Singapore Polytechnic LC8004: Issues and Perspectives AY 2018/19 CA2 - Course Assessment (50% Weighting) Individual Assessment Talking Point

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© Singapore Polytechnic

LC8004: Issues and Perspectives

Singapore Polytechnic
LC8004: Issues and Perspectives
AY 2018/19

CA2 – Course Assessment (50% Weighting)

Individual Assessment

Talking Point

A. Objectives

CA2 assesses students on their ability to engage with their research project on a more personal
level by proposing a recommendation or follow-up action that ordinary people, such as their
classmates, can take to effect a positive change.

B. Project Description

For CA1, students crafted a research question based on one of the seventeen SDGs, and selected
and evaluated information to aid them in their research on the topic.

In CA2, students will continue to work towards arriving at a logical personal conclusion to their
research question by conducting further research. Once enough information has been gathered and
analysed for students to come to such a conclusion, students must then share their findings with
their classmates and propose a suitable recommendation or follow-up action for them to take in
order to effect a positive change. Should students wish to tackle an international issue experienced
by another country’s people outside of Singapore, they should still attempt to make a practicable
recommendation to their classmates that they can carry out as global citizens who may travel to
that country for work or for play.

CA2 tests students on the following skills:

 Integrate: Analysing and synthesising information obtained, to draw conclusions about the RQ;
 Create: Summarise and adapt information from various sources to express a personal opinion,
idea or to advance an argument; and
 Communicate: Adapt and present information to an audience to share findings and conclusions
and/or to persuade (National Forum on Information Literacy, 2016).

The CA2 assessment comprises a five-minute sharing based on their research question/issue, and
should include: (i) A description of the context of the issue; (ii) An explanation of the conclusion and
how it was arrived at; (iii) A proposition of what can be done to address the issue

After the five-minute sharing of research findings and recommendation, students will answer
questions from the class during a three-minute Q&A session.

CA2 will take place in class over two weeks - Weeks 16 and 17. Students will be scheduled to make
their recommendation(s) in either Week 16 or 17.

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© Singapore Polytechnic
LC8004: Issues and Perspectives

C. Instructions

Step 1 – Do further research on your research question or issue (Week 11/12)

 Read more articles on the subject so that you have a deeper understanding on the issue to be
able to make a persuasive recommendation. Your suggestion or recommendation should be well
thought through. Ideally, your articles should also answer the questions raised in your CA1

Step 2 – Plan the content of your sharing (Week 12/13 - 15)

 Use the CA2 Outline Template to help you with your planning. In short, your outline should

(i) A short introduction to the research question and issue being explored;

(ii) Your findings based on your research as well as explanations with evidence on how you
arrived at your conclusion

(iii) The conclusion to your research question, and a recommendation on what can be done
to address the issue

Step 3 – Submit your CA2 outline in Week 16, regardless of whether you are presenting
in Week 16 or 17
 Use the CA2 outline template (soft copy on BlackBoard) to prepare your CA2 outline,
and submit a soft or hardcopy of the outline (depending on what is decided upon for
your class by your lecturer) to your lecturer in Week 16

 Your outline should include a “References” list (in Harvard citation style) of the
additional readings done in preparation for CA2

Step 4 – CA2 sharing of research findings and recommendation(s) (Week 16 and 17)
 Craft a pitch around the content of your sharing (See Step 2) by applying some of the
pitching techniques taught in class in Weeks 14/15 to your content

 Your pitch should contain:

o Use of pathos, logos, ethos to engage your audience
o A clear beginning, middle and end
o A persuasive call to action
o Use of linguistic signposts throughout

 You have FIVE minutes to share your research findings and make your final
recommendation(s), and THREE minutes to answer questions during the Q&A segment
after that.

 You are expected to “stand and deliver” your findings and recommendation(s) (not read
from your notes).

 Printed infographics or props may be used, if needed, to enhance your sharing. You
may also use PowerPoint slides (up to a maximum of five slides including the title slide),
if you wish to do so; however, you are expected to bring your own projector adaptor
and be familiar with using the classroom audio-visual equipment.
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© Singapore Polytechnic
LC8004: Issues and Perspectives

D. Submission Requirements and Deadline

CA2 will take place in Weeks 16 and 17. You may be assigned to share your research findings and
recommendation(s) in either Week 16 OR 17.

