situation, and it momentarily disarms her excuse to leave because the
friend is no longer there, buying me enough time to complete the exchange.

Me: “How long have you guys known each other?”

Her: “Five years”

Me: “Ok, so you’re probably alright then”


But were still having problems with instagram and I know my time is almost up.

My go-to move in a situation like this is to just have them pull up their instagram bio,
and then pull out my phone and take a picture of it, so that I can find them later.

You won’t ever really have this problem when meeting women in your own country,
but be prepared for situations like this if you’re traveling and meeting women

I snap the picture just as the friend starts calling her to ask where she is, because
the train is literally pulling up.

That is what you call a “photo finish”.

Watch Me Get Rejected

“Scott, do you ever get rejected?” is one of the questions I get a lot, as if you can
ascend to a level where no girl ever gives you a bad reaction...

A mythical promised land where every woman you approach wants to fuck you.

If that’s what you think, well then I gotta burst your bubble.
The fact is, everyone gets "rejected", including myself.

In fact, I’ve probably been rejected more times than anyone who will ever watch this
video, based on the sheer amount of approaches I’ve done, which is well over

It’s all part of the process.

In the same way that throwing an incomplete pass or missing a shot is part of the
process for Tom Brady or Kobe Bryant.

It happens, and you must accept this fact.

Imagine if Tom Brady was afraid to throw a pass because it might get intercepted or
fall incomplete.

Or if Kobe Bryant were afraid to shoot because he might miss.

Sounds ludicrous, right?

It’s no different for you when going out to meet women.

Don’t deny yourself the glory of a Magnetic Interaction and everything that comes
with it because you are afraid to get a bad reaction.

Something that in reality, ultimately has zero consequence to you.

But a lot of guys don’t see it like that.

To them there is consequence, because of the meaning they attach to it.

They believe that by being "rejected" in a brief interaction with a stranger, it is a

reflection of their value as a person.

A reflection of their self-worth.

Rather than subjecting themselves to this type of feedback, they choose to do


If you find yourself falling into this mindset, you have to change your perspective.

You have to understand that “rejection” does not exist, at least not in the way that
you are thinking about it.
Because when a girl chooses to react negatively or dismissively to your approach, it
is more of a reflection of her, and her own internal state or circumstances in the
moment than you.

Maybe she is in a horrible mood.

Maybe she is in a hurry to get somewhere.

Maybe her boyfriend just cheated on her and she loathes all men.

Maybe she was in the middle of an important conversation with a friend she hadn't
seen in a while.

Maybe she has a negative outlook on meeting new people.

Or maybe she simply was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Some women just lack the confidence or social skills to interact with a stranger, and
so it’s easier for them to blow you off.

There are an infinite number of reason why she may choose to react negatively to
you or me or anyone else in that moment, far too many for you to even attempt to

So don’t even try.

It's not worth your time to micro-analyze the interaction in a misguided attempt to try
to figure out what you did wrong, or what that particular rejection must say about
your own self worth.

(Which is crazy by the way)

Watch the way that I react to her “rejecting” me in the video.

I’m literally laughing.

(Not a fake laugh, to try and cover up pain, a real one that I completely enjoy)

I’m able to find humor in the situation because I understand and have internalized
the truths I’ve just told you.

This allows me to operate without fear, and to move on to the next one as if it never
Like Kobe Bryant when he misses a shot.

I’m responsible for my own emotional state, not her.

So no matter what reaction I get, I’m going to continue to self-generate positive


If anything, my state goes up because I’m able to get a good laugh out of it.

That’s my paradigm when it comes to the concept of rejection.

vi. Magnetic Mouthpiece

The first area of mastery when it comes to having a Magnetic Mouthpiece, is

understanding what really matters.

Guys typically get hung up on the words...

Most commonly asking:

"What do I say?"

I'm going to take you through the three options of "things to say" from the very
beginning all the way until the very end of the interaction.

But before we do that, you've got to get clear on why the words themselves matter
so little.

What you say is not the magic.

What do I mean by that?

In other words, it is the place the words are coming from that matter most.
I could go say something to a woman and it could come from a very high value

And then another guy could go say the same exact thing as I did, yet he came from a
place of scarcity, nervousness, wanting a reaction, hoping that she was going to like
him and it completely bombed.

This happens because the words themselves matter very little.

What women are really responding to when they meet you is the energy and
frequencybehind the words.
It's not the words themselves.

