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THBT the feminist movement should celebrate Disney Princesses (+)

Problem: Feminist have successfully to change the current trend inside families. In first world countries
families have become more selective and concern politically corrected cartoons, politically corrected =
cartoons that are not degrading women lower than men. This is a huge shift and this success of change is
catered to young girls through cartoons and Disney princesses. Giving influence in gender roles and knowing
their full capabilities as a lady. Therefore feminist movement should further celebrate Disney princess.

The value from Disney that should be upheld by the feminist movement is that women should have the
capability to decide their own fate and pursue their happiness.



-acknowledge as an effective tool to endorse feminist values

-support the production of a more feminist storyline

-campaign the new Disney movies


Argumen 1: Disney is an important tool to change the mindset of gender especially in children

a. Character of children especially young little girls

b. How Disney effect these girls life
c. Why has Disney become an effective tool depending other source of influence

Argumen 2: Disney provides diversity in the princess and their way to reach happiness

a. Disney’s values and story line

b. How individuals accept these values
c. Why is diversity an important aspect to learn as a child

Argumen 3:

THBT the feminist movement should celebrate Disney Princesses (+)


Argument 1: Disney have shown that happiness is arbitrary to men

a. What is happiness according to feminist movement

i. Women can survive independently  don’t have to wait for men
b. When its arbitrary, It shows that men are still upperhand  not equal
c. Why is this a bad message toward children

Argument 2: Disney create a one-dimensional portrayal of an ideal women

a. How it will enforce ideal women

b. Disney is wil exclude non mainstream girls
c. Feminist goal is to erase prejudice of women not only in form of beauty. Instead merit.

Argumen 3: Disney enforces gender role that significantly separate male and female

a. How Disney princess enforce separation of gender

b. Why separation of gender role is against feminist value

a. Women same capacity as men
b. Why is it bad when enforced in childhood
c. Comparison when enforce by feminist and when its not

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