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Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me start this speech by telling you about Thomas Edison he was an American inventor and
businessman, who known as a America's greatest inventor. He invented many devices like electric
power generator, mass communication, sound recording and motion pictures. In addition, he was one of
the first inventors to apply the principles of organized science and teamwork to the process of invention
and working for a prototype or device with many researchers and employees. He also established the
first industrial research laboratory.

There is a huge innovation from the devices that are made from the past and the devices that will be
made by our researchers. Just look the difference between the past until now, from the wheel that is in
the form of square but because of innovation, the simple things can be improve and can make the task
easier to do.

"Nothing is permanent, but change." this quote, take this as a positive one, in connection with
innovation change means there is something that is being improve or making the things better. In
innovation, changes are a good sign, because we must not stick or remain on what we have me must
innovate things to make task or our life itself, easier but sometimes there are some instances in life that
the innovation has a disadvantages in someone's life, job etc. Just for example, when factory worker is
being change by a machinery, this can remove someone's job but the company can have a higher
production but he/ she must have an enough money for the maintenance of his machines.

Innovation, 10 letters and 1 word, it is a new method or a way of innovating, improving something to
make things better and easier. For me, it is very important, because if there is no changes or
improvement, there is no innovation at all. We as ourselves, we shouldn't stay about what we have, we
should level up, or improve, think out of the box and explore different things in life.

I wish you all an inspiring, informative and successful convention.

Thank you.


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