You're not going to impress them with some poetry or say this thing that gets them to
instantly like you.

They're tuning in to things that are much more deep and subtle.

Remember, women are more naturally intuitive at reading in between the lines.

What she's really reading about you is your eye contact, your body language, your
sub communications, your tonality, all these things that are happening behind the

You want to make sure that those are solid so that whatever does come out of your
mouth is coming from a place of high value.

So I want you to think about when you met up with an old friend, maybe it was
someone you hadn't seen in a year or two, or someone you hadn't seen for decades,
who you are going to reconnect with in person...

You've had all these great times together, you haven't seen each other in so long
and you're just excited to catch up, and be in the same room with that person.

No agenda...

You're not trying to get anything from them.

You're not trying to sell them anything.

This is simply a cool person and you can't wait to see them.

Think of the energy in that interaction.

Think of the words in that interaction.

Are you going into that meet up with your buddy and thinking...

What should I say?

What should I talk about?

Is he going to like me?"


You're not thinking any of those things...

You're value and the fact that the interaction is going to go well, is assumed.

You're in this great energetic place where you're super excited to see this person.
You're not concerned about any of these other lower consciousness thoughts.

Unfortunately the above, isn't typical for guys when they are meeting a beautiful

They go into that interaction with a woman thinking:

Am I going to bother her?

Is she going to like what I'm going to say?

What if she already has a boyfriend?

And the list goes on...

You would never do this with an old friend.

The concept to understand in this example is that it's already in you to be able to be
this confident and natural with beautiful women, that is inside of you.

You've already demonstrated that ability, now you've just got to get out there and
practice it situationally, so that it becomes just as natural as meeting up with one of
your buddies.

I want you to keep that in mind from an energy and a frequency point of view...

Becuase in the interaction you are there to give and not get.

I've mentioned a lot of the lower consciousness stuff that guys are going into an
interaction with, they're coming from a place of "getting".

They need to get a good reaction.

They need to get her phone number.

They need to get validation.

They need to get her to talk to them.

Whereas someone who's truly magnetic and going to have a magnetic mouthpiece,
he isn't concerned with any of those things and so his words flow freely.

There's no bottleneck.

There is no governor.
He's not there to get anything.

He's simply there to give.

Just like you would be meeting up with your old buddy.

And so interestingly enough, people are drawn to him and resonate with him
because he is at a frequency that most people aren't.

Think about this...

Most of the other people in her life that she's meeting and interacting with, they all
want something from her.

Her parents have expectations of her.

Her girl friends have expectations.

Her coworkers have expectations of her.

The 10 other guys that she's friend zoned and are still trying to get at her, have
expectations of her.

And when you can be the person that literally in an instant, rolls into someone's life
and is doing that at a frequency and an energy of no expectation...

It is a breath of fresh air.

That is why they are drawn in.

That's why they're magnetized.

That's where the term magnetic interaction came from.

They are tuning into that frequency.

And lastly here before we jump into the three things is I want to touch on a very
advanced level concept...

And that is getting to the point in your interactions where the interaction with that
woman or another human being is literally a form of meditation.

Guys ask me all the time when meeting a woman:

What are you thinking?

The answer is...

I'm not thinking. Anything.

Because I don't need to.

"Thinking" would actually hinder me.

If I'm in my head and all over the place, my magnetic mouthpiece is not going to be
able to flow freely.

Plus that woman, when she's looking into my eyes, when she's looking at me, she's
going to tell I'm in my head and I'm not actually focused on her.

And so when the mind is quiet, we're actually paying a great respect to the person
we're communicating with, especially when they are talking.

We're actually listening, which so few people do these days.

If you're still super nervous in your interactions, stepping into a place where it's a
form of meditation may seem like it's miles away right now and that's okay.

That is a place that you will get to as you continue to master this skill.
All right, let's get into the three things that you can say during interactions...

#1 is an observation or statement.

#2 is a cold read

#3 is a question.

Now, these are not in any particular order.

One isn't better than three. Two isn't better than one.

So let's dive into each so you can see how I use these, because you can use them
literally in any situation.

So obviously when I roll up on a girl and I say, "Hey, I'm Scott,"

That's a making a statement

And the natural human reaction for her is to respond "I'm Tiffany, nice to meet you."

So let's assume that Tiffany was holding a shopping bag.

So if I wanted to make a statement or an observation after I met her, I could say


While pointing at the bag, which is a statement.

