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Chapter 1



Books have played a vital role in shaping our society into what we know today.

It’s a medium of knowledge and ideas, a way of delivering information to the masses.

Some use it more than others; students, especially, mostly uses this as learning

materials. It can be regarded as the most common and used educational tool.

Learning module is an educational tool that can be defined as a compilation of

information arranged in a logical order specifically used in teaching or in the academic

field. Learning modules serves as companions in teaching. It can greatly affect the

learners’ performance, as it improve the students’ “knowledge, abilities, and skills, to

monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development

and upbringing” (Marbas, Retrieved online, July 23, 2019). The use of learning modules

greatly impact the students’ performance but can also be helpful to educators; it

presents “a more flexible learning environment for both instructors and learners” (Cheng

& Bakar, n.d.)

Books are an important material for students. It enhances their skills when it

comes to concentration and enriches their knowledge and sharpens their analyzing

vocabulary skills. Also, books have been a good way of reducing stress by entertaining

and amusing the reader while gaining knowledge. Schools are using books as a

learning material to develop and improve students. By using books, students learn and
find their own way to study without the help of others. In an article published in

Cambridge Assessment, Tim Oates explained the advantage of using textbooks:

“The other issue is that the only legal instrument in England is the National

Curriculum – in countries such as Finland and Singapore, it is mandatory to also use a

State textbook. Tim explained that textbooks help pupils understand the totality of and

progression in each area of their education, namely what they’ve done and what they

will do. ‘Worksheet culture’ in England tends towards making education a series of

fleeting experiences rather than structured progression.” (Rowson, n.d.)

However, the effectiveness of an instructional material depends on its

construction. As suggested by the Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning with Media,

the design and the presentation of multimedia instructional tools greatly contributes to

how it affects the learner, as certain emotional and affective aspects should be

considered in making a learning material. The format of presenting the information can

affect the efficiency of a learning material.

Learning modules and educational texts can be presented to students in two

kinds of media; it can be either in a Traditional book (printed format) or in Ebook (digital


The first trace of educational text can be dated back from ancient Greece. It was

1st Century A.D when codex first appeared which is closer to the layout of the traditional

books we know today. These are the first bounded books. By the 6 th century scrolls

almost vanished and codices completely took over. As the world enters the Digital Age

in the 1970’s, personal computers and internet are introduced to the masses. These
paved ways to e-books, a new form of books fitting to the new era the world has


Ebooks or electronic books, as defined by The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary

“is a digital publication that can be read on a computer, e-reader, or other electronic

device.” Although the first e-book by the Project Gutenberg of Michael Hart came out in

1970, it was only in 1998 when the first one appeared in the market. It was year 2010

when Amazon announced that their ebooks, for the first time after its release outsold

hardcover books.

Online education which is becoming more popular theses days, integrates

Ebooks to present their lessons to the students. Ebooks’ accessibility make it an

effective learning material for students and an efficient companion to teaching. Besides

broadcasted media, Ebook serves as the backbone of online teaching, every lesson and

even activities are presented through digital format, that could be accesed almost

anywhere and anytime, and the lessons you learn are through your preference, Ebook

is the only form of media that could make this possible.

Books are essential to students, whether on what form it is. However the

difference between the media may present factors that can affect its effectivity. With this

in mind, the researchers decided to conduct a comparative study, to determine which

between the two formats, Traditional book and Ebook, would be more effective medium

of learning material to Grade 11 students of AMA Caloocan Campus.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to compare the effectivity of Traditional books and Ebook as

learning material to Grade 11 students of AMA Caloocan Campus. The results of this

study would be beneficial to the following:

Students – this study may beneficial to students in the sense that it can help them

decide what they should use between traditional books and e-books.

Educators – The result of this study can help teachers know what learning material is

more suitable and preferable for learners.

Parents/Guardians – this study is also beneficial to parents and guardians to

understand what is the best and effective learning material to provide for their child.

School Administration – the results of this study can help the Administrators know

what equipment or learning material they should invest in more to help the students in

their studies.

Authors- this research can be beneficial to writers and creators of instructional

materials in a way that ita can help themdecide which form of media is more effective to

use in distributing their work.

Future Researches – this study can serve as basis for other research, related or

similar to the topic.

