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Case Study & Review on Dengue Fever: An Emerging Public Health Issue

Article · January 2018

DOI: 10.29251/ijpph.2017124


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Smit Shah
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital


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International Journal of Perception in Public Health Review
Volume 2, Issue 1, December 2017 ISSN-2399-8164

Case Study & Review on Dengue Fever: An Emerging Public

Health Issue
Smit Shah1 ,Rachana Tyagi2, Praful Shah3

MS-3 Rutgers Robert Wood John- Abstract
son Medical School, New Jersey,
USA. Dengue is an emerging public health concern not
only in Asian subcontinent but also in remote are-
FAANS, Department of Neurosur- as of world secondary to increase in number of
gery, Rutgers Robert Wood John-
son University Hospital, New Jer-
mosquitoes, congested living facilities & lack of
sey, USA personal hygiene. Annually, morbidity and mor-
tality secondary to dengue has created significant
General Surgeon, Fellow of Mini- public health concerns from a socio-economic
mal Access Surgery, India. standpoint which requires increased awareness to
general public. In this paper, we discuss a case of a
patient who was diagnosed with dengue in urban
India. Here we elaborate upon various systemic
manifestations of dengue fever and also demon-
strate the progression of this patient throughout
the time course in hospital. In addition, we also
elaborate on an interesting public health model
that has been used to risk stratify areas affected
Citation: Shah, S., Tyagi, R., & with Dengue.
Shah, P. 2017. Case study and Re-
Keywords: Emerging, Subcontinent, Hygiene,
view on Dengue Fever: An Emerg-
ing Public Health Issue. Interna- Dengue, Public health.
tional Journal of Perceptions in
Public Health, 2(1):24-30.
DOI: 10.29251/ijpph.2017124
Dengue fever is a multisystem disorder caused
due to infection by Dengue virus which is a ssRNA
virus belonging to a Flaviviridae family
(Rodenhuis et. al, 2010; WHO 2009). Many diffe-
rent serotypes of this virus have been recognized
of which NS-1 is the most common and lethal
* Corresponding author: (Rodenhuis et. al, 2010; WHO 2009). Clinical pre-
sentation of Dengue can vary from being asymp-
Smit Shah, MS-3, Rutgers Rob- tomatic to very severe presenting as fever, joint
ert Wood Johnson Medical pain, muscle aches, skin rash characterized by
School, New Jersey, USA.112-3G erythema and warmth, narrow pulse pressure and
Montgomery Street, Highland delayed capillary refill. Minority of patients end
Park, NJ 08904 USA. up progressing to a more severe form of shock or
Email: hemorrhagic fever which includes additional he- matological manifestations like pancytopenia
Shah et al., 2017

bleeding and severe hypotension secondary ry similar toxic shock syndrome which pre-
to septic shock (WHO 2009). sents with hypotension, flushing and se-
vere hemodynamic instability which requi-
Transmission of virus occurs via vector red aggressive fluid resuscitation (Martina
(mosquitoes) Aedes Aegypti which are har- et. al, 2009).
bored in increased number in stagnant wa-
ter. After infection, multiple different im- Case Details (Patient profile, interven-
munological factors get activated within tions and outcome)
the host. Due to increased viral titers there
is endothelial dysfunction, increased mo- Patient is a 40 year old male who was
nonuclear cell replication in Langerhans brought to ED due to progressive worsen-
cells and splenic macrophages, stimulation ing joint pain, fever and a red-rash on
of cross reaction of T cells leading to bone different parts of his body since 2 weeks
marrow suppression and coaguloapathies prior to admission along with chills, nausea
(Martina et. al, 2009). and non-bloody, non-bilious vomiting. Pa-
It is also possible that local vascular beds tient denies any other associated symp-
can be a target of dengue virus which can toms like visual changes, dizziness, chest
lead to increased endothelial cell retraction pain or shortness of breath. No sick con-
leading to leakage of vascular contents into tacts in family or any recent travel. Pa-
interstitial fluid leading to presentation ve-

Figure 1: LISA Model- Helps is assessment of significant risk based on three temporal indices
namely (1) Frequency, (2) Duration and (3) Severity of Dengue Symptoms

Extreme (Both Target and Neigh-

boring areas have high TI)

