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(Culled from Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya‘s Prayer Passport)


➢ Husband and Wife should participate.
➢ Make sure you are free from all form of anxiety, agitation, depression, bitternesss & frustration
➢ Understand that there is nothing impossible for God
➢ Understand God has the final say not Doctor or specialist
➢ Give God sincere and deep praise and worship before beginning the prayers each day.
➢ Forgive anyone that offend you and also forgive yourself
➢ All sin must be confess, particularly, sexual sins
➢ All the word of God must be confessed loud and clear
➢ This programme must be at least , seven days of two hour vigil

Praise & Worship

Confesion: Gen 9 vs 7, Deut 7 vs 13-14, Psalm 128 vs 3, Psalm 127 vs 3-5, I Tim 2 vs 15, II Cor 1 vs 20

1. I receive power from on high to bring forth, in the name of Jesus

2. I receive divine mandate to enforce my right of conception, in the name of Jesus
3. Blood of Jesus, flush out any satanic deposit in my womb, in the name of Jesus
4. Every negative medical report, be converted to positive result, in the name of Jesus
5. You my womb, become an expressway to conception, in the name of Jesus
6. Every seed of pregnancy failure in my womb, die, in the name of Jesus
7. Every satanic transfer or exchanges of my womb, die, in the name of Jesus
8. Every strongman, supervising my womb to arrest my baby, die, in the name of Jesus
9. Any evil tree, growing in my family that is working against my conception, die, in the name of
10. Holy spirit , make my womb super-conducive for pregnancy, in the name of Jesus
11. By your mercy , O God, deliver me and my babies from any harvest of seeds of iniquity sown in
the past , in the name of Jesus
12. I shall bring forth a normal child to the glory of God, in the name of Jesus
13. Oh Lord , as I experience biological and emotional chances, let your joy be my strength, in the
name of Jesus
14. I decree that all thing must work together for my good, in the name of Jesus
15. I stand against any birth defect in my babies and claim perfection for them, in the name of Jesus
16. I claim proper growth and development for the babies in the womb, and safety for us during
childbirth, in the name of Jesus
17. My womb and my breast , begin to functions as ordained by God, in the name of Jesus
18. I break any covenant between me and every spirit husband/wife, in the name of Jesus
19. Any decoration in my apartment that is bewitched, o Lord, reveal it to me, in the name of Jesus
20. Every demonic instrument of operation, set aside to abort my pregnancy, break to pieces, in the
name of Jesus
21. Every demonic doctor/nurse, delegated by satan to destroy my pregnancy, inject yourself to
death, in the name of Jesus
22. From today, I shall not cast my young, in the name of Jesus
23. Every power/spirit, visiting me at night or in the dream in order to terminate my pregnancy, fall
down and die, in the name of Jesus
24. Any member of my family , reporting my pregnancy to the evil ones, receive the slap of the
angel of God, in the name of Jesus
25. I command fibroid, drop off my womb, in the name of Jesus
26. My body , be strong to labour, in the name of Jesus
27. Every low sperm count , be converted to full sperm count, in the name of Jesus
28. Every spirit of stillbirth and threatened abortion, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus
29. Every evil remote control gadget, being used to manipulate my pregnancy , roast by fire, in the
name of Jesus
30. Blood of Jesus wash me and show me mercy, in the name of Jesus
31. I overcome miscarriage by the power of the Lord, in the name of Jesus
32. Holy Spirit, envelop and overshadow me throughout the period of pregnancy
33. My cervix, close up , let there be no contraction or dilation before the nine months period, in
the name of Jesus
34. Throughout the period of pregnancy , I shall not be stressed , I receive angelic ministration, in
the name of Jesus
35. Any abnormality in my organ of conception, receive divine correction, in the name of Jesus
36. I and the children that God has given me are for signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus
37. God deliver me from morning sickness and any complication , in the name of Jesus
38. God arise and guide me through the childbearing journey with ease, grace and loving-kindness,
in the name of Jesus
39. God , give me heavenly care and proper development for my baby, in the name of Jesus
40. Lord, give me a male-child (female-child) , in the name of Jesus
41. Thank God for answers to your prayers.

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