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Business Mathematics

Chapter 2 Section 2 Exercise 9

Find at least one point at which each function is not continuous and state which of the 3 conditions
in the definition of continuity is violated at that point.

(a) x+5

(b) x2+x-6

(c) x

(d) π

(e) ln (x2)
Section 3 Exercise 13
Below are six graphs, three of which are derivatives of the other three. Match the functions with
their derivatives.

Section 4 Exercise 6
Let the demand function for a product be given by the function D(q)=−1.9q+250, where q is the
quantity of items in demand and D(q) is the price per item, in dollars, that can be charged when q
units are sold. Suppose fixed costs of production for this item are $3,000 and variable costs are $10
per item produced. If 90 items are produced and sold, find the following:

A) The total revenue from selling 90 items (to the nearest penny).

B) The total costs to produce 90 items (to the nearest penny).

C) The total profits to produce 90 items ( to the nearest penny).

Section 5 Exercise 35
A manufacturer has determined that an employee with d days of production experience will be able to
produce approximately P(d) = 3 + 15( 1 – e–0.2d ) items per day.

(a) Approximately how many items will a beginning employee be able to produce each day?

(b) How many items will an experienced employee be able to produce each day?

(c) What is the marginal production rate of an employee with 5 days of experience? (What are the
units of your answer, and what does this answer mean?)
H & B textbook

Exercise 47 page 115

PROFIT A manufacturer determines that when x hundred units of a particular commodity are
produced, the profit will be P(x) =4,000(15 - x)(x - 2) dollars.

a) Find P’(x).

b) Determine where P’(x) =0. What is the significance of the level of production xm where this
Exercise 40 page 125
Find the equation of the line that is tangent to the graph of the given function at the point (c, f(c)) for
the specified value of x =c.

f (x) = x(√x -1); x = 4

Exercise 67 page 127

COST MANAGEMENT A company uses a truck to deliver its products. To estimate costs, the
manager models gas consumption by the function

gal/mile, assuming that the truck is driven at a constant speed of x miles per hour, for x .The driver
is paid $20 per hour to drive the truck 250 miles, and gasoline costs $4 per gallon.

a) Find an expression for the total cost C(x) of the trip.

b) At what rate is the cost C(x) changing with respect to x when the truck is driven at 40 miles
per hour? Is the cost increasing or decreasing at that speed

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