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The Barriers affect the Reading Comprehension of the student

The several factors affect the reading comprehension of the students are;
Physical condition, Students profile, Schema. Physical Condition affect the reading
comprehension of the students in terms of visual defects and auditory adequacy.
Students profile affect the reading comprehension in terms of their age and their
sex. Schema affect the reading comprehension in terms of vocabulary and prior
The students should realize and motivated to learn that reading must be
habit that develops their knowledge and interest in understanding of what they
read. This will enable them to develop their reading comprehension skills and in
still within themselves. The feeling of self confidence and shoe their competence
to their teachers, parents and peers. This will help also the students to develop
their reading comprehension with retention and would be a great help in
expressing their thoughts and feelings.
The three factors affect the reading comprehension of the students are;
Physical condition, Students profile, Schema, Physical Condition affect the reading
comprehension of the students in terms of visual defects and auditory adequacy.
Visual defects may affect by not wearing eyeglasses because they not actually read
what they are reading. And by having not enough sleep because their mind are not
active. Auditory Adequacy affects the reading comprehension because their
auditory perception are not functioned well. So, they can’t pronounce the words
clearly and understand the words clearly. A person with an auditory processing
disorder may struggle to process information presented aurally, have poor memory
skills, or have difficulty with reading, comprehension, spelling, and vocabulary.
Students profile affect the reading comprehension in terms of their age and their
sex. In terms of sex according to cariño that boys exhibit more difficulties that girls
in the area of recognition, girls were found to have greater number in vocabulary
difficulties than boys in their city. In terms of age according to steve that the grade
6 students are not understand what they reading. So that, age affect the reading
comprehension because if you were young you don’t actually understand what
you’ve reading because you are just read it. If you are in high school you will realize
that you should understand what you’ve reading. Schema theorists attribute poor
reading comprehension to prior knowledge and vocabulary. Prior knowledge is
another factor that positively affects reading comprehension and word recognition.
Students who were poor readers were able to decode words more fluently and with
more accuracy when they had prior knowledge about what they read. In
comparison, poor readers without prior knowledge made significant word reading
errors which interfered with their understanding of what they were reading. While
reading, prior knowledge enabled students to use constraint satisfaction, which
allowed them to use what they knew about a topic or story to aid in inference and
word recognition. In this way, prior knowledge can compensate for poor word
recognition, which can help improve reading comprehension. Some students with
learning disability in reading comprehension can read aloud with little or no
difficulty pronouncing words, but they do not understand or remember what
they’ve read. Students with this issue may also struggle with basic reading skills
such as decoding words, but comprehension is the greatest weakness. Vocabulary
develops in a variety of ways through both written and oral communication, and is
an essential aspect of reading comprehension. It is necessary for them to
understand the meanings of the words they are reading to foster deep
understanding of the text.
The reading comprehension involves various factors such as background
knowledge, vocabulary and fluency, active reading skills and critical thinking that
must work together. To improve your reading comprehension you must first
understand how your currently reading and what your limitations are. As you begin
to incorporate more and more reading into your daily life you’ll find that
comprehension will become easier, and reading will become fun. You must read
nobels, story books, to practice your reading and to encounter difficult words.
Always watch a movie and practice their reading and correct pronunciation.
Reading helps students foster comprehension because, as students read longer
passages, they unify what they have read over the course of the text. This ability
requires students to synthesize information, decode and define words, and
integrate what they are reading into what they already know. Comprehension is
also affected when students do not have a rich vocabulary because they are unable
to apply word knowledge to the current context.

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