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September 2, 2019
A. Content Standards: Demonstrates the concept of
melody by using intervals in major scales E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills 2
1. Teach the song Little Birds Morning Song
B. Performance Standards: Applies learned concepts of (An example of song in the scale of C Major)
melody and other elements to composition and Teach the in root method

C. Learning Competency: Demonstrates the ability to

sing, read, and write simple musical notation in the :

- Key of C Major


II. CONTENT: An Enhanced Understanding of Melody


Textbook: Music and Arts for Fun

Learning Materials: Musical score, Illustration chart of
C Major Scale
VALUE FOCUS: music inclination - What do you observe in the song?
F. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily
III. PROCEDURES Teach the song to the pupils and let them sing with you.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New
Lesson: Follow the criteria Rubrics in page 31
Tap the following rhythmic syllables
G. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson and Presenting Refer to the Remeber box in page 31
Examples/Instances of the New lesson
Let the pupils answer page 32 – 33 Music and Arts for Fun
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson 6
- - Why are melodies important? IV. Assignment
- What is interval? Memorize the song
- What are tonal Movements? Little Birds Morning Song and make a reflection on the song.

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills 1

Define and discuss the concept about the staff, G-clef, Pitch
Names and So-Fa Syllables. Refer to page 28-29 Music and Arts
for Fun 6

Have the pupils answer the Gear Up activity on page 30.

Staff—composed of five (5) lines and four (4) spaces

Here is the illustration of sofa-syllables and the KODALY hand


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