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Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers used the Quasi-Experimental Research, a type of Experimental

Research Design that resembles a true experiment but lacks the random assignment of

the samples. However, the two types of Experimental Design, quasi-experiment and

true experiment, also have similarities in their process, form and objectives. An

Experimental Research Design is a method in research that is scientific and systematic,

in which “experiments are carried out to explore the relationship between variables”

(Nunan, 1992). Both types of Experimental Design have the participants subjected to a

treatment or a condition and then the researchers measure the outcome of the

experiment. The researchers then test if the difference in the outcome is influenced by

the treatment given.

The method of an Experimental Design and its objective of studying the effect of

independent variable to the other variable coincide with the study’s aim to compare the

effectivity of Ebooks and Traditional Books. Also, Quasi-Experimental, although it has

less internal validity, it is more practical to use and convenient for the researchers in a

situation where time is limited and random sampling is difficult or not possible. As long

as the limitations are recognized, the data collected from it is still valuable.

Population and Sample

Research Instrument

The researchers prepared a pre-test and post-test for the students in the class of

Grade 11 ABM-B, which were the subjects of the quasi-experiment. Pre-test and post-

test, are research instruments often used in both types of Experimental Research

Design. The pre-test and post-test were the main instruments used in the research, in

gathering data. The tests contained ten (10) multiple choice questions, with each

question having four (4) choices. The pre-test and post-test contained questions about

“Barriers in Communication”, the topic of the reading material given to the subjects.

Both tests contained the same question.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers first formulated a title proposal that would be checked by their

research adviser. Their adviser then revised and approved the title. After the title is

finalized, the researchers proceeded on dividing the work on each member. The

researchers first gathered information from related literature and studies that would

serve as basis and evidence for the construction of the Background of the Study. Then

they made the Significance of the Study. They researched for theories that would serve

as basis for the whole study. Afterwards, they constructed the Statement of the Problem

and the Significance of the Study. For the reading material for the experiment the

researchers retrieved a module in Oral Communication in AMA’s Blended Learning site.

With this, they drafted the pre-test and post-test and went through a content validation.

The pre-test and post-test was initially checked by their research adviser and then

evaluated by a teacher in Oral Communication subject.

For the researchers to get the primary information they needed for their study, a

quasi-experiment was conducted. In this experiment, the class of Grade 11 ABM-B is

chosen as the subjects.

The researchers first divided the class into two, the control group and the

experimental group. The division is based on their seating arrangement. The

researchers then proceeded to give the subjects a pre-test. Afterwards, the researchers

gave both groups, a reading material, the control group received a printed copy of the

module, and the experimental group used their cell phones to access the digital copy of

the same module. The subjects are given 30 minutes to read and learn the lesson. After

the given time, the researchers proceeded, to conduct the post-test.

After collecting the data from the experiment, the researchers analysed and draw

their conclusion from the results.

Data Processing

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