Theoretical Framework


Evaluation Design

Implementation Development

The ADDIE Model is developed by the Center for Educational Technology at

Florida State University for the U.S. Army with the goal to explain, “...the processes

involved in the formulation of an instructional systems development (ISD) program for

military interservice training that will adequately train individuals to do a particular job

and which can also be applied to any interservice curriculum development activity”

(Branson et al., 1975). The ADDIE model can be defined as a generic instructional

systems design (ISD), a process of systematically developing an instructional material

or program, which involves five steps or phases, laid out in a circular pattern, meaning

the whole process will repeat itself until all the phases are perfected. This model or

framework, “…provides guidance at a fairly high level for instructional designers,

software engineers, etc., as they author and revise learning products” (Welty 2007).
Since this kind of framework for instructional systems design (ISD) is linear, each step

must be completed before going into the next, which makes the process slow.

ADDIE is an acronym in which each letters stand for the phases of creating an

effective training program and instructional tool.

• Analysis

• Design

• Development

• Implementation

• Evaluation

Under the Design Phase, we can now relate the study. After assessing all the

things that should be considered before making the instructional material, such as, who

is the target audience and what is the goals of the module, in the Analysis Phase, which

is basically planning what you’re going to put into the instructional material, you’ll

proceed to the Design Phase. This Phase involves the identification of the learning

objectives of the module or the program, outlining and deciding what media will be used

in presenting the lesson and activities. Design Phase and Development Phase are

connected, since the latter is the realization of the planning done in previous phase,

basically, it’s the typing and printing in Traditional books, and the programming and

integration of technology in Ebook.

The researchers chose this model for it supports the claim, that the change of

format in a module can affect its effectiveness. Through this model we can see how
critical the design or the delivery of information is, to the creation of instructional

material. The ADDIE Model serves as a great basis of the research by solidifying the

idea that the format and the way information is presented greatly affect the learning of


Conceptual Framework


• The ADDIE Model
• Statement of the Problem:
1. What is the average
pre-test score of the two • The researchers
groups? gathered data
2. What is the average through the use of
post-test score of the two pre-test and post-test • Determine which
groups? to compare the effect medium is more
3. What type of of the different effective as a
medium is more effective treatment. learning material
as a learning material for
Grade 11 students: by analysing the
3.1 Traditional Books • Through the use of results of pre-test
3.2 E-book appropriate statistical and post-test.
4. Is there a tools, the researchers
significant difference in the analyse the data
average score of the gathered to come up
experimental group and the with the conclusion
control group to rule out
that there is an effect in the
and recommendation.
change of medium?

The diagram serves as the blueprint of the study. The input shows the theory that

supports the research and the questions the researchers aim to answer in this study.

This would serve as a guide in the conduction of the study. The second frame

represents as the researchers’ method of collecting data needed in the study. The third

frame states the expected outcome of the research.

Scope and Limitation

This study compares the effectivity of Traditional books and Ebook as learning

material to Grade 11 students of AMA Caloocan Campus. In the conduction of the

quasi-experimentation the researches would only use one (1) section as respondents to

represent the Grade 11 students. Furthermore, the study will only focus in using one

subject which is Oral Communication in Context, which is Included in all academic


Statement of the Problem

This study compares the effectiveness of Traditional books and Ebook as

learning material to Grade 11 students of AMA Caloocan Campus. It wants to answer

the following questions:

1. What is the average pre-test score of the two groups?

2. What is the average post-test score of the two groups?

3. What type of medium is more effective as a learning material for Grade 11


3.1 Traditional Books

3.2 Ebook

4. Is there a significant difference in the average score of the experimental

group and the control group to rule out that there is an effect in the change of

Definition of Terms

Books- In this research this refers to written works that contains stories, information,

and ideas.

Codex- The first version of bounded books

Digital Age- this is an era that started in 1970’s where electric technology starts to

appear and slowly takeover, this is when the first e-book appeared.

E-books- These are book that can be accessed digitally using certain device and app.

Learning Module- an educational tool that contains lesson used in school

Online Education- an educational service delivered through the Internet

Papyrus- These are writing canvas made out of reed one of the earliest mediums of


Scrolls- These are one of the earliest forms of books

Traditional Books- These are the most common form of books, printed on paper and

binded together.

Textbooks- these are educational texts used in schools.

Chapter 2

This chapter contains literature and studies from foreign and local sources,

related or similar to the topic.

Foreign Literature

Patricia A. Alexander and Lauren M. Singer Trakhman’s (2017) article published

in The Conversation, discusses the advantages of traditional books or reading printed

text than reading on screen. Learning through e-books or e-learning is becoming more

popular, schools invest more on technology, and students become more exposed to e-

textbooks and other learning materials through electronic devices. However, this article

suggest that even in this digital age, printed text or traditional form of books and

learning materials are still relevant, this can supported by the study mentioned,

“Reading Across Mediums: Effects of Reading Digital and Print Texts on

Comprehension and Calibration” which is also their work. They observed that although

reading is faster in digital text, students comprehend better on printed text.