And then she may follow it up with, "Oh yeah, I bought a dress."

Or maybe I see she's holding a Zara bag

I say "Zara".

Another statement.

So for the same shopping bag example let's go to a cold read.

Pointing at the bag "New jeans huh"

Understand when you're making a cold read about a woman, you don't need to be

So I'm not saying this in a manner of needing to right.

Or thinking that this is going to impress her and now "she's going to like me."
It just came to mind.

I saw the Zara bag. "Oh, new jeans?" I'm just making a guess.

I'm being fun and playful.

If I'm right, cool. I look like I'm some type of mind reader or have x-ray vision on the

If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter.

She's likely going to tell me what she got.

And then that information just builds into the interaction.

Next up, a question would simply be, "What'd you get?"

Understand that you can use these three things in any situation.

So one of the things I'm going to ask you to do at the end of this video is to go back
and watch some more of my infield, even re-watch one that you've seen.
And I want you to look at it through the lens of which one of those three things am I
doing with each thing I'm saying.

Is it a statement / observation?

Is it a cold read or is it a question?

Everything that I do and say is going to fall under those three categories.

And so I always have those in my arsenal.

They're going to naturally flow out.

And while we won't be going deep into the emotional wheel here in this video, that's
also another thing that allows you to move the emotional wheel.

You wouldn't want to just hammer a woman with questions.

I saw a student do this on a day game live Immersion.

He watches some of my videos and thinks,

"Scott ask questions."

I'm just going to ask her a bunch of questions and he went into the interaction and it
was just rapid fire, question after question after question.

The girl could barely even answer the first question and he's firing off the next

So understand when you're doing these three things, you want to have a nice pace
to it.

In other words, it doesn't need to be rushed.

So relax.

The less you are nervous and fearful, the more natural that's going to be.

Back to the example of meeting up with your buddy.

You're not rushed, you're not trying to get it out because you're not nervous and so
it's the same thing.
You can lay back in the pocket and you can use these any way that you want in your

So the best way for me to show you this, is for you going back into the infield
because I do these things over and over again.

Now this is really important to talk about because it comes back to the fact that you
might be really challenged with "what do I say?"

What do I talk about?

I'm running out of things to say...

So understand another reason on top of everything that we've already talked about...

Why I never have to worry about what direction the interaction is going to go, is
because when I'm making that statement / observation or I'm making that cold read
or I'm asking that question, the woman is now giving me more information to
play off of.

I see the bag, I say "What did you get?"

She goes, "Lingerie."

That's a different response.

"Lingerie, who's it for?"

Now that I followed up with another question that thread is now taking the interaction
somewhere else...

She might say, "Oh my boyfriend, or my husband."

That gives me very usable information to play with.

"Oh really? Your boyfriend? Are you going to marry him?"

Now it leads somewhere else...

I need to find out is this relationship really solid? Is she happy?

Because if she is, hey, that's totally cool, I appreciate that.

And if it isn't, well then maybe I need to push things a little bit further to see if
exchanging information makes sense.
So whether it's any one of these three, you're now getting more information because
remember you walked up to meet her to get to know her.

You saw her, she was attractive but you don't even know anything about the girl yet.

She might have things about her personality even though she's attractive and hot
that you would never want to be around.

And that's cool.

That doesn't make her a bad person, but you owe it to yourself with this skill to have
the highest caliber women of your life.

You need to get to know her a bit.

You need to "qualify her."

And I'm not trying to go into any old pickup type of stuff here as far as terminology.

But she does need to display who she is past just what she looks like.

Just as you'll do in the interaction as you communicate and put yourself out there,
but understand the vibe and the direction of the interaction can go anywhere.

It's very different if she says lingerie as opposed to a t-shirt.

And so that's why we don't want to have a set line or scripts.

I'm going to connect with this human being.

I'm going to be centered.

I'm curious to get to know her and I'm able to move the conversation along very
easily with one of those three things.

So this is massively important for you to internalize.

And that is:

"It's cool if she likes what you said and it's cool if she doesn't."

There are so many guys that think they need validation from the woman with her

And that if they don't get a great reaction that is now going to massively change their
internal state.

This is a losing proposition.

So understand sometimes women, especially very high caliber ones will challenge
you a little bit to see are you a worthy suitor.

Because they're getting attention from all of these other guys.

Many have built up a bit of a shield to repel the pretenders and hopefully filter in the

When you're coming from this internal place, it allows your words to flow so much
more freely because it's totally cool either way.