High LISA Model Moderate

Target area has low (Local Index of Spatial Autocorrelation) Target area has
TI than neighboring higher TI than
areas neighboring areas

Target and sur-
Target area has rounding area have
same TI than neigh- low TI
boring areas

Source: Nakhapakorn & Jirakajohnkool (2006)

Volume 2 Issue 1, December 2017

Shah et al., 2017

tient’s past medical and surgical history is primary infection with dengue virus. Im-
non-significant. No known drug allergies. mediately, patient was placed on complete
No smoking, drinking or illicit drug use. bed rest, given 3 packs of standard platelet
Denies taking any medications. Patient rich plasma (PRP) every day to address
works as a project manager in a local con- thrombocytopenia and placed on IV hydra-
struction work site in India. Review of sys- tion 0.9% NS 100ml/hour. In addition,
tems as per history of present illness men- broad spectrum antibiotics: Cefoperazon +
tioned above. On physical exam, patient sulfa-bactam 1.5gm IV twice a day (BID),
had mild diffuse abdominal tenderness in Gentamycin 80 mg IV BID and Moxifloxa-
all 4 quadrants, without any rebound ten- cin 400 mg IV BID, were initiated to pre-
derness; (+) Hepatomegaly 2 to 3 cm below vent bacterial superinfection. After 14 days
the right costal margin, (+) Splenomegaly, of hospitalization patient returned to his
(+) Ascites. In addition, there is non- baseline and was discharged.
blanching rash with red discoloration in
the periumbilical area and dorsal aspect of
the forearm and lower extremities bilater-
ally. Capillary refill time was 4 to 5 seconds. Dengue is a major public health issue glob-
In addition, on musculoskeletal exam, ally. It has been found that that,
there was pain upon flexion & extension of “… estimated that about 2.5 billion individ-
PIP, DIP, knee, hip and elbow joints. Con- uals, a staggering 40% of the world popula-
sequently, patient was admitted to the hos- tion, inhabit areas where there is a risk of
transmission of DF (Dengue Fever) and
pital and fluid resuscitation was initiated
that the disease burden has increased at
with 0.9% NS. Basic labs were ordered in-
least fourfold in the last three decades.
cluding complete blood count, complete
Modelling also suggests that approximately
metabolite panel and liver function tests. 50–100 million human infections occur an-
Significant results on blood work demon- nually, of which about 500 000 are DHF
strated pancytopenia with platelet count (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)”. (Guzman et
16000, Hemoglobin: 9.7 and WBC: 2800. al, 2010). Prevention is extremely important
Chest X-ray demonstrated bilateral pleural via early detection and reducing rate of
effusion. Abdominal ultrasound confirmed transmission. Best prevention can be
hepatosplenomegaly. Dengue was suspect- achieved by avoiding travel in endemic are-
ed and NS-1 antigen was ordered which as during monsoon when Dengue is the
was positive; IgG was positive and IgM was most prevalent. Further reduction of trans-
positive. This confirmed that patient had a mission can occur via use of mosquito

Table 1: Diagnostic differences between Zika, Chikungunya and Dengue

Fever Rash Conjunctivi- Joint Pain Sign of Sepsis

tis (Arthralgia/ (Haemorrhage/
Myalgia) Shock)
Zika + +

Chikungunya + +

Dengue + + +

Volume 2, Issue 1, December 2017

Shah et al., 2017

sprays multiple times a day in house to ed transmission from area outside of infec-
prevent harboring, stay in a well ventilated tion which starts an infectious cycle
cold environment and wear mosquito re- amongst hosts (Tukasan et. al, 2017). We
pellant protection on skin with topical believe this patient to be affected due to
emollients like permethrin. hyperendemic dengue. However, due to
Two common modes of transmission of increase global immigration, it is possible
Dengue are epidemic and hyper-endemic that dengue strains can become a wide-
dengue (Tukasan et. al, 2017). In hyperen- spread epidemic or even a pandemic. In
demic dengue, disease and vectors are al- terms of diagnosis NS-1 antigen test has
ways present in local area and viral strain been used extensively to assess the index of
circulates either seasonally or all year suspicion of Dengue fever. Study by Para-
around in humid environment which leads navitane et. al, demonstrated rapid NS-1
to more infections (Tukasan et. al, 2017). In antigen detection test to be extremely effi-
contrast, epidemic dengue is an introduc- cient in outpatient setting at bedside and
tion of new strain brought on by an isolat- had comparable sensitivity and specificity

