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Propaganda War: Weaponizing the Internet

Reaction Paper: Internet and Online Platform as a Weapon

Internet altering the lives of the people’s in this modern era. The use of it can
lead to advantages and disadvantages. Advantages, because it is easy to gather source
of information specially in school, business, etc. But some people today uses internet or
in the other hand the social media to scatter a lot of fake or disinformation. In the article
by Maria A. Ressa, entitled “Propaganda: Weaponizing the Internet,” the usage of
internet as a weapon; propaganda by fooling the mind of the people. One of her points
was about the use of social media for political propaganda. That is by hiring internet
trolls that share false information or news in order to scare and manipulate the people.

During the election, there so many false information on Facebook about to our
President Rodrigo Duterte before he achieve/win for his title today. The enemy
sabotage the President like the rape case- a false information captured from Australia
that uses believable words and stories. We all know that social media is a widely used
form of media that enables many people to engage in different issues, news, and stories
regarding the world. The author described the internet as being weaponized because it
is used to target the opponent by fake/false information and more. The Davao bombing
was one of the controversial news where many or a lot of people died. Social media
especially, Facebook and other online sites or platform are the greate help in terms of
spreading fast information. But some people doing things in a bad way like pointing the
'wrong person' who was the responsible for bombing in Davao.

Overall, internet is a best way of fast source of information but before we read
and gather that information we must analyze if it is reliable not just reliable but valid.
And I can say to the trolls or the people who spread fake information that "Karma is the
best way to you." We should analyze and think our actions because there's a
consequences inside and outside. The Government should must be stronger on how to
solve regarding the online issues or false information and by establishing a Law for that
case to ensure the welfare of the Philippines.

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