Some women are going to really like what I have to say, others are not.

And that's great, because being true to myself allows that to work as a filtering

When I can find out in the first 60 seconds or less of that interaction, if that woman is
into me or not, that's a beautiful thing, no matter which way it goes, because if it's
going in a great direction, and were into each other when we found out quickly.

And if it's not, that's awesome too because we found out quickly and so we saved
time, which is always a great thing.

We can't get time back.

And so you want to make sure that you are doing this and have this mindset
because when you have it, it gives you an insane amount of freedom.

She doesn't have to have a great reaction.

If she does, that's cool.

If she doesn't, that's wonderful too.

And I know I'm hammering this point home and it's very easy to say.

I get, it's easy to say, you can be nodding your head right now like, "Okay cool Scott.
I totally get it."

But it's another thing to get that bad reaction or an even have her not give you a
reaction and stay totally cool and confident.

So be sure you monitor that and are aware of this as you get out there and get into
more interactions.

So a lot of guys ask about should I give her a compliment?

And this is an important thing to talk about because many guys, I've seen it with my
own eyes on day game live immersion make this mistake.

I've even seen other dating instructors, infield footage making this mistake, which
boggles my mind because it's actually hurting your game by doing this.

What a lot of guys are doing when they start an interaction or midway through an
interaction, they will compliment the woman on her looks.

So for example, they roll up, "Hey, I'm Scott. I saw you, your blue eyes are beautiful
or you have this great smile I had to meet you."

Don't do that.

When you do that, you are immediately filtering yourself into the category of all the
other chumps who complimented her on her looks.

If she is a really pretty girl, she has heard it for a long time.

Probably since her teenage years, she's been getting these compliments.

And so that isn't really setting you apart from those other guys.

And also it's not demonstrating that you've really actually even gotten to know her.

And here's what I mean.

Every guy notices the surface level.

Every guy knows she's hot, she knows that.

And so if you're going to choose to give her a compliment, why not get to know her
first and then have the ability to compliment her on something that has nothing to do
with her looks...

As you get to know her and she tells you that she's finishing up her degree and has
been putting in all these hours and she's excited to finish up and then start this new

You could give her a compliment to the effect of, "that's really awesome. You seem
like you're a very ambitious person."

A REAL compliment..

Again she knows she's hot and she knows you think she's hot.

She knows why you walked up to her.

And so don't compliment on looks, find something else much deeper to compliment
about her and she'll really appreciate that.
So let's get into vocal tonality.

And this is something you're probably familiar with, but it's important that we cover
just the basics here.

So we basically have three types of tonalities that we can bring into an, there's the
very low value needy tonality, which we'll refer to as rapport seeking, which will be,

"Hey I'm, I'm Scott, I saw you, I wanted to say hello."

I'm hoping, please, please give me a good reaction.

Now, this would shock you.

But I have seen hardened cut throat entrepreneurs come out on a day game live
immersion, who would never communicate like that example in a million years to
anybody else.

And then when they go approach a woman they actually communicate the way that I
just described.

So make sure you're not going into these interactions using a tonality that you would
speaking to an animal or a baby...

Do not do that.

You're going to want to stay in one or two of these places below:

So in the middle we have basically a neutral tonality.

So you'll see me do this many, many times in the infield. "Hey, what's up? I'm

Very neutral.

And then the other would be an authority tonality or what is commonly referred to as
breaking rapport, which you've seen in some of the infield where it's like,

"Hey, come here."

You're taking that authority frame with them.

You want to stay in one of these two places, whatever's natural to you.

So it isn't like, well this one is better than this.

I'm just out there having fun.

And so sometimes I might just be in a vibe or I go into more of an authority breaking
rapport frame.

Other times I might be more neutral.

It's all calibrated in the moment, I'm having fun.

And so what you want to do is go experiment in this zone.

Feel what that zone is like for you and then continue to do what is ever natural but
just don't be rapport seeking.

Don't sound like a little needy bitch out there, because when you do that, here's what
happens in the woman's mind.

So the reason you subconsciously do that is because you think that is going to lower
the chance of being rejected and increase the chance of her interacting with you
when the exact opposite is actually true.

When she hears that type of tonality, a flag, a red flag immediately goes off in her
mind and she's thinking,

"Okay, what does this guy want? What's he after?"

And that flows into the next principle being direct and authentic.

