The Parable of The Prodigal Son Is A Perfect Depiction of The Unconditional Love of God The Father

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The Parable of the Prodigal Son is a perfect depiction of the unconditional love of God the Father.

the three kinds of personalities that are characterized in the parable: the Father whose love is absolute
and totally unquestionable; the Elder Son who seems to be so detached from the Father and the
prodigal son who had been rude yet in the end had recognized his being sinful and repented and backed
to his Father’s care and love.

In this reflection I personally would like to consider two very significant elements in our life to be able to
live fruitfully while keeping with God’s grace. These are forgiveness and repentance. Forgiveness and
repentance are important keys to personal growth; to be reconciled and be back to God. In reality, we
commit sins/mistakes towards ourselves, towards our neighbours and above all towards God.
Sins/Mistakes are building blocks that ruin our relationships. These make us sick, thus we become
ineffective and inefficient individual. Sins/Mistakes divide us! But why does God allow us to get
separated with Him through sin?

The prodigal son in the parable requested that his inheritance be given to him while yet young. He
spent it even to the point that he had nothing. The father allowed it to happen to test how long will he
be able to live in His absence. Likewise, the Father tested what kind of decisions would he make while
consuming everything that he had from his Father.

In our daily life, God is allowing all circumstance in our lives to happen to test how faithful we are in
Him. Everything, bad or good that is happening in us is but a consequence of our decisions. Even in
choosing what is right and wrong is our decision. God cannot intervene in all our decisions since like the
Father in the parable, He respects us.

The characters of the two sons in the parable may be present in all of us. Sometimes, we wear the
character of the elder son who is hesitant to come closer to our Father maybe because of personal
reasons. Sometimes we are the prodigal son who repeatedly commits the same mistakes but humbly
asking for forgiveness which the elder son does not have kind of attitude or behaviour.

The Father in the parable was just waiting for the younger son who was considered as prodigal to
comeback and ask for forgiveness. He was represented as a Father who was most happy for the coming
back of his son to his house and stay. He would turn every impossibility into possibility when turning
back to Him. God the Father is just the same. He is happier when we recognize our sins, ask for
forgiveness and make repentance for our sins.

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