In the article posted in The Telegraph’s website by Barnaby Lenon (2015),

provides evidence why traditional printed textbooks should not be obsolete, as the US

government suggested it should. It points out those countries like South Korea and

Taiwan who utilizes textbook are among the highest performing countries in that year’s

PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) survey “which evaluates the

knowledge and skills of the world’s 15-year-olds”.

Paul Mason’s (2015) article posted by The Guardian, it is mentioned that even

though reading materials became more accessible through e-books, people’s attention

span has become shorter since “they are being read on devices we use for other things”

people often do other things with the device such as cellphones not focusing on what

they’re reading, and would constantly check their emails or go to social media sites,

since everything is just accessible. Ebooks can have positive and negative effects as

other articles and studies suggests. Its availability to devices, such as phones and

computers, can be an advantage and disadvantage.

“Academics have reacted to the increased volume of digitally published papers by skim-

reading them. As for books, both anecdotal and survey evidence suggests that English

literature students are skim-reading set works by default.” Mason (2015)

Local Literature

It is pointed out in “Editorial: Boosting reading” an editorial article published by

Sun Star (2018), how most Filipinos are nonreaders. Results from past Philippine-

Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI), specifically school year 2003-2004, shows that

“over one-third of elementary graduates were identified as ‘frustrated’ readers; another

one-third were ‘instructional’ readers.” Also mentioned in the article is the result of 2017

National Book Development Board (NBDB), where it states that only one out of ten

Filipinos borrow books from libraries, most Filipinos receives books as gifts, or they

don’t buy books at all, since its not their priority focusing more on practical things. With

the emergence and rise of e-books, it’s suggested by the article that this might be a way

to bring reading closer to Filipinos.

In Krista Garcia’s (2018) article “How is education being disrupted by

technology?” in Rappler she mentions how technological advancement, paved way to

more accessible education. Information is available and can be accessed by anyone.

Traditional way of teaching is being disrupted by a new wave of technological progress

that can match or complement the past methods and can even improve it. Students

now, are not limited to local books or modules given to them by their schools or

provided by the government they can access different books and learning materials

from different sources local and international. Garcia stated that this may be a good way

of “bridging the educational gap” in our country.

According to the article by Jose Maria Policarpio’s, executive director of DIWA

learning systems, published in the Philstar (2010) website, after realizing that the

internet was becoming more prominent, their publication decided to venture to produce

their curriculum-based content, to digital format. Policarpio said “We can foresee a

future where an eBook reader would be practically a commodity for students, and the

content would be available to them on a subscription basis,” now there are 700,000 paid

subscribers and growing on Bato Balani online.

Foreign Studies

In the study, Interactive Multimodel Learning Environments by Roxana Moreno

and Richard Meyer (2007) they proposed the Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning

with Media (CATLM) that describes the probable effect of different formats and design

on the multimedia instructional tools. This theory expands the theory proposed by

Richard Mayer, the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. CATLM adds “motivational
and affective aspects, self-regulatory skills, and learner characteristics (Park et al.

2015)” to the factors that could affect the effectivity of an instructional tool. Emotion and

motivational aspects are important in making a learning material, suggesting that these

factors would affect how learners will take in the information given (Moreno 2007). As

stated in the study of Moreno and Meyer, (2007, p.310) “motivational factors mediate

learning by increasing or decreasing cognitive engagement”. Learning materials that

emotionally appeals or attracts the learners tend to be more effective since the learners

become more engaged on the topic. CATLM suggests that affective features of a

learning material can improve the learning outcome.