And what I mean by that is she knows, she knows why you walked up.

So the whole, hey, where's the nearest Starbucks or do you know what the time is?

You're immediately done because she knows you are lying.

You are not being real.

And that's why when you see me in the videos roll up like "Hey, what's up? I'm

Not hiding anything that's a breath of fresh air for her.

It's just a real interaction.

And so understand "she already knows", there's nothing to hide.

And so that allows me to be very open and direct in my interaction because I have
stayed consistent with who I am from the very beginning.

You want to make sure that you're doing that...

And with this there is no need to qualify yourself.

Many guys make a big mistake with this, which is the:

"excuse me and sorry."

I want you to remove these two words from your interaction vocabulary.

I see it a lot at the very beginning of the interaction.

In other words, they'll open up with: "Excuse me. Hey, I'm Scott. I just wanted to say
hi." Or "I'm sorry, I'm Scott"

Don't do that.

Do not apologize for beginning an interaction.

Again, this is mainly a subconscious thing.

Most of these guys don't even know that they're doing it.

So become present and aware to this.

You don't want to be doing this because you're done right off the bat before the
interaction could even start.

You've taken the lower value frame and are acting as if this is not normal.

It's normal to meet another human being.

I don't have to apologize, I don't have to say, excuse me, or sorry.

And the other way that I've seen guys do it is maybe if it's not at the beginning of the
interaction, they'll hit a point where they say something and they don't get a great
reaction from the woman and then they apologize.

So an example would be, a guy who says:

"Oh yeah, I just came from dinner, had an amazing steak, it's my favorite steak

And she say, "I'm a Vegan."

And then he begins to qualify himself.

Avoid this.

You want to come from the frame of:

"Hey, this is who I am. I'm Scott, love me, hate me. I still got love for you."

You aren't going to apologize or qualify yourself for being YOU.

Now this is another super simplified principle, but it has to be mentioned.

And that's when you're stepping out the door literally to get to a place where you are
excited to meet people.

In other words, grateful for the fact that you're alive and can communicate with
another human being.

Because when you can get to that place, you'll completely transcend all of this
nervousness, fear and anxiety.

You're building up all of these things because you need to get the good reaction and
or avoid rejection.

Forget all of that.

I'm out and I'm going to connect with other human beings.

There might be a girl I meet that I hit it off with and that's cool, and there also might
not be a girl who I meet and hit it off with today.

It literally doesn't matter because you are centered and you are fulfilled and you are
happy, simply from the opportunity to be out somewhere and meet other people.

I'm telling you, when you get to that place of internal freedom...

You're going to have people magnetized to you because very few human beings
walking the planet are stepping out and interacting with others from that place of

Another thing it's important to be aware of that guys get tripped up on is being
uncomfortable with silence.

They get to the point in the interaction where:

"There was like this awkward silence. I didn't know what to say and I kind of forced
something and then she left."

The first thing you have to understand is there is no such thing as an awkward

There are only people who choose to feel awkward during silence.

Silence is your friend especially a minute or two into the interaction where you've
carried things a little bit more verbally...
And you hit that point where nothing comes to mind and there's a brief bit of silence
where you're looking right at her.

That's the perfect opportunity to say nothing, stare into her eyes and see what she

Because first of all, it's going to probably make her a little bit nervous (in a good
way), but it's also going to give her the opportunity to invest.

In other words, it let's you know where you are at in the interaction.

For example, you take that brief pause. You look at her in the eyes and she says,

"Okay, well I got to go."

That tells you this interaction wasn't going anywhere.

Or instead she invests and asks you a question:

"What do you do?"

"What are you out doing right now?"

"Where are you from?"

Clearly she wants to know more.

So do not be afraid of silence.

Silence is your friend and you can use it to your advantage.

So let's jump into a few exercises for you to begin to execute moving forward.

The first one is going to be practicing your vocal tonalities in front of the mirror.

Now you've noticed in this video, I've used all different vocal tonalities with you...
I don't want you to watch a boring video.

Just like she wouldn't want to be in a boring interaction with someone who doesn't
want to express themselves.

So obviously we want to stay away from the needy rapport seeking tonality that we
talked about and we want to practice our neutral and authority tonalities...

And really being able to express ourselves with passion.

The more you get to the place of just giving in your interactions, the easier this is...
It's easy for me to express myself in this video to you because I'm not here to get

This video is all about you.

It's all about giving you something.

