Midterm Reviewer

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ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION- increasing interdependence

Two types:
1. PROTECTIONISM- a policy of systematic government
Trade Protectionism- form of quotas and tarrifs
2. Trade Liberation- advances in transportation and communication
Jeffrey Sachs- Single most transformative technology
Leapfrogging- countries can skip straight
Fair Trade- marginalized small product
Sustainable Development- Development of our world today by using the earth resources
Borghesi & Vercelli- Economic growth & sustainable environment
Environment Degration - quickiest possible way
Kyoto Protocol- global carbon emission
Modernization Theory- frames global stratification
Colombian Exchange- spread of goods, tech
Diseases: Small pox & Measles

Walt Rostows 4 stages of Modernization: Transatlantic slave trade- followed triangular route
1. Traditional stage- limited resources Industrial Revolution- new technology
2. Take-off stage- individual talents Mid 19th century- slave trade died down
3. Drive to technology Maturity- technological growth
4. High- mass consumption- wants than needs

Sanchez – latin American scholar Cold War- western policymakers

Dependency Theory- resource flow from periphery and core First World- capitalist count
Peripheral nations- countries that less developed Second world-saviest union & its allies
Core nation- more industrialized
Grosfoguel- there are number of dif. Kind of states
Less Radical Theory- Discovered by the latin American scientist
Dependencia y Desarrollo- linkage GDP- Gross domestic products
World economy- not zero sum game
Primary sector- raw materials from natural environment
Tertiary Sectors- services rather than goods
Secondary sectors- gains raw materials
Economy- biggest impacts on society
International Financial Institution- American sneezes
NORTH AMERICAN NEO- MARXIST APPROACH- less developed country would develop

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