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Piedallu’s sign
-Px sit on hard, flat surface
-PT palpates PSIS
-if PSIS, usually painful, is lower
-Px asked to forward flex
-(+) If PSIS (lower one) is higher after forward flexion
-indicates abnormaltorsion movement of the SI jt.

-Px lies on side c upper/tested leg hip hyperextended
-Px holds lower leg flexed on his/her chest
-PT stabilize pelvis
-PT hyperextends hip of tested leg
-(+) pain
-indication of ipsi SI joint lesion, hip pathology, L4 nn root lesion
-can be done in supine, tested leg over edge of examining table

Mazion’s pelvic maneuver

-Px straddle in standing position on unaffected leg forward
-Px bends forward trying to touch the floor, until hell of back leg lifts off the floor
-(+) pain lower trunk on affected side
-indication of unilateral forward displacement of ilium relative to the sacrum

Laguere’s signlong sitting test

-tests (R) SI joint
-FABER px (R) hip applying overpressure at end range
-stabilize opposite pelvis (holding ASIS down)
-(+) pain on (R) SI joint
-caution for px with hip pathology, may have pin pain

Goldthwait’s test
-PT 1H: Under lumbar spine (each finger interspinous space)
2H: perform SLR
-(+) pain before mov’t of interspaces SI joint problem
-(+) pain during interspace mov’t  lumbar spine dysfunction

Yeoman’s test
-Pt flex px knee 90 & extend hip
-(+)pain localized SI joint pathology in the anterior SI ligaments
-(+)lumbar pain lumbar involvement
-(+)anterior thigh paresthesia femoral nn stretch

90-90 SLR for hamstring tightness

-see hip/knee special test

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