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Differentiate the following:

A. Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed while information is a processed,
organized, structured data presented in a given context to make it useful.

B. Input device sends information to a computer system for processing while output device
reproduces or displays the results of that processing.

C. Internet is a global network of networks while web is the collection of information which is
accessed via the Internet.

D. Wired network uses cables to connect devices, such as laptop or desktop computers, to the
Internet or another network while wireless network allows devices to stay connected to the network
but roam untethered to any wires.

E. Memory refers to the component within your computer that allows you to access data that is
stored for a short term while storage refers to the location of short-term data, while storage is the
component of your computer that allows you to store and access data on a long-term basis.

2. For you, which type of computer-laptop, tablet or desktop is best to use? Explain.

The best computer to use for me is a laptop. It is highly portable for a student like me to use
and bring anywhere I go. It is also very convenient because it is easier to transport from home to
school. It also do not require much space, you can place it on a much smaller space than a desk or a
table. And lastly, it is hassle free. It does not need many cords and wires to connect with unlike a
desktop computer which has multiple.

3. Explain the purpose of a browser, search engine, and online social network.

The purpose of web browser is to retrieve and transmit the data from one location to
another. It uses hyperlinks for navigating from one page to another. It fetches the data such as video,
images, contents and the entire thing related to the web. Search engine is used for searching the
information which is present in the web. Searching in the search engine is done with the help of
keyword. Social networking is the use of Internet-based social media sites to stay connected with
friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a
business purpose, or both, through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, among

4. Discuss how society uses technology in education, government, finance, retail, entertainment,
health care, science, travel and publishing.

There are lots of things that technology has contributed to the society. There is no doubt to
it because the advancements is very evident in the world today. People need well and organized
educational infrastructures so that they can learn how to interpret information. Many schools have
started integrating educational technologies in their schools with a great aim of improving the way
students learn. Businesses have grown, creating more employment opportunities. The application of
technology have boosted research in fields ranging from generics to extraterrestrial space.

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