And I'll do whatever it takes to express myself and to convey that message because
it's about the other person....

And so when I'm out there meeting other people, curious to learn a little something
about this beautiful woman, it's easy to express myself because I'm not concerned
about how they choose to react.

I'm not worried about if you like the way I'm expressing myself in the video because
I'm just leaving it all on the floor.

Get in front of that mirror in the morning or maybe at night and work on those
different tonalities.

Or if there's other places in your life, through your job, your business where you can
begin to express yourself in a more confident and dominant way that will pay really
big dividends in your interactions.

The next thing I want you to do is bring extreme awareness to your interactions with
all people and here's what I mean:

When you're interacting with your buddies, your family, your coworkers, your other
friends, the person in line at the grocery store...

Those situations where it's not a hot girl that you want to be with.

I want you to notice how comfortable and calm and natural those are.

And then contrast that when you push yourself to go on that interaction with that
really beautiful woman and where are you there?

Because understand you need to get to a place where it is just as normal internally
to speak with the super hottie as it is the 92 year old grandma who you helped cross
the street.

It can be that natural.

The reason I want you to observe that is because I want you to feel what you're
doing and thinking internally when you're in those normal interactions...

Because over time you can take that calmness, certainty and confidence and begin
to transition it over to doing that with any woman, no matter how hot.
Lastly, start using the observations / statements, the cold reads and the questions.

I'd highly recommend going back through some infield if you've watched literally
everything, re-watch some or go through some new stuff or maybe check out the
deluxe edition infield if you don't have that already.

Watch the infield now from the frame of, was it an observation / statement?

Was it a cold read?

Was it a question?

I'm always doing one of those three.

If you want examples of that, things that you can begin to play with as you develop
your own style, go back through, watch those from that frame and get out there
and Be Magnetic.

vii. Emotional Wheel Cheat Code

As guys, were cool with feeling a couple different emotions in a day.

For instance, if we feel happy, confident, and peaceful, it was a great day.

Women on the other hand, want to feel 183 different emotions and all in the same
They want to laugh, they want to cry, they want to feel joy, anger, and everything in

It’s just the way that they are wired, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

By understanding this about them, we can begin to use it to our advantage when it
comes to communicating and interacting with them.


By mixing it up!

When interacting with a woman, don’t get stuck on the same topic, emotion, vibe, or
even location for too long.

Keep it moving.
For instance, when interacting with a woman, we might be talking about where she’s
from, then I’m telling her about my business, and how I’m so passionate about it,

I’m making fun of her accent, then I’m asking her about her love life, then I’m
disqualifying myself, coming up with an absurd reason why it will never work out
between us, and so on...

You’ll see me do this time and time again in the training videos.

You’ll never see the interaction go stale because I am always mixing things up,
keeping her on her toes, wondering where this interaction is headed.

I’m being expressive, so each of these different topics has a different emotional

Moving her through them.

And not only that, I’m initiating a little bit of physicality.

For instance I’m holding her hand after the initial handshake.

The longer I’m able to do so, the more sexual tension gets built.

I’m initiating other types of physicality, from subtlety touching her shoulder to picking
her up and spinning her around.

Touch creates emotion.

Same with eye contact.

I’m locking it in at times with her, intensely, and at other times I’m being playfully
aloof, almost acting disinterested.

I’m also going to physically lead her around in certain circumstances.

If I meet her on the street I might invite her to sit down for a drink.

Or if I meet her in a bar I might lead her to an outside area that is quieter, or a back
corner that is more intimate.

The key is variety!

There are so many ways to move the emotional wheel, and I encourage you to get

Experiment with some ways of your own.

Have fun with it!

That’s what I do.

Forget about the girl, if I wasn’t moving the emotional wheel, I myself would get

And that’s the attitude that I want you to have as well.

As it becomes more natural, you’ll start to see your success increase dramatically.

And when you become a master at it, girls will literally become addicted to you.

It’s a like a drug to them, and so few guys are able to give it to them.

Become one of them.

Understanding the concept of the Emotional Wheel is a powerful insight in itself.

However, in order to become a master at moving the emotional wheel, and

influencing the emotions of others, you must first learn to master your own emotional

It starts from within.

The problem with most guys, is that they are at the mercy of their own emotions.

They may muster up the courage to go talk to an attractive girl, but they full of
nervous energy, stuck in their own head about what to say, and totally attached to
the outcome.