A copy of the CA2 outline is to be submitted to the lecturer in Week 16.

For soft copy outline: The CA2 outline should reach the lecturer’s mail box by lesson time in Week
16. For hard copy outline: The CA2 outline should be handed in to your lecturer during the Week 16

Penalties for lateness

Oral Assessment

Late Penalty/Makeup Test for Oral CA:

Students are to be punctual for oral CA. Students will have 10 marks deducted from their awarded
marks if they arrive after the first presentation has started. It is the student’s responsibility to
contact the lecturer should the student miss the oral CA. Students must have a valid LOA from their
respective schools before a makeup test is conducted. The make-up test must be completed latest
within a week after the scheduled oral CA.

Plagiarism Warning

You are reminded that plagiarism is a serious offence. Plagiarism occurs when you take sentences
or paragraphs or even the whole article written by another person and pass it off as your own work
without acknowledging the author or the original source. This is actually cheating and is a breach of
examination rules that will not be condoned by the Polytechnic. Any student who cheats, attempts
to cheat or breaches any examination rules will face disciplinary action. Students who knowingly
assisted in the plagiarism will also be penalised.


National Forum on Information Literacy, (2016) ‘Information Literacy Skills’. Available at:
programs/, (Accessed: 17 March 2017).

United Nations, Department of Public Information (2016) Sustainable development goals - United Nations, United Nations Sustainable Development.
Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2017).

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3|P age Updated 28 September 2018
© Singapore Polytechnic
LC8004: Issues and Perspectives

Singapore Polytechnic
LC8004: Issues and Perspectives
AY 2018/19

CA2 – Course Assessment (50% weighting)

Individual Assessment

CA2 Outline Template

I am (Name/Student ID),
And my research question is:
_______________ (Research Topic)

1. What is the issue? / Why am I researching this?

(Consider: What is the background of the issue? What are its implications to the world? What is
the area of controversy or disagreement with regards to your chosen issue?)

2. What does the existing body of research say about this issue?

(Consider: Describe some of the arguments made and research findings cited by proponents and
opponents of the issue. What is your interpretation and evaluation of the findings as a whole?
What is your conclusion and why?)

3. What is your recommendation?

(Consider: What is the recommendation that you would like to make to your classmates so they
may contribute towards resolving the specific issue being looked at? Include details so that your
classmates are properly guided into taking specific action.)

(Refer to:
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© Singapore Polytechnic
LC8004: Issues and Perspectives

Reg. No.:
Singapore Polytechnic
School of Life Skills and Communication
 LC8004 General Education 3: Issues and Perspectives: CA2 (50%) 

CA2: Talking Point (50%)

Individual Marksheet

Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Admin No.: _____________________________ Class: GD/GE3/FT/_________________
Criteria Outcome Descriptors Mark Ranges
In the sharing of research findings and recommendation(s), student shows ability A: 32 to 40
to: B: 28 to < 32
Synthesis of Research

C: 24 to < 28
 Identify context/background of issue and explain its significance clearly D: 20 to < 24
 Synthesize the differing viewpoints and come to a personal conclusion on F: 0 to < 20

the issue
 Present relevant explanation and credible evidence to support personal
 Provide specific and practicable recommendation(s) based on research

In the making of a pitch, student shows ability to: A: 32 to 40

B: 28 to < 32
Delivery and

 Engage audience and hold their attention throughout C: 24 to < 28


 Structure pitch coherently with a clear beginning, middle and end D: 20 to < 24
 Speak persuasively and fluently, with consistent eye contact F: 0 to < 20
 Use effective signposting to guide audience throughout

In the Q+A, student shows ability to: A: 16 to 20

B: 14 to < 16
 Provide relevant, concise, complete and confident answers to questions C: 12 to < 14

 Give answers that show evidence of research and understanding D: 10 to < 12

F: 0 to < 10

Total Marks Awarded [100m]

□ Late penalty for oral CA (-10)

A = Almost Always; B = Usually; C = Sometimes; D = Seldom; F = Rarely/Never


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