Ovelyn Matanluk, Baharom Mohammad, Dg. NorizahAg. Kiflee, and Molod

Imbug’s (2012) “The Effectiveness of Using Teaching Module Based on Radical

Constructivism toward Students Learning Process”, aims to “review the effectiveness of

teaching module based on radical constructivism towards rural students in Sabah”. A

special learning module on the subject Geography was developed by researchers

based on radical constructivism Geography Teaching Module CSAA which aims to

solve the rural student’s learning problem. While other respondents are taught by

modules, control groups were taught by teacher-centered approach. The research

concludes that the CSAA Teaching Module is effective, and students responded

positively on the test conducted. It also shows how modules are important and can be

more effective than the traditional approach, “this module was also able to overcome

learning problems such as lack of interest, concentration, skills in critical and creative

thinking”. Learning modules if made correctly can fill the gaps that traditional teaching

Lauren Singer and Patricia Alexander’s (2016) “Reading Across Mediums:

Effects of Reading Digital and Print Texts on Comprehension and Calibration”, looks at

the possible different effects of learning through digital and printed text. In this study

student subjects were asked to choose what they prefer between printed texts and

digital. Next, they were asked to read two passages, one for each medium. After that

they did three tasks: “Describe the main idea of the texts, list key points covered in the

readings and provide any other relevant content they could recall” After the study

researchers discovered that more students prefer digital over printed text, the subjects

also thinks that they comprehend better when they read online. Although, reading is

faster online, the subjects’ comprehension was better in printed text.

Virginia Carbonilla Gorra and Shyam S. Bhati’s (2016) study, “Students'

perception on use of technology in the classroom at higher education institutions in

Philippines”, explores the consequences of using technology in higher education

institution in the Philippines, although conducted in the country, the research is made by

the University of Wollongong in Australia while Gorra is from Surigao State College Of

Technology. 221 students from different educational institutions in the CARAGA region

were surveyed on their perception on the positive and negative effects of technology

being used in the classroom. Positive effects includes “instant messaging through

chatting, lesson enquiry about assignments, sending and receiving e-mails, research

through surfing the net including data gathering by downloading files and sharing

cultural experiences with others through internet”. Negative effects includes accessing

social media sites while on class, playing games, inappropriate use of cellphones, and

even plagiarizing copyrighted materials.

Local Studies

In the research conducted by Yazon (2018), he further instilled the effect and

importance of modular instructions to students. Modular instructions are described on

his study as a tool to have “close interaction between the learners and the subject

matter” this was based on the definition given by John L. Hughes (2000). The

respondents answered a pretest, before they were instructed using modules, then given

a posttest to see the effect of learning modules. The result “students got a below

average score in the pretest and an above average scores was obtained in their

posttest” Yazon (2008).

In the study “The Printing Industry in the Philippines: A General Landscape” by

Raymund B. Habaradas and Mar Andrei Umali, it is stated that the global printing

industry is rapidly changing due to technologies development. It gives worries to printers

that the ebooks might completely replace printed books. For example, in 2011, as

ebooks sale “topped all other formats, including paperbacks and hardcovers” for the first

time according to CNNMoney, a cited study released by the Association of American

Publishers (Pepitone, 2011). This has continued and increased the availability of

ebooks and e-reader. However, e-books did not take over printed books. “For all

the great things e-books accomplish - convenience, seiection, poitability,

multimedia - there are still some fundamental qualities they will simply never possess."

Catone (2013). Catone stated the characteristics of e-books and believed that even if e-

books’ sales is higher than printed books, but its unique qualities will still be

unobtainable for Ebooks.

Different presentation of these modules may influence how the learning

experience works. Arjay C. Capili and Kenneth B. Manuel’s (2014) research aims to

develop an e-learning website for The College of Arts and Sciences of Cavite State

University. The study points out that there is an advantage in using technology and

internet. Modules and lessons can be more accessible, and teachers can keep track on

the progress of their students.

“Innovation in Education: Utilization and Employment of e-Books in Philippine

Educational Institution”, a study by Teresa Paula S. De Luna (2015), suggests that e-

books are product of inevitable technological advancement, that Filipinos should

consider adopting in their educational system to keep up with the ever progressing

world. It poses a rhetorical situation acted through Pentad analysis. The researcher

concludes that it would be easier adopting this new way of learning through e-books,

because students are closer to technology. In the conclusion of the study, it states that if

these changes will happen it would greatly affect the students and the educational

system works in the country. It would present problems and challenges that would

require for educational institutions to alter the way their work. As for the students, they

would develop new way to cope with the new system of education through technology,

developing new skills and way of thinking.

Learning modules are important in teaching, and can be very helpful if made and

presented correctly. This could fill the gaps that an educator lacks. The medium on

which this modules and learning materials are presented matters as it affects the

learners on different factors. E-books and traditional books both have advantages and

disadvantages, its differences affect the effectiveness as learning material.

The literature and studies mentioned are chosen to further explain and support

the work of the researchers on the study: “A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of

Ebook and Traditional books to Grade 11 Students in AMA CC-Caloocan”. These

literature and studies serves as basis and evidence to instil the point of the research.

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