This makes them very reactive, meaning their emotional state is going to fluctuate
based on the feedback he is getting from the girl, whether that be positive or

In that instance, she is moving HIS emotional wheel!

That is why it is so important to be as grounded, relaxed, and centered in your

interactions as possible.
Sure, this may be easier said than done if you are just starting out, and racked with
fear at the idea of walking up to and interacting with a beautiful women.

I get it, and that’s totally normal.

But the more you go out and practice this skill set, the more comfortable you will
become, and that fear will begin to dissipate.

Eventually, you won’t really feel any emotions except for the ones you consciously
bring to the surface.

You’ll be in control of your own emotional state, not her, and thus totally un-reactive
to however the woman chooses to behave toward you.

You remain calm and centered throughout.

Now you are in a place where you can begin moving the emotional wheel in others.

viii. Foolproof Phone Numbers

A lot of guys treat getting a girl’s phone number as a victory in itself.

And I understand why because we’ve been socially conditioned to think it is a

profound milestone in the mainstream courtship process.

I’m here to tell you that that is bullshit.

Getting a girl’s phone number should be a non-event.

It’s just something you have to do, in order to keep in touch, and move the
interaction forward at a later time / date.

As far as the actual act of getting the phone number goes, you should place about as
much importance on it as shaking the girl's hand.

Consider it little more than a pleasantry.

Solid Numbers

Girls these days will readily give out their number / social media contact info.
Getting it means nothing.

What’s important is that you do your best to make that number “solid”.

Because it’s one thing for her to give you her number, but it’s another thing for her to
actually want to hear from you.

That’s right, just because she gives you her phone number, doesn’t necessarily
mean she’s interested in keeping in touch with you.

The best way to make that number solid is to have a solid interaction.

A Magnetic Interaction.

Assuming you've adhered to the principles inside this training, and you guys were
vibing well together, the number should be solid.

The more on-point the interaction, the less impressive your phone and text game has
to be.

The Timing

Most guys wait until the very end of the interaction to get the phone number.

You don’t have to do this.

Go for the number at a high point in the interaction, like when the two of you share a
laugh together, discover a cool commonality, etc.

Getting the number within the flow of the interaction is superior to waiting until the
end when things are winding down.

For one, it puts more pressure on you (and the girl), and it makes it feel like more of
an event, which it should not be.

The Lead In

It’s not always necessary to use a “Lead In”, but it can be a helpful in making a
smooth transition in getting the phone number.

Basically, the lead in is a combination qualifier and premise, which justifies getting
the number.
Lead In: Qualifier ---> Premise


“You crack me up, we should hangout more often.”

“You seem cool, lets get together and do _________ activity sometime.”

“I like your style, we should definitely keep in touch.”

These are very basic examples but you get the point.

The qualifier implies that you have standards, which she has met (qualified).

The premise establishes why you are getting her number.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.

Also, by agreeing with your qualifier, she’ll be more likely to agree with the premise,
which happens to require the exchange of information.

Getting The Number

This is the really simple part.


1. Open up the contacts app on your phone

2. Extend your arm out with your phone in it, pointed at her chest region

3. Casually say “Here, put your number in my phone”

That’s literally it.

Another Option...

If she happens to have her phone in her hand, like so many women do when they
are out walking around, you can say “Take my number down”.

Have her give you her phone and then put your number in it.
Make sure you enter your first and last name into the contact fields, and then send
yourself a text.

Make it playful and flirty, as if she sent it to you.

Something like “Hey handsome, it was great meeting you” or something to that

This is a great way to establish the chain of communication, and now you also have
her number in your phone.

Those are the two ways I recommend getting the phone number.

Never ever ASK if you can have her phone number.

Doing so makes it into an event.

It brings the interaction to a fork in the road, where now she has to make a decision.

And girls don’t like to be put on the spot or make decisions, they like to be lead.

So lead. Don’t ask.

Stick in there

Remember, it’s better to get the number within the flow of the interaction, rather than
at the end.

So don’t immediately excuse yourself right after getting it.

Stick in there for another few minutes if you can.


Because the moment you get her number, the dynamic of the interaction and your
relationship to this girl changes.

No longer strangers in passing, you are now two people who have mutually decided
that you would like to connect with the possibility of seeing each other again.

To increase the probability of this happening, it is best to stick in there, and further
connection / rapport within the context of this new dynamic.
It also shows her that you enjoy her company, and weren’t just there to get her

ix. Day Game Live Immersion

Video lecture.

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