Figure 2 and 3 :The resolution of pancytopenia as the hospital stay progresses. Im-
provement in platelet count, hemoglobin and WBC count from HD 1 thru HD 14

Volume 2, Issue 1, December 2017

Shah et al., 2017

to NS-1 antigen capture ELISA (Murray et. Biggest challenge with this patient was ad-
al, 2013). In addition, presence of NS-1 anti- dressing thrombocytopenia and ensure its
gen is extremely important in predicting resolution over time with treatment. As we
high clinical severity of disease. Recently, it can see in the figures II and III, it took 14
has been found that NS-1 antigen induces days of hospital stay for this patient to get
pathogenesis by induction of interleukin back to baseline hematological status. Res-
10. (Adikari et. al, 2016). olution and improved bone marrow re-
In addition, the symptom of “fever” has sponse can be monitored by serial physical
been proven to be the most significant pre- examinations to look for elimination of
dictor in terms of diagnosis for patients rash (Figure I), ascites and joint pain. In
with Dengue infection and stratifying pa- addition, it is important to rule out disor-
tients in low vs high risk. For instance, in a ders like chikungunya which has similar
recent retrospective study “Disease classifi- presentation but has the hallmark of bone
cation was found to associate significantly breaking fever without pancytopenia. With
with both fever and time to treatment growing incidence of Zika virus in US
(both P < 0.001). Non-febrile patients were (which is also transmitted by A. Aegypti),
nearly four-fold more likely to exhibit Dengue and Chikungunya should always
“dengue without warning signs” than be considered in clinical decision making.
“severe dengue” (odds ratio [OR] = 3.74; Conclusion
95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.20–
4.36)” (Hafeez et. al, 2017). In the same In summary, we have presented a case re-
study interestingly, “Patients who received port of a patient who was diagnosed with
treatment within 7 days were twice as like- Dengue based fever and successfully recov-
ly to have ‘dengue without warning signs’ ered in 2 weeks secondary to aggressive hy-
as opposed to “severe dengue” when com- dration therapy and preventative measures.
pared to those who waited >7 days (OR = In addition, we have also discussed LISA
2.23; 95% CI: 1.78–2.80)” (Hafeez et. al, model that can be used on a global scale to
2017) . So it is important for clinicians to stratify areas depending on the level of
have a high index of suspicion for Dengue risks that can enable public health officials
infection if a patients presents to them to prioritize areas of treatment. And finally,
with a recent travel history from a dengue we have also elaborated on how one can
affected endemic area. Other factors that clinically diagnose Dengue based on physi-
determine prognosis should include old cal exam (with a characteristic rash) and
age and low oxygen saturation and other blood work.
including septic shock, sepsis and pneumo- Learning Points
 Elaborate on clinical presentation of
From a public health standpoint, many patients with Dengue fever.
different models have been developed that
 Discuss clinical progression and treat-
help in ensuring better preventative meas-
ment options of a patient with Den-
ure. One of them being LISA (Local Index
of Spatial Autocorrelation) which takes in-
to consideration many demographic factors  Discuss an interesting clinical model
for developing a TI (Temporal Index): (1) used to stratify areas affected with
Frequency index, (2) duration index to as- dengue.
sess severity of epidemics and (3) severity Ethical Information
index (Teparrukkul et al, 2017). This model
has enabled public health researchers to Patient consent was obtained in order to
divide the dengue affected areas into 5 ma- acquire images for educational purposes
jor subtypes: demonstrated in Figure 1. and patient privacy was preserved through

Volume 2, Issue 1, December 2017

Shah et al., 2017

the case study.

Conflict of Interest
The authors declared no conflicts of inter-
est with respect to the research, authorship
and/or publication of this
Self funded

Arrows in image above demonstrate a characteristic rash with red discoloration on the
upper & lower extremities along with abdomen. Rash is used clinically to ensure remis-
sion of patient from dengue fever after initiation of treatment.

Volume 2, Issue 1, December 2017

Shah et
al. 2017


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Volume 2,
1, Issue 1,
